Posts Tagged 'Politics'

Robbo and Secularism: I think not

Peter Robinson Visits Riverdale Primary School

Robinson with Young Earth Creationist Edwin Poots (Pic: DUP Flickr)

Peter Robinson was at pains to give the impression, when interviewed by Jim Fitzpatrick on the Politics Show today, that the DUP was going secular – appealing to all, apparently. He talked about the post-conflict Realpolitik that was all about issues that mattered to people, rather than the constitutional issue.

Now, what has motivated this new-found secularist political outlook could be debated. Perhaps he realized, after losing his East Belfast parliamentary seat, that old Unionism wasn’t cutting it any more. Moreover, Robinson’s personality is such that party-political reasons were sought to explain his Westminster demise, rather than any failings in his own personality. Apart from DUP apparatchiks, most people find him prickly, a tad sleazy, and vastly aloof and enervated from real world issues (having occupied a political cocoon for decades).

My particular issue with the man is his hypocrisy. He talks about the DUP’s desire to appeal to “Nationalists” and yet DUP rhetoric is the stuff of the social right and, often, the fiscal left. But an even more fundamental stopping block to secular progress is the bizarre, reactionary and anti-modernist views of his front bench team.

For example, how can Robinson seriously suggest that his Party could appeal to the modern minded when it has, within its midst, people of the ilk of the Reverend William McCrea, Nelson McCausland and Edwin Poots? After all, these intellectually depraved acolytes  help define the Party’s policy positions.

The “Reverend” William McCrea gave a graveside oration, in 1975, for two of the men responsible for the Miami Showband murders.   He has also shared platforms with Loyalist thugs and was convicted for riotous assembly in 1971. And yet Robinson, at this weekend’s DUP conference, made a particular point of highlighting his fondness and affection for McCrea – a man that many of us consider the most obvious manifestation of the DUP’s political psychosis.

Nelson McCausland, in his capacity as Culture and Arts Minister, made clear earlier in the year, that he felt the Ulster Museum should have exhibits that reflect the “views of the people of Northern Ireland” rather than support an understanding of science. He also believes that the Protestant people of Ulster descended from one of the lost tribes of Israel. (Very lost, I’d suggest, if it ended-up here).

Edwin Poots is a young-earth creationist (this means he believes God made the earth, and all the organisms therein, a few thousand years ago). He also opposes Darwinian evolutionary theory.

And yet, despite the rag-bag collection of looners in his political midst, Peter Robinson feels that his is the Party for Northern Ireland – representing an opportunity for a new secular dawn.

I think not.

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Oblivion

Logo of Conservative Party UK

Image via Wikipedia

Ian Parsley looks set to continue his meanderings in political oblivion. Now that he receives no income from Conservative Party internal quangos he’s setting off on a new course towards right-mindedness. But, as suggested by Owen Polley, he may have to create a new political party of one in North Down.

Parsley has had many political manifestations. Alliance Euro-candidate, then Conservative (although a salary was required before he politically jumped the brush), then Chief UNCUNFian (and Owen Paterson right-hand-man), then bitching from the side-lines, then hissy-fitting UCUNF-basher.  A veritable parish-pump chameleon. A wearer of a political coat of many colours.

All of this has provoked me to write a post after several weeks. Have been busy, work-wise, and a tad underwhelmed by political developments. I have expressed my hope, via some media activity around the strategic spending review, that the local Executive might be sensible and agree a budget. However, the runes don’t look good. Heads are in the sand all over the place, the shinners want to tax phone masts, and the unions are being even more hissy than hissy Parsley.

Things don’t look good. But at least I might be inspired to write a bit more. Give me encouragement.

Related Articles:

Basil McCrea’s U-Turns

Basil McCrea MLA

Image via Wikipedia

Basil McCrea, one of the hapless ones who wishes to “lead” the rudderless UUP, has made clear that he wants to distance the UUP from the Conservatives. According to Henry McDonald, writing in the Guardian on Monday, McCrea has vowed to break the “disastrous” link with the Conservatives if elected leader.

It’s rather unlikely that the rag-bag membership of the UUP will elect Mr McCrea leader - if indeed the Party can actually muster the organisational skills to hold an election.

But, ignoring that point for the minute, Mr McCrea’s position is markedly different from the position he held re. the Conservative merger prior to the disastrous general election outcome for “UCUNF.” He has performed a remarkable U-turn.

The fact is that McCrea once considered a partnership with the  Conservatives to be an absolute necessity for the UUP. McCrea made clear to me – and Owen Paterson, Conservative spokesman on Northern Ireland at the time – that he may even defect to the Conservatives if the UUP was not prepared to do the deal.

Indeed, prior to a crucial vote on the matter by the UUP Council, on September 18, 2008, Mr McCrea requested a meeting with Owen Paterson to brief the Shadow Secretary of State on how to handle the Council meeting. The two met to agree the correct form of words to appeal to the old die-hards like David McNarry and other Tory-sceptics.

At that meeting, that I attended, McCrea made it clear that acceptance of the deal with the Conservatives was essential. The meeting took place at The Plough pub/restaurant in Hillsborough.

Now hindsight is a wonderful thing. And I’d agree with McCrea that the deal between the two parties was utterly hopeless and useless – but I saw the writing on the wall a year before the general election was called. UCUNF failed spectacularly because of the UUP’s fossilised membership and sectarian intransigence – coupled with dithering and incoherent ‘leadership’ (and general Conservative Party capitulation on every point of political principle).

McCrea’s insistence that the UUP distances itself from a “London party” is to be applauded – as it will put the UUP’s little Ulster mentality into sharp relief and will seal its final demise.

But, then again, he’s unlikely to be elected. Never mind, I’m sure Mr Elliott will succeed in making the party equally irrelevant.

Jumped-Up Scroungers

“Ref: claim for lounge corner unit: if you feel this is excessive can I say that due to size and layout of the room a normal three-piece suite will not fit. This ‘corner group’ fits perfectly” (Labour MP writing to the fees office in August 2006)

In the Daily Telegraph’s scoop revelations of scrounging by our elected members of parliament, the “best of the begging letters” are really worth a read.  They show the arrogance and self-importance of some of these people alongside the cavalier squandering of tax-payers’ money. 

The following is my personal favourite:

“I object to your decision not to reimburse me for the costs of purchasing a baby’s cot for use in my London home…Perhaps you might write to me explaining where my son should sleep next time he visits me in London?” (Letter to fees office from Labour MP in Nov 2004)

Chief among the spongers, of course, is Sinn Fein – a Party that unashamedly enjoys fleecing the British tax-payer to redistribute the gains to various Republican causes.  However, the pathetic and feeble excuses from normally holier-than-thou politicians, of all flavours, is a joy to behold.  Well done Daily Telegraph.  Journalism at its very, very best.

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