Miklos Jancso Red Psalm 1972_Clip
Trabalhadores rurais da Hungria pós-guerra querem o direito a dignidade. Atrav&eacu...;
published: 24 Oct 2011
author: filmesdesonho
Miklos Jancso Red Psalm 1972_Clip
Trabalhadores rurais da Hungria pós-guerra querem o direito a dignidade. Através de idéias socialistas e muita música, vão lutar pelo direito de serem verdadeiramente livres. Um dos mais belos filmes pró-socialismo já realizados. Obra de destaque do excepcional cineasta húngaro Miklós Jancsó. ELENCO: Andrea Ajtony András Ambrus Lajos Balázsovits ... Fiatal tiszt András Bálint ... Majláth gróf István Bujtor ... Petkó Szautner András Gyöngyi Bürös ... Ráczné, szocialista FICHA TÉCNICA: Diretor: Miklós Jancsó Escritor: Gyula Hernádi Data Release: 9 Março 1972 Género: Drama/Fantasia/Musical/Guerra Tempo: 87 min País: Hungria
Jancsó Miklós - Szerelmem, Elektra / Miklos Jancso - Beloved Electra (Electra, My Love) (1974)
magyar filmdráma / Hungarian Drama rendező/director: Jancsó Mikló...;
published: 13 Aug 2009
author: mulhollnd
Jancsó Miklós - Szerelmem, Elektra / Miklos Jancso - Beloved Electra (Electra, My Love) (1974)
magyar filmdráma / Hungarian Drama rendező/director: Jancsó Miklós író/writers: Hernádi Gyula, Gyurkó László, Vásárhelyi Miklós operatőr/director of photography: Kende János szereplők/cast: Törőcsik Mari (Elektra), Cserhalmi György (Oresztész), Madaras József (Aegisztosz)
Miklos Jancso - Silence and Cry
Miklos Jancso's little known masterpiece Silence and Cry, one of his best films in my ...
published: 07 Aug 2008
author: AntonioDGO
Miklos Jancso - Silence and Cry
Miklos Jancso's little known masterpiece Silence and Cry, one of his best films in my opinion though often overlooked. Jancso's early films in particular are famous for their long choreographed takes and have been a big influence on Bela Tarr, another great Hungarian auteur.
The Red and The White
Set during the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, Miklós Jancsó's The ...
published: 20 Apr 2006
author: bikeydoc
The Red and The White
Set during the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, Miklós Jancsó's The Red and the White is a war film unlike any other. Through its stylistic virtuosity, ritualistic power and sheer beauty, Jancsó invites us to study the mechanisms of power almost abstractly and with a cold eroticism that clearly portrays the utter futility of war. Although the film was an Hungarian-Russian co-production, the Russian authorities banned it from being shown anywhere in the Soviet Union. Miklós Jancsó is arguably the key Hungarian filmmaker of the sound era and The Red and the White will be the first of his films that Second Run DVD will be releasing through 2006. "A tour de force of a very special kind ... an astonishing director." - Derek Malcolm, The Guardian " Miklós Jancsó ... one of the great political film makers." - The Village Voice For more information on this film go to www.secondrundvd.com
Scene from: Miklós Jancsó- Így jöttem aka 'My Way Home' aka Wojenna przyjaźń 1965
Scene from: Miklós Jancsó - Így jöttem aka 'My Way Home'...
published: 07 Feb 2009
author: latajacypies
Scene from: Miklós Jancsó- Így jöttem aka 'My Way Home' aka Wojenna przyjaźń 1965
Scene from: Miklós Jancsó - Így jöttem aka 'My Way Home' aka Wojenna przyjaźń 1965
Jancsó Miklós - Szegénylegények / Miklos Jancso - The Round-Up (1965)
magyar filmdráma / Hungarian Drama rendező/director: Jancsó Mikló...;
published: 13 Aug 2009
author: mulhollnd
Jancsó Miklós - Szegénylegények / Miklos Jancso - The Round-Up (1965)
magyar filmdráma / Hungarian Drama rendező/director: Jancsó Miklós forgatókönyvíró/writers: Hernádi Gyula, Karall Luca operatőr/director of photography: Somló Tamás szereplők/cast: Görbe János (Gajdar János), Latinovits Zoltán (Veszelka), Molnár Tibor (Kabai), Barsi Béla (Foglár), Madaras József (Magyardolmányos), Koltai János (Varjú Béla), Kozák András (ifj. Kabai), Agárdy Gábor (Torma), Avar István (vallató), Őze Lajos (vallató)
Jancsó Miklós - Fényes szelek / Miklos Jancso - Sparkling Winds (The Confrontation) (1968)
magyar filmdráma / Hungarian Drama rendező/director: Jancsó Mikló...;
published: 13 Aug 2009
author: mulhollnd
Jancsó Miklós - Fényes szelek / Miklos Jancso - Sparkling Winds (The Confrontation) (1968)
magyar filmdráma / Hungarian Drama rendező/director: Jancsó Miklós forgatókönyvíró/writers: Hernádi Gyula, Jancsó Miklós operatőr/director of photography: Somló Tamás szereplők/cast: Balázsovits Lajos (Fekete Laci), Drahota Andrea (Lantos Jutka), Kovács Kati (Szabó Teréz), Kozák András (Kozma)
Sr. Miklós Jancsó Student Hostel Reconstruction
Just a short video clip from a Student Hostel reconstruction! Magyar változat (Hung...
published: 10 Feb 2011
author: atikori1
Sr. Miklós Jancsó Student Hostel Reconstruction
Just a short video clip from a Student Hostel reconstruction! Magyar változat (Hungarian version): www.youtube.com
Scene from: Miklós Jancsó-Még kér a nép aka 'Red Psalm' aka czerwony psalm Dopóki lud prosi
Scene from: Miklós Jancsó-Még kér a nép aka 'Red Ps...
published: 30 Jan 2009
author: latajacypies
Scene from: Miklós Jancsó-Még kér a nép aka 'Red Psalm' aka czerwony psalm Dopóki lud prosi
Scene from: Miklós Jancsó-Még kér a nép aka 'Red Psalm' aka czerwony psalm (1972) Scena z filmu czerwony psalm (1972)
La pacifista Miklós Jancsó
published: 17 Feb 2011
author: mtvralipaolo
La pacifista Miklós Jancsó
The Pacifist | Italian Trailer | 1970 | Miklós Jancsó | La pacifista | Monica Vitti
This film from the era of radical youth protests was made in Italy by the great Hungarian ...
published: 27 Jun 2012
author: CriterionDungeon
The Pacifist | Italian Trailer | 1970 | Miklós Jancsó | La pacifista | Monica Vitti
This film from the era of radical youth protests was made in Italy by the great Hungarian director Miklos Jancso. We get a lot of footage of students shouting "Ho Chi Minh! Ho Chi Minh!" A journalist (Monica Vitti) is preparing a story on extremist youth and falls in love with a young radical (Pierre Clementi) who fears being killed by his companions when he is unable to commit a political assassination. Virtually unknown today, the film is a stylish ballet of love and death.
Il cuore del tiranno (1981; Miklós Jancsó)
"Il cuore del tiranno" (1981) by Cavaradossi87 [Giordano Giannini] Alias: "...
published: 28 Jan 2012
author: Cavaradossi87
Il cuore del tiranno (1981; Miklós Jancsó)
"Il cuore del tiranno" (1981) by Cavaradossi87 [Giordano Giannini] Alias: "A zsarnok szíve, avagy Boccaccio Magyarországon" Un film di Miklós Jancsó Interpreti: Ninetto Davoli, Teresa Ann Savoy, József Madaras, László Gálffi. Music: "Greta's Waltz" From "Shadow Of The Vampire" Soundtrack [2000; Dan Jones - Pacific Time Entertainment]
First Scenes of : Szegénylegények AKA Round-Up AKA Desperaci (1965) direct Miklós Jancsó
Pierwsze sceny filmu ''Desperaci'' reż.Miklós Jancsó &#...
published: 26 Jan 2009
author: latajacypies
First Scenes of : Szegénylegények AKA Round-Up AKA Desperaci (1965) direct Miklós Jancsó
Pierwsze sceny filmu ''Desperaci'' reż.Miklós Jancsó ''Film jest pełną wyszukanego piękna i ascetycznych obrazów wizją prowokacji habsburskiej policji przeciwko grupie rewolucjonistów z oddziałów Kossutha w 1860 roku. Uwięzieni w drewnianej stanicy, pośród bezbrzeżnej puszty, więźniowie poddawani są najokrutniejszym torturom. Oprawcy próbują upokorzyć jeńców, złamać ich solidarność - zmusić do wewnętrznej kapitulacji, wreszcie, na sam koniec - zabić...'' -film zjeb- First Scenes of : Szegénylegények AKA Round-Up direct. Miklós Jancsó ''In Hungary, the national movement led by Kossuth has been crushed and the Austrian hegemony re-established, but partisans carry on with violent actions. In order to root out the guerilla, the army rounds up suspects and jails them in an isolated fort. The authorities do not have the identity of the guerilla leaders, who are supposed to be present among the prisoners. However, they know enough about some of the suspects to apply perfidious forms of coercion effectively. '' Written by Eduardo Casais IMBD
jancso werk 3 pindroch
Making of Oda az igazság! by Miklós Jancsó...
published: 26 Aug 2009
author: kamarasedit
jancso werk 3 pindroch
Making of Oda az igazság! by Miklós Jancsó
Youtube results:
La pacifista - Miklos Jancso (Barbara e Michele)
Scena del film del 1971...
published: 27 Jul 2011
author: MadameBovary68
La pacifista - Miklos Jancso (Barbara e Michele)
Scena del film del 1971
« Psaume rouge » (1972) de Miklós Jancsó
Original title : Még kér a nép. Achat & infos : www.imdb.fr...
published: 30 Mar 2012
author: lukashowlettmartin
« Psaume rouge » (1972) de Miklós Jancsó
Original title : Még kér a nép. Achat & infos : www.imdb.fr
Saluto di Miklós Jancsó per il premio Viareggio EuropaCinema del Presidente della Regione Toscana
Saluto di Miklós Jancsó per il premio Viareggio EuropaCinema del Presidente ...
published: 19 Oct 2010
author: EuropaCinema
Saluto di Miklós Jancsó per il premio Viareggio EuropaCinema del Presidente della Regione Toscana
Saluto di Miklós Jancsó per il premio Viareggio EuropaCinema del Presidente della Regione Toscana
Miklós Jancsó - Jelenlét / The Presence
Jelenlét (1965) Második jelenlét (1978) Harmadik jelenlét (198...
published: 17 Jun 2012
author: freyr1349
Miklós Jancsó - Jelenlét / The Presence
Jelenlét (1965) Második jelenlét (1978) Harmadik jelenlét (1986)