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Welcome to the website of Australia’s central bank

The Reserve Bank of Australia conducts monetary policy, works to maintain a strong financial system and issues the nation’s banknotes. The Reserve Bank commenced
operations as Australia’s central bank on 14 January 1960.

Latest news


24 July 2012

The Lucky Country

Address by Glenn Stevens, Governor, to The Anika Foundation Luncheon, Sydney Link, opening in a new window, to the audio webcast of Glenn Stevens' address given on 24 July 2012.

19 July 2012

Remarks by Alexandra Heath, Head of Economic Research Department, to a panel discussion at the Australian Economic Forum 2012, Sydney Link, opening in a new window, to the audio webcast of Alexandra Heath's remarks given on 19 July 2012.

12 July 2012

The Euro Crisis and the Financial System [PDF 581K]

Speech by Philip Lowe, Deputy Governor, to The Economist's Bellwether Series 2012 (Australia), Sydney Link, opening in a new window, to the audio webcast of Philip Lowe's speech given on 12 July 2012.

11 July 2012

Bank Regulation and the Future of Banking

Remarks by Philip Lowe, Deputy Governor, to a panel discussion at the 41st Australian Conference of Economists, Melbourne Link, opening in a new window, to the audio webcast of Philip Lowe's remarks given on 11 July 2012.

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