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Posts from the ‘News’ Category

  • 7.11.12New decor8!
  • I’m so happy to share with you the redesign of my blog, decor8! I decided to change it awhile ago but never made the time until earlier this year when I thought, “Enough is enough – time for change!” and have been working with MWA Design in London, Mark Wilson’s firm, along with illustrator Samantha Hahn, to spruce up my site. I’m so grateful to see the completion of this project today and while we’re still building some of the pages, I’m so happy with it. Mark also redesigned my decor8 e-course site so that everything works together and I am so pleased.

    New decor8!

    I particularly loved Mark’s idea to add a Decorate It! feature (to your right) so you as the reader can customize the background. Try it, it’s fun! I think I’ll change these from time to time but for now, the patterns are really nice I think and the overall site looks and feels like me so I’m very happy with it. I wanted something very easy to navigate, uncluttered and more professional looking without losing the handmade, tactile touches that I love so much.

    I hope you like my new logo and the new decor8 blog – I’m so happy to reveal it! Thank you Mark and Simon from MWA Design, illustrator Samantha Hahn and my husband Thorsten who worked closely with Mark and Simon from beginning to end.

  • 7.4.12Hello Everyone!

  • Hello everyone! To those of you in the states, it’s the 4th – yeah! Have fun celebrating our day of Independence. Living abroad on the 4th is the hardest for me because I once loved how Boston came together for the gorgeous concert and fireworks on the 4th on the Charles River. I really miss going there with my friends. It’s amazing to me how close home is to my heart yet in reality, how far away I really am! How are you doing today?

    I’ve gone a bit MIA, I know… Missing in action. And for that, I am truly sorry. I’ve been very busy, a bit too much, and I’ve finally wrapped up my next book. I wrote the final page yesterday and today, I am sorting out the photo credits and directory. It’s been a massive undertaking! In addition to that, I’ve been teaching nearly 700 students online in my Blogging Your Way e-course for the past 5 weeks. It’s been lovely and today is my last lesson there. I love teaching online and am so grateful that I hired three amazing women and bloggers, Jeanette, Nicole and Katrina, to stand by my side and work along with me to teach this dynamic, exciting class. Thank you ladies SO MUCH. I love the community that BYW has built and the many meet-ups BYW students are having in spots all over the world from London to San Francisco.

    So… What is inspiring you lately? I am inspired by large-scale floral patterns, polka dots, vanilla nail polish sent to me from a friend in Denmark, my friend Steffi’s new business cards and blog redesign, and how beautiful the new lavender on my balcony looks and smells – it’s the simple things, right?

    I miss you all, soo sooooo much. I will be regularly writing here daily next week and going forward. My online class is wrapping up, my German language course is soon to end, my lecture in Wiemar is this Saturday and my second book is finished – now I can return to you on a full-time schedule once again.

    With love, Holly xo

  • 4.10.12Tah-da! I’m Back!
  • Hello friends! I’m back from a mini time off – Easter weekend here in Germany is equivalent to Christmas so things completely shut down for days and you are forced into down time whether you want it or not. Personally, I needed it. I have been working non-stop on several projects lately so I had to turn off and step away from the internet for a bit. I missed you though! It’s always so hard to step away, because one always feels like they are missing out. Do you ever feel this way?


    I’ve been writing online now for quite awhile and so I’m locked into a routine and just go, go, go and push, push, push! It takes a holiday, getting ill, working on a shoot or something like that to push me away from my desk. I’m glad I took the extra long weekend off but my inbox didn’t seem to slow down and my work has piled up so it’s time to pay for my absence. Oh dear, right? You must relate to this. We have to pay for our freedom in one way or another and if a full inbox is my only stress then I consider myself lucky.

    I’m so happy to be back to blogging again though, and though this week and next will be super light with posts because Debi Treloar is coming to work with me on this in my home next week for a few days and I’m busy preparing for her visit, I’m still around and will pop in throughout this week to keep you posted.

    How are you? Did you take time off for Easter? What did you do? Are your jeans tight from all of the chocolate? Mine are. I started detoxing today. I’m sure to be a total crab/pain in the butt for the next few days… ha! Do you get crabby when you detox? Oh my goodness it’s not a fun time for me but I’ll be better off for it!

    I’ve inserted a darling video above from kids company bla bla. I love their soft toys and I thought it was so precious. I also inserted a video about a cat that also caught my eye and made me smile. After a long weekend I find a little humor is needed because really, breaking back into a routine is no fun is it?

    See you soon! Smile and tell me how you are if you have a moment….

    (image: blah blah kids)


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