
The British Shalom-Salaam Trust (BSST) is a Jewish grant-giving initiative created in response to the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East.

BSST supports projects both within Israel’s 1967 borders (the ‘Green Line’) and the Occupied Territories. We work closely with Palestinians and Israeli Jews committed to a just resolution of the conflict in Israel/Palestine based on equality and mutual respect.

We welcome donations from all, irrespective of religious affiliation.

Donate to BSST

Chair’s Visit to Palestine – March 2012

Six days sounds a very short time, but I managed to meet so many of our partners while in Palestine and Israel and came home once more with renewed vigour for continuing the work of the British Shalom-Salaam Trust. I hope therefore I can encourage YOU to support the Trust.

Can you imagine your home being demolished?  Can you contemplate it being destroyed a second time?  It is beyond our comprehension and yet the whole village of Al Arakib has become a symbol of Bedouin resistance in the Negev because it has been demolished 33 times since July 2010.  A handful of families, citizens of Israel, are hanging on, staying in the cemetery with their few remaining possessions and animals.






even the cemetery has been measured up by the JNF

So why has it been demolished?  It’s so the Jewish National Fund can plant forests.  Attempts are being made by members of the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Rights ( to challenge the situation legally and this is why BSST supports them.

We have also given money to pay for a mobile water tanker for the villagers and Aziz proudly showed it to us. It takes him 7 hours to drive the tanker, hitched to a tractor, 22km to fill it with water each week. There is a Jewish village 2km away but they refuse to sell water to Aziz.






Aziz telling me of the difficulties filling the tanker with water






washing before prayer


Later that day, we donned “We are Al Arakib” T shirts and went with Haia, the CEO of the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Rights to the nearby village of Wadi Al Na’am, for the annual Land Day commemoration – in memory of the land confiscations of 1976, when 6 Bedouin were shot dead protesting.  The meeting, attended by 2000 Bedouin and a group of Israeli Jews, was disciplined and extremely well organised, with speakers from the Knesset amongst the many campaigners.






we are all Al Arakib”







Haia speaking at the Land Day meeting in Waadi Na’am

A fun day out in the forested hills between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv had serious content. This was a seminar on identity and racism, run by Sadaka Reut, Arab Jewish Youth partnership, another recipient of BSST funds ( There were 36 young people, aged 15-16, equal genders and equally divided between Arabs, Jews and members of the black community. There were competitive organised games, followed by discussion groups on the core topics, before a party arranged by the young people themselves.  A representative from Oxfam Israel was evaluating the event and was suitably impressed, as was I.







Bonding games at the Sadaka Reut weekend seminar

The African Refugee Development Centre women’s shelter ( in downtown Tel Aviv is a welcoming place for (mostly Eritrean) women and their children who have had a horrendous time at the hands of exploitative people- smugglers in the Sinai. Most have been raped and arrive pregnant. The rent for the premises is funded by UNWRA and the centre has links with Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, ( provision of medical care, and also a hospital in Tel Aviv which offers terminations without charge. Many women get work in the informal sector and move out with support from ARDC. Demand is very high for places and refugee status process very longwinded and rarely successful. I was very impressed with the work done here and the need but regretfully don’t think this fits BSST’s criteria.  If donors would like to support the centre, we can pass on donations and claim Gift Aid to pass on to ARDC – contact for more information about how to do this.

 “Min El Bahar” means “from the sea” in Arabic.  All of us live near the Mediterranean Sea and our  wish is that the Palestinian who live not far away, could participate with the happiness the sea inspire us.

This is what Rachel told me.  She is one of three wonderful women I had lunch with in Tel Aviv, who met through Machsom Watch and now organise annual Sea Holidays for Palestinian children. See

A project which we don’t yet fund, as it is supported by big donors, is WCLAC, Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling, based in Ramallah. I spent the next day with an amazing woman, Salwa Duaibis, a human rights specialist, who told me about a mental health project they are doing, collecting testimonies from women about the trauma of night raids and arrest and detention of children. Salwa  took me and 2 American visitors, one a psychotherapist who works with trauma patients, and also Gerard Horton, a lawyer from Defence of Children International, ( to visit a Palestinian village, a-Nabi Saleh, where we had coffee in the house of a very articulate mother who lives with her family in the centre of the village.  Her graphic descriptions of the terror and trauma of the disproportionate responses of the Israeli Defence Force to the village’s weekly peaceful demonstrations about the encroachment of their land by the nearby settlement of Halamish left us speechless.






Settlers have given a new Hebrew name to the Al-Kous spring in Nabi Saleh


I hope I have given you enough reasons to re-double YOUR support. Please donate through this website. Thank You.


Gill Yudkin


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Miriam Karlin

We are very sad to report the death, on 3 June 2011, of one of our patrons, Miriam Karlin.

Miriam, who described herself as an atheist and a humanist, was born into an orthodox Jewish family and was a great supporter of our cause.

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Director of the Freedom Theatre killed

On 4 April, Juliano Meir Khanis, Director of the Freedom Theatre in Jenin was shot dead, by, it is believed, a local ‘militant’. The Freedom Theatre was one of our early causes.  As well as raising funds from supporters generally, and actors and directors in particular,  substantial funding for them from was raised from Unity Theatre Trust.

All at BSST send condolences to Juliano’s family, friends and colleagues and condemn utterly this appalling act ,irrespective of who committed it.

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Chair’s visit to Israel/Palestine

Palestine Visit Report March 2011

I have recently returned from Israel/Palestine, visiting projects which BSST supports. I was so excited by what I saw and feel the work BSST is doing is so appropriate and right. I felt truly validated and came away with warmth in my heart having met so many wonderful people doing such good work in appalling circumstances. Our money really does go a long way!  I had chosen a broad variety of projects to visit.

Click here for the full report.


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Help us raise funds by recycling your unwanted jewellery

Recycle, Benefit your Environment

Raise Funds for our Charity

Please donate your unwanted Gold, Silver, Costume Jewellery and Watches

We have come up with a simple way for you to help boost the much needed funds of our charity and benefit your environment. We are running an unwanted Jewellery Recycling Collection.

Please donate any unwanted jewellery towards this recycling appeal;  gold, silver, costume jewellery, watches… Then all your unwanted items can be turned into a donation for us.

You can do a full ”spring clean” of your jewellery box or just give items you no longer wear. Even damaged, broken and incomplete items will help; so all the odd earrings and snapped chains are a great start!

To send your jewellery to us:

  • Parcel up your jewellery and post free of charge to:

The British Shalom – Salaam Trust




If you can, please ask your family, friends and colleagues to participate in this Jewellery Recycling Collection.

Why should I recycle? Recycling reduces the demand for raw materials. This means less mining or quarrying. Many parts of the world have been blighted by mining and quarrying, which destroy the natural environment and wildlife habitats and can cause environmental and health problems for local people. Recycling is one way in which our community can lessen their usage of resources and help protect the environment. Everything you give us is turned into cash for us, recycled and put to good use!

Thank you very much for your support

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During the financial year 2009-10, BSST gave financial support to 27 very varied organisations, including to the St John’s Eye Hospital in Jerusalem for emergency detached retina surgery for patients injured in the assault on Gaza; Bustan Qaraaqa, a grassroots environmental movement in the Palestinian territories which addresses the problem of water shortage, food insecurity and waste management; Jama’ah Leadership Development and Community Empowerment group; the Jenin Cultural centre; Sadaka-Reut community in Action Programme; and the Villages Group school transportation for children of the South Hebron Area.

The projects and the activists especially the women in health and development work that we support represent a roll call of hope. They remind us that, even in these devastating times, there are still many in Israel and Palestine striving to find ways to build bridges, to live peacefully and productively in a shared humanity.

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