Overheard In 10 Million American Households: Bank Account? What Bank Account?

I used to know a guy who kept his money hidden in his home because he didn't trust banks. Like, all of it. He would never tell me where, obviously, guess though I may (Freezer? Under the mattress? Behind the "secret" DVD collection?). He isn't alone — there are 10 million American households that don't have bank accounts, a number that is increasing every day. More »

My Run-In With A Creepy, Scammy Locksmith

You don't need a locksmith right now. That's the best time to look for one, so take some time today to ask your friends and colleagues, search Yelp, and do whatever you can to learn which locksmiths in your area are reliable and reasonable. Then put their numbers in your phone contacts. This will help you in your time of need, so you're not stuck with a scammy, creepy bait-and-switch artist in an emergency situation. That's what happened to Rob's daughter recently in Washington, D.C. More »

Turns Out Regulators Aren’t Too Keen On Ice Cream Shops Going Into The Banking Business

Although federal regulators never caught onto my father's First Bank of Dad, they're totally paying attention to a Pittsburgh man who's set up his own community bank right at his ice cream and coffee shop. He even doles out interest in the form of gift cards to his business, which might go over well with his customers, but there are rules against that sort of thing. More »

Why Don’t More Women Dine At Hooters?

The new leadership at Hooters -- long deemed a restaurant for people who are afraid to be seen at a strip club, and who haven't figured out it's cheaper to just eat at home and watch cable TV -- says it's tired of being a mostly-men joint and wants to make the eatery more appealing to those not drawn in by the allure of women wearing tight T-shirts. More »

It’s Easy To Pay A Semester’s Tuition If You Just Amass Thousands Of Dollars In Mail-Rebates

File this one under "Why didn't I think of that?": A student attending Auburn University to get his PhD figured out a way to cut way down on his tuition expenses by amassing thousands of dollars in rebate checks and prepaid debit cards. After punching in the numbers on anywhere from 200 to 250 debit cards he received as rebate payments along with $1,000 in rebate checks, he'll only have to pay $450 out of pocket for this semester's $4,500 tuition. More »

Ebay: No But Seriously, Our Newly Redesigned Logo Is Totally Different From What It Used To Be

Listen, everyone: you might think that eBay's new logo is pretty much the same as its old one, but really it's totally different and is definitely going to launch the company over its competitors. At least, that's the thinking behind the update, which keeps eBay's signature colors but lines up all the letters in a straight line instead of the previous jumbliness it had going on. More »

Home Depot Leaves Me With A Concrete Condo Floor And An Awful Lot Of Supplies

Navid's idea wasn't bad: he wanted to install wood floors in his condo, and chose to hire installers from the store where he bought the flooring and supplies, Home Depot. This should be a simple transaction: he gives them money, they come over and put floors in his condo. It's just that something that employees assured Navid wouldn't be a problem suddenly became a problem. There's a large dip and some cracks in his subfloor, and Home Depot's original rough estimate for how much it would fix to cost the problem was much lower than it should have been. Navid agreed to pay that expense, and the contractors walked off the job anyway, saying that they wouldn't be able to warranty the work. Now Navid is stuck with a lot of supplies and a ripped-up floor. More »

Those Italians Are Onto Something With Produce-As-Payment Method At Florence Restaurant

Would you give your right arm for a decent meal? If you're in Florence, Italy you can keep all your limbs intact and just hand over some fruits and vegetables in exchange for a restaurant-quality meal. The restaurant is opening later this month, and is using the barter idea to help out customers who might be feeling like they can't dine out in the current cranky economy. And yes, an economy can be cranky. More »

More Uninsured Americans Not Filling Prescriptions, Delaying Doctor’s Visits, Skipping Medical Procedures

While the U.S. economy is arguably inching toward improvement, costs for health insurance continue to climb. Combined with still-high unemployment and a growing number of employers requiring employees to pay a larger share of their insurance premiums, and there are a lot of uninsured and under-insured Americans out there. And according to the Consumer Reports annual prescription drug poll, a growing number of these people are going without needed care or medication. More »

Beef Company Still Cranky About That Whole Pink Slime Thing, Sues ABC News

Beef Products Inc. still has a bee in its bonnet about that tiny little pink slime controversy and it's blaming ABC News for starting the media campaign against it. It's feeling defamed to the tune of $1.2 billion and is suing the news network for publishing 200 "false and disparaging statements" about its lean finely textured beef product. More »