Startups: Accelerate Your Success with Springboard Mobile

Startup life has radically changed in the last 5 years, with many Founders opting to spend their formative weeks in a mentor-led Accelerator programme. This was pioneered by the likes of TechStars and Y Combinator in the US, but quickly spread to the UK where the basic model was adopted and adapted for local conditions. [...]

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FT Forecasts 60% Readership Mobile by 2020 – Why They Are Wrong

Ronan Shields, New Media Age’s tireless correspondent, writes today that the FT are forecasting that 60% of their readership will be via mobile by 2020. However, I believe that they’re almost certainly wrong about this. What, is Buckley getting cold feet about the rise and rise of mobile? No, not at all – they’re under-estimating [...]

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10 Redundant Ideas for Kids Born Today

If a child is born today, what everyday tech that we take for granted today, will have disappeared by the time they are 10? 10 years isn’t very long in overall historical terms, but in technology, it’s a very long time indeed. Especially as we move up the exponential curve and change gets faster and [...]

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Tweetless in Shanghai

I’m currently in China on a bit of an exploratory trip, meeting various VCs, entrepreneurs, government and academic people. It’s too early to get much of an impression – I’m jetlagged and in a hotel in the western suburbs of Shanghai and about half an hour’s drive through mad traffic from the famous Bund and [...]

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21st Century Careers and the Decimation of the Middle Class Professions

I recently attended a Career’s Evening at my 16 year old daughter’s school. The idea was that parents representing typical middle class professions, such as banking, military, accounting, medicine, law and marketing stood around answering questions from the kids, who ranged in age between 15 and 18. Apart from the odd mobile phone, the scene [...]

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My Dunbar’s Number List

British anthropologist, Robin Dunbar, came up with the idea in a seminal 1992 essay, that the maximum number of stable relationships that a human can cope with is around 150. This is based on the development of the neocortex and also represents the approximate size of social groupings in hunter-gatherer societies. More information at good [...]

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SOS – Support Our Stores

This week, I’ll be speaking at the Guardian’s Mobile Business Summit, which has an excellent line up, as you would expect. If you’re going to be there, please come and say Hi. My session is about mCommerce – no surprises there. But I think we often lose sight of what mCommerce is as it embraces [...]

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Very Creative Spanking

Very Creative Spanking

The School of Communications Arts teaches young people all they need to know about a career in communications, from a Creative in an ad agency to a Suit in a PR agency. Every year, the intake form their very own agency and answer real briefs from genuine clients. They also win awards in competition with [...]

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Bluetooth Marketing – The Truth

I’ve had a bit of a dislike-hate relationship with Bluetooth marketing over the years. I’ve been very critical of Bluespamming – the indiscriminate blasting of a marketing message to all mobiles in the vicinity who happen to have their Bluetooth switched on, as if that was consenting to the spam. I’ve also been pretty sceptical [...]

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Carnival of the Mobilists #249

Check out this month’s Carnival of the Mobilists, which has been finely curated by Francisco Kattan. If you’re not from around these parts, the Carnival collects together the best writing about mobile from the previous month. And jolly good it is too this time. If you write regularly or occasionally, being included is a great [...]

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