
Brand New - Limousine
Limousine is a song from Brand New's album The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me. Lyrical...
published: 26 Aug 2008
author: roelfreriks
Brand New - Limousine
Limousine is a song from Brand New's album The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me. Lyrical content The song was written about the death of 7-year-old Katie Flynn. Katie had been the flower girl at her aunt's wedding and left in a limousine. The limousine was hit by another car and Katie was decapitated. Katie and the limousine driver, Stanley Rabinowitz, were both instantly killed. The driver of the other car, Martin Heidgen, 25, had at least 14 drinks that night and his blood alcohol content, at 0.28%, was more than three times the legal limit in New York (0.08%). He drove more than two miles north on the southbound side of the highway the Flynn family were driving along at the time of the collision. For more information about this horrible story: www.nytimes.com
published: 26 Aug 2008
views: 177563

Amazing Stretch Limousines - From Smart Cars To Maybach's
This features the ultimate Limousine collection, From the 1960 VW Beetle to the Rolls Royc...
published: 19 Mar 2008
author: xReventonx
Amazing Stretch Limousines - From Smart Cars To Maybach's
This features the ultimate Limousine collection, From the 1960 VW Beetle to the Rolls Royce Phantom & Maybach 62S Stretch Limo's Click for Limousine hire in Chelmsford Essex area: limousine.inchelmsfordlocalarea.com Also Includes Ferrari F40, F360 Lamborghini Diablo, Countach, VW Passat, Beetle, Porcshe Cayenne, BMW 760Li, Hummer H2, The worlds longest Limo at 100 FEET!!!!!!!! (oh plus a Boeing 727 Limo not to mention!) After you watch this, It will make your car look like a little matchbox car. Enjoy!
published: 19 Mar 2008
author: xReventonx
views: 2001650

2010 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Custom Limousine Start Up, Engine, and In Depth Tour
In thisvideo I give a full in depth tour of the 2010 Mercedes Benz Sprinter Custom Limousi...
published: 26 Nov 2010
author: saabkyle04
2010 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Custom Limousine Start Up, Engine, and In Depth Tour
In thisvideo I give a full in depth tour of the 2010 Mercedes Benz Sprinter Custom Limousine by Mercedes benz of south charlotte. I take viewers on a close look through the interior and exterior of this car while showing details, over viewing of features, and noting unique styling cues to the vehicle itself. I also show the engine and the details of it, start it up and see how it sounds under acceleration. A thorough tour/review of this car designed to give others a greater overall appreciation of the vehicle.
published: 26 Nov 2010
author: saabkyle04
views: 281877

Triple Axle H2 Hummer JET DOOR limo limousine - www.ROYALUXURY.com
www.royaluxury.com This was an H2 hummer we had back in 2008. Really cool limo with all th...
published: 19 May 2009
author: Royalimo
Triple Axle H2 Hummer JET DOOR limo limousine - www.ROYALUXURY.com
www.royaluxury.com This was an H2 hummer we had back in 2008. Really cool limo with all the bells and whistles. For cool buses click www.royaluxury.com You can see it and read more about it here: www.royaluxury.com
published: 19 May 2009
author: Royalimo
views: 1804338

2000 Lincoln Town Car Limousine Start Up, Engine, and In Depth Tour
In thisvideo I give a full in depth tour of a 2000 Lincoln Town Car Limousine. I take view...
published: 02 Nov 2010
author: saabkyle04
2000 Lincoln Town Car Limousine Start Up, Engine, and In Depth Tour
In thisvideo I give a full in depth tour of a 2000 Lincoln Town Car Limousine. I take viewers on a close look through the interior and exterior of this car while showing details, over viewing of features, and noting unique styling cues to the vehicle itself. I also show the engine and the details of it, start it up and see how it sounds under acceleration. A thorough tour/review of this car designed to give others a greater overall appreciation of the vehicle.
published: 02 Nov 2010
author: saabkyle04
views: 87748

Stretching a car into a limousine
How a car can be converted into a stretched limousine....
published: 20 Apr 2008
author: Triwood1973
Stretching a car into a limousine
How a car can be converted into a stretched limousine.
published: 20 Apr 2008
author: Triwood1973
views: 76336

Video of Obama 'Beast' Cadillac limo stuck on ramp in Ireland
US President Barack Obama's visit to Ireland got a little bumpy on Monday, after his armou...
published: 24 May 2011
author: RussiaToday
Video of Obama 'Beast' Cadillac limo stuck on ramp in Ireland
US President Barack Obama's visit to Ireland got a little bumpy on Monday, after his armoured limousine got stuck as it tried to leave the US embassy in Dublin. A large crowd had turned out in Ballsbridge to wave farewell to Obama as he made his way from the Irish capital to his ancestral home in County Offaly. But their cheers turned to gasps when the underbelly of the president's black Cadillac - nicknamed "The Beast" - caught the slope of the embassy driveway - hitting it with a loud bang. With the limo unable to move either forward or backward, Obama and his wife Michelle remained in the vehicle while a Secret Service agent directed a grey coach to park in front of it - obscuring the view of the media and the crowd, and prompting a few boos. Obama and his wife then continued their journey in a second armoured limousine, while the rest of the motorcade left the embassy via a different exit.
published: 24 May 2011
author: RussiaToday
views: 877344

Top Gear - Build your own limousines! BBC
It's time for another Top Gear challenge, a fast racing game to the finish. This time, the...
published: 14 Apr 2008
author: BBCWorldwide
Top Gear - Build your own limousines! BBC
It's time for another Top Gear challenge, a fast racing game to the finish. This time, the boys are asked to make their own stretch limousines out of their car of choice. Watch as they face paintball gun attacks and the all dreaded 3 point turn challenge. From the BBC.
published: 14 Apr 2008
author: BBCWorldwide
views: 1741871

2003 Lincoln Town Car Cartier Limousine Start Up, Engine, and In Depth Tour
In thisvideo I give a full in depth tour of a 2003 Lincoln Town Car Cartier Limousine. I t...
published: 16 Mar 2011
author: saabkyle04
2003 Lincoln Town Car Cartier Limousine Start Up, Engine, and In Depth Tour
In thisvideo I give a full in depth tour of a 2003 Lincoln Town Car Cartier Limousine. I take viewers on a close look through the interior and exterior of this car while showing details, over viewing of features, and noting unique styling cues to the vehicle itself. I also show the engine and the details of it, start it up and see how it sounds under acceleration. A thorough tour/review of this car designed to give others a greater overall appreciation of the vehicle.
published: 16 Mar 2011
author: saabkyle04
views: 141656

Free Wax & EOM podcast on iTunes bit.ly or Soundcloud bit.ly Wax & EOM perform an acoustic...
published: 14 Oct 2011
author: knocksteadyTV
Free Wax & EOM podcast on iTunes bit.ly or Soundcloud bit.ly Wax & EOM perform an acoustic version of "Limosine" with Wax on the guitar and EOM beatboxing. Check out the entire podcast to hear them talk about being a threat to their neighborhood, dealing with hecklers, and rap battling Zac Efron. Follow Wax twitter.com Follow EOM twitter.com Follow Knocksteady twitter.com KS Live was brought to you in part by Subjekt facebook.com
published: 14 Oct 2011
author: knocksteadyTV
views: 223232

The Limousines - Internet Killed The Video Star (Official Music Video)
get the album - tinyurl.com...
published: 23 Jun 2010
author: TheLimousines
The Limousines - Internet Killed The Video Star (Official Music Video)

Houston Limousines
Elite Limousines in Houston (www.elitelimohouston.com) offers Luxury Sedans, SUV, Vans, St...
published: 29 Jun 2012
author: limohouston
Houston Limousines
Elite Limousines in Houston (www.elitelimohouston.com) offers Luxury Sedans, SUV, Vans, Stretch limos, Hummer Limo, Party Buses, Shuttle Buses & Charter Buses for group transportation services in Houston TX.
published: 29 Jun 2012
author: limohouston
views: 7210

Meet The Record Breakers - The Midnight Rider - World's Heaviest Limousine
The Midnight Rider is a tractor-trailer limousine the weighs 50560 lb (22933 kg). It was d...
published: 17 Sep 2010
author: GuinnessWorldRecords
Meet The Record Breakers - The Midnight Rider - World's Heaviest Limousine
The Midnight Rider is a tractor-trailer limousine the weighs 50560 lb (22933 kg). It was designed by Michael Machado and Pamela Bartholemew (both USA) in California, USA, and began operation on September 3, 2004.
published: 17 Sep 2010
author: GuinnessWorldRecords
views: 310904
Vimeo results:

Directed and Produced by Mathieu Wothke
Additional animation :...
published: 11 Jan 2011
author: Mathieu Wothke
Directed and Produced by Mathieu Wothke
Additional animation : Virginie Kypriotis
Additional credits :
Non-Animated Footage :
Directed by Frank Door
Produced by Chante Cardoso of Element 151

Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
L’atemporalité psychédélique de la mouvance de...
published: 14 Nov 2009
author: Patrice De Bruyne
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
L’atemporalité psychédélique de la mouvance des corps dans une orgie, dépasse la sensualité dans le sexe crade...
J'ai de suite pensé en me réveillant que cette nouvelle journée serait extraordinaire.
Cette splendide érection matinale était le meilleur des présages.
En m'étirant et grognant d'aise, je me suis demandé si mon chat, habitué aux massages ciblés (visant à me réveiller efficacement... et, en dernière analyse, à obtenir sa gamelle), en était responsable, mais non ; quelque chose de tiède et d'humide, indéniablement, venait d'ensérer mon sexe : le corps encore chaud de Sabrina en voulait encore.
Sabrina n'a jamais été du matin... et encore moins du soir.
De toute façon, je ne peux pas affirmer avec certitude que Sabrina eut été... à un quelconque moment de la journée..., mais a-t-elle vraiment été un jour ?
Cette fois, je n'aurais pas à aller me soulager sous la douche.
Depuis que cinq sages indiens avaient envahi ma salle de bain et m'avaient fait découvrir les "mystères profonds du corps", j'essaie, dans la mesure du possible, d'éviter la pièce, histoire de laisser mon fondement cicatriser entre chaque initiation.
Prenant mon prépuce entre le pouce et l'index, Sabrina tire un grand coup dessus, puis y clampe une pince à linge pour gagner encore quelques centimètres de peau, son but secret étant de m'offrir le prépuce le plus long du monde pour l'utiliser comme un pull pour mes coucougnettes quand l'hiver rude finira par arriver sur mon sexe.
Je décide alors que ça suffit de jouer avec mes couilles... et je me rhabille, pour vite aller profiter du beau temps.
C'est dimanche, il fait magnifique, et il me semble entendre le doux murmure du vent apaiser mon gland endolori...
Les arbres, les fleurs et la nature entière m'appellent à la l'harmonie, je me laisse porter par mon inspiration et je note sur un mur blanc : "Vergers au matin, humides comme un baiser"...
Puis, comme à mon habitude, après avoir pissé sur le même arbre que la veille et la veille de la veille et ainsi de suite jusqu'à plus foif... je rentre chez moi faire chauffer deux toasts 44 secondes sur la position 2 de mon grille-pain style années '60 et m'installe à ma modeste table Knoll en marbre blanc plaçée au centre de ma cuisine rouge, dotée d'une bonne vue sur le parc ce qui en l'occurence n'a pas d'importance puisque je me mets généralement à lire le journal de la veille, comme à mon habitude...
Puis, je décide d'appeler mon cher ami Patrick Henderikx sans avoir d'idée précise en tête... et lorsque le répondeur me répond (c'est la fonction d'un répondeur)..., je repose mollement le combiné et lève les yeux vers l'horloge de la cuisine, réalisant qu'avec toutes ces conneries je me suis à nouveau f... en retard... et j'ai toujours eu une sainte horreur d'être en retard, la ponctualité étant une question d'éducation.
Mon éducation avait, en effet, été sans faille, grâce à ma Sainte Maman qui m'avait appris à moucher son nez, dire bonjour et merci, arriver à l'heure et être propre sur moi.
La journée s'annonce chargée !
J'allume l'ordinateur par habitude et poursuit mon quotidien sans trop réfléchir aux prochains évènements qui allaient survenir...
Des piles de bouquins pas terminés d'auteurs en vogue du XXIème siècle, sont dans un coin, le dernier Houellebeck, (qui est une belle merde au passage) dans l'autre..., entre deux sachets de beuh thaïlandaise modifiée et coupée de divers neuro-stimulants... et quelques bouteilles de rhum, de degrés conséquent, elles mêmes en équilibre sur des amas de notes aléatoires écrites alors que je me shootais aux champis à l'insuline..., et que je fourmillais de phrases chocs et éparses, mais fortes à mon esprit.
Je me considérais alors, bien que ce soit encore le cas par moment actuellement, comme un mec qui gagne à être connu pour mes texticules... : amas de phrases s'entassant sur des post-it, eux mêmes perdus au milieu d'un tas de feuilles à moitiés blanches, sur lesquelles sont disséminés, çà et là, des textes avortés et des dessins incolores que je ne finirai sans doute jamais.
Voilà ce qu'est ma vie dans mes moments de perdition morale complète.
L'état de salubrité de mon appartement ressemble à l'intérieur de ma tête, un état proche de la psychologie Zen...
Lorsque je suis désespéré, anéanti par le poids des conséquences de mes actes... et par mes responsabilités, c'est tout un microcosme informe et bordélique qui prend le pas sur le vide des cinq cent quarante cinq mètres carrés de mon loft (le garage est en dessous, le tout étant une vieille usine années '30 relookée en style Bauhaus Zen avec quelques touches lascives des années '50 et énormément d'ultra-modernisme des années 2000.
Vivre seul me permet à peu près deux semaines sur deux si ce n'est plus de me laisser aller et de m'enfonce

Off Book: The Evolution of Music Online
As the 90s came to a close, the business of music began to change profoundly. New technolo...
published: 13 Jan 2012
author: PBS Arts
Off Book: The Evolution of Music Online
As the 90s came to a close, the business of music began to change profoundly. New technology allowed artists to record and produce their own music and music videos, and the internet became a free-for-all distribution platform for musicians to promote themselves to audiences across the world. The result was an influx of artists onto the cultural scene, and audiences were left wondering how to sort through them all. In this episode we discuss these massive changes, and reveal how music blogs and websites have arisen as the new arbiters of quality.
Jon Cohen, Co-Founder, FADER Label
Ryan Dombal, Senior Editor, Pitchfork
Blake Whitman, VP of Creative Development, Vimeo
Anthony Volodkin, Founder, Hype Machine
Music by:
Flex Blur: http://soundcloud.com/flex-blur
Mindthings: http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/mindthings
Dub Terminator: http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/DUB_TERMINATOR
Nestor Gonzalez: http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/Nestor_Gonzalez
Special Location thanks to Converse Rubber Tracks Studio
Artists from Music Video Section:
Rihanna - We Found Love - http://vimeo.com/33123323
Miss Eaves - Diva Pop - http://vimeo.com/34415367
My First Earthquake - We Float - http://vimeo.com/31941995
Moullinex - Catalina - http://vimeo.com/19723907
Sleigh Bells - Riot Rhythm - http://vimeo.com/16668477
Keep The Heat
Morning Teleportation - Expanding Anyway - http://vimeo.com/14304059
Da Silva - Les Stations Balnearies - http://vimeo.com/33569324
Goose - Synrise - http://vimeo.com/20913850
Tim and Puma Mimi - Perspective - http://vimeo.com/11742651
DYE - Fantasy - http://vimeo.com/30798517
Dan Wholey - Amateur Rocketry - http://vimeo.com/29672263
Health - We Are Water - http://vimeo.com/10818338
Colours - Colourfornia - http://vimeo.com/26906724
Dancing Pigeons - Ritalin - http://vimeo.com/13639493
The Naked And Famous - The Sun - http://vimeo.com/27790801
The Limousines - http://vimeo.com/18665622
Flying Lotus - Kill Your Co-Workers - http://vimeo.com/15568767
Follow Off Book:
Twitter: @pbsoffbook
Tumblr: http://pbsarts.tumblr.com/
Produced by Kornhaber Brown: http://www.kornhaberbrown.com

Bellissimo Grande Hotel Suites and Spa
The Bellisimo Grande's 164 rooms, in the heavily wooded area of North Stonington, Connecti...
published: 07 Apr 2010
author: Kate Mercer
Bellissimo Grande Hotel Suites and Spa
The Bellisimo Grande's 164 rooms, in the heavily wooded area of North Stonington, Connecticut, features spacious and well-appointed suites with most rooms having oversized jacuzzi spas, plasma televisions, wi-fi and all the amenities that will make your stay an enjoyable experience.
Pamper yourself at the Bellissimo Grande's Bistro, Tuscany Bar and Spa. Get into the party spirit with the Complimentary Limousine service to Foxwoods. Feast at the Complimentary Deluxe Continental Breakfast (Monday through Friday)...all part of the exceptional continental value of just staying at the Bellissimo Grande. Come join us, have some fun, relax and make some new friends and memories. Ciao.
Youtube results:

Francis and the Lights - In a Limousine
buy on iTunes: itunes.apple.com...
published: 26 Apr 2010
author: francisandthelights
Francis and the Lights - In a Limousine

The Limousines - The Future (Official Music Video)
www.thelimousines.com from the album 'Get Sharp' on Orchard City Books & Noise Buy the alb...
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: TheLimousines
The Limousines - The Future (Official Music Video)
www.thelimousines.com from the album 'Get Sharp' on Orchard City Books & Noise Buy the album & merch thelimousines.bigcartel.com Director: David Dutton www.duttonfilms.com
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: TheLimousines
views: 163203