Recent Careers Posts

Make Sure You Don't Define Yourself Via Feedback

In our lives, we get feedback from others. Positive, negative and befuddling. It's too easy to let that feedback become part of our self-image, personally or even as an organization… Read more »

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Stop Making Excuses

Last week I was 10 minutes late for an important meeting across town. Rather than offering up an explanation (LA traffic), I simply said, "I'm sorry for being late." Then… Read more »

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An Ode To Stephen Covey Sr. and The Abundance Mentality

Yesterday, just before I took the stage at the CEMA annual conference, I got the news. Dr. Stephen Covey Sr. had passed away at the age of 79. It devastated… Read more »

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A $50,000 Benevolent Bribe: Is Today The Day You Finally Build Your Business?

Two years ago, Patrick Buckley and Craig Dalton had an idea–an iPad case made using traditional bookbinding. Today, DODOcase is a multi-million dollar business that’s been featured in The New… Read more »

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The Council That Kicked The Hornet’s Nest — Why TODAY Matters for Start-Ups

This man hates you and your start-up. 7/10/12 UPDATE: DC Shelves Uber Amendment After Backlash from CEO and Customers. My dear readers, you all ROCK. Truly well done. It is… Read more »

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10 Google Chromebook tips, tricks and tweaks

After buying a Chromebook four weeks ago, I quickly became a full-time user of the device. Along the way I picked up some tips and tricks that make my Chromebook… Read more »

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Why Your Smart Phone Makes You Anti-Social

Much of my business advice involves the following: Show up! If we can focus our attention on the others we are meeting with, much more can be accomplished. That's why… Read more »

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How I got a big advance from a big publisher and self-published anyway

I have a new book out today. It’s called The New American Dream: A Blueprint for a New Path to Success. You will notice that the link goes to Hyperink… Read more »

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Two cities use signs to set the rules (and make a point)

Ahh, summer. A time when some of us descend into the salt mines to finish a big project — while others of us get all Kerouac and hit the open… Read more »

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Can you allow your core magnificence?

What would it take for you to allow that to happen?... Read more »

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