What is PLM?
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions handles companies' products -- from idea ...
published: 30 Aug 2010
author: TechniaPLM
What is PLM?
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions handles companies' products -- from idea to manufacturing and into implementation and maintenance -- in a way that enables them to continuously introduce new products on the market at a high rate.
Siemens PLM Software and LEGO
The 11th annual LEGO World Fair was held in Copenhagen, Denmark over the weekend and Sieme...
published: 23 Feb 2012
author: SiemensPLM
Siemens PLM Software and LEGO
The 11th annual LEGO World Fair was held in Copenhagen, Denmark over the weekend and Siemens PLM was there to demonstrate tools that Lego plans to use to manage the digital world. Going beyond the physical brick and into augmented reality, video games and mobile applications, Lego is using NX software to design, control and manage the data that is needed to create new products. More than 40000 people who attended the show were able to see the technology first hand, which is the result of a 20 year partnership with Lego. Being National Engineers Week in the US, it's important to note that having future engineers see this technology first hand is helping to inspire the builders of tomorrow.
Marvelous Ft PLM - Lightskin Official Video
Marvelous Ft PLM - Lightskin Official Video Directed by ATech Production Song Produced and...
published: 24 Apr 2012
author: ATechFilms
Marvelous Ft PLM - Lightskin Official Video
Marvelous Ft PLM - Lightskin Official Video Directed by ATech Production Song Produced and Engineered in Monsterous Entertainment Studios. Go Purchase LightSkin on ITunes Now Download EveryBodys not Marvelous on LiveMixtapes.com Follow Everyone on Twitter @Marvelous1987 @PLMIMHIM @BeatZombie91 @ATechProduction
Autodesk PLM Instantly
PLM up and running in minutes not months? Learn more at www.autodeskplm360.com...
published: 29 Feb 2012
author: AutodeskPLM360
Autodesk PLM Instantly
PLM up and running in minutes not months? Learn more at www.autodeskplm360.com
PML-N insulted & humiliated on Live TV by PLM-Q, PPP, PTI & MQM - Shameless Noora League
Please LIKE & Click On Link Below To Subscribe To My Channel: bit.ly Please subscribe ...
published: 10 Aug 2012
author: ImranKhanSheikRaseed
PML-N insulted & humiliated on Live TV by PLM-Q, PPP, PTI & MQM - Shameless Noora League
Please LIKE & Click On Link Below To Subscribe To My Channel: bit.ly Please subscribe for all the latest updates on Imran Khan, Shaikh Rahseed, PTI, Hassan Nisar & All The Popular Talk Shows Inc: » Tonight With Fahd » Capital Talk » Lakin » To The Point » Tonight With Jasmeen » Cross Fire » Weekend Morning Show » News Beat » 11th Hour » 30 Minute » Off The Record » Sawal Yeh Hai » 8 PM With Fareeha Idrees » Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Saath » Aap Ki Baat » Hasb e Haal » Pakistan Tonight » Policy Matters » Pakistan Poochta Hai » Agenda 360 » Aik Din Geo Ke Saath » Islamabad Tonight» Sawal Hai Pakistan Ka » Khabarnak » Khari Baat Luqman Kay Sath » Sochta Pakistan » Takraar » Target Point » Capital Circuit » Maazrat Kay Saath » Zer e Behas » News Night With Talat & Comical Programs Inc: Hum Sab Umeed Say Hain, Butt Tameezian, Siaisi Heights, Masti Gate, And Many Other Political Parody Programs Subscribe Now: bit.ly
Femap Tips and Tricks Extrude Element Edge (Siemens PLM)
In Femap it's possible to extrude element edges to create new shell elements from exis...
published: 08 Aug 2012
author: CAMLOGIC
Femap Tips and Tricks Extrude Element Edge (Siemens PLM)
In Femap it's possible to extrude element edges to create new shell elements from existing shells. This is useful when there is no underlying geometry or other edge surfaces available to help extend the finite element model. For more information on Femap please visit: www.camlogic.com
NX CAM - Part Manufacturing Solution
Siemens PLM Software provides a complete part manufacturing solution - from NX CAM to mach...
published: 17 Jan 2012
author: SiemensPLM
NX CAM - Part Manufacturing Solution
Siemens PLM Software provides a complete part manufacturing solution - from NX CAM to machine tool controller. To learn more about each of the key applications and equipment visit the Part Manufacturing Solution multi-media tour: media.plm.automation.siemens.com
Top 5 Signs You Need PLM
Discover the top five signs that your company needs product lifecycle management (PLM) wit...
published: 04 Jun 2012
author: AutodeskPLM360
Top 5 Signs You Need PLM
Discover the top five signs that your company needs product lifecycle management (PLM) with Jim Brown, President of Tech-Clarity, Inc. (@jim_techclarity). For more information on our featured expert, visit bit.ly See how Autodesk PLM 360 is the next generation cloud based alternative at http:///www.autodeskplm360.com. For the latest PLM news, join our social hub: on.fb.me or click the button above to subscribe to our channel.
Siemens PLM Software - Design, Planning and Manufacturing
Visit us! www.siemens.com Siemens PLM Software provides solutions to meet today's, and...
published: 25 Apr 2012
author: Siemens
Siemens PLM Software - Design, Planning and Manufacturing
Visit us! www.siemens.com Siemens PLM Software provides solutions to meet today's, and tomorrow's market and product challenges. Siemens offer a unique combination of automation technology and industry software -- from product design to service. NX CAD/CAM/CAE for design, simulation and manufacturing. Tecnomatix for definition simulation and validation of manufacturing processes. Teamcenter is the world's most widely used product lifecycle management (PLM) software.
Top 5 PLM Myths, Part 1
Watch Part 2 of 5 Myths of PLM now: bit.ly Discover how Autodesk PLM 360 is the next gener...
published: 17 May 2012
author: AutodeskPLM360
Top 5 PLM Myths, Part 1
Watch Part 2 of 5 Myths of PLM now: bit.ly Discover how Autodesk PLM 360 is the next generation cloud based alternative at http:///www.autodeskplm360.com. For the latest PLM news, join our social hub: on.fb.me or click the button above to subscribe to our channel. Featured Experts: Jim Brown -- President, Tech-Clarity, Inc. (@jim_techclarity): bit.ly Brian Roepke -- Director of Data Management Products, Autodesk (@broepke): bit.ly
PLM 360 Vision Video
PLM by Autodesk. Learn more at www.autodeskplm360.com...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: AutodeskPLM360
PLM 360 Vision Video
PLM by Autodesk. Learn more at www.autodeskplm360.com
What is PLM - StopMotion by Prodeos
This is the first of a coming serie of StopMotion movies to talk about PLM concepts and al...
published: 16 Aug 2010
author: Prodeos
What is PLM - StopMotion by Prodeos
This is the first of a coming serie of StopMotion movies to talk about PLM concepts and all the IT concepts that we work on @ Prodeos. visit our website: www.prodeos.com read our blog www.prodeos.fr join our projects prodeos.codeplex.com
Siemens PLM and Still Serving Veterans: COL (R) Will Webb Interview
COL (R) Will Webb gives an interview on the Siemens PLM partnership with Still Serving Vet...
published: 13 Jun 2012
author: SiemensPLM
Siemens PLM and Still Serving Veterans: COL (R) Will Webb Interview
COL (R) Will Webb gives an interview on the Siemens PLM partnership with Still Serving Veterans. Veterans were on hand at the 2012 Solid Edge University to learn how to use Solid Edge ST5. For more information: www.siemens.com/plm/trainingforusvets
Top 5 PLM Myths, Part 2
Watch Part 1 of the 5 Myths of PLM now: bit.ly Discover how Autodesk PLM 360 is the next g...
published: 17 May 2012
author: AutodeskPLM360
Top 5 PLM Myths, Part 2
Watch Part 1 of the 5 Myths of PLM now: bit.ly Discover how Autodesk PLM 360 is the next generation cloud based alternative at http:///www.autodeskplm360.com. For the latest PLM news, join our social hub: on.fb.me or click the button above to subscribe to our channel. Featured Experts: Jim Brown -- President, Tech-Clarity, Inc. (@jim_techclarity): bit.ly Brian Roepke -- Director of Data Management Products, Autodesk (@broepke): bit.ly
Vimeo results:
GUARDIA REAL ESPAÑOLA. La Guardia Real más antigua del mundo.
Tomando como origen de estas unidades especiales, el tiempo en que los godos dominaron la
published: 20 Feb 2009
author: Jorge Molina Lamothe
GUARDIA REAL ESPAÑOLA. La Guardia Real más antigua del mundo.
Tomando como origen de estas unidades especiales, el tiempo en que los godos dominaron la
Península Ibérica, vemos que la guarda de la monarquía hispánica era encomendada al conde
Spathario, empleo palatino que tenia como misión principal el gobierno de las tropas
encargadas de la protección del soberano.
Cabe destacar que el último de los reyes godos tenia como empleado en la jefatura de su
guardia al duque de Cantabria, el infante Don Pelayo, hijo de Fabila y primero de los reyes
astures en iniciar la reconquista.
Quizás la más famosa de las guardas que aparecen en la Edad Media es la de los Monteros de
Espinosa, nacida en el condado de Castilla en los albores del Siglo Xi con cinco nobles
burgaleses (Sancho Espinosa, Flarcines Peláez, Armenter Tellois , Munio y Joanes Obequiz),
tiene un origen incierto que se situa en los enfrentamientos que el Conde Sancho García
mantuvo con el rey de Córdoba Muhamad ven Hixem ben Abdeljiabar ben Abderahman
Anasir, intitulado “El Mohdi”, y que D. Pedro de la Escalera y Guevara pretende clarificarnos
en su obra “Del origen de los Monteros de Espinosa”.
Lo que si queda recogido a través del historial de este Noble Cuerpo, es que para ser miembro
de la Corporación, había que ser natural de la villa burgalesa de Espinosa de los Monteros y
familiar de otro Montero además de Hidalgo. Destaca ser el único Cuerpo de Casa Real que
permaneció fiel a cualquiera de las dinastías reinantes en la Península hasta su disolución por
la II República en 1931.
Hoy en día esta recogido el nombre de esta nobilísima Corporación en una de las Compañías
del Grupo de Honores de la actual Guardia Real.
Durante la baja Edad Media coexistieron distintas tropas palacianas que, aun teniendo como
misión principal la salvaguarda de la Corona, hacían del mismo modo labores de Fuerzas de
Orden Público, así en tiempos de Pedro I “El Cruel” eran coetáneos de los Armigueros o
Escuaderos a Caballo, los Ballesteros de la Maza y los Ballesteros a Caballo.
Fernández de Oviedo en su obra “Batallas y Quincuagenas” recoge la reorganización que
después de las Guerras de Granada y en previsión de un futuro conflicto con Francia,
realizaron los Reyes Católicos, para lo cual crearon un cuerpo “de dos mil y quinientos
hombres de armas ordinarios de guarda” conocidos como “Guardas Viejas de Castilla”.
En la primera edición de la Novísima Recopilación se hallan varias leyes dadas por Carlos I y
fechadas desde 1523 a 1551, en las que desde la 15ª hasta la 24ª tratan sobre los privilegios,
exenciones y disciplina de esta unidad, mandando en la 23ª que una compañía de esta tropa,
residiera continuamente en palacio para su guardia, denominándola de los “Cien Continuos” y
que tienen su precedente en la privativa que D. Álvaro de Luna, en tiempos de Juan II de
Castilla, que mandó armar para el servicio permanente en el Regio Alcázar, cien ballesteros
montados que denominó “Continos”.
Después del atentado que Juan de Cañamares realizó en Barcelona contra el rey Fernando en
diciembre de 1492, y fallecida en Medina del Campo la Reina Isabel, el Católico Rey mandó
que los mozos de espuela le siguiesen con espada en mano, viendo el decoro que
acompañaba a estos mozos, ordenó en 1504 que se les armara de alabarda, pieza de origen
danés que la infantería Suiza extendió por el continente europeo.
A estos mozos de espuela los puso el Rey bajo mando del letrado y militar Gonzalo de Ayora,
primero en introducir en las tropas españolas el empleo táctico del paso simultáneo a compás
regular, cargo que ocupó el cronista cordobés hasta 1507, año en el que al volver Fernando el
Católico de Italia, vio que el Capitán de su guardia personal había tomado partido por los
príncipes Felipe y Juana, por lo que nombró como Jefe de los guardias armados de alabarda,
al Capitán que mandaba la nueva unidad traída de Italia, Francisco Valdés, natural de
Guadalajara que murió en la guerra de Navarra y al que sustituyó el Comendador D. Jerónimo
de Cabanillas, Maestresala y Jefe de la guardia hasta la muerte del Rey.
Esta unidad que vestiría al estilo suizo, “con sayos medio colorados y medio blancos”, sería
conocida en sus orígenes como “Guardia Española”, y a partir de Carlos I se la denominaría
“Guardia Amarilla”, por cambiar su vestimenta al estilo alemán, con colores amarillos y
blancos, introduciendo posteriormente el color carmesí, propio de la monarquía española.
En 1507, el Rey Católico trae de Italia otra guardia de características similares a la “amarilla”,
denominada “Estradiontes”, que al empezar a prestar servicio en Palacio junto a la anterior
cambiaría su nombre por el de “Guardia de la Lancilla”, tendría como peculiaridad el hacer
servicio de forma mixta, es decir, a pie o a caballo indistintamente.
Es con la Casa de Austria cuando las unidades que desempeñan la labor de la Guardia Real
Reveal Philips Coolskin
Made with After Effects....
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: PLM
Reveal Philips Coolskin
Made with After Effects.
Youtube results:
PLM as Social Media Part 1
Watch Part 2 of PLM as Social Media: bit.ly Discover how Autodesk PLM 360 is the next gene...
published: 21 May 2012
author: AutodeskPLM360
PLM as Social Media Part 1
Watch Part 2 of PLM as Social Media: bit.ly Discover how Autodesk PLM 360 is the next generation cloud based alternative at http:///www.autodeskplm360.com. For the latest news, subscribe to our channel by clicking the button above or join our social hub: on.fb.me Industry Analysts: Monica Schnitger -- President, Schnitger Corporation (@monica_schnitge): bit.ly Jim Brown -- President, Tech-Clarity, Inc. (@jim_techclarity): bit.ly Chad Jackson -- President, Lifecycle Insights (@chadkjackson): bit.ly Tom Grant -- Senior Analyst, Forrester Research, Inc. (@tomgrantforr): bit.ly Sanjeev Pal -- Research Manager, IDC Manufacturing Insights (@sanj_pal): bit.ly
Oracle Agile - PLM Best Practices - GoEngineer Webinar
Learn some of the best practices for PLM in this GoEngineer webinar about Oracle Agile. Pr...
published: 06 Apr 2012
author: goengineer
Oracle Agile - PLM Best Practices - GoEngineer Webinar
Learn some of the best practices for PLM in this GoEngineer webinar about Oracle Agile. Presented by Phil Stathas of M/A-COM Technology Solutions and Greg Katai of GoEngineer.
PLM for Project Management
PLM for Everyone. Learn more at www.autodeskplm360.com...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: AutodeskPLM360
PLM for Project Management
PLM for Everyone. Learn more at www.autodeskplm360.com
Michigan Tech Instructor John Irwin at PLM Connection
Dora Smith interviews John Irwin, associate professor of mechanical engineering technology...
published: 10 May 2012
author: SiemensPLM
Michigan Tech Instructor John Irwin at PLM Connection
Dora Smith interviews John Irwin, associate professor of mechanical engineering technology at Michigan Technological University. See related blog post.