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Movable Type 5.2 Beta 3 is now available to download and test! Expanding rich text editor is now on our developer's wiki. For more detail information, please refer to the article below.

Customizing rich text editor

We wrote down the documentation how to expand new rich text editor, which is implemented in Movable Type 5.2, on our developer's wiki. In this document, we also describe how to implement table function into editor using the plugin.

Please refer to the documentation and try out our new Movable Type 5.2 beta !

Attention: TableFeatureForTinyMCE is an experimental function, and we do not provide an official support. Please understand before you try.


Movable Type would like you to review the latest and greatest version of Movable Type. Your feedback is very important to us and allows us to deliver the best CMS possible to our community of developers. Please sign up and tell us what you think of Movable Types new and improved features, like a new supercharged text editor. We look forward to you becoming an tester and getting your feedback.

For detail information, please visit our "Movable Type 5.2 Beta" page

Attention: This software is not recommended for use in a production environment. Please review the Pre-Release Software License Agreement before downloading.

Online Beta

Beta Version of Movable Type5.2 for Online is now avilable for you, and with that you can try out the latest version without your own server environment.
The available number of online beta version is limited, so we supply them by invitation. Please excuse us if we are not able to send the invitation soon for that reason.

For more detail information, please visit our Beta page for online version.

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