American Idols Live! Tour 2008
Don't miss your top 10 idols live this summer when they come to a city near you!...
published: 22 May 2008
author: aeglive
American Idols LIVE! Tour 2008 - Prudential Center
Season 7 American Idols performed on the American Idols Live Tour - July 31, 2008 at the P...
published: 14 Dec 2011
author: Joyed3650
American Idol Live Tour 08-Getting to know the Idols!
We got tickets to the meet and greet before the show and backstage passes afterwards :D th...
published: 05 Sep 2008
author: gracers47
American Idols Live Tour 2008
American Idols Live at the Jobing.com Arena in Glendale, AZ on Tuesday, July 1, 2008. Davi...
published: 02 Jul 2008
Brooke White - "Let it Be" - American Idols Live Tour 2008
Brooke performing "Let it Be" at the Portland, Oregon show on July 11....
published: 13 Jul 2008
Jason Castro - "Daydream" - American Idols Live Tour 2008
Jason performing "Daydream" at the Portland, Oregon show on July 11....
published: 13 Jul 2008
David Cook, American Idols Live Tour 2008, Hartford, CT.
AEG Live presents - American Idols Live 2008 at the XL Center Hartford, CT. August 8, 2008...
published: 13 Aug 2008
American Idol's Live Tour 2008
Interviews with 5 of the 10 American idol finalists before the concert in Atlantic City....
published: 26 Sep 2008
author: KSal523
American Idols Live Tour 2008 Ramiele Malubay Pittsburgh, PA
Ramiele Malubay sings "If I never See Your Face Again" on the 2008 American Idols live tou...
published: 30 Jul 2008
author: thunder1892
American Idols Live Tour 2008 - Michael Johns
Again, the loved aussie performing Dream On as part of the American Idols Live! Tour....
published: 30 Aug 2008
author: LJDavis08
David Cook - "Billie Jean" - American Idols Live Tour 2008
David performing "Billie Jean" at the Portland, Oregon show on July 11. My camera's memory...
published: 14 Jul 2008
American Idol Live Tour 2008: Syesha Mercado 1
Syesha singing Rihanna's "Umbrella." I would of gotten the whole thing, but some dude inte...
published: 08 Aug 2008
American Idol Live Tour 2008: David Archuleta "Apologize"
Sorry I did not upload earlier. I was at Italy. Anyway, for the ladies who love David Arch...
published: 22 Aug 2008
[American Idol Live Tour '08] David Archuleta - WYSYLM
American Idol Live Tour 2008 Arco Arena Sacramento (7/9/2008) This is one of my favorite s...
published: 11 Jul 2008
author: alicefong89
Vimeo results:
Alessandro Bavari: Camera Tremula 1, Noise Melange, XYZ Ocula Depth Fulvio Sturniolo: Came...
published: 21 Oct 2010
Avalanche Skier POV Helmet Cam Burial & Rescue in Haines, Alaska
In April of 2008 I drove from Lake Tahoe to Haines, Alaska up the Al-Can highway through B...
published: 14 Sep 2009
author: Chappy
Percebeiros (Sea Bites) 1920x1080
http://www.enpiedeguerra.tv/percebeiros/ (12 min) Corto documental dirigido por David Ber...
published: 03 Dec 2011
Please visit the site below if you view this and show your support. http://www.noneofusar...
published: 16 May 2008
author: Scott Denton

Youtube results:
Carly Smithson American Idols Live Tour 2008 Pittsburgh PA
Carly Smithson sings "Bring Me to Life" at the American Idols Live Tour 2008 in Pittsburgh...
published: 31 Jul 2008
author: thunder1892
Kristy Lee Cook American Idols Live Tour 2008
Kristy Lee Cook sings "God Bless The USA" at the American Idols Live Tour in Pittsburgh, P...
published: 31 Jul 2008
author: thunder1892
David Cook - "Hello" - American Idols Live Tour 2008
David performing "Hello" at the Portland, Oregon show on July 11. He performed like such a...
published: 14 Jul 2008
American Idols Live Tour 2008 - David Cook - Time of My Life
I went to the American Idols Live Tour 2008 on August 31st in Minneapolis, MN at the Targe...
published: 25 Feb 2009
author: Niki Snyder