On Assange, government defiant in face of reality

The government’s insistence on ignoring the Obama administration’s investigation of Julian Assange is becoming increasingly untenable as public evidence mounts of a grand jury and a continuing campaign by the US government against him.

The ATO’s big new target: tax havens

Few programs run by the Australian Taxation Office have received the kind of attention enjoyed by the ATO’s crackdown on the use of offshore tax havens.

‘On shaky ground’: Australians hate coal, so what do we do now?

Research has found coal is Australia’s most hated energy source — yet it’s a major export item which also generates three-quarters of our electricity. What’s going on?

‘Hangouts’ with the PM? More to come

Some have criticised Julia Gillard’s latest foray into online chat as trite — but others see it as a valuable communications medium for both politicians and the public

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  • Could this be the beginning of a new oil boom?

    A new report confounds conventional wisdom on peak oil, arguing oil supply capacity is growing at an unprecedented level — and it’s not as simple as slamming the report as a product of vested interests, writes Alan Davies.

  • Inside media HQ for London Games

    The HQ for the London media centre is the transformed offices of the Institution of Civil Engineers — a grand building at One Great George Street, about 200 metres from Big Ben. Amanda Gearing, a freelance journalist in London, travels inside.

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