Labor Zionism and the CFR
Leftist elites control most of Israels academic institutions, mainstream political parties...
published: 03 Aug 2010
author: telaviv99
Labor Zionism and the CFR
Leftist elites control most of Israels academic institutions, mainstream political parties, the supreme court and the media. No matter how the people of Israel votes; the Prime Minister and governing coalition always ends up participating in the destructive "peace" process that demand Israel give up the settlements in Judea/Samaria. The elitists set policy, not the individual political parties; and these Israeli elitists are cooperating with globalist political organizations to bring the internationalist agenda to Israel
Br. Nathanael the Baptist: the "Frankist Sabbataian Papal-loyal Masonic Labor Zionists?"
Or the "unamable of names": Zionist Jews. "Genesis 4:15; And the LORD said ...
published: 06 May 2010
author: zionistpuppetheater
Br. Nathanael the Baptist: the "Frankist Sabbataian Papal-loyal Masonic Labor Zionists?"
Or the "unamable of names": Zionist Jews. "Genesis 4:15; And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him." This verse proves that Cain and his descendants, which are the modern Edomite Khazar mixes who call themselves Jews, are protected by Yahweh, even their false name "Jew" is not even said, or said with great fear or respect. They are protected by Yahweh so that Edom/"Jews "could be used as a punishment against True Israel, for Edom's Yoke is now upon us all. A misinformed person wrote: "How anyone can think that the Rothschilds are the pinnacle of power is beyond me. Very powerful? Yes. The mind behind the all-seeing eye? No way. We have to look much deeper beyond these Kabbalistically-minded businessmen. While not wishing to diminish the truth about their influence, we must keep things in perspective." Why don't you stop listening to shill sockpuppets, look around at the crimes of the Zionist Jews, and then read the facts and history if you have the guts to do so, and you'll find out where all roads lead to, and who the west is kowtowing to: Zionist Jews Zion. Here's your perspective: www.realjewnews.com More quality information www.iamthewitness.com
ISRAEL MUSIC HISTORY Zionist Labor Movement 19th Century "Techezakna " ביאליק ברכת עם
ISRAEL MUSIC HISTORY www.4law.co.il...
published: 18 Mar 2010
author: boazgu2
ISRAEL MUSIC HISTORY Zionist Labor Movement 19th Century "Techezakna " ביאליק ברכת עם
Evolution of the Revolution
Israel is home to one of the most successful socialist societies ever to have been created...
published: 18 Mar 2010
author: BlueStar96Jessie
Evolution of the Revolution
Israel is home to one of the most successful socialist societies ever to have been created. The Kibbutz began as a venture to bring into fruition the ideas of labor Zionism, the movement to bring Jews back to the land. AD Gordon, a prominent Labor Zionist said, The Jewish people has been completely cut off from nature and imprisoned within city walls for two thousand years. We lack the principal ingredient for national life. We lack the habit of labor for it is labor which binds a people to its soil and to its national culture. Rather than remain stagnant, the revolution that is the Kibbutz has continually changed and morphed over the past century. Evolution of the Revolution is our understanding of the changing atmosphere of the kibbutz and the larger implications for the kibbutznicks. Produced by Write On For Israel/San Francisco teen participants www.bluestarpr.com
Cast a Giant Shadow: American Jews Should Work for Israel
United Artists had a fair amount of success with Exodus and tried once again with Cast a G...
published: 11 Jun 2012
author: ThorsRashidProvoni
Cast a Giant Shadow: American Jews Should Work for Israel
United Artists had a fair amount of success with Exodus and tried once again with Cast a Giant Shadow (1966, UA). This movie gives the story of Colonel Mickey Marcus, who was recruited by the Haganah, the Labor Zionist militia, to provide operational expertise. Marcus conveniently dies in 1948 so that the film can have the typical ending for films of nation creation. The movie lectures the viewer in the standard Labor Zionist הסברה but goes one step beyond Exodus to argue that American Ashkenazim should serve Israeli interests. The beginning of the movie is worth watching. It goes through all the standard Zionist propaganda that is still repeated in American schools, universities and media to this day. It portrays the Ashkenazi settlement as outnumbered although it was not. It claims Arab leaders made statements that are mostly impossible to verify. It claims that the Ashkenazim had no place to go even though the Ashkenazi displaced persons could have been resettled fairly easily within a few years while most of the Ashkenazi settlers in Palestine would probably have been happy for the colony to be dismantled. Major Safir, the Zionist emissary, makes the obligatory emotional pitch about the threat to the Ashkenazim in Palestine so that Marcus will only react reflexively rather than think rationally about the claims Safir makes because otherwise a little reflection might have lead to the revelation that the native population has just as much claim to liberty and justice as <b>...</b>
Zionists join the Occupy movement
Sorry that there isn't any music in this video....
published: 07 Jan 2012
author: leftwingersunited
Zionists join the Occupy movement
Sorry that there isn't any music in this video.
The Vatican & Zionists work together. The Jesuits are far more powerful the the 13 bloodlines
What we MUST understand that Zionism was created by The Jesuits based on Jesuit created Fu...
published: 11 May 2012
author: WeAreONEbigFamily
The Vatican & Zionists work together. The Jesuits are far more powerful the the 13 bloodlines
What we MUST understand that Zionism was created by The Jesuits based on Jesuit created Futurism, now hold on , There are a small amount of masonic Zionist labor Jews in the Jesuit order BUT they do NOT control it , since 1946 the ban on Jews in the Jesuit order was lifted (That was right after ww2) So The Zionist Movement is indirectly controlled by the Vatican and they work highly together in achieving a NWO. We could say That Christian Zionism is the result of their cooperation. Many Powerful Zionists are in The CFR , Club of Rome and Vatican Knighthoods and thus even a small amount in The Jesuit order. The Jesuit Order was created by The Papal Bloodlines in 1534 based on (Los Alumbrados = The Enlightened Ones = Illuminati)) to counter the Protestant Reformation. Today The Jesuit Order controls it all , The Papal Bloodlines advice The Jesuit general but nothing more. Zionism based on Futurism was invented in Rome by Jesuits Francisco Ribera and Manuel Lacunza. This false "alternative" biblical view was later sold by Edward Irving. Almost all "Protestant" churches now teach this Jesuit view, foresaking Reformation theology. They needed an "alternative" to get peoples eyes off the Roman Papacy that the Protestants identified as the 1st Beast of Rev. 13. Romes "Mark" is Sun-day worship, even they admit it PROOF JESUITS CREATED ZIONISM www.youtube.com Watch:Onward, Christian Zionists www.youtube.com History lesson , Jesuits and the Vatican www.youtube.com Eustace Mullins <b>...</b>
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.1of7
Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vatic...
published: 26 May 2012
author: cip1881
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.1of7
Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vaticanassassins.org . Labor Zionists: Well done Brother Alan! Your video is full of wonderful pictures for the Bible-believing student of the Jesuit Order. Keep up your most essential work in exposing the devil's Jesuit Power that has ruined the Reformation in your beloved Scotland! For we must not forget that it was the Scottish Covenant/ Presbyterians who began the revolt against Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor King Charles I. That righteous revolt against absolute tyranny gave rise to the English Parliament breaking with the king and, led by our beloved Oliver Cromwell, uniting with the Presbyterians during the first years of the Puritan Revolution/English Civil Wars (1642-1651). May we never forget the Presbyterian and Puritan-Baptist Independent victory over Roman Catholic Charles I at Naseby and Marston Moor!!! Presbyterians and Baptist Calvinists would again unite to fight against another Jesuit-ruled English tyrant—King George III! II. Revisionist Zionists This group was led by Vladimir Jabotinsky ("the Lone Wolf") , a Polish Hebrew patriot who genuinely sought to establish a Hebrew/Jewish nation for the benefit of the Jews living therein. He had the courage to attempt to save the Jews of Poland from their approaching fate at the hands of Jesuit coadjutors Hitler and Stalin, but was resisted by Masonic Jewish Labor Zionist David Ben-Gurion who insisted that millions of Polish Jews must <b>...</b>
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.2 of 7
Pt.2 - The History of the Jesuits (Excellent Lecture) Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black...
published: 26 May 2012
author: cip1881
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.2 of 7
Pt.2 - The History of the Jesuits (Excellent Lecture) Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vaticanassassins.org . Labor Zionists: Well done Brother Alan! Your video is full of wonderful pictures for the Bible-believing student of the Jesuit Order. Keep up your most essential work in exposing the devil's Jesuit Power that has ruined the Reformation in your beloved Scotland! For we must not forget that it was the Scottish Covenant/ Presbyterians who began the revolt against Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor King Charles I. That righteous revolt against absolute tyranny gave rise to the English Parliament breaking with the king and, led by our beloved Oliver Cromwell, uniting with the Presbyterians during the first years of the Puritan Revolution/English Civil Wars (1642-1651). May we never forget the Presbyterian and Puritan-Baptist Independent victory over Roman Catholic Charles I at Naseby and Marston Moor!!! Presbyterians and Baptist Calvinists would again unite to fight against another Jesuit-ruled English tyrant—King George III! II. Revisionist Zionists This group was led by Vladimir Jabotinsky ("the Lone Wolf") , a Polish Hebrew patriot who genuinely sought to establish a Hebrew/Jewish nation for the benefit of the Jews living therein. He had the courage to attempt to save the Jews of Poland from their approaching fate at the hands of Jesuit coadjutors Hitler and Stalin, but was resisted by Masonic Jewish Labor Zionist David Ben <b>...</b>
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.3 of 7
Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vatic...
published: 26 May 2012
author: cip1881
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.3 of 7
Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vaticanassassins.org . Labor Zionists: Well done Brother Alan! Your video is full of wonderful pictures for the Bible-believing student of the Jesuit Order. Keep up your most essential work in exposing the devil's Jesuit Power that has ruined the Reformation in your beloved Scotland! For we must not forget that it was the Scottish Covenant/ Presbyterians who began the revolt against Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor King Charles I. That righteous revolt against absolute tyranny gave rise to the English Parliament breaking with the king and, led by our beloved Oliver Cromwell, uniting with the Presbyterians during the first years of the Puritan Revolution/English Civil Wars (1642-1651). May we never forget the Presbyterian and Puritan-Baptist Independent victory over Roman Catholic Charles I at Naseby and Marston Moor!!! Presbyterians and Baptist Calvinists would again unite to fight against another Jesuit-ruled English tyrant—King George III! II. Revisionist Zionists This group was led by Vladimir Jabotinsky ("the Lone Wolf") , a Polish Hebrew patriot who genuinely sought to establish a Hebrew/Jewish nation for the benefit of the Jews living therein. He had the courage to attempt to save the Jews of Poland from their approaching fate at the hands of Jesuit coadjutors Hitler and Stalin, but was resisted by Masonic Jewish Labor Zionist David Ben-Gurion who insisted that millions of Polish Jews must <b>...</b>
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.4 of 7
Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vatic...
published: 26 May 2012
author: cip1881
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.4 of 7
Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vaticanassassins.org . Labor Zionists: Well done Brother Alan! Your video is full of wonderful pictures for the Bible-believing student of the Jesuit Order. Keep up your most essential work in exposing the devil's Jesuit Power that has ruined the Reformation in your beloved Scotland! For we must not forget that it was the Scottish Covenant/ Presbyterians who began the revolt against Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor King Charles I. That righteous revolt against absolute tyranny gave rise to the English Parliament breaking with the king and, led by our beloved Oliver Cromwell, uniting with the Presbyterians during the first years of the Puritan Revolution/English Civil Wars (1642-1651). May we never forget the Presbyterian and Puritan-Baptist Independent victory over Roman Catholic Charles I at Naseby and Marston Moor!!! Presbyterians and Baptist Calvinists would again unite to fight against another Jesuit-ruled English tyrant—King George III! II. Revisionist Zionists This group was led by Vladimir Jabotinsky ("the Lone Wolf") , a Polish Hebrew patriot who genuinely sought to establish a Hebrew/Jewish nation for the benefit of the Jews living therein. He had the courage to attempt to save the Jews of Poland from their approaching fate at the hands of Jesuit coadjutors Hitler and Stalin, but was resisted by Masonic Jewish Labor Zionist David Ben-Gurion who insisted that millions of Polish Jews must <b>...</b>
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.5 of 7
Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vatic...
published: 26 May 2012
author: cip1881
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.5 of 7
Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vaticanassassins.org . Labor Zionists: Well done Brother Alan! Your video is full of wonderful pictures for the Bible-believing student of the Jesuit Order. Keep up your most essential work in exposing the devil's Jesuit Power that has ruined the Reformation in your beloved Scotland! For we must not forget that it was the Scottish Covenant/ Presbyterians who began the revolt against Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor King Charles I. That righteous revolt against absolute tyranny gave rise to the English Parliament breaking with the king and, led by our beloved Oliver Cromwell, uniting with the Presbyterians during the first years of the Puritan Revolution/English Civil Wars (1642-1651). May we never forget the Presbyterian and Puritan-Baptist Independent victory over Roman Catholic Charles I at Naseby and Marston Moor!!! Presbyterians and Baptist Calvinists would again unite to fight against another Jesuit-ruled English tyrant—King George III! II. Revisionist Zionists This group was led by Vladimir Jabotinsky ("the Lone Wolf") , a Polish Hebrew patriot who genuinely sought to establish a Hebrew/Jewish nation for the benefit of the Jews living therein. He had the courage to attempt to save the Jews of Poland from their approaching fate at the hands of Jesuit coadjutors Hitler and Stalin, but was resisted by Masonic Jewish Labor Zionist David Ben-Gurion who insisted that millions of Polish Jews must <b>...</b>
Jewish Labor.mpg
The concept of Jewish Labor was the cornerstone of Labor Zionism, a movement which, by 193...
published: 24 Nov 2011
author: irapweiss
Jewish Labor.mpg
The concept of Jewish Labor was the cornerstone of Labor Zionism, a movement which, by 1930 had eclipsed political Zionism in Palestine.
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.6 of 7
Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vatic...
published: 26 May 2012
author: cip1881
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.6 of 7
Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vaticanassassins.org . Labor Zionists: Well done Brother Alan! Your video is full of wonderful pictures for the Bible-believing student of the Jesuit Order. Keep up your most essential work in exposing the devil's Jesuit Power that has ruined the Reformation in your beloved Scotland! For we must not forget that it was the Scottish Covenant/ Presbyterians who began the revolt against Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor King Charles I. That righteous revolt against absolute tyranny gave rise to the English Parliament breaking with the king and, led by our beloved Oliver Cromwell, uniting with the Presbyterians during the first years of the Puritan Revolution/English Civil Wars (1642-1651). May we never forget the Presbyterian and Puritan-Baptist Independent victory over Roman Catholic Charles I at Naseby and Marston Moor!!! Presbyterians and Baptist Calvinists would again unite to fight against another Jesuit-ruled English tyrant—King George III! II. Revisionist Zionists This group was led by Vladimir Jabotinsky ("the Lone Wolf") , a Polish Hebrew patriot who genuinely sought to establish a Hebrew/Jewish nation for the benefit of the Jews living therein. He had the courage to attempt to save the Jews of Poland from their approaching fate at the hands of Jesuit coadjutors Hitler and Stalin, but was resisted by Masonic Jewish Labor Zionist David Ben-Gurion who insisted that millions of Polish Jews must <b>...</b>
Occupy Wallstreet Exposed by Nonconformity Live part 6 of 6
Lenin preached: workers rights, equality, harmony, peace, all by government (not possible)...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: TriStateTrimworks
Occupy Wallstreet Exposed by Nonconformity Live part 6 of 6
Lenin preached: workers rights, equality, harmony, peace, all by government (not possible). Individualism is king. By 1917 Lenin gave revolution more momentum till the October revolution. Bulshavic revolution= red terror= exterminated 100 MILLION Ukrainian starvation and genocide. Mau sa tung. People that preach peace are the best at mass murder. Labor Zionism= labor movements. Labor unions = corrupt socialism enterprises. Theodore Hurtzel, Shime Weinsman. 1948 Arab Israeli war. Protesters are fodder. George Soros. slut walk. feminism movement created by Betty freedan. Radical women's groups in Russia in 1917. Labor Zionism. jewish review, maurice freedman, sanda feldman, andrew stern, morton bar, larry coen, bruce reiner, carol rothman, alan leshner, kirk godfree, eric j wasserman, harvey silvergade, harvey heinburg, robert sternburg, terry mitsray. Jeremy weinstein, joel venue. The Zionist Occupation of Wallstreet. New York City Socialist website. Greater New York Marxism Conference. Agenda 21. Labor & community organizations. NYCsocialist.org, fall 2012 greater new york Marxism conference. Vladamere lenin- a lie told often enough becomes the truth.
Occupy Wallstreet Exposed by Nonconformity Live part 2 of 6
Lenin preached: workers rights, equality, harmony, peace, all by government (not possible)...
published: 15 Mar 2012
author: TriStateTrimworks
Occupy Wallstreet Exposed by Nonconformity Live part 2 of 6
Lenin preached: workers rights, equality, harmony, peace, all by government (not possible). Individualism is king. By 1917 Lenin gave revolution more momentum till the October revolution. Bulshavic revolution= red terror= exterminated 100 MILLION Ukrainian starvation and genocide. Mau sa tung. People that preach peace are the best at mass murder. Labor Zionism= labor movements. Labor unions = corrupt socialism enterprises. Theodore Hurtzel, Shime Weinsman. 1948 Arab Israeli war. Protesters are fodder. George Soros. slut walk. feminism movement created by Betty freedan. Radical women's groups in Russia in 1917. Labor Zionism. jewish review, maurice freedman, sanda feldman, andrew stern, morton bar, larry coen, bruce reiner, carol rothman, alan leshner, kirk godfree, eric j wasserman, harvey silvergade, harvey heinburg, robert sternburg, terry mitsray. Jeremy weinstein, joel venue. The Zionist Occupation of Wallstreet. New York City Socialist website. Greater New York Marxism Conference. Agenda 21. Labor & community organizations. NYCsocialist.org, fall 2012 greater new york Marxism conference. Vladamere lenin- a lie told often enough becomes the truth.
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.7 of 7
Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vatic...
published: 26 May 2012
author: cip1881
The History of the New world order , Jesuits ,the pope and Rome (Excellent Lecture) Pt.7 of 7
Excellent SPOT-ON Lecture! The Black Pope: www.vaticanassassins.org Freemasonry: www.vaticanassassins.org . Labor Zionists: Well done Brother Alan! Your video is full of wonderful pictures for the Bible-believing student of the Jesuit Order. Keep up your most essential work in exposing the devil's Jesuit Power that has ruined the Reformation in your beloved Scotland! For we must not forget that it was the Scottish Covenant/ Presbyterians who began the revolt against Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor King Charles I. That righteous revolt against absolute tyranny gave rise to the English Parliament breaking with the king and, led by our beloved Oliver Cromwell, uniting with the Presbyterians during the first years of the Puritan Revolution/English Civil Wars (1642-1651). May we never forget the Presbyterian and Puritan-Baptist Independent victory over Roman Catholic Charles I at Naseby and Marston Moor!!! Presbyterians and Baptist Calvinists would again unite to fight against another Jesuit-ruled English tyrant—King George III! II. Revisionist Zionists This group was led by Vladimir Jabotinsky ("the Lone Wolf") , a Polish Hebrew patriot who genuinely sought to establish a Hebrew/Jewish nation for the benefit of the Jews living therein. He had the courage to attempt to save the Jews of Poland from their approaching fate at the hands of Jesuit coadjutors Hitler and Stalin, but was resisted by Masonic Jewish Labor Zionist David Ben-Gurion who insisted that millions of Polish Jews must <b>...</b>
Occupy Wallstreet Exposed by Nonconformity Live part 4 of 6
Lenin preached: workers rights, equality, harmony, peace, all by government (not possible)...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: TriStateTrimworks
Occupy Wallstreet Exposed by Nonconformity Live part 4 of 6
Lenin preached: workers rights, equality, harmony, peace, all by government (not possible). Individualism is king. By 1917 Lenin gave revolution more momentum till the October revolution. Bulshavic revolution= red terror= exterminated 100 MILLION Ukrainian starvation and genocide. Mau sa tung. People that preach peace are the best at mass murder. Labor Zionism= labor movements. Labor unions = corrupt socialism enterprises. Theodore Hurtzel, Shime Weinsman. 1948 Arab Israeli war. Protesters are fodder. George Soros. slut walk. feminism movement created by Betty freedan. Radical women's groups in Russia in 1917. Labor Zionism. jewish review, maurice freedman, sanda feldman, andrew stern, morton bar, larry coen, bruce reiner, carol rothman, alan leshner, kirk godfree, eric j wasserman, harvey silvergade, harvey heinburg, robert sternburg, terry mitsray. Jeremy weinstein, joel venue. The Zionist Occupation of Wallstreet. New York City Socialist website. Greater New York Marxism Conference. Agenda 21. Labor & community organizations. NYCsocialist.org, fall 2012 greater new york Marxism conference. Vladamere lenin- a lie told often enough becomes the truth.
Occupy Wallstreet Exposed by Nonconformity Live part 3 of 6
Lenin preached: workers rights, equality, harmony, peace, all by government (not possible)...
published: 15 Mar 2012
author: TriStateTrimworks
Occupy Wallstreet Exposed by Nonconformity Live part 3 of 6
Lenin preached: workers rights, equality, harmony, peace, all by government (not possible). Individualism is king. By 1917 Lenin gave revolution more momentum till the October revolution. Bulshavic revolution= red terror= exterminated 100 MILLION Ukrainian starvation and genocide. Mau sa tung. People that preach peace are the best at mass murder. Labor Zionism= labor movements. Labor unions = corrupt socialism enterprises. Theodore Hurtzel, Shime Weinsman. 1948 Arab Israeli war. Protesters are fodder. George Soros. slut walk. feminism movement created by Betty freedan. Radical women's groups in Russia in 1917. Labor Zionism. jewish review, maurice freedman, sanda feldman, andrew stern, morton bar, larry coen, bruce reiner, carol rothman, alan leshner, kirk godfree, eric j wasserman, harvey silvergade, harvey heinburg, robert sternburg, terry mitsray. Jeremy weinstein, joel venue. The Zionist Occupation of Wallstreet. New York City Socialist website. Greater New York Marxism Conference. Agenda 21. Labor & community organizations. NYCsocialist.org, fall 2012 greater new york Marxism conference. Vladamere lenin- a lie told often enough becomes the truth.
The Dragon's War on Zion Introduction
This is the first part of a multiple part series called "The Dragons War on Zion"...;
published: 19 Jul 2011
author: Eric4Yeshua
The Dragon's War on Zion Introduction
This is the first part of a multiple part series called "The Dragons War on Zion". This series explores the Satanic conspiracy against the descendants of Israel, and the role of the secret societies to resurect the pre-flood world to replace the phophesied messianic kingdom. In order to do this, the agents of the New World Order have to destoy Israel and every trace of the remnants of Israel. This video uses Biblical prophecy and secular sources to arrive at this conclusion.
Tony Karon -- Zionism Reconsidered Part 1
Tony Karon is a senior editor at TIME.com where he analyzes the Middle East and other inte...
published: 25 Apr 2008
author: VirtuallyBlue
Tony Karon -- Zionism Reconsidered Part 1
Tony Karon is a senior editor at TIME.com where he analyzes the Middle East and other international conflicts. Born in South Africa, Karon was active in the Labor-Zionist Habonim movement in his teenage years, before moving on to join the anti-apartheid struggle as an editor in the alternative press and as an activist of the banned African National Congress. Karon, now a New Yorker, maintains the website Rootless Cosmopolitan which features his analysis of geopolitics in the age of the war on terror, and writes extensively on questions of Zionism and Jewish identity. Tony appears in this video as an individual and not as a representative of TIME.com.
Israel's Ehud Barak Quits Labour, Forms New 'Zionist' Faction
From: www.youtube.com January 17, 2011 Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak announces he wi...
published: 17 Jan 2011
author: PigMine2
Israel's Ehud Barak Quits Labour, Forms New 'Zionist' Faction
From: www.youtube.com January 17, 2011 Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak announces he will leave the Labour Party in favour of a new faction to be called Independence.FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law.