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Costello, The Cheshire Cat

Posted on: Friday, August 22nd, 2008 in: Coalition Leadership

Doorstops with Peter Costello are becoming more and more like conversations with the Cheshire Cat:

Cheshire Cat: If I were looking for a white rabbit, I’d ask the Mad Hatter. Alice: The Mad Hatter? Oh, no no no… Cheshire Cat: Or, you could ask the March Hare, in that direction. Alice: Oh, thank you. I think […]

Me, Me, Me

Posted on: Saturday, August 16th, 2008 in: Coalition Leadership

It’s all about him:

FORMER prime minister John Howard believes he would have been seen as “a coward” if he had stepped down voluntarily for Peter Costello but would have quit had a delegation of senior ministers demanded him to.

Confirms the speculation at the time that Howard was more concerned with his legacy, and the way […]

More Pain For Peter From The Press

Posted on: Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 in: Coalition Leadership

It seems like there are a growing number of journos in the press gallery who are really cranky with Peter Costello. Christian Kerr expresses his contempt thus:

WHAT does Peter Costello believe in? Does he even believe in himself?

Costello has never bothered to assert himself with a personal policy agenda, and he has never bothered to […]

Subbie’s Screed? Or Editor’s Evisceration

Posted on: Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 in: Coalition Leadership, The MSM

Wow, someone at the Tele mustn’t think Costello is a realistic chance to come back to the big stage judging by this headline:

Pea-hearted Pete tipped to squib top job

The weird thing is that the substance of Malcolm Farr’s article under the headline is much more balanced. Is this a case of a subbie having a […]

Rougher Than Being Flogged With Warm Lettuce

Posted on: Friday, August 1st, 2008 in: Coalition Craziness, Coalition Leadership

Sounds like John Hewson has been growing some claws in his old age:

“When I look back at Peter’s career, he’s never had the balls to challenge, or make a move, or actually move to get the job, in circumstances where he could have got it,” he said on Sky News.

“I’m not saying he can’t come […]

Hold The Phone – YET ANOTHER Coalition Climate Change Policy

Posted on: Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 in: Climate Change, Coalition Craziness, Coalition Leadership

Oh for goodness sake! It genuinely is getting difficult to keep up with the various permutations of the Coalition’s Climate Change policy.
Earlier today, ‘Coalition sources’ were telling The Australian Online that the Climate Change Deniers had been victorious in the Shadow Cabinet and that Brendan Nelson has carried the day”, presumably meaning that Coalition policy […]

A Courageous Decision?

Posted on: Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 in: Climate Change, Coalition Leadership

Well the word is that the Shadow Cabinet has endorsed a policy of outsourcing Australian Climate Change policy to China.
Sucks to be Malcolm Turnbull at the moment.
So how’s this going to play out beyond the alternative reality that is the Coalition Party room?
Public opinion seems to be broadly in favour of Australia acting now to […]

Nelson on Climate Change: Weak, Weak, Weak

Posted on: Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008 in: Climate Change, Coalition Leadership

It looks like Andrew Bolt was right and that the Coalition Party Room is going to have it out over Climate Change policy. Kevin Andrews has gone public arguing for a head in the sand policy and claims he has support from:
“a strong body of opinion in the party room. If a move doesn’t come […]

The Continuing Saga of Peter Costello

Posted on: Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008 in: Coalition Leadership

I have been trying to decide whether I could credibly give the Costello Leadership buzz a kick along over the past two days but have come to the conclusion that it’s simply too much of a stretch.

As Possum (here) and Mark Bahnisch (here) very clearly set out, all this talk is six ways of stoopid. […]

Be Careful Brendan

Posted on: Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008 in: Coalition Leadership, Hackery

Brendan Nelson floated the Coalition’s idea for an “Options Paper on Federation” at a doorstop today and got this question:


But does this republic debate come into the platform?


We think it’s important as the Opposition and alterative government to prompt Australians to think seriously about the way in which we are governing our country and […]