
WNYC Street Shots: Joe Wigfall
Joe Wigfall can see with his hands. Never lifting his camera to his eye, he shoots hundred...
published: 10 Jul 2008
author: wnycradio
WNYC Street Shots: Joe Wigfall
Joe Wigfall can see with his hands. Never lifting his camera to his eye, he shoots hundreds of photos during his lunch hour or walking to the train after work. A true artist, Joe brings a bit of himself into each of his photographs. He's the winner of WNYC's Street Shots Challenge. Produced by Benjamen Walker and Andrea Silenzi for WNYC Culture More videos: www.wnyc.org

Patrick Watson at WNYC for NPR Music
The Montreal-based musician performs "Beijing," "Big Bird In A Small World&...
published: 11 May 2009
author: nprmusic
Patrick Watson at WNYC for NPR Music
The Montreal-based musician performs "Beijing," "Big Bird In A Small World" and "Wooden Arms" at the WNYC studios in New York City. Watson's stunning, romantic voice soars above the guitars and highly orchestrated melodies amid a driving pulse of precise piano work. Meanwhile, Kuster's clattering percussion is crisply performed on snare drums, marimbas and household pots turned upside-down. It's an inspired sound from a great young artist. Find more at www.npr.org

Laura Marling "Night After Night" on WNYC's Spinning On Air
British songwriter Laura Marling performs "Night After Night" a song from her al...
published: 31 Aug 2011
author: SpinningOnAir
Laura Marling "Night After Night" on WNYC's Spinning On Air
British songwriter Laura Marling performs "Night After Night" a song from her album "A Creature I Don't Know," in New York City on WNYC's Spinning On Air with David Garland, for an in-studio session broadcast Sept. 4, 2011. Listen to the whole show at www.wnyc.org/shows/spinning/2011/sep/04 Check youtube.com/spinningonair for more new songs by Laura Marling. Song copyright 2011 by Laura Marling. Music mix and video by David Garland. Video recorded June 13, 2011. More info at wnyc.org, spinningonair.org

WNYC Street Shots: Jake Dobkin
An internet professional by day, Jake Dobkin's alter ego on nights and weekends is Blu...
published: 30 May 2008
author: wnycradio
WNYC Street Shots: Jake Dobkin
An internet professional by day, Jake Dobkin's alter ego on nights and weekends is Blue Jake, a photoblogger whose work chronicles the changing face of New York City. Produced by Benjamen Walker and Andrea Silenzi for WNYC Culture More videos: www.wnyc.org

Street Shots Bruce Gilden www.facebook.com/ShaunMclean6645
www.shootme-events.com Please add me as a friend on FaceBook www.facebook.com...
published: 27 Dec 2009
author: madshaunyboy
Street Shots Bruce Gilden www.facebook.com/ShaunMclean6645
www.shootme-events.com Please add me as a friend on FaceBook www.facebook.com

Matt Taibbi on Goldman Sachs
Listen to the entire interview here. audio.wnyc.org Goldman Sachs posted records profits i...
published: 31 Jul 2009
author: wnycradio
Matt Taibbi on Goldman Sachs
Listen to the entire interview here. audio.wnyc.org Goldman Sachs posted records profits in the second quarter of this year. Matt Taibbi, political reporter for Rolling Stone argues in "The Great American Bubble Machine" that the investment bank has been involved in every major market shift going back to the Great Depression.

Dark Dark Dark "In Your Dreams" on WNYC's Spinning On Air
Dark Dark Dark performs "In Your Dreams" in New York City on WNYC's Spinning...
published: 04 Nov 2010
author: SpinningOnAir
Dark Dark Dark "In Your Dreams" on WNYC's Spinning On Air
Dark Dark Dark performs "In Your Dreams" in New York City on WNYC's Spinning On Air with David Garland, for an in-studio session broadcast Nov. 7, 2010. Download the whole show for free at www.wnyc.org/shows/spinning/2010/nov/07/ . Music copyright 2010 by Dark Dark Dark. Video by David Garland. More info at wnyc.org, spinningonair.org

"Christain Marclay: Festival" with Anthony Coleman playing "Shuffle, 2007"
For more on "Chalkboard" visit: www.wqxr.org Christian Marclay's "Festi...
published: 10 Aug 2010
author: wnycradio
"Christain Marclay: Festival" with Anthony Coleman playing "Shuffle, 2007"
For more on "Chalkboard" visit: www.wqxr.org Christian Marclay's "Festival," currently on view at The Whitney, includes "Chalkboard, 2010," a blackboard with musical staffs. Chalk and erasers are provided and visitors are encouraged to make their mark. Composer and pianist Anthony Coleman visited the exhibit to perform Marclay's "Shuffle, 2007" a series of 72 cards printed with pictures of musical notes assembled by Marclay. Here is an excerpt.

Mona Eltahawy Reacts to Resignation of Mubarak
During a special Brian Lehrer Show in WNYC's Greene Space, journalist and activist Mon...
published: 11 Feb 2011
author: wnycradio
Mona Eltahawy Reacts to Resignation of Mubarak
During a special Brian Lehrer Show in WNYC's Greene Space, journalist and activist Mona Eltahawy reacts to the breaking news that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resigned. This video is from minutes after the announcement. For full audio and video of the event, visit It's A Free Country, WNYC's political website. www.wnyc.org

Musicians@Google: WNYC's Radiolab + Zoë Keating
Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, hosts of WNYC's 'Radiolab', join avant-cellis...
published: 07 Apr 2011
author: AtGoogleTalks
Musicians@Google: WNYC's Radiolab + Zoë Keating
Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, hosts of WNYC's 'Radiolab', join avant-cellist Zoë Keating for a discussion on the creative process. For more information about WNYC's Radiolab, please visit radiolab.org For more information about Zoë Keating, please visit http This event took place on March 25, 2011 at The Googleplex in Mountain View, CA.

WNYC Cityscapes: Gowanus Sponge Parks Explained
www.wnyc.org This is a video diary from Stephen Cassell, a principal at Architecture Resea...
published: 01 May 2009
author: wnycradio
WNYC Cityscapes: Gowanus Sponge Parks Explained
www.wnyc.org This is a video diary from Stephen Cassell, a principal at Architecture Research Office (ARO). He's with his friend, Susannah Drake, principal at dlandstudio. There's a whole lot more from Stephen and other architects on our website.During the last construction boom the New York cityscape changed radically. There are new buildings, new parks, new landmarks and a lot of unfinished condos. The financial crisis has powered down the cranes, and WNYC is taking advantage of this moment to look around and examine how much the city has changed, and where it's heading next. www.wnyc.org

DEERHOOF experiments with sheet music
The band Deerhoof has leaked a song from their upcoming album Offend Maggie in the form of...
published: 22 Jul 2008
author: wnycradio
DEERHOOF experiments with sheet music
The band Deerhoof has leaked a song from their upcoming album Offend Maggie in the form of sheet music, asking their fans to tell them how it should sound. WNYC Culture has stepped up to their challenge, creating an interpretation of the song relying solely on the sight-reading abilities of Deerhoof fans at their recent Prospect Park performance. Deerhoof has always been wary of calling their work Experimental Music, perhaps this "experiment" will change that. Find out. And hear more from Deerhoof at www.wnyc.org Produced by Benjamen Walker and Andrea Silenzi for WNYC Culture

Tales From Your Parents' Divorce: WNYC and The Civilians Want Your Stories!
In our first webisode, we ask, "Was there an object you fought over?" For more o...
published: 27 Apr 2010
author: wnycradio
Tales From Your Parents' Divorce: WNYC and The Civilians Want Your Stories!
In our first webisode, we ask, "Was there an object you fought over?" For more on The Civilians' divorce tales: culture.wnyc.org

WNYC-TV - Video Music Box opening - 1989
This is the classic opening sequence of the groundbreaking program "Video Music Box&q...;
published: 17 Jul 2006
author: RolloSmokes
WNYC-TV - Video Music Box opening - 1989
This is the classic opening sequence of the groundbreaking program "Video Music Box", which began in 1983 on WNYC-TV (the old channel 31, now called WPXN-TV) in New York City. "VMB" ran on channel 31 until 1996, when when the program moved to WNYE-TV (channel 25) after WNYC-TV was sold by the City of New York. This opening was recorded off-air from WNYC-TV in 1989. This clip starts off with a promo for the British comedy "Shelley", one of many such programs aired on channel 31 at the time. After the station identification, Ralph McDaniels welcomes us to "New York's number one video show". The classic opening montage, which is soundtracked by the instrumental version of Whodini's "Five Minutes of Funk", features the following clips: -- Breakdancers -- "You Talk Too Much", Run DMC -- "Stick 'Em", The Fat Boys -- LL Cool J -- "Sun City" with Bruce Springsteen and former Temptations David Ruffin and Eddie Kendricks -- "Kiss", Prince and the Revolution -- "Once in a Lifetime", Talking Heads -- "And She Was", Talking Heads -- "Dress You Up", Madonna -- "Take on Me", A-ha -- Jimi Hendrix -- James Brown performing on "American Bandstand" -- Bob Marley -- "Who Do You Love", Bernard Wright -- breakdancing clip from "Beat Street" Yes, most of us remember "Video Music Box" as a Hip-Hop and R&B show, but the opening recalls its early eclectic format and the overall black music origins of Hip-Hop. Thanks to "pachwi25" for naming everyone in the montage.

WNYC Street Shots: Sandra Roa
Sandra Roa grew up along the 7 train in Jackson Heights, Queens. When she returned to take...
published: 19 May 2008
author: wnycradio
WNYC Street Shots: Sandra Roa
Sandra Roa grew up along the 7 train in Jackson Heights, Queens. When she returned to take photographs, she was drawn to los jornaleros, day laborers, who congregate on Roosevelt Avenue. She uses photographs, audio and video to document their stories. Produced by Benjamen Walker and Andrea Silenzi for WNYC Culture More videos: www.wnyc.org

WNYC/NPR's Radio Lab presents Parabolas (etc.)
Radio Lab presents: Parabolas (etc.) A video inspired by the mathematician, Steve Strogatz...
published: 12 Jan 2009
author: Radi0Lab
WNYC/NPR's Radio Lab presents Parabolas (etc.)
Radio Lab presents: Parabolas (etc.) A video inspired by the mathematician, Steve Strogatz. At the age of thirteen, Steve was astonished to find that pendulums and water fountains had a strange relationship that had previously been completely hidden from him. www.radiolab.org Radio Lab is produced by WNYC Radio and distributed by NPR. Directed by Will Hoffman (http with Director of Photography Derek Paul Boyle (www.dpboyle.com).

WNYC Street Shots: Bruce Gilden
Hunting for characters on the Streets of New York City with Magnum Photographer Bruce Gild...
published: 15 May 2008
author: wnycradio
WNYC Street Shots: Bruce Gilden
Hunting for characters on the Streets of New York City with Magnum Photographer Bruce Gilden. Visit WNYC's Street Shots for more videos and a chance to share your own Street photographs. Produced by Benjamen Walker and Andrea Silenzi for WNYC Culture More videos: www.wnyc.org

Sad Chihuahuas and Your WNYC ChicoBag Sling: They Just Go Together!
secure.wnyc.org Make a secure pledge at WNYC.org and get your WNYC Sling by Chicobag today...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: wnycradio
Sad Chihuahuas and Your WNYC ChicoBag Sling: They Just Go Together!
secure.wnyc.org Make a secure pledge at WNYC.org and get your WNYC Sling by Chicobag today! Starring TrisQuit & BisQuit the rescued chihuahuas!

David Thomas Broughton on WNYC's Spinning On Air
British songwriter David Thomas Broughton performs with Viking Moses (Brendon Massei, pian...
published: 24 Mar 2011
author: SpinningOnAir
David Thomas Broughton on WNYC's Spinning On Air
British songwriter David Thomas Broughton performs with Viking Moses (Brendon Massei, piano) in New York City on WNYC's Spinning On Air with David Garland, for an in-studio session broadcast March. 27, 2011. Listen to the whole show at www.wnyc.org/shows/spinning/2011/mar/27/ Music copyright 2011 by David Thomas Broughton. Video by David Garland. More info at wnyc.org, spinningonair.org

Bruce Gilden - WNYC Street Photography Project.
Gilden's curiosity about strong characters and individual peculiarities has been prese...
published: 09 May 2010
author: LeicaCameraRu
Bruce Gilden - WNYC Street Photography Project.
Gilden's curiosity about strong characters and individual peculiarities has been present from the beginning of his career. Gilden has also worked in New Orleans, Haiti, and Japan. He is a member of the Magnum photography agency. He likes to work close, and he gets closer the older he gets. www.wnyc.org

Airport Avatar Demonstration
New computerized, talking avatars will soon dispense information at LaGuardia Airport....
published: 21 May 2012
author: wnycradio
Airport Avatar Demonstration
New computerized, talking avatars will soon dispense information at LaGuardia Airport.

Van Dyke Parks "Heroes and Villains" on WNYC's Spinning On Air
Van Dyke Parks performs "Heroes and Villains" with Clare and the Reasons in New ...
published: 07 Oct 2010
author: SpinningOnAir
Van Dyke Parks "Heroes and Villains" on WNYC's Spinning On Air
Van Dyke Parks performs "Heroes and Villains" with Clare and the Reasons in New York City on WNYC's Spinning On Air with David Garland, for an in-studio session broadcast Oct. 10, 2010. Check youtube.com/spinningonair for Van Dyke Parks performing "The All Golden." Song by Van Dyke Parks and Brian Wilson. Video by David Garland. More info at wnyc.org, spinningonair.org