Stock photos and do-it-yourself design material

Photo of a glass ball with air bubbles, placed in a window with the midnight sun visible inside it. This photo was taken in June 2002 and used to create the sample header image of the andreas02 template. Click to enlarge!

Throughout the last 15 years, my personal photo album has grown to include tens of thousands of photos. Some of those photos have been ended up being used to create sample images for my free website templates, like the photo to the right which you may recognize if you have seen the andreas02 template.

But I still have a lot of material that will never be used, and I thought that it could be a good idea to make some of it available so that others can use it if wanted and needed. The same goes for graphics design projects and experiments I have made, for example desktop wallpapers, posters, website backgrounds and patterns. It could possibly be useful for many different kinds of situations.

Introducing the upcoming resources gallery…

So, in a couple of days this site will get a completely new section dedicated to free stock photos and graphics design resources. It will include a selection of assorted photos and graphics designs, with the latter mainly being large images and .PSD files that can be freely modified and used in your own design projects. The general idea is that the material can be used as it is (for example, the photos can be sample placeholder images in a photo gallery script) or in modified form where the images can be used to create new header images, background images, illustrations, logotypes or even complete visual identities – or anything else related to web or print design.

Sample graphics design material: A heavily edited photo of a colored glass bowl

All material will be free to use under a Creative Commons Attribution license. If the resources prove to be useful, I will also publish new material on regular basis.

Sublime Text 2 officially released

Only a few hours after I published yesterdays post about my testing of the beta version of the Sublime Text 2 editor, SublimeHQ announced that version 2 has been officially released. The official release adds a number of changes and fixes from the beta version I wrote about yesterday, and I will for sure spend more time exploring the editor during the next couple of days and weeks and write more about it in future posts.

Distraction-free coding: The Sublime Text 2 editor

With the addition of the full-screen post editor in WordPress, I discovered how much I liked distraction-free writing. In short, the term describes the concept of removing all unnecessary objects on the screen, to put the text in focus. Since then, I have tried a number of different tools, and I was recently recommended to try a new beta version of a code editor called Sublime Text 2 that is available for both Windows and Mac OSX. It turned out to be the first code editor that I found more likable than Notepad++ (which I have used for many years now), simply because it offers the combination of the option to switch to a distraction-free mode while still having several documents open side by side. Here is a screenshot of what it can look like using a 2-column layout and one of the included color schemes:

How does it work?

But plain editing is just the start. All colors and fonts can of course be customized. In fact, pretty much everything can be customized. Menus, macros, key bindings, UI – something that is simply not possible with my old favorite Notepad++. But what I really like about Sublime Text are the many small and clever features that makes work easier and more effective. There is a smart command palette that provides instant access to useful commands, and it is possible to make multiple selections in the code for easier editing. There are also plugins (which I haven’t explored yet) and a feature to create projects – something that will be very useful for me when I switch between different template projects. And again, it works on multiple platforms. I can use the same projects, settings and customizations on my Windows machine as I do on my Mac. And there is a Linux version as well.

Pricing and conclusion

The version I started using is a beta of Sublime Text 2, the upcoming next version. I haven’t tried the first version, and I don’t see any reason to do it since the beta has worked without problems for me. The Sublime Text editor can be downloaded and evaluated for free, currently without any limitations for the evaluation. For continued use after the evaluation, the price is US$59 for a single license (per-user, meaning that one person can use the software on as many computers as needed and wanted).

I really like this editor, and I can definitely recommend it to others. If you work with code on a professional level, the distraction-free mode is very welcome – as well as the ability to customize all details of the user interface. I will most certainly buy a license, as I think that Sublime Text 2 will soon end up being my main working environment for all things related to writing and editing code.

WordPress 3.4 is released

Just a moment ago, the official WordPress blog announced the release of WordPress version 3.4, named “Green” after guitarist and composer Grant Green. As mentioned in previous posts, it brings lots of exciting new features.

I will upgrade this site in a few days, and see if the new version opens up any exciting opportunities for new features here. As for my WordPress themes. they have all been tested with the last release candidate without any problems, so they should all work fine. If you should still experience any problem with any of the themes from this site, please let me know about it and I’ll make sure to look into it directly.

Recommended free download: This is me, a HTML/CSS template

New CSS template: Inland Hembygd

A new free website template has been released, another one based on the Inland design: Inland Hembygd. With beautiful modifications and photos by Daniel Carlsson, Hembygd (which is Swedish for “place of origin”) offers a calm and relaxed design which shows that the Inland design can work for many kinds of websites. The included photos are free to use for building your own website, and just as the other Inland-based templates Inland Hembygd includes the Nivo Slider jQuery plugin that creates a simple but beautiful header image slideshow. Check it out!

Inland Hembygd screenshot

(click the image to download the Inland Hembygd template, 692 Kb .zip)