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Monday, 16 July 2012
Larry Ellison's Oracle Cloud Announcement Highlights
Larry Ellison -- Oracle Cloud -- 6-6-2012
The Simplicity of the Oracle Stack
July 9 - 15, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading
Weekly Indigo Oracle Angel Guidance Video
The Oracle - A 400 Year Old Secret - HD
Larry Ellison -- Oracle OpenWorld - 10-5-2011
Oracle: Simplify IT OPEN
Introducing Oracle Database Appliance: A Fully Integrated System
V1-Oracle Database Concepts - Part 1
The Calmest Man in the World, Episode 3: Oracle Flashback Database
Oracle Exadata. Are You Ready?


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Oracle, Shelly Filmography



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Larry Ellison's Oracle Cloud Announcement Highlights/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 06 Jul 2012
  • Duration: 2:04
  • Updated: 10 Jul 2012
Author: Oracle
If you missed the live event, now you can hear Larry Ellison tell why Oracle Cloud is the enterprise choice. Watch the entire announcement at Ellison's Oracle Cloud Announcement Highlights/video details
Larry Ellison -- Oracle Cloud -- 6-6-2012/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 11 Jun 2012
  • Duration: 1:02:54
  • Updated: 11 Jul 2012
Author: Oracle
Larry Ellison announces the Oracle Cloud. Learn more at Register for a free trial at Ellison -- Oracle Cloud -- 6-6-2012/video details
The Simplicity of the Oracle Stack/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 04 May 2012
  • Duration: 3:35
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2012
Author: Oracle
The simplicity of the Oracle stack inspires innovation. Simplicity of the Oracle Stack/video details
July 9 - 15, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 09 Jul 2012
  • Duration: 5:05
  • Updated: 09 Jul 2012
Author: 4AngelTherapy
An intense week filled with lots of action, movement, and ideas. As your previous blocks are lifted, you may feel overwhelmed by how much movement occurs in your life. Get lots of rest and take care of your body as you deal with all of the change in your life. Be sure to ask for help, and know that helpful people are usually answers to your prayers. 9 - 15, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading/video details
Weekly Indigo Oracle Angel Guidance Video/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 09 Jul 2012
  • Duration: 6:30
  • Updated: 09 Jul 2012
Author: TheIndigoOracle
Bridging your higher purpose into alignment with your current experience. Indigo Oracle Angel Guidance Video/video details
The Oracle - A 400 Year Old Secret - HD/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 18 Sep 2011
  • Duration: 53:40
  • Updated: 12 Jul 2012
Author: UFOTVstudios
From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. Cloaked in secrecy for over 400 years, the State Oracle of Tibet has been a strange and mystical aspect of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. This ancient spirit, which has inhabited a succession of thirteen human mediums, advises the Dalai Lama on matters of public and religious policy. To witness the eerie spectacle of a medium entering a trance state and being possessed by the Oracle is to confront profound questions about the very nature of human consciousness. With permission from the Dalai Lama that had never been granted before, The Oracle explores the ancient practice of consulting spirits. NOW on DVD and LOADED with Bonus Features, Cat# U693, Go to Oracle - A 400 Year Old Secret - HD/video details
Larry Ellison -- Oracle OpenWorld - 10-5-2011/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 06 Oct 2011
  • Duration: 1:03:10
  • Updated: 11 Jul 2012
Author: Oracle
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison's keynote at Oracle OpenWorld 2011 Ellison -- Oracle OpenWorld - 10-5-2011/video details
Oracle: Simplify IT OPEN/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 03 Apr 2012
  • Duration: 1:48
  • Updated: 31 May 2012
Author: Oracle
Using Oracle IT you can reduce the complexity that comes with technology. Simplify IT OPEN/video details
Introducing Oracle Database Appliance: A Fully Integrated System/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 23 Jan 2012
  • Duration: 2:11
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2012
Author: Oracle
Is the Oracle Database Appliance, a complete high availability database solution, right for your business? Oracle Database Appliance is a fully integrated system including, software, servers, storage, and networking. Oracle Database Appliance: A Fully Integrated System/video details
V1-Oracle Database Concepts - Part 1/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 23 Mar 2012
  • Duration: 12:45
  • Updated: 07 Jul 2012
Author: oraclecoach
Tutorial introducing basic database concepts such as data, databases, database management systems, RDBMS, Users of a database and Structured Query Language (SQL) Database Concepts - Part 1/video details
The Calmest Man in the World, Episode 3: Oracle Flashback Database/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 21 May 2012
  • Duration: 2:13
  • Updated: 24 Jun 2012
Author: Oracle
The Calmest Man in the World understands what it takes to recover quickly from human errors. Learn more about Oracle Flashback recovery features and Oracle Database 11g maximum availability solutions. Calmest Man in the World, Episode 3: Oracle Flashback Database/video details
Oracle Exadata. Are You Ready?/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 18 May 2011
  • Duration: 3:00
  • Updated: 10 Jul 2012
Author: OracleVideo
Data volumes are growing and data center costs are increasing. Oracle Exadata Database Machine is ready to handle the challenges of tomorrow -- are you? Exadata. Are You Ready?/video details
Oracle Social Network: Collaboration in the Cloud/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 05 Oct 2011
  • Duration: 2:43
  • Updated: 24 Jun 2012
Author: Oracle
Learn how Oracle Social Network offers enterprisewide collaboration as a service, with connections to your CRM and other apps; integrated workflow; and activity tracking by customers, opportunities, and more. Social Network: Collaboration in the Cloud/video details
Oracle: Innovation Happens OPEN/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 03 Apr 2012
  • Duration: 1:05
  • Updated: 29 Jun 2012
Author: Oracle
A look at how innovation changes today's enterprise. Innovation Happens OPEN/video details
If you missed the live event, now you can hear Larry Ellison tell why Oracle Cloud is the enterprise choice. Watch the entire announcement at
Larry El­li­son's Or­a­cle Cloud An­nounce­ment High­lights
If you missed the live event, now you can hear Larry El­li­son tell why Or­a­cle Cloud is the ...
pub­lished: 06 Jul 2012
au­thor: Or­a­cle
Larry El­li­son -- Or­a­cle Cloud -- 6-6-2012
Larry El­li­son an­nounces the Or­a­cle Cloud. Learn more at www.​oracle.​com Reg­is­ter for a free...
pub­lished: 11 Jun 2012
au­thor: Or­a­cle
The Sim­plic­i­ty of the Or­a­cle Stack
The sim­plic­i­ty of the Or­a­cle stack in­spires in­no­va­tion....
pub­lished: 04 May 2012
au­thor: Or­a­cle
July 9 - 15, Doreen's Week­ly Or­a­cle Card Read­ing
An in­tense week filled with lots of ac­tion, move­ment, and ideas. As your pre­vi­ous blocks a...
pub­lished: 09 Jul 2012
Week­ly In­di­go Or­a­cle Angel Guid­ance Video
Bridg­ing your high­er pur­pose into align­ment with your cur­rent ex­pe­ri­ence....
pub­lished: 09 Jul 2012
The Or­a­cle - A 400 Year Old Se­cret - HD
From UFOTV®, ac­cept no im­i­ta­tions. Cloaked in se­cre­cy for over 400 years, the State Or...
pub­lished: 18 Sep 2011
Larry El­li­son -- Or­a­cle Open­World - 10-5-2011
Or­a­cle CEO Larry El­li­son's keynote at Or­a­cle Open­World 2011...
pub­lished: 06 Oct 2011
au­thor: Or­a­cle
Or­a­cle: Sim­pli­fy IT OPEN
Using Or­a­cle IT you can re­duce the com­plex­i­ty that comes with tech­nol­o­gy....
pub­lished: 03 Apr 2012
au­thor: Or­a­cle
In­tro­duc­ing Or­a­cle Database Ap­pli­ance: A Fully In­te­grat­ed Sys­tem
Is the Or­a­cle Database Ap­pli­ance, a com­plete high avail­abil­i­ty database so­lu­tion, right fo...
pub­lished: 23 Jan 2012
au­thor: Or­a­cle
V1-Or­a­cle Database Con­cepts - Part 1
Tu­to­ri­al in­tro­duc­ing basic database con­cepts such as data, databas­es, database man­age­ment ...
pub­lished: 23 Mar 2012
The Calmest Man in the World, Episode 3: Or­a­cle Flash­back Database
The Calmest Man in the World un­der­stands what it takes to re­cov­er quick­ly from human error...
pub­lished: 21 May 2012
au­thor: Or­a­cle
Or­a­cle Ex­a­da­ta. Are You Ready?
Data vol­umes are grow­ing and data cen­ter costs are in­creas­ing. Or­a­cle Ex­a­da­ta Database Mac...
pub­lished: 18 May 2011
Or­a­cle So­cial Net­work: Col­lab­o­ra­tion in the Cloud
Learn how Or­a­cle So­cial Net­work of­fers en­ter­prisewide col­lab­o­ra­tion as a ser­vice, with con...
pub­lished: 05 Oct 2011
au­thor: Or­a­cle
Or­a­cle: In­no­va­tion Hap­pens OPEN
A look at how in­no­va­tion changes today's en­ter­prise....
pub­lished: 03 Apr 2012
au­thor: Or­a­cle
Mon­day Brief: Or­a­cle al­most bought Palm, an­oth­er Galaxy S III, BB10's come­back, and more!
Wel­come to the Mo­bile Na­tions Mon­day Brief, which rounds up all of the news of the week pr...
pub­lished: 23 Apr 2012
Or­a­cle So­cial Net­work: Get­ting Start­ed
Learn how to get start­ed using Or­a­cle So­cial Net­work! This video will cover how to cre­ate ...
pub­lished: 06 Jun 2012
Google, Or­a­cle CEOs Tes­ti­fy in Court
The chief ex­ec­u­tives of Google and Or­a­cle took the wit­ness stand in a high-stakes legal ba...
pub­lished: 18 Apr 2012
A20 - Or­a­cle Ad­min­is­tra­tion Tu­to­ri­al - Start­ing up a Database (Hands-On)
Or­a­cle ad­min­is­tra­tion tu­to­ri­al demon­strat­ing start­ing up a database using SQL*PLus com­mand...
pub­lished: 23 Mar 2012
Or­a­cle Days 2012: Com­ing to a City Near You
Join us for Or­a­cle Days 2012. Learn how Or­a­cle in­no­va­tions can help your busi­ness in a cha...
pub­lished: 11 Jun 2012
au­thor: Or­a­cle
A10 - Or­a­cle Ad­min­is­tra­tion Tu­to­ri­al - Or­a­cle Serv­er Ba­sics (Part 2)
Or­a­cle Admin tu­to­ri­al in­tro­duc­ing the Or­a­cle Ar­chi­tec­tural el­e­ments, and the op­er­at­ing sys...
pub­lished: 23 Mar 2012
37. OR­A­CLE Rac­ing: The De­fend­ers - AC Un­cov­ered
This week on Amer­i­ca's Cup Un­cov­ered we look back at the four AC World Se­ries events i...
pub­lished: 05 May 2012
The Calmest Man in the World, Episode 2: Or­a­cle Ac­tive Data Guard
The Calmest Man in the World un­der­stands what it takes to keep busi­ness data pro­tect­ed fro...
pub­lished: 11 May 2012
au­thor: Or­a­cle

  • Oracle House in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA. Built circa 1702 according to a sign on the premises.
    Public Domain / Daderot
  • Oracle's headquarters, and part of the reason traffic sucks on 101 near Redwood Shores. Note the abundance of shores and lack of redwoods.
    Creative Commons / moppet65535
  • Oracle Headquarters Redwood Shores.
    Creative Commons / Håkan Dahlström
  • FILE - This March 22, 2011 file photo, the exterior of Oracle headquarters in Redwood City, Calif. Oracle Corp. is scheduled to report quarterly financial results Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011, after the market close.(AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File)
    AP / Paul Sakuma, File
  • During a long life prayer ceremony being held to Tibetan spiritual leader, part of the ceremony, Tsering Chenga, a woman oracle, led the other oracles into a trance. Their cryptic utterances will then be framed into predictions for the year, Dharamshala, H.P, India.
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • During a long life prayer ceremony to Tibetan spiritual leader, part of the ceremony, Tsering Chenga, a woman oracle, led the other oracles into a trance. Their cryptic utterances will then be framed into predictions for the year, Dharamshala, H.P, India.
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • During a long life prayer ceremony to His Holiness, part of the ceremony, Tsering Chenga, a woman oracle, led the other oracles into a trance. Their cryptic utterances will then be framed into predictions for the year, Dharamshala, H.P, India.
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • As part of the ceremony, Tsering Chenga, a woman oracle, led the other oracles into a trance during a long life prayer ceremony being held by Tibetan administration and Tibetan people at the main Tibetan temple in Dharamshala, India
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • A female oracle divining her message during a special prayer for Tibetan people inside Tibet at the main Tibetan temple in Dharamshala, India.
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • A male oracle called (Nechung Choegyal) divining his message during a special prayer for Tibetan people inside Tibet at the main Tibetan temple in Dharamshala, India.
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • The cave of Orpheus' oracle in Antissa, Lesbos. The lyre was carried to heaven by the Muses, and was placed among the stars.
    Creative Commons / H.Harissis
  • A female oracle who act as media between the phenomenal natural world and the subtle spiritual realms during a prayer event at the main Tibetan temple in McLeod Ganj, Dharamshala, India
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • Tsering Chennga deity, a female oracle who act as media between the phenomenal natural world and the subtle spiritual realms during a prayer event at the main Tibetan temple in McLeod Ganj, Dharamshala, India
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • Tsering Chennga, a female oracle who act as media between the phenomenal natural world and the subtle spiritual realms during a prayer event at the main Tibetan temple in McLeod Ganj, Dharamshala, India
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • The Nechung Oracle who act as media between the phenomenal natural world and the subtle spiritual realms during a prayer event at the main Tibetan temple in McLeod Ganj, Dharamshala, India
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (Oct. 7, 2006)--The Coast Guard Cutter Adelie and a 25-foot small boat enforce the security zone around the air show box in the San Francisco Bay for Fleet Week 2006. The air show included performances by the Navy Blue Angels, the Oracle stunt plane, and a SAR demo by a Coast Guard HH-65. USCG photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Kevin J. Neff (107125) ( FLEET WEEK (FOR RELEASE) )
    US Coastguard / Petty Officer 3rd Class Kevin J. Neff
  • The Oracle Conference Center at the Oracle Corp. headquarters in Redwood Shores, California.
    Creative Commons / BrokenSphere
  • Oracle.(甲骨文)
    Creative Commons / Dr. Meierhofer
  • Orestes at Delphi flanked by Athena and Pylades among the Erinyes and priestesses of the oracle, perhaps including Pythia behind the tripod - Paestan red-figured bell-krater, c. 330 BC
    Creative Commons
  • The Riverside level of The Oracle shopping center in Reading, England. The River Ken net is navigable from Newbury downstream to the confluence with the River Thames at Ken net Mouth, in Reading
    Creative Commons / Chris j wood
  • Octopus oracle Paul chooses a mussel from a glass tank marked with a Spanish flag, next to a box with a flag of Holland, in the SeaLife Aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany, Friday, July 9, 2010
    AP / Roberto Pfeil
  • Octopus oracle Paul chooses a mussel from a glass tank marked with a Spanish flag, next to a box with a flag of Holland, in the SeaLife Aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany, Friday, July 9, 2010
    AP / dapd, Roberto Pfeil
  • World-class pilot Sean Tucker flies his Team Oracle aerobatic aircraft past the crowd at the 2004 Naval Air Station Oceana Air Show.
    US Navy / Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Daniel J. McLain
  • Oracle Conference Center, Oracle HQ.JPG
    Creative Commons / BrokenSphere
  • A Tibetan female oracle manifesting during Tibetans in exile in India offering long life puja to their spiritual leader His Holiness Dharamshala, India
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • A Tibetan female oracle manifesting during a prayer ceremony in Dharamshala, India
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • Tibetan female oracle manifesting herself as the Tibetan earth goddess of Tsering Che-nga during a prayer ceremony held in Dharamshala, India
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • Tibetan Gadhong male oracle manifesting in Dharamshala, India
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • Tibetan female oracle called Tsering Chan-nga manifesting during prayer ceremony held in Dharamshala, India
    WN / Yeshe Choesang
  • Nechung oracle in manifestation in Dharamshala, India
    WN / Yeshe Choesang

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photo: NASA
An X1.4 class flare erupted from the center of the sun, peaking on July 12, 2012 at 12:52 PM EDT. It erupted from Active Region 1520 which rotated into view on July 6.
Al Jazeera
14 Jul 2012
A solar storm is racing toward Earth this weekend, but scientists say not to worry. The blast of charged solar particles was due to arrive on Saturday morning and last through Sunday as it slams into...

photo: Creative Commons / Frank Capra
The Daily Telegraph Australia
15 Jul 2012
THE Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Centre has provided "new evidence" to authorities in Budapest on its most wanted suspect, Laszlo Csatary, who is believed to be living in Hungary. The...

photo: AP / Evan Vucci
Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney pauses during a speech to the NAACP annual convention, Wednesday, July 11, 2012, in Houston, Texas.
15 Jul 2012
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling When Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney used the idiom "Obamacare" at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP),...

photo: US Navy / MCS3 Jeff Atherton
File - The guided-missile destroyer USS Nitze transits the Strait of Hormuz with Military Sealift Command missile range instrumentation ship USNS Invincible and British Royal Navy ships HMS Ramsey, HMS Pembroke and RFA Lyme Bay, 19 May, 2012.
Al Jazeera
14 Jul 2012
Iran could prevent even "a single drop of oil" passing through the Strait of Hormuz if its security is threatened, country's naval commander has said, as tensions simmer over Tehran's...

  • ZDNN Summary: Recent research compares important dimensions of IT project success and failure on ERP systems from SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft Dynamics. A (PDF download) by Panorama Consulting Solutions compares important dimensions of IT project success and failure with respect to ERP systems from...
  • Wired News (s_falkow/Flickr) If Oracle wants to win its lawsuit against Google over the Android mobile operating system — and it does — it will have to file an appeal. On Friday, Judge William Alsup denied Oracle’s for a new trial after a San Francisco jury returned an incomplete verdict the...
  • PR Newswire My news for Investors AtLeast one of the check box should be selected You are following news about Follow the latest news about CAT Follow the latest news about BBT Follow the latest news about MGA...
  • Yahoo Daily News Largest Provider of 12-way Social Video Chat Services Taps MoreVRP for Real-Time Database Acceleration and Resource Control, with Granular Performance Analysis Capabilities New York, NY (PRWEB) July 14, 2012 More IT Resources Ltd. (MORE) today announced that ooVoo, the largest social video-chat...
  • ZDNN Summary: Now that the new trial option is out, the next likely stop is appeals court in Oracle v. Google. If Oracle wants to keep fighting for its copyright and patent infringement lawsuit against Google, it's going to have to do so in an appeals court. Judge William Alsup returned with a ruling on...
  • North Jersey Antonella Romano is owner of the Stone & Tile Emporium, Inc., ( Send your stone and tile questions to her at THINKSTOCK Though it may be attractive, a tile counter is likely to harbor bacteria and mold in the grout....
  • more news on: Oracle
    Oracle Corporation
    Type Public
    Traded as NASDAQORCL
    NASDAQ-100 Component
    S&P 500 Component
    Industry Enterprise software
    Computer hardware
    Founded Santa Clara, California, USA
    (June 16, 1977 (1977-06-16))[1]
    Founder(s) Larry Ellison, Bob Miner,
    Ed Oates
    Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, Redwood City, California, United States
    Area served Worldwide
    Key people Larry Ellison (CEO)
    Jeffrey Henley (Chairman)
    Safra Catz (President)
    Mark Hurd (President)
    Products Oracle Applications, Oracle Database, Oracle Enterprise Manager, Oracle Fusion Middleware, servers, workstations, storage
    Revenue increase US$ 35.6 billion (2011)[2]
    Operating income increase US$ 12.0 billion (2011)[2]
    Net income increase US$ 08.5 billion (2011)[2]
    Total assets increase US$ 73.5 billion (2011)[2]
    Total equity increase US$ 40.2 billion (2011)[2]
    Employees 111,297 (2011)[2]
    Subsidiaries List of Oracle subsidiaries

    Oracle Corporation (NASDAQORCL) is an American multinational computer technology corporation that specializes in developing and marketing computer hardware systems and enterprise software products – particularly database management systems. Headquartered at 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, Redwood City, California, United States and employing approximately 111,298 people worldwide as of 30 November 2011 (2011 -11-30),[3] it has enlarged its share of the software market through organic growth and through a number of high-profile acquisitions. By 2007 Oracle had the third-largest software revenue, after Microsoft and IBM.[4]

    The company also builds tools for database development and systems of middle-tier software, enterprise resource planning software (ERP), customer relationship management software (CRM) and supply chain management (SCM) software.

    Larry Ellison, a co-founder of Oracle Corporation, has served as Oracle's CEO throughout its history. He also served as the Chairman of the Board until his replacement by Jeffrey O. Henley in 2004. On August 22, 2008 the Associated Press ranked Ellison as the top-paid chief executive in the world.[5][6]



    Oracle headquarters front view

    Ellison took inspiration[7] from the 1970 paper written by Edgar F. Codd on relational database management systems (RDBMS) named "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks."[8] He heard about the IBM System R database from an article in the IBM Research Journal provided by Ed Oates (a future co-founder of Oracle Corporation). System R also derived from Codd's theories, and Ellison wanted to make Oracle's product compatible with System R, but IBM stopped this by keeping the error codes for their DBMS secret. Ellison co-founded Oracle Corporation in 1977 with Bob Miner and Ed Oates under the name Software Development Laboratories (SDL). In 1979 SDL changed its name to Relational Software, Inc. (RSI).[9] In 1982, RSI renamed itself Oracle Systems[10] to align itself more closely with its flagship product Oracle Database. At this stage Bob Miner served as the company's senior programmer. In 1995, Oracle Systems Corporation changed its name to Oracle Corporation.[11]

    Part of Oracle Corporation's early success arose from using the C programming language to implement its products. This eased porting to different operating systems (most of which support C). This gave Oracle Corporation an advantage over companies using operating-system-specific languages.[citation needed] Oracle Corporation programmers wrote the first C compiler for the IBM mainframe platform in order to port to that platform.[citation needed]

    Overall timeline[link]

    • June 16, 1977: Software Development Laboratories (SDL) is incorporated in Santa Clara, California[1] by Larry Ellison, Bob Miner and Ed Oates.
    • 1978: Oracle Version 1, written in assembly language, runs on PDP-11 under RSX, in 128K of memory. Implementation separates Oracle code and user code. Oracle V1 is never officially released.[12] The name Oracle comes from the code name of a CIA project which the founders had all worked on while at the Ampex Corporation.
    • June 1979: SDL is renamed to Relational Software Inc. (RSI)[9] and relocated to Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California. Oracle 2, the first version of the Oracle database software, as purchased by Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, runs on PDP-11 hardware. The company decides to name the first version of its flagship product "version 2" rather than "version 1" because it believes customers might hesitate to buy the initial release of its product.[citation needed]
    • October 1979: RSI actively promotes Oracle on the VAX platform (the software runs on the VAX in PDP-11 emulator mode).
    • 1981: Umang Gupta joins RSI, where he writes the first business plan for the company and serves as Vice President and General Manager.
    • February 1981: RSI begins developing tools for the Oracle Database, including the Interactive Application Facility (IAF), a predecessor to Oracle*Forms.
    • 1982: RSI renames itself Oracle Systems Corporation in order to align itself more closely with its primary product.
    • March 1983: Oracle Database is rewritten in C for portability and Oracle version 3 is released.
    • April 1984: Oracle receives additional funding from Sequoia Capital.
    • October 1984: Oracle version 4 is released, introducing read consistency.
    • November 1984: Oracle database software is ported to the PC platform. The MS-DOS version (4.1.4) of Oracle runs in only 512K of memory. (Oracle for MSDOS version 5, released in 1986, runs in Protected Mode on 286 machines using a technique invented by Mike Roberts, among the first products to do so.)
    • April 1985: Oracle version 5 is released – one of the first RDBMSs to operate in client-server mode.
    • 1986: Oracle version 5.1 is released with support for distributed queries. Investigations into clustering begin.
    • March 12, 1986: Oracle goes public with revenues of $55 million US$.
    • August 1987: Oracle founds its Applications division, building business-management software closely integrated with its database software. Oracle acquires TCI for its project management software.
    • 1988: Oracle version 6 is released with support for row-level locking and hot backups. The developers embedded the PL/SQL procedural language engine into the database but made no provision to store program blocks such as procedures and triggers in the database – this capability came in version 7. Users could submit PL/SQL blocks for immediate execution in the server from an environment such as SQL*Plus, or via SQL statements embedded in a host program. Oracle included separate PL/SQL engines in various client tools (such as SQL*Forms and Reports).
    • 1989: Oracle moves its world headquarters to Redwood Shores, California. Revenues reach US$584 million.
    • 1990: In the third quarter, Oracle reports its first ever loss[citation needed]; it lays off hundreds of employees. Ellison hires Michael S. Fields as President of Oracle U.S.A., Jeffrey O. Henley as CFO and Raymond Lane as COO.
    • June 1992: Oracle 7 is released with performance enhancements, administrative utilities, application-development tools, security features, the ability to persist PL/SQL program units in the database as stored procedures and triggers, and support for declarative referential integrity.
    • 1993: Oracle releases its "Cooperative Development Environment" (CDE), which bundles Oracle Forms, Reports, Graphics, and Book.
    • 1994: Oracle acquires the database-product DEC Rdb (subsequently called Oracle Rdb) from Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). Oracle Rdb operates only on the OpenVMS platform (also a former product of DEC).
    • June 1, 1995: Oracle Systems Corporation announces the merger of Oracle Corporation into Oracle Systems Corporation. This transaction eliminates the holding company structure and streamlines the operating company, Oracle Corporation, with the public holding company, Oracle Systems Corporation. As part of the merger, Oracle Systems Corporation is renamed Oracle Corporation and is the surviving entity incorporated as a Delaware corporation.
    • June 21, 1995: Oracle Corporation announces new data-warehousing facilities, including parallel queries.
    • November 1995: Oracle becomes one of the first[citation needed] large software companies to announce an Internet strategy when Ellison introduces the Network Computer concept at an IDC conference in Paris.
    • 1996: Oracle releases Web Browser of the Oracle PowerBrowser.
    • April 1997: Oracle releases the first version of Discoverer.
    • June 1997: Oracle 8 is released with SQL object technology, Internet technology and support for terabytes of data.
    • September 1997: Oracle Corporation announces a commitment to the Java platform, and introduces Oracle's Java integrated development environment, subsequently called Oracle JDeveloper.
    • January 1998: Oracle releases Oracle Applications 10.7 Network Computing Architecture (NCA). All the applications in the business software now run across the web in a standard web browser.
    • May 1998: Oracle Corporation releases Oracle Applications 11.
    • April 1998: Oracle announces that it will integrate a Java Virtual Machine with Oracle Database.
    • September 1998: Oracle 8i is released (the i stands for Internet).
    • October 1998: Oracle 8 and Oracle Application Server 4.0 are released on the Linux platform.
    • May 1999: Oracle releases JDeveloper 2.0, showcasing Business Components for Java (BC4J), a set of libraries and development tools for building database-aware applications.
    • 2000: OracleMobile subsidiary is founded. Oracle 9i and Application Server is released. In May, Oracle announces the Internet File System (iFS), later re-branded as Oracle Content Management SDK.[13]
    • 2001: Ellison announces that Oracle saved $1 billion by implementing and using its own business applications.
    • 2004: Oracle 10g is released (the g stands for Grid).
    • December 13, 2004: After a long battle over the control of PeopleSoft, Oracle announces that it has signed an agreement to acquire PeopleSoft for $26.50 per share (approximately $10.3 billion).
    • January 14, 2005: Oracle Corporation announces that it will reduce its combined workforce to 50,000, a reduction of approximately 5,000 following the take-over of PeopleSoft.
    • September 2005: Oracle Corporation announces that it has agreed to acquire the private company Global Logistics Technologies, Inc., a global provider of logistics and transportation management software (TMS) solutions, through a cash offer.
    • September 12, 2005: Oracle Corporation announces its purchase of Siebel Systems, a producer of CRM technologies and a provider of business intelligence software, for $5.8 billion.
    • October 18, 2005: A serious security vulnerability in Oracle database password management is published by Joshua Wright of the Sans Institute and Carlos Cid of the University of London.[14] Oracle Corporation replies that existing safeguards and following good industry practices were sufficient defenses.[15] Oracle didn't close the underlying security hole until its release of the 11g DBMS in 2007.[16]
    • April 12, 2006: Oracle Corporation announces its acquisition of Portal Software, Inc. (OTC BB: PRSF.PK), a global provider of billing- and revenue-management solutions for the communications and media industry, at $4.90 per share, or approximately $220 million.
    • October 25, 2006: Oracle Corporation announces Unbreakable Linux.
    • November 2, 2006: Oracle Corporation announces that it has agreed to acquire Stellent, Inc. (NASDAQ: STEL), a global provider of enterprise content management (ECM) software solutions, through a cash tender offer for $13.50 per share, or approximately $440 million.
    • December 15, 2006: A majority of MetaSolv stockholders approves Oracle's acquisition of MetaSolv Software, a provider of operations support systems (OSS) software for the communications industry.
    • 2007: Oracle 11g is released.
    • March 1, 2007: Oracle announces an agreement to buy Hyperion Solutions Corporation (Nasdaq: HYSL), a global provider of performance-management software solutions, through a cash tender offer for $52.00 per share, or approximately $3.3 billion. The acquisition officially took place on July 1, 2007.
    • March 22, 2007: Oracle files a court case against a major competitor, SAP AG, in the Californian courts for malpractice and unfair competition.[17]
    • May 15, 2007 Oracle buys Agile Software Corporation[18]
    • October 16, 2007: Oracle confirms the impending departure of John Wookey, senior vice president for application development and head of its applications strategy, raising questions concerning the planned release and future of Oracle's Fusion Applications strategy.
    • January 16, 2008: Oracle announces it will buy BEA Systems for $19.375 per share in cash for a total of "$7.2 billion net of cash."[19]
    • September 24, 2008: Oracle announces it will market servers and storage in a co-developed and co-branded data warehouse appliance named the HP Oracle Database Machine.[20]
    • January 27, 2010: Oracle acquires Sun Microsystems.
    • March 17, 2010: Oracle launches Enterprise Manager Ops Center, a platform for managing physical and virtual Sun environments.[21]
    • April 16, 2010: Oracle agrees to acquire Phase Forward for approximately $685 million.[22]
    • July 5, 2010: Mexico Development Center begins to operate with offices in Guadalajara, Jalisco, known as the Mexican Sillicon Valley.[23]
    • July 29, 2010: Oracle is indicted for fraud by the US Department of Justice.[24]
    • November 23, 2010: Oracle wins $1.3 billion law suit against SAP – the largest software piracy judgment in history.[25] While acknowledging the wrongdoings of its unit TomorrowNow, which was accused of massive illegal downloads of Oracle software, SAP seeks reduction of the jury award.[26]
    • March 24, 2011: Oracle announced fiscal 2011 Q3 GAAP total revenues were up 37% to $8.8 billion, while non-GAAP total revenues were up 36% to $8.8 billion.[27]
    • October 2011: Oracle Corporation acquires RightNow Technologies Inc. for $1.5 billion, to strengthen cloud services.[28]
    • February 9, 2012: Oracle announces acquisition of Taleo for $1.9 billion to add Talent Management products and services.[29][30]

    Technology timeline[link]

    • 1979: offers the first commercial SQL RDBMS
    • 1983: offers a VAX-mode database
    • 1984: offers the first database with read-consistency
    • 1986: offers a client-server DBMS
    • 1987: introduces UNIX-based Oracle applications
    • 1988: introduces PL/SQL
    • 1992: offers full applications implementation methodology
    • 1995: offers the first 64-bit RDBMS
    • 1996: moves towards an open standards-based, web-enabled architecture
    • 1999: offers its first DBMS with XML support
    • 2001: becomes the first to complete 3 terabyte TPC-H world record
    • 2002: offers the first database to pass 15 industry standard security evaluations
    • 2003: introduces what it calls "Enterprise Grid Computing" with Oracle10g
    • 2005: releases its first free database, Oracle Database 10g Express Edition (XE)
    • 2008: smart scans in software improve query-response in HP Oracle Database Machine / Exadata storage

    Products and services[link]

    Technology products[link]

    Various databases[link]

    • Oracle Database

    In 2004 Oracle Corporation shipped release 10g (g standing for "grid") as the then latest version of Oracle Database. (Oracle Application Server 10g using Java EE integrates with the server part of that version of the database, making it possible to deploy web-technology applications. The application server comprises the first middle-tier software designed for grid computing.[citation needed] The interrelationship between Oracle 10g and Java allows developers to set up stored procedures written in the Java language, as well as those written in the traditional Oracle database programming language, PL/SQL.) - Release 11g became the current Oracle Database version in 2007.

    The following are additional database technologies that have been acquired and developed by the Oracle Corporation:

    • TimesTen features in-memory database operations.
    • Oracle NoSQL Database, a scalable, distributed key-value NoSQL database[31]

    Oracle Fusion Middleware[link]

    Oracle Enterprise Manager[link]

    Some database administrators (DBAs) use Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) to manage the DBMS. With Oracle Database version 10g, Oracle Corporation introduced a web-based rewrite of OEM called Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control. Oracle Corporation has dubbed the super Enterprise Manager used to manage a grid of multiple DBMS and Application Servers as Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

    Oracle Secure Enterprise Search[link]

    Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES), Oracle's enterprise-search offering, gives users the ability to search for content across multiple locations, including websites, file servers, content management systems, enterprise resource planning systems, customer relationship management systems, business intelligence systems, and databases.

    Oracle Beehive[link]

    Released in 2008, the Oracle Beehive collaboration software provides team workspaces (including wikis, team calendaring and file sharing), email, calendar, instant messaging, and conferencing on a single platform. Customers can use Beehive as licensed software or as software as a service.[32]

    Oracle Collaboration Suite[link]

    Oracle Collaboration Suite (OCS) contains messaging, groupware and collaboration applications. Oracle Beehive has superseded OCS.[33]

    Development software[link]

    Oracle Corporation's tools for developing applications include (amongst others):

    Many external and third-party tools make the Oracle database administrator's tasks easier.


    Application products[link]

    Oracle also sells a suite of business applications. The Oracle E-Business Suite includes software to perform various enterprise functions related to, for instance, financials, manufacturing, customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and human resource management. Users can access these facilities through a browser interface over the Internet or via a corporate intranet.

    Following a number of high-value acquisitions beginning in 2003, especially in the area of applications, Oracle Corporation currently maintains a number of product lines:

    • Oracle Fusion Applications
    • Oracle E-Business Suite
    • PeopleSoft Enterprise
    • Siebel
    • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
    • JD Edwards World

    Development of applications commonly takes place in Java (using Oracle JDeveloper) or through PL/SQL (using, for example, Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports). Oracle Corporation has started[citation needed] a drive toward "wizard"-driven environments with a view to enabling non-programmers to produce simple data-driven applications.

    Third-party applications[link]

    Oracle Corporation works with "Oracle Certified Partners" to enhance its overall product-range.

    The variety of applications from third-party vendors includes database applications for archiving, splitting and control, ERP and CRM systems, as well as more niche and focused products providing a range of commercial functions in the areas of human resources, financial control and governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC).

    Vendors include:


    • Oracle Academy (training in computing and commerce in partnership with educational institutions)[39]
    • Oracle Consulting
    • Oracle Database Cloud Service[40]
    • Oracle Financing
    • Oracle On Demand (a SaaS offering)
    • Oracle Support
      • Product support: Oracle Corporation identifies its customers and their support entitlements using CSI (Customer Support Identifier) codes.[41] Registered customers can submit Service Requests (SRs)[42] – usually via the web-accessible MetaLink interface or (as from September 2008) from its super-set: My Oracle Support.[43]
      • Critical Patch Updates: since 2005, Oracle Corporation has grouped collections of patches and security fixes for its products each quarter into a "Critical Patch Update" (CPU), released each January, April, July and October.[44]
      • Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM, previously Customer Configuration repository or CCR) gathers and uploads details of the configuration of Oracle software.[45]
      • Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) automatically creates Service Requests for specific hardware faults on qualified Oracle server, storage, Oracle Exadata, and Oracle Exalogic products.[46]
    • Oracle University (training in Oracle products)[47]


    Sales practices[link]

    In 1990 Oracle laid off 10% (about 400 people) of its work force because of accounting errors.[48] This crisis came about because of Oracle's "up-front" marketing strategy, in which sales people urged potential customers to buy the largest possible amount of software all at once. The sales people then booked the value of future license sales in the current quarter, thereby increasing their bonuses.[49] This became a problem when the future sales subsequently failed to materialize. Oracle eventually had to restate its earnings twice, and also settled (out of court) class-action lawsuits arising from its having overstated its earnings. Ellison stated in 1992 that Oracle had made "an incredible business mistake."[48]


    Although IBM dominated the mainframe relational-database market with its DB2 and SQL/DS database products, it delayed[when?]entering the market for a relational database on UNIX and Windows operating systems. This left the door open for Sybase, Oracle, and Informix (and eventually Microsoft) to dominate mid-range and microcomputers.

    Around this time[when?], Oracle technology started to lag technically behind that of Sybase.[citation needed] In 1990–1993 Sybase became the fastest-growing database company and the database industry's darling vendor[citation needed], but soon fell victim to its merger mania and to technical issues with System X.[citation needed] Sybase's 1993 merger with PowerSoft resulted in its losing its focus on its core database technology. In 1993, Sybase sold the rights to its database software running under the Windows operating system to Microsoft Corporation, which now markets it under the name "SQL Server."

    In 1994, Informix Software overtook Sybase and became Oracle's most important rival. The intense war between Informix CEO Phil White and Ellison made front-page news in Silicon Valley for three years. Informix claimed that Oracle had hired away Informix engineers to disclose important trade secrets about an upcoming product. Informix finally dropped its lawsuit against Oracle in 1997.[50] In November 2005 a book detailing the war between Oracle and Informix appeared,[51] providing a detailed chronology of the battle of Informix against Oracle, and how Informix Software's CEO Phil White landed in jail because of his obsession with overtaking Ellison.

    Once it had overcome Informix and Sybase, Oracle Corporation enjoyed years of dominance in the database market until use of Microsoft SQL Server became widespread in the late 1990s and IBM acquired Informix Software in 2000 (to complement its DB2 database). Today Oracle competes for new database licenses on UNIX, Linux, and Windows operating systems primarily against IBM's DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server (which only runs on Windows). IBM's DB2 still dominates the mainframe database market.

    In 2004 Oracle's sales grew at a rate of 14.5% to $6.2 billion, giving it 41.3% and the top share of the relational-database market (InformationWeek – March, 2005), with market share estimated at up to 44.6% in 2005 by some sources.[52][dead link] Oracle Corporation's main competitors in the database arena remain IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server, and to a lesser extent Sybase and Teradata[52][dead link], with open-source databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL also having a significant[citation needed] share of the market. EnterpriseDB, based on PostgreSQL, has recently made inroads[53] by proclaiming that its product delivers Oracle compatibility features[clarification needed] at a much lower price-point.

    In the software-applications market, Oracle Corporation primarily[citation needed] competes against SAP. On March 22, 2007 Oracle sued SAP, accusing them of fraud and unfair competition.[54]

    In the market for business intelligence software, many other software companies – small and large – have successfully competed in quality with Oracle and SAP products. Business intelligence vendors can be categorized into the "big four" consolidated BI firms such as Oracle, who has entered BI market through a recent trend of acquisitions (including Hyperion Solutions), and the independent "pure play" vendors such as MicroStrategy, Actuate, and SAS.[55]

    Oracle and SAP[link]

    From 1988 Oracle Corporation and the German company SAP AG had a decade-long history of cooperation, beginning with the integration of SAP's R/3 enterprise application suite with Oracle's relational database products. The marketplace[who?] regarded the two firms' products as complementing one another, rather than as substitutes. Despite the current SAP partnership with Microsoft, and the increasing integration of SAP applications with Microsoft products (such as Microsoft SQL Server, a competitor to Oracle Database), Oracle and SAP continue their cooperation. According to Oracle Corporation, the majority of SAP's customers use Oracle databases.[56]

    In recent years, however, competition between Oracle and SAP has increased, and as a result, the rivalry between the two companies has grown, even developing into a feud between the co-founders of the two companies, where one party would frequently voice strong negative comments about the other company.

    In 2004 Oracle began to increase its interest in the enterprise-applications market (in 1989, Oracle had already released Oracle Financials). A series of acquisitions by Oracle Corporation began, most notably those of PeopleSoft, Siebel Systems and Hyperion.

    SAP recognized that Oracle had started to become a competitor in a market where SAP had the leadership, and saw an opportunity to lure in customers from those companies that Oracle Corporation had acquired. SAP would offer those customers special discounts on the licenses for its enterprise applications.

    Oracle Corporation would resort to a similar strategy, by advising SAP customers to get "OFF SAP" (a play on the words of the acronym for its middleware platform "Oracle Fusion for SAP"),[57] and also by providing special discounts on licenses and services to SAP customers who chose Oracle Corporation products.

    Currently Oracle and SAP (the latter through its recently acquired subsidiary TomorrowNow) compete in the third-party enterprise software maintenance and support market. On March 22, 2007, Oracle filed a lawsuit against SAP. In Oracle Corporation v. SAP AG Oracle alleged that TomorrowNow, which provides discount support for legacy Oracle product lines, used the accounts of former Oracle customers to systematically download patches and support documents from Oracle's website and to appropriate them for SAP's use.[58] Some analysts have suggested the suit could form part of a strategy by Oracle Corporation to decrease competition with SAP in the market for third-party enterprise software maintenance and support.[59][60]

    On July 3, 2007, SAP admitted that TomorrowNow employees had made "inappropriate downloads" from the Oracle support web site. However, it claims that SAP personnel and SAP customers had no access to Oracle intellectual property via TomorrowNow. SAP's CEO Henning Kagermann stated that "Even a single inappropriate download is unacceptable from my perspective. We regret very much that this occurred." Additionally, SAP announced that it had "instituted changes" in TomorrowNow's operational oversight.[61]

    On November 23, 2010 a U.S. district court jury in Oakland California found that SAP AG must pay Oracle Corp $1.3 billion for copyright infringement, awarding damages that could be the largest-ever for copyright infringement. While admitting liability, SAP estimated the damages at no more than $40 million, while Oracle claimed that they are at least $1.65 billion. The awarded amount is one of the 10 or 20 largest jury verdicts in U.S. legal history. SAP said they were disappointed by the verdict and might appeal.[62] On September 1, 2011, a federal judge overturned the judgment and offered a reduced amount or a new trial, calling Oracle's original award "grossly" excessive.[63] Oracle choose a new trial.


    • "Information driven"[citation needed]
    • For the Oracle Database: "Can't break it, can't break in"[64] and "Unbreakable"[65]
    • As of 2008: "The Information Company"[citation needed]
    • As of 2010: "Software. Hardware. Complete."
    • As of late 2010: "Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together"


    Oracle Corporation produces and distributes the "Oracle ClearView" series of videos as part of its marketing mix.[66]



    In 2000 Oracle gained attention from the computer industry and the press after hiring private investigators to dig through the trash of organizations involved in an antitrust trial involving Microsoft.[67] The Chairman of Oracle Corporation, Larry Ellison, staunchly defended his company's hiring of an East Coast detective agency to investigate groups that supported rival Microsoft Corporation during its antitrust trial, calling the snooping a "public service." The investigation reportedly included a $1,200 offer to janitors at the Association for Competitive Technology to look through Microsoft's trash. Asked how he'd feel if others were looking into Oracle's business activities, Ellison said: "We will ship our garbage to Redmond, and they can go through it. We believe in full disclosure."[68]

    "Can't break it, can't break in"[link]

    At one point, Oracle Corporation marketed many of its products using the slogan "Can't break it, can't break in," or "Unbreakable."[69] This signifies a demand on information security. Oracle Corporation also stresses the reliability of networked databases and network access to databases as major selling points.

    However, two weeks after its introduction in 2002, David Litchfield, Alexander Kornbrust, Cesar Cerrudo and others demonstrated a whole suite of successful attacks against Oracle products.[70][71] Commentators[who?] criticized the slogan as unrealistic and as an invitation to crackers, but Oracle Corporation's chief security officer Mary Ann Davidson portrayed the criticism as unfair. Rather than representing a literal claim of Oracle's products' impregnability, she saw the campaign in the context of fourteen independent security evaluations[72] that Oracle Corporation's database server had passed.

    Relationship with John Ashcroft[link]

    In 2004, then-United States Attorney General John Ashcroft sued Oracle Corporation to prevent them acquiring a multi-billion dollar intelligence contract. After Ashcroft's resignation from government, he founded a lobbying firm, The Ashcroft Group, which Oracle hired in 2005. With the group's help, Oracle went on to acquire the contract.[73]


    Acquisition of Sun Microsystems[link]

    On January 27, 2010, Oracle announced it had completed its acquisition of Sun Microsystems – valued at more than $7 billion – a move that transformed Oracle from solely a software company to a manufacturer of both software and hardware. The acquisition was delayed for several months by the EU Commission because of concerns about MySQL, however was unconditionally approved in the end.[74] This acquisition was important to some in the open source community and also to some other companies, as they feared Oracle might end Sun's traditional support of open source projects.[75][76][77][78] Since the acquisition, Oracle has discontinued OpenSolaris and StarOffice, and sued Google over their newly acquired Java patents from Sun.[79][80] In September 2011 a Wikileaks cable was published revealing that the U.S. pressured the E.U. to allow Oracle to acquire Sun.[81]

    Justice Department lawsuit[link]

    On July 29, 2010, the United States Department of Justice filed suit against Oracle Corporation alleging fraud. The lawsuit argues that the government received deals inferior to those Oracle gave to its commercial clients. The DoJ added its heft to an already existing whistleblower lawsuit filed by Paul Frascella, who was once senior director of contract services at Oracle.[82]

    Acquisition of Phase Forward[link]

    On August 11, 2010, Phase Forward, a company that developed data management systems for the pharmaceutical industry, became a wholly owned subsidiary of Oracle Corporation.[83] Some analysts believe this acquisition has a huge impact on the healthcare and life sciences software market. For example Loraine Lawson writes that "health care isn't just another vertical. It's the vertical to watch, an area where spending has stayed strong despite economic turmoil in other sectors. It's also primed for growth in the United States, where it's the focus of major government reform efforts."[84][85]

    Lawsuit against Google[link]

    On August 12, 2010, Oracle announced a lawsuit against Google concerning patent and copyright infringement of Java in Google's development of Android. Oracle claimed that "Google’s Android competes with Oracle America’s Java" and that "Google has been aware of Sun’s patent portfolio ... since Google hired certain former Sun Java engineers."[86][87] Oracle acquired the Java patents when it bought Sun Microsystems in January 2010.[88] Google's reimplementation of the Java platform supports most Java functionality, apart from AWT and Swing, instead supplying a native widget toolkit.[89]

    Oracle originally sought damages up to $6.1 billion,[90] but this valuation was rejected by a federal judge who asked Oracle to revise the estimate.[91] In May 2012 the jury in this case found that Google did not infringe on Oracle's patents, and the trial judge ruled that the structure of the Java APIs used by Google was not copyrightable.[92][93]

    Google has accused Apple, Oracle and Microsoft of trying to take down Android through patent litigation, rather than innovating and competing with better products and services.[94] In August 2011, Google started the process of purchasing Motorola Mobility for US$12.5 billion, which was viewed in part as a defensive measure to protect Android, since Motorola Mobility holds more than 17,000 patents.[95] In late May 2012, it successfully completed acquisition of the company, thus adding its patents portfolio virtually unto its own, as a potential defensive measure. Google has also acquired thousands of patents from IBM.[96]

    Discontinuation of OpenSolaris[link]

    On August 13, 2010, an internal Oracle memo leaked to the Internet cited plans for ending the OpenSolaris operating system project and community.[97] With Oracle planning to develop Solaris only in a closed source fashion, OpenSolaris developers moved to the Illumos and OpenIndiana project, among others.[98]

    Discontinuation of OpenSSO[link]

    As Oracle completed their acquisition of Sun Microsystems in February 2010, they announced that OpenSSO would no longer be their strategic product.[99] Shortly after, OpenSSO was forked to OpenAM.[99] and will continue to be developed and supported by ForgeRock.

    Hurd replaces Phillips as President[link]

    On September 6, 2010, Oracle announced that former Hewlett-Packard CEO Mark Hurd is replacing Charles Phillips as Oracle Co-President. Apparently Phillips had wanted to leave Oracle since December 2009. "Oracle is clearly capitalizing on this opportunity to get someone strong from a top hardware company," said Forrester analyst James Staten. "In terms of how this helps Oracle against IBM, there is reason to be optimistic."[100]

    On September 7, 2010, HP announced a civil lawsuit against Hurd "to protect HP's trade secrets."[101] On September 20, Oracle and HP published a joint press release announcing the resolution of the lawsuit on confidential terms and reaffirming commitment to long-term strategic partnership between the companies.[102] issue[link]

    A number of developers had formed The Document Foundation and had received backing by Google, Novell, Red Hat, and Canonical, as well as some others, but were unable to get Oracle to donate the brand, causing a fork in the development of with the foundation now developing and promoting LibreOffice. Oracle has expressed no interest in sponsoring the new project and has asked the developers that have started the project to resign from the company due to "conflicts of interest." On November 1, 2010, 33 of the developers gave their letters of resignation.[103] On June 1, 2011, Oracle donated to Apache Software Foundation.[104]

    HP & Oracle lawsuit[link]

    On Jun 15, 2011, HP filed a lawsuit in California Superior Court in Santa Clara, claiming that Oracle had breached an agreement to support the Itanium microprocessor used in HP's high-end enterprise servers.[105] A week before, HP had sent a "formal legal demand" letter to Oracle to force the world's No. 3 software maker to reverse its decision to discontinue software development on Intel Itanium microprocessor.[106] Oracle has responded calling HP's lawsuit "an abuse of the judicial process"[107] and saying that had it known SAP's Leo Apotheker was about to be hired as HP's new CEO, any support for HP's Itanium servers would not have been implied.[108]


    • Larry Ellison: CEO since he co-founded the company in 1977, and Chairman from 1990 to 2004.
    • Bob Miner: Co-founder of the company and co-architect of Oracle Database. Led product design and development for Oracle Database from 1977 to 1992. Spun off a technology group within Oracle in 1992. Oracle board member until 1993.
    • Ed Oates: Co-founder of the company. Retired from Oracle in 1996.
    • Bruce Scott: One of the first employees (number 4) at Oracle (then Software Development Laboratories), Scott served as the co-author and co-architect of Oracle V1, V2 and V3.
    • Umang Gupta: Former Vice President and General Manager (joined in 1981). Wrote the first business plan for the company. Current Chairman and CEO of Keynote Systems, Inc.
    • Jeff Henley: Current Chairman (since 2004). Previously CFO of Oracle (1991–2004).
    • Safra Catz: Co-President (since 2004). In 2009 she was ranked by Fortune as the 12th most powerful woman in business.
    • Charles Phillips: Past Co-President, replaced by Mark Hurd.
    • Mark Hurd: Co-President (since 2010).
    • Thomas Kurian: Executive Vice President, Product Development


    Oracle Corporation has its world headquarters on the San Francisco Peninsula in the Redwood Shores area of Redwood City, adjacent to Belmont, near San Carlos Airport (IATA airport code: SQL).

    Oracle HQ stands on the former site of Marine World Africa USA, which moved from Redwood Shores to Vallejo in 1986. Oracle Corporation originally leased two buildings on the site, moving its finance and administration departments from the corporation's former headquarters on Davis Drive, Belmont, California. Eventually, Oracle purchased the complex and constructed a further four main buildings.

    The distinctive Oracle Parkway buildings, nicknamed the Emerald City,[109] were used as the futuristic headquarters of the fictional company "NorthAm Robotics" in the Robin Williams film Bicentennial Man (1999).[110]


    BMW Oracle Racing USA-71, at the German Sailing Grand Prix Kiel 2006. It is currently moored at Oracle headquarters in Redwood Shores, California.

    On October 20, 2006, the Golden State Warriors and the Oracle Corporation announced a 10-year agreement in which the Oakland Arena would become known as the Oracle Arena.[111]

    Larry Ellison's sailing team competes as Oracle Racing.[112]

    Sean Tucker's "Challenger II" stunt biplane performs frequently at air shows around the US.[113]

    See also[link]


    1. ^ a b Oracle, FAQ;
    2. ^ a b c d e f "ORACLE REPORTS Q4 GAAP EPS UP 34% TO 62 CENTS; Q4 NON-GAAP EPS UP 25% TO 75 CENTS" (Press release). Oracle Corporation. June 23, 2011. Retrieved June 27, 2011. 
    3. ^ Oracle SEC Filings, see form 10k, page 18, dated 06/28/2011
    4. ^ Verberne, Balder (August 7, 2008). "Software Top 100: Highlights". Software Top 100 website. Software Top 100 Foundation. Retrieved July 19, 2009. "The Top 10 saw little changes in 2008. [...] All companies in the first 7 positions stayed in their seats. Microsoft leads the Software Top 100 as it has done for at least ten years in a row. The company extended its lead over IBM and Oracle. [...] Oracle –number 3- stayed on its acquisitive path and grew revenues with 14%." 
    5. ^ NY Daily News: Oracle's Larry Ellison grabs top spot on best-paid list
    6. ^ CEOWorld Magazine: University of Illinois drop out Lawrence J. Ellison of Oracle: highest paid Technology CEO
    7. ^ [1], page 1. Retrieved July 16, 2010
    8. ^ Codd, E. F. (1970). "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks". Communications of the ACM 13 (6): 377–387. DOI:10.1145/362384.362685. 
    9. ^ a b Niemiec, Richard (2003). Oracle9i Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques. New York: McGraw-Hill/Osborne. ISBN 0-07-222473-8. 
    10. ^ Oracle anniversary timeline, page 4. Retrieved May 15, 2008
    11. ^ Oracle Systems Corporation Renamed Oracle Corporation
    12. ^ Oracle anniversary timeline,
    13. ^ Oracle Content Management SDK
    14. ^ Oracle Password Hashing Algorithm Weaknesses and Vulnerability
    15. ^ letter to customers
    16. ^ Brian Carr et al, "Oracle 11g Security Enhancements," Oracle 11g New Features, Rampant Tech Press, North Carolina, 2008.
    17. ^ "Oracle Sues SAP". Oracle Corporation. Retrieved November 11, 2008. "On March 22, 2007, Oracle filed a lawsuit in U.S. Federal District Court in the Northern District of California against SAP. Among the claims made against SAP are violations of the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and California Computer Data Access and Fraud Act, Unfair Competition, Intentional and Negligent Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage and Civil Conspiracy." 
    18. ^ "Oracle Buys Product Lifecycle Management Leader Agile". Oracle Corporation. Retrieved December 12, 2011. "Oracle announced today that it has agreed to acquire Agile Software Corporation (Nasdaq: AGIL)..." 
    19. ^ Oracle to Acquire BEA Systems Press release via Jan 16, 2008
    20. ^ Oracle Introduces The HP Oracle Database Machine: Delivering 10x Faster Performance Than Current Oracle Data Warehouses
    21. ^ Oracle launches Enterprise Manager Ops Center
    22. ^ "Oracle Buys Phase Forward". Taume News. April 18, 2010. Retrieved April 19, 2010. 
    23. ^ "Oracle confirms offices in Jalisco". April 7, 2010. Retrieved January 27, 2011. 
    24. ^ Oracle indicted for Fraud by the Department of Justice
    25. ^ Alexia Tsotsis Nov 23, 2010 (November 23, 2010). "$1.3 billion Oracle-SAP Verdict Is Biggest Ever For Software Piracy". Retrieved July 7, 2011. 
    26. ^ SAP to Seek Reduction of $1.3 billion Oracle Judgment, Bloomberg, Feb. 3, 2011
    27. ^ "Oracle Reports Q3 GAAP EPS Up 75% to 41 Cents; Non-GAAP EPS Up 40% to 54 Cents." March 24, 2011. Retrieved March 25, 2011.
    28. ^ "Oracle Buys RightNow for $1.5 Billion to Add Cloud Services". October 24, 2011. 
    29. ^ "Oracle Buys Taleo". February 9, 2012. 
    30. ^ "Oracle Buys Taleo Press Release". February 9, 2012. 
    31. ^ Taft, Darryl K (2011-10-18). "Oracle to Boost Data Management With Endeca Buy". eWeek. Ziff Davis. Retrieved 2011-11-03. "Oracle also announced the Oracle NoSQL Database, a distributed, highly scalable, key-value database." 
    32. ^ Eric Lai (May 4, 2009). "Oracle aims at Microsoft with upgraded Beehive collaboration". Computerworld. Retrieved May 15, 2009. 
    33. ^ "Oracle Collaboration Suite". Basex: TechWatch. Basex. 2009. Retrieved May 6, 2009. "We recently had our first look at the new version of Beehive, Oracle’s collaboration solution and replacement for the Oracle Collaboration Suite." 
    34. ^ Grancher, Eric (May 15, 2009). "Oracle and storage IOs, explanations and experience at CERN" (PDF). CERN-IT-Note-2009-005. Geneva: CERN. p. 10. Retrieved January 17, 2010. "The Oracle Exadata storage server version 1 is a solution developed by Oracle and HP in which part of the processing, normally performed by the database instance, is performed at the storage system level." 
    35. ^ Jaikumar Vijayan (2011-09-22). "New Oracle database appliance aims at small, mid-size firms: Analysts don't expect Database Appliance to cannibalize Oracle's Exadata enterprise offering". Computerworld (Computerworld Inc.). Retrieved 2012-01-08. "The tightly integrated hardware, software and storage bundle features Oracle Database11g Release 2 and Real Application Clusters software running on a 2-node, 24-processor core, Sun Fire server cluster hardware." 
    36. ^ Oracle Unveils the Oracle Big Data Appliance
    37. ^ "Oracle Unveils the World’s Fastest General Purpose Engineered System - the SPARC SuperCluster T4-4" (Press release). Oracle Corporation. September 26, 2011. Retrieved February 18, 2012. 
    38. ^ "Q Software: The JD Edwards Security People". Q Software Global Limited. 2009. Retrieved October 30, 2009. "Q Software is the first Oracle Certified Partner to provide security, risk management and compliance software with Oracle-validated integration to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and World." 
    39. ^ "Oracle Academy". Retrieved June 4, 2009. 
    40. ^ "Oracle Database Cloud Service". Oracle Public Cloud. Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2012-04-10. 
    41. ^ "Global Customer Support Security Practices" (PDF). Oracle Corporation. April 1, 2008. p. 1. Retrieved August 25, 2008. "Your registration on MetaLink uses a unique Customer Support Identifier (CSI) linked to your Support contract." 
    42. ^ "Global Customer Support Security Practices" (PDF). Oracle Corporation. April 1, 2008. p. 1. Retrieved August 25, 2008. "GCS is a global operation, with Service Request (SR) management based on global competencies" 
    43. ^ "Oracle Introduces Next-generation Customer Support Platform: My Oracle Support" (Press release). California: Oracle Corporation. September 22, 2008. Retrieved September 25, 2008. "My Oracle Support integrates Oracle's [...] support portal, Oracle MetaLink, with its [...] configuration management platform, Oracle Software Configuration Manager, to deliver [..] support capabilities" [dead link]
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    46. ^ "Oracle Auto Service Request for Sun Systems". Oracle Corporation. April 2011. "Oracle Auto Service Request for Sun Systems is a secure, scalable, customer-installable software solution available as a feature of your Oracle or Sun hardware warranty, and Oracle Premier Support for Systems or valid Sun support plan. The software resolves problems faster by using auto-case generation for Oracle's Sun server and storage systems when specific hardware faults occur." 
    47. ^ Oracle University
    48. ^ a b Oracle cuts rewards for last-minute deals Gilbert, Alorie (2002-06-20). CNET via
    49. ^ Ree Abelson (June 23, 1996). "Truth or Consequences? Hardly". The New York Times. 
    50. ^ Galante, Suzanne (June 9, 1997). "Informix drops Oracle lawsuit". CNet. 
    51. ^ The Real Story of Informix Software and Phil White Author: Steve W. Marting, Website: Amazon link
    52. ^ a b "Infrastructure | Oracle Analyst Reports". September 7, 2010. Retrieved July 7, 2011. 
    53. ^ Vonage places call for EnterpriseDB database Eric Lai, Nov 20, 2006,
    54. ^ Karen Gullo and Connie Guglielmo (March 22, 2007). "Oracle Claims Rival SAP Stole Software and Data (Update4)". Bloomberg. Retrieved March 22, 2007. 
    55. ^ Pendse, Nigel (March 7, 2008). "Consolidations in the BI industry". The OLAP Report. 
    56. ^ "Oracle – the No.1 Database for Deploying SAP Applications". Oracle Corporation. Retrieved November 11, 2008. "Two thirds of SAP customers around the world, in every industry, choose to run their applications on Oracle databases." 
    57. ^ Oracle Helping SAP Customers to get "OFF SAP" Oracle press release, Jun 14, 2005,
    58. ^ Oracle sues SAP July 3, 2007
    59. ^ Gohring, Nancy; Elizabeth Montalbano. "Maintenance Contracts at Heart of Oracle, SAP Dispute". CIO India. Retrieved June 9, 2008. 
    60. ^ The lawsuit As barometer: SAP finally scores big with TomorrowNow Joshua Greenbaum, Mar 22, 2007,
    61. ^ SAP Responds to Oracle Complaint
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    65. ^ Davidson, Mary Ann (February 2002). "Unbreakable: Oracle's Commitment to Security" (PDF). An Oracle White Paper. Redwood Shores, California: Oracle Corporation. p. 15. Retrieved March 21, 2010. "Beginning in November 2001, Oracle began a marketing campaign: Unbreakable. The security portions of the campaign reference Oracle’s 14 independent security evaluations [...]" 
    66. ^ "Executive Strategy Weekly Edition". Oracle Information inDepth Newsletters. Oracle Corporation. January 7, 2009. Retrieved September 21, 2009. "In the first installment of the Oracle ClearView video series, host Richard Levitt explains how Oracle Exadata—the combination of superfast HP hardware and supersmart Oracle software—is bringing powerful benefits to the enterprise." 
    67. ^ Oracle Rethinks Its Dumpster-Diving Ways April 29, 2004, Lisa Vaas,
    68. ^ Swing Shift Column, San Jose Mercury News (San Jose, California) (via Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News) (December , 2000)
    69. ^ "Bugs bust open 'unbreakable' Oracle 9i". February 7, 2002. 
    70. ^ The Register: "Oracle security claim"
    71. ^ The Register: "How to hack unbreakable Oracle"
    72. ^ Oracle list of major Security certifications Oracle list of major Security certifications
    73. ^ Chicago Tribune: "Ashcroft breaks with tradition by lobbying, has earned $269,000"
    74. ^ Commission clears Oracle's proposed acquisition of Sun Microsystems
    75. ^ Vance, Ashlee (September 21, 2010). "Oracle Growth Plans Worry Rivals and Customers". The New York Times. 
    76. ^ Monty Widenius. "Save MySQL!". Retrieved January 31, 2010. "[Signer hereby asks] competition authorities around the world to block Oracle's acquisition of Sun unless one of the structural solutions selected by [signer] below is put in place as a legally binding requirement: (select at least one; all combinations are possible) MySQL must be divested to a suitable third party that can continue to develop it under the GPL. Oracle must commit to a linking exception for applications that use MySQL with the client libraries (for all programming languages), for plugins and libmysqld. MySQL itself remains licensed under the GPL. Oracle must release all past and future versions of MySQL (until December 2012) under the Apache Software License 2.0 or similar permissive license so that developers of applications and derived versions (forks) have flexibility concerning the code." 
    77. ^ Paul, Ryan (April 20, 2009). "Oracle buys Sun: understanding the impact on open source". Ars Technica. Retrieved March 6, 2011. 
    78. ^ Fiveash, Kelly (March 9, 2010). "Open source boss quits Oracle". The Register. 
    79. ^ Paul, Ryan (August 14, 2010). "Oracle's Java lawsuit undermines its open source credibility". Ars Technica. Retrieved March 6, 2011. 
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    82. ^ Justice Department sues Oracle, alleging fraud
    83. ^ Phase Forward Inc – FORM 8-K – August 11, 2010
    84. ^ Oracle's Health Care Power Play
    85. ^ Impact of Oracle Acquisition of Phase Forward
    86. ^ Krazit, Tom (August 12, 2010). "Oracle sues Google over Android and Java | Relevant Results – CNET News". Retrieved July 7, 2011. 
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    89. ^ Sayed Hashimi, Satya Komatineni & Dave MacLean (March 5, 2010). "The History of Google Android". CTO Edge. Retrieved July 7, 2011. 
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    92. ^ Josh Lowensohn (May 23, 2012). "Jury clears Google of infringing on Oracle's patents". ZDNet. Retrieved 2012-05-25. 
    93. ^ Joe Mullin (May 31, 2012). "Google wins crucial API ruling, Oracle’s case decimated". Ars Technica. Retrieved 2012-05-31. 
    94. ^ "Google publicly accuses Apple, Microsoft, Oracle of patent bullying". Retrieved 2011-09-28. 
    95. ^ "Google, needing patents, buys Motorola wireless for $12.5 billion". Retrieved 2011-09-28. 
    96. ^ Letzing, John (January 4, 2012). "Google, Oracle Get Trial Date In Android Patent Dispute". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved January 5, 2012. 
    97. ^ Steven Stallion (August 13, 2010). "OpenSolaris is Dead.". Iconoclastic Tendencies. Retrieved September 7, 2011. 
    98. ^ Michael Larabel (September 10, 2010). "OpenIndiana – Another OpenSolaris Fork – Coming Next Week". Phoronix. Retrieved September 13, 2010. 
    99. ^ a b "Oracle kills OpenSSO Express – ForgeRock steps in – The H Open Source: News and Features". February 24, 2010. Retrieved July 7, 2011. 
    100. ^ Oracle hires former HP's Mark Hurd
    101. ^ Court Filing: HP Civil Complaint Against Mark Hurd
    102. ^ "HP and Oracle Reaffirm Commitment to Long-term Strategic Partnership" (Press release). September 20, 2010. Retrieved September 5, 2011. 
    103. ^ "And So The Exodus Begins – 33 Developers Leave". November 1, 2010. Retrieved July 7, 2011. 
    104. ^ "Oracle Donates OpenOffice to the Apache Software Foundation". ReadWriteWeb. June 1, 2011. Retrieved September 5, 2011. 
    105. ^ Jack Clark, ZDNet UK. "HP unleashes lawyers on Oracle over Itanium support." Jun 16, 2011. Retrieved Jun 17, 2011.
    106. ^ Poornima Gupta and Dan Levine, Reuters. "UPDATE 2-HP's latest lawsuit heightens rivalry with Oracle." Jun 15, 2011. Retrieved Jun 17, 2011.
    107. ^ "HP, Oracle exchange court jabs in escalating Itanium support showdown". ZDNet. July 7, 2011. Retrieved September 5, 2011. 
    108. ^ "Oracle fires back at HP in Itanium suit, doesn't mince words". ZDNet. August 30, 2011. Retrieved September 5, 2011. 
    109. ^ Laura Rich (July 23, 2010). "When it comes to acquistion [sic] plans, it's Oracle vs Oracle". Retrieved March 27, 2011. 
    110. ^ "Trivia for Bicentennial Man". IMDB. Retrieved March 27, 2011. 
    111. ^ "Golden State Warriors, Oracle Reach Arena Naming Rights Agreement". October 20, 2006. 
    112. ^ Shankland, Stephen (February 16, 2010). "Ellison's team wins long-sought sailing trophy". 
    113. ^ Team Oracle Sponsors and Suppliers

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