Less Wrong is a community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality. Please visit our About page for more information.


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A curated
A community
discussion board
A source of edited rationality materials … And a promoter of
regular meetups
around the world.

Less Wrong is:

Welcome to Less Wrong

Thinking and deciding are central to our daily lives. The Less Wrong community aims to gain expertise in how human brains think and decide, so that we can do so more successfully. We use insights from cognitive science, social psychology, probability theory, and decision theory to improve our understanding of how the world works and what we can do to achieve our goals.

Want to know if your doctor's diagnosis is correct? It helps to understand Bayes' Theorem. Want to make a plan for achieving your goals? It helps to know the ways in which we don't know our own desires. Want to make the world a better place? It helps to know about 'scope insensitivity', and that some charities are more efficient than others.

We discuss and practice these skills on the main blog, in the discussion area, and in regular meetups around the world.

New to the site? Start here.

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