
Obama of Roanoke: We Saw You Coming
C. Edmund Wright
Obama let slip in a momentous way what many of us knew all along about him. More

The Vagabond at the Intersection: The Consequences of Pooled Burden
Charles Adam Floyd
Like the vagabond at the intersection who scrubs your windshield for change even after you've waved him off, our government has collected a trophy case of carefully planned gratuities force fed to us one at a time More

EPA: Thou Shalt Purchase Fuel That Doesn't Exist
W.A. Beatty
Forcing American energy-producers to live up to impossible standards. More

If Darwin Was Right, Don't Sweat Global Warming
Timothy C. Daughtry
How do liberals' two favorite "science" issues -- global warming and Darwinism -- compare to each other? More

The Perfect President for Today's America?
Simon de Hundehutte
Chris Matthews really could be onto something by calling Barack Obama "the perfect father, the perfect husband, the perfect American." More

The Deception of Perfection
Kyle Becker
The American republic since its inception has been a shining exemplar of success. Why, then, the steady decline? More

Here Come the Closet Black Conservatives
Pat Austin
A growing number of black closet conservatives are speaking out against big government, which is what they perceive to be "the new plantation." More

Arizona versus the United States?
Elise Cooper
Who will win in the battle between Jan Brewer and Barack Obama? More

How Obama Has Failed the Black Community
Chad Stafko
During his nearly four years as president of the United States, Barack Obama could have used the bully pulpit of the presidency to make a real impact on the black community. More

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Jul 19, 2012

American Thinker Blog

15 reasons why Putin still stands by Assad
July 21, 2012
1. As himself the Butcher of Chechnya, Putin clearly has no moral problem with the slaughter of thousands of Sunni Muslims; 2. Syria provides the only Med Naval Base open [or likely to become open] to the Russian Navy Med Squadron More

Unemployment up in 6 battleground states
July 21, 2012
Not much improvement seen between now and November. More

Assad's forces attack rebel-held districts in Aleppo
July 21, 2012
Syrian army counterattack continues. More

207 drones operating in US air space
July 21, 2012
Concerns grow over the number of drones as well as their potential hazards. More

Jokers then and now
July 21, 2012
Back in 1996, the media hounded a conservative as unqualified for a position of responsibility, for making the same kind of mistake Brian Ross did. More

Egyptian Reformists Alarmed By Hillary and Obama
July 21, 2012
Since I am originally from Egypt and monitor daily Arab media I am witnessing an unprecedented alarm from Egyptian reformists More

Iran linked to 9 plots against Israel
July 21, 2012
Iranian president gloats over bus bombing. More

Why you didn't build that
July 21, 2012
And what hasn't been built because of government. More

Lest we forget: 43 years ago today Apollo 11 touched down on the moon
July 21, 2012
Where were you? More

When in doubt, blame the Tea Party!
July 21, 2012
When it comes to senseless acts of violence, our nation is often subjected to horrific, senseless acts of main stream media reporting. More

George W. Bush to skip GOP convention
July 21, 2012
A graceful exit. More

The President orders flags flown at half staff in memory of Colorado shooting victims
July 21, 2012
Rank cynicism by Obama or a deserved honor for the dead and wounded? More

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