Prophecy and Miracles: Purpose for God and Man

Prophecy And Miracles are known to be the “fruits of the spirit” in Christian circles. It is a manifestation of God’s presence and His ability to come “down” and let man experience Him in the physical context. Both have been consistently used both in the Old and New Testament as a way to give proof of the awesome power of God.

In the bible it is a very common occurrence that a long standing prophecy will be referred back to when it finally comes to pass. This only signifies its importance both to God and those who believe in Him. Miracles on the other hand are told in detail. From turning water to wine, to raising Lazarus from the dead and even to the resurrection of Christ, all are marvelous signs of an existence of a supreme being that does not operate in the level of ordinary human beings.

There are modern day prophecies and miracles that continue to inspire and encourage believers every day. This is probably one of the reasons why prophecies and miracles exist. It is there to give hope and strengthen the faith of those who walk in the ways of the righteous God.

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How to Forgive Yourself – It is God’s Desire for You

How do I forgive my past sins? You are not forgiving yourself like God has forgiven you but you are saying if He has forgiven me then I should forgive myself. Most of us think that is hard. Often times we will forgive someone else for their sin quicker than we will forgive ourselves. Are we being prideful and putting a higher standard of forgiveness on ourselves. Do we think that we are closer to God than the person I forgave so because of my relationship with God my sin is worse? I would call that prideful and that is a sin to God.

I have seen killers forgiven by God and while they may never completely forget their wrong they know God has forgiven them and they have a choice. Forgive themselves and grow nearer to God or to stay in a place where they are telling God He is wrong. I have seen well known pastors who have committed sin and have asked for forgiveness from God and then they had to forgive themselves. So learning how to forgive yourself is what god desires.

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Christian Blogging Becoming New Trend with Evangelicals

Churches and adherents are flocking to build blogs. It is the latest effort at world wide evangelism. One such blog, Taber’s Truths has taken Christian blogging by storm and as such, has taken internet evangelism to a new level. With the author’s honest and frank approach, he has reached a part of the internet community that others have overlooked.

On his blog is a page that explains how to meet Jesus in a very down to earth fashion. No religious words used, just an honest communication of the message of Jesus and how to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

He uses video’s, articles, and beautiful inspiring pictures to convey the message of God’s love. I guess if evangelicals are going to use the world wide web to spread their message, they should take a few lessons from Pastor Duke Taber, the author of Taber’s Truths Christian Blog and Bible Teachings.

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When You Are Sick, Call the Elders of Your Church

I don’t know how many people decide to stay sick rather than asking for someone to come pray for them. One of the Bible verses about healing in the Bible specifically states that when you are sick you are supposed to call for the elders of your church to come pray for you. This verse is found in the book of James chapter 5 and verse 14. It says “Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord.”

So what is keeping you from asking people to come pray for you? Is it pride? Is it unbelief? Or is it that you think that they are too busy for you? Whatever the reason it is your responsibility to call them to pray for you. If you don’t then don’t complain that you are sick!

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