
Saturday :: August 04, 2012

Saturday Open Thread

Michael Phelps wins his 18th gold medal.

Happy 51st birthday to President Obama.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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New DREAM Deferral Details Released: $465 Cost to Applicants

New details were released yesterday by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) about the application process for President Obama's new program deferring deportation for undocumented young residents for up to two years.

The cost for a work permit will be $465.00. Lawyers aren't needed. The applications will be available August 15.

Here is the press release. [More...]

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Friday :: August 03, 2012

Friday Morning Open Thread

Finally! The track and field starts at the Olympics! 100 meter dash on Sunday. Got Tyson Gay at a nice price.

Also, too, the suspended badminton players were treated unfairly, as I explain on Daily Kos Radio.

Open Thread.

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Thursday :: August 02, 2012

Thursday Night Open Thread

Out and about today and this evening, I hope nothing important happened.

Here's another open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Morning Open Thread

I'll be on Daily Kos Radio this morning with Jesse LaGreca. You can listen here.

Open Thread.

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Wednesday :: August 01, 2012

Wednesday Night Open Thread

The Drew Peterson trial is off to a rocky start. Prosecutorial errors may cause a mistrial. More here. This is one of those cases, like Casey Anthony, I have zero interest in and haven't followed. Nor have I figured out why anyone else is following it.

A new report on James Holmes and his psychiatrist: "Sources" (who don't sound like law enforcement) say his doctor notified members of a special assessment team at CU that he was potentially dangerous a few weeks before the Aurora shootings, but he dropped out before the team could evaluate. No one notified police. It's not clear why she was concerned -- whether it just his statements or he disclosed he might take violent action. I put no stock in the "threat assessment expert's" generic opinion.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Judge Denies George Zimmerman's Motion for Recusal

Judge Kenneth Lester has denied George Zimmerman's motion that he recuse himself from the case.

In an order entered today, Judge Lester stated Zimmerman's motion was "legally insufficient." He did not explain why. The rule on judicial disqualifications is here.

Details of Zimmerman's motion to recuse are here. As I opined then:

Put yourself in Zimmerman's shoes: The issue is how he feels, and whether his feelings are reasonable. Would you, if you were George Zimmerman, fear not getting a fair trial before Judge Lester?

I believe Zimmerman can request a writ of prohibition preventing the case from going forward while the appeals court reviews the issue.

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R.I.P. Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal has died. He was 86 and had been ill with pneumonia.

Here's Gore Vidal's Vanity Fair article on Timothy McVeigh and his take on 911 and the Patriot Act.

For a bibliography and site with links to the full text of many of his essays, check out the Gore Vidal Pages. Some Vidal quotes are here.

R.I.P. Mr. Vidal.

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Tuesday :: July 31, 2012

Michael Phelps Wins Record 19th Medal

Michael Phelps has won his 19th Olympic medal setting the Olympic record for the most medals.

NBC continues to confound viewers-- now the LA Times reports it's live feed of Phelps' race wasn't even live -- it broadcast the results on the live feed before the race was over.

With about 50 meters left in the race, the network sent out an app notification with the outcome. I was still watching Phelps swim, supposedly "live," after a notification on my iPad had already told me the race's result.

I haven't even been able to get NBC's live feeds on my laptop even though I'm a Comcast/Xfinity subscriber at the requisite level. I get directed to NBC and never get past the screen that says "who is your cable provider?" This has been happening for four days now.

Why is one network allowed to buy the exclusive rights in the first place? Whatever happened to competition?


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Gov. Hickenlooper Announces Marital Separation

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper announced today that he and his wife, Helen Thorpe, are separating. His full announcement:

After years of marriage that have added tremendous love and depth to both of our lives, we have decided to separate. This decision is mutual and amicable. We continue to have the utmost respect for each other, and we remain close friends. We intend to continue functioning as a family that spends a great deal of time together. In fact, we will embark on our annual family vacation together this week, share meals often, and plan to spend holidays together. You can continue to expect to see both of us out in the community – sometimes together, sometimes solo. Please feel free to include both of us in social gatherings as we will not find it awkward.


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Joe Lieberman does not have to attend any political conventions though the Americans Elect would no doubt welcome him.

This bothers me though:

“Joe Lieberman is a victim of polarization. He’s another person cast aside by people who aren’t interested in centrist views,” said Professor Ross K. Baker, a professor of political science at Rutgers University, who has worked as a scholar in residence in the Senate.

Wait, what? Maybe people rejected Lieberman's views, as opposed to "centrist" views, whatever that means. Does that offend Professor Baker? Apparently so.

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Colorado’s Voting Haze: Options for Legalizing Marijuana in 2012

Propositions to legalize marijuana will be popping up on ballots this November across the country. Jeralyn wrote last week about Obama, Romney, Marijuana and Colorado, mentioning Colorado’s proposed Amendment 64. Now there’s a new contender attempting to enter the race. Article XXX: The Cannabis Re-Legalization Act (bill text here). And with the new proposed amendment comes the usual slew of talking points and misinformation that can leave us all voting in a haze.

I also briefly addressed the differences in recreational marijuana legalization amendments on the upcoming Colorado ballot in November. However, looking more in depth at the proposed amendments’ texts side-by-side, a much clearer picture emerges of the two radically different approaches to legalizing marijuana and the potential impact on everything from crime policy to worker's rights to child custody situations. And while Amendment 64 does take an important step in the right direction, Article XXX appears to be running full speed ahead.

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Monday :: July 30, 2012

Monday Afternoon Open Thread

Your turn. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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James Holmes Charged With 142 Counts

Aurora movie theater suspect James Holmes is now a defendant, charged with 24 counts of first degree murder, 116 counts of attempted first degree murder, one count of possession of an explosive or incendiary device, and one count which is a sentence enhancement for commission of a violent crime.

The Complaint and Information is here.

The first degree murder charges are under CRS 18-3-102(1)(a) and (1)(d). [More...]

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Colorado Bakery Won't Make Wedding Cakes for Gay Couples

Masterpiece Bakery and its owner Jack Phillips in Lakewood, CO (just west of Denver) are engulfed in a storm of controversy after Phillips told a gay couple picking out their wedding cake he wouldn't make one for them because he doesn't support gay marriage.

Philips claims he isn't discriminating against gays, he will make them birthday cakes or cakes for any other occasion besides a marriage.

Phillips is taking a beating on Facebook and even on Yelp. A large protest is scheduled for next Saturday. Phillips doesn't seem to be fazed.

We would close down that bakery before we closed our beliefs, so that may be what it comes to … we’ll see,” Phillips said.

There are plenty of other bakeries in Lakewood. Elegant Bakeries has won lots of awards for its wedding cakes and is family owned and operated. There's also Et Cetera Gourmet and Cakes by Karen. Masterpiece's discrimination is unacceptable. [More...]

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