July 20 Week In Review

July 20 Week In Review

July 20 Week In Review

The Real Way to Poop at Work with 100% Secrecy

Ahhh, big stinky poops. Nature's garbage. I know you make them, and I know you are ashamed. So what to do, ladies, what to do, when you really need to "drop the Westboro Baptist Church off at the pool," but you're trapped at the office where people you know might find out!? More »

July 20 Week In Review

An 8-Year-Old Girl's Awesome List of Why Women Rule

We're so glad that a Redditor dad posted his daughter's "unexpected response to a writing assignment about being female." More »

July 20 Week In Review

Forget What You've Heard: Here's the Real Way to Find That Perfect Husband in College

Higher education. It sure is empowering how they let us ladies go to college and do our cute little book-reading thing these days. It's so fun to pretend like people care about our adorable girl-brains! More »

July 20 Week In Review

Adventures of a Female 13th-Stepper

13th Step: Those familiar with AA or 12 step meetings know that this term is used to describe the efforts of an old timer who tries to have sex with a newcomer or someone with less than a year of sobriety. More »

July 20 Week In Review

GDawg, Miami and Salsa: Grandmas These Days Don't Want to Be Called Grandma

During my pregnancy I was aware that my mother and her contemporaries were colluding over what they wanted my baby to call her. Apparently, it's a thing now for grandparents to choose their own names. More »

July 20 Week In Review

The Wild, Weird and Wonderful Women of Comic Con

Over the weekend, fandom descended upon San Diego to celebrate comics, vampires, superheroes, sci-fi, fantasy, and zombies. There were dudes dressed as warlocks and warriors, but the ladies made a spectacle of themselves as well. More »

July 20 Week In Review

New Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Announces She's Pregnant. Cue the Shitty, Sexist Reactions.

Last night, news broke that Yahoo's new CEO - former Google fixture Marissa Mayer - is six months pregnant. Her new employer was fully aware of the pregnancy when they brought her on, and did it anyway. More »

July 20 Week In Review

Who Has It Easier, a Pregnant CEO or a Pregnant Maid?

When newly-coronated Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer announced that she and her husband were expecting their first baby in October, people who are not Marissa Mayer or Marissa Mayer's doctor immediately began speculating that having a baby would be a detriment to her ability to do her job. More »

July 20 Week In Review

Please. Enough With the Pink Shit.

Hey, ladies. Do you like not getting ax-murdered by a madman, but just wish that not dying a horrific death could be a little more fabulous? Well, get excited! More »

July 20 Week In Review

Sorority Rush Is the Most Important Unimportant Thing Ever

If you've subjected yourself to a Bed, Bath & Beyond lately, you're well aware that we are just weeks away from the annual rite of parents abandoning their young in poorly lit dorm rooms with little more than a loft bed and a couple of stackable crates. More »

July 20 Week In Review

Why Aren't We Talking More About Deadbeat Dads?

Apparently, it's awful to be a single mother in America. They're are more likely to have lower levels of education, lower income, and if they're uneducated they're much less likely to get married than their more educated counterparts, which shuts them out of the added income a husband can provide. More »

July 20 Week In Review

Mary Kay Ladies Are Really Just Pawns in a Pyramid Scheme

Is Mary Kay Inc. a glorified sorority godsend for American housewives or a manipulative pyramid scheme? Harper's reporter Virginia Sole-Smith went undercover shilling tacky cosmetics to find out. More »

July 20 Week In Review

Six-Year-Old Girls Say They Want to Be 'Sexy'

Today in bleeeeeeeeuuuuuurrrrrrrrrgh, a new study in the journal Sex Roles suggests that girls as young as six years old are concerned with appearing "sexy." As in, sexually attractive. More »

July 20 Week In Review

Is My Baby High-Maintenance?

When I got pregnant, I knew immediately that I wanted to "have it all," i.e., minimal weight gain, a natural birth and a baby who slept through the night without me having to do anything. More »

July 20 Week In Review

This Week in Tabloids: Kristen Stewart Got New Boobs, Say Two Out of Two Plastic Surgeons

Welcome back to Midweek Madness, your one-stop shop for delicious, farm-fresh gossip from In Touch, Us, Ok!, Life & Style, and Star. More »

July 20 Week In Review

Air Force Sexual Assault Scandal Even Worse Than We Thought

The horribly depressing, kind of gigantic Lackland Air Force base rape/sexual assault scandal (is the phrase "rape scandal" redundant? Can't get more scandalous than rape.) uncovered in recent months has headed to a military court, and details of the case seem to point to a widespread culture of male superiors taking sexual advantage of female recruits. More »

Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women
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