Wednesday, February 16, 2011

so- I found him

Mr Octavius giraldo-Vay - designer and engraver of really bad jewellery

Wants to meet people

is on Wayn

peddles his crap all over the net

The saga continues

After getting himself banned for a week from the RA forum the git has now set his lapdogs on me:

New Member!

Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: ..........
Posts: 2

Dear psychodiva

Pleas stop your hacker because I am getting bored ( he is really good).
I'm being attacked and you know packet filtering and all this shit makes me sleepy.
My lawyer is pushing me to contact Dutch and British authorities with all evidence collected and ruin your career (he contacted google and youtube already).
I am not interested in cyberwarfare with atheists. Nobody attacked your FB, blog or email and you know that so tell him to stop this fucking java script (this one is my favourite) on my facebook and those boring hijacking attacks.
You don't want to have new enemies.

Thank you

good night

nice and threatening eh? Like all bullies he thinks that mention of 'authorities' will scare me into doing- well- whatever it is they hope I'll do- forgetting as he (Cal) has been informed by me over the years - that i worked in the crimnal justice system here for quite some time and it does not phase me at all.

so- i asked him what he was going on about- I have no idea how to hack anything or set hackers on anyone- and a quick look at this guy's youtube page shows that there is nothing wrong with it - so he is accusing me of things that are lies.

he goes on

You posted my private message from hacked fb account, it is not a joke.
I don't mind being hacked but atheists you know. I don't like to cooperate with police.
It is between you and me
Think about it, I will cancel my profile now we have nothing to talk about.
Good night

no idea who the git is so no idea how to go about finding an FB account that belongs to him- and definitely no idea about hacking anything- then of course he obviously remembers about the threats re the police not working with me and backs down on that lol promises to cancel his profile- and still hasn't

I wonder if this is the guy?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I get stalked

For some time I have been arguing with an idiot on forum - he asserts that religion is a mental illness and I ask for evidence- so he gets abusive and insulting. he has no ability to debate and no logical way of thinking so resorts to name calling instead (and calling it 'witty' insults lol)Recently he decided to start stalking me- to research me and then accuse me of child molestation - so from now on he has an enemy- me and all my friends :) this is a missive I received from him this morning

ROTFLMAO...I see what I was told about you been the Psycho nurse in ..... that is insecure & have mental problems.
Hey piece of shit retard this is a friend told me about you:

"I took my little daughter and run away to UK, did some work for F1 before the crisis, now we moved to NL, in Poland we have religion in public schools I had to protect my child against cognitive dissonance
Psychodiva ...... lying bich is a psychiatric Nurse".

So, the corrupt insane retard that is MOLESTING children is YOU, not me. Get a brain,

So there. Sorry the truth I present hurts, Please get educated & get that retarded brain fixed...and please quit insisting you are a mentally healthy, atheist, person. You are not, just an envious retard that can't stand the TRUTH. remember moron I've read your book.

he has a youtube channel where you can see his demented ramblings

he is on Think Atheist with a video supporting pedophilia - which is one of the many arguments I have had with him and probably why he is turning it back on me- as he thinks pedophilia was invented by christianity and it was all ok before then. He has even stated in exchanges with me on Raving Atheists that he has slept with boys in the past and that it is ok - of course when called out about this he backpedals and says he was 'just playing' to get a response from me.

He was brought up catholic in a very rich household and it shows in his disdain for anyone who doesn't have as much money as him- he calls people 'peasants' and accuses us of being 'jealous' of what he has (which is a rather over-designed and tawdry gilt-laden piece of trash in Chandler, Arizona, full of bad antiques) - he is an engraver / jewellery maker of tawdry overdone pieces who thinks that he has made connections between lots of disciplines- has never studied any of them in his life and instead skim reads papers looking for 'connections' to 'suport' his ideas. Yet thinks he is a polymath and has the right to tell people who have actually studied these disciplines that they are wrong-he even said yesterday that sam Harris didn't know anything about neurology- because he didn't agree with his 'idea' about religion being a mental illness lol. If you have the audacity to ask for supporting evidence, papers, research- anything that would give his idea a little backup- in fact if you disagree with him in any way at all he will rant and yell and insult you like a two year old child with ADHD and then accuse you of 'attacking the messenger and not the message'(which is what he does constantly).

He accuses people of being 'false atheists' because they were brought up in a country that has a religion - conveniently forgetting that he was brought up catholic and conveniently ignoring the fact that I was actually brought up with no religious beliefs at all.

Go see him on any of these sites and see what I mean- also- don't hold back- tell him what you think- the more people that do, the better.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

For my Mum

Mum died peacefully with her family around her this afternoon- this is for her- it describes her so well and it is she I have to thank for my rebelliousness, my bolshyness and my love of life

Warning - When I Am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple
When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple

with a red hat that doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.

And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves

and satin candles, and say we've no money for butter.

I shall sit down on the pavement when I am tired

and gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells

and run my stick along the public railings

and make up for the sobriety of my youth.

I shall go out in my slippers in the rain

and pick the flowers in other people's gardens

and learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat

and eat three pounds of sausages at a go

or only bread and pickles for a week

and hoard pens and pencils and beer nuts and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry

and pay our rent and not swear in the street

and set a good example for the children.

We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?

So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised

When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

By Jenny Joseph

Saturday, July 04, 2009

My Time of Day

My time of day is the dark time
A couple of deals before dawn
When the street belongs to the cop
And the janitor with the mop
And the grocery clerks are all gone.

When the smell of the rainwashed pavement
Comes up clean, and fresh, and cold
And the streetlamp light
Fills the gutter with gold

That's my time of day
My time of day.

Frank Loesser

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Q: How can I make an interesting blog?
Asked by scotthut

A: lol- mine is not interesting - so yu may want to head on over to Sean the blogonaut or Nullfidian or Pharyngula.

Ask Psychodiva a question.

Friday, June 19, 2009

I get published

On Raving Atheists I have regular knock-down drag-out verbal fights with an idiot called Calpurnpiso- who think he knows a bit about psychiatry, psychology, neurology etc etc - anyhoo- he gets soooo annoying sometimes I just have to take the piss out of him because he really is not at any level of knowledge in any of the subjects other than what he has read in a few papers and text-books to have any real intelligent and useful discussion or debate with - he just thinks he is- and when I refuse to debate him he always assumes I am backing down - he has an 'idea' about religion and psychosis being connected in some way- which I'll admit is an interesting idea- but he just reads loads of random things and connects the dots in his head in a very random fashion akin to those conspiracy theorists and woo-merchants and well- homeopaths. If he actually came up with a coherent theory or hypothesis it may be worht talking about- but he doesn't- and every time I ask him- he gets abusive.

So I got mad one night and sent off a thing to the Urban Dictionary- not expecting it to be accepted - and it was!!! so here we are- I have defined a new word - to calpurnpiso is to be:

an annoying person addicted to and obsessed by a single theory, for which they have no evidence and to which they stick despite all evidence to the contrary.

See: RavingAtheists forum for hundreds of similar- if not identical posts:

Calpurnpiso says:"This is exactly my point. Religious-psychosis attacks brains susceptible to this form of schizophrenia mixed with temporal lobe epilepsy disease. This is my hypothesis since the cause of about 90% of neurologiocal disorders, including schizophrenia, TLE is unknown. If the cause of schizophrenia or TLE was known I would not be so certain religious DELUSIONAL BELIEFS, which are not unlike those produced by the schizophrenic, TLE, Drugged, Traumatized brain, are a form of mental illness!.

The brain is an organ like any other organs of the body, and they ALL are susceptible to illness some genetic and some acquired. Aren't some people born with underdeveloped optic nerve? Though having normal vision the brain can't interpret them correctly. Only over 50 years ago, these people would be labeled mentally retarded!"

it can be seen on this page here

the one thing I regret is- he will probably lap it up - and he is one of the biggest arseholes and wankers I have ever met in the decade or more I have been on the net.

ah well- I still got published in the UD !!!!!!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

The law has no place in scientific disputes: Simon Singh petition - sign it!!!!

The law has no place in scientific disputes
We the undersigned believe that it is inappropriate to use the English libel laws to silence critical discussion of medical practice and scientific evidence.

The British Chiropractic Association has sued Simon Singh for libel. The scientific community would have preferred that it had defended its position about chiropractic for various children's ailments through an open discussion of the peer reviewed medical literature or through debate in the mainstream media.

Singh holds that chiropractic treatments for asthma, ear infections and other infant conditions are not evidence-based. Where medical claims to cure or treat do not appear to be supported by evidence, we should be able to criticise assertions robustly and the public should have access to these views.

English libel law, though, can serve to punish this kind of scrutiny and can severely curtail the right to free speech on a matter of public interest. It is already widely recognised that the law is weighted heavily against writers: among other things, the costs are so high that few defendants can afford to make their case. The ease and success of bringing cases under the English law, including against overseas writers, has led to London being viewed as the "libel capital" of the world.

Freedom to criticise and question in strong terms and without malice is the cornerstone of scientific argument and debate, whether in peer-reviewed journals, on websites or in newspapers, which have a right of reply for complainants. However, the libel laws and cases such as BCA v Singh have a chilling effect, which deters scientists, journalists and science writers from engaging in important disputes about the evidential base supporting products and practices. The libel laws discourage argument and debate and merely encourage the use of the courts to silence critics.

The English law of libel has no place in scientific disputes about evidence; the BCA should discuss the evidence outside of a courtroom. Moreover, the BCA v Singh case shows a wider problem: we urgently need a full review of the way that English libel law affects discussions about scientific and medical evidence.


Click here to read additional comments from signatories

Sign this stament now

Main Page

Stephen Fry, Broadcaster and Author:
“It may seem like a small thing to some when claims are made without evidence, but there are those of us who take this kind of thing very seriously because we believe that repeatable evidence-based science is the very foundation of our civilisation. Freedom in politics, in thought and in speech followed the rise of empirical science which refused to take anything on trust, on faith, on hope or even on reason. The simplicity and purity of evidence is all that stands between us and the wildest kinds of tyranny, superstition and fraudulent nonsense. When a powerful organisation tries to silence a man of Simon Singh’s reputation then anyone who believes in science, fairness and the truth should rise in indignation. All we ask for is proof. Reasoned proof according to the established protocols of medicine and science everywhere. It is not science that is arrogant: science can be defined as ‘humility before the facts’ - it is those who refuse to submit to testing and make unsubstantiated claims that are arrogant. Arrogant and unjust.”

Professor Richard Dawkins, FRS, University of Oxford:
“This splendid manifesto hits so many bullseyes, I feel like adding my signature to every line of it. The English libel laws are ridiculed as an international charter for litigious mountebanks, and the effects are especially pernicious where science is concerned.”

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fucking Catholic crap carries on

Bill Donohue's behaviour on this programme is typical of the hysterical crap he puts about claiming that his fucking religion is persecuted- his behaviour is so obviously that of a Merkin who is used to this crap being listened to and is used to behaving in such an obnoxious way - I love that he is taken down and given a new one by the guy who was a victim of abuse himself. Go listen and rage. - he calls it a 'moral panic' he says he has 'read about child abuse' and fails to remember that this is a judicial review that was undertaken, not one of his stupid little polls.

What. A. Fucking. Bigotted. Idiot

Monday, May 25, 2009

Swine Flu Scams

Found this on the Skeptic Zone's Website - I couldn't put it better myself- so here it is.

Swine Flu Scam Alert

You might also want to visit the site- it is packed full of excellent interviews and podcasts.

While I'm at- I found this over on the site - a most excellent pamphlet indeed!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Anonymous needs to respond

I'm not often lost for words- ask anybody that knows me- give me the box to stand on about certain subjects and I will yell- but this time? this time I'm just speechless- the Catholic Church- that 'holder of the wisdom of ages', that institution that is purported to guide people through the world towards a heaven of their imagining- well, I always knew it- I had read previous reports to which I had access due to my work - but this one? I am incoherent with rage. I will not quote from it- quotes can be found all over the web, accounts of torture and abuse that we have come to expect in Rwanda, Darfur, and other places - but Ireland- well again - a country that is so in the grip of an insitution such as the catholic church should have expected this to happen - anyone who has ever, like me, treated or assessed sex offenders would know this was going to happen - Ireland needs to kick this 'church' out once and for all.

It sounds like a cliche but reading it brings tears to my eyes- I also don't cry often - what I do do however, is therapy for kids and adolescents who have been abused- I hear stories of abuse every day and want to run and punch the dad or mum or other carer that has perpetrated this abuse on these vulnerable and scared kids that sit in front of me begging me- in actions but never words - to help them, so incoeherent with rage against the world that allowed this to happen to them that they can only communicate it through anger and destruction.

These Christians have carried out sustained and systematic torture of children over decades and they are going to get away with it- why? because they are part of that 'grand' institution the 'catholic church'. No other institution would get away with it- if a bunch of social workers under the guise of caring for kids in group homes were to do this they would not be able to hide, to keep their names out of the report - they would be named, they would be prosecuted, they would never again be permitted to work with children- what do these fucking priests get? Anonymity - well lets give it back--

Anonymous- I challenge you to turn away from the useless hounding of scientology and actually do something useful - start doing to the catholic church what you have done to scientology.

Protest outside the abbeys, the churches, the cathedrals, the seminaries where these people indoctrinate the massess - hand out the leaflets warning people against what the catholic church can do to a family- they have after all been doing it far longer and with far more success than the scientologists will ever do.

Please set up protests- I will join- i know members of my family will join. I believe the only way justice is going to be won against this monstrous institution is for the world to protest and to let the catholics know that it will no longer be tolerated.

So come on Anonymous- get off the wagon of scientology and make some real change in the world- you are a group that is already geared up for protests of this sort - you are perfect for the job- accept the challenge!!