
Sonardyne Scout USBL
Scout USBL is a complete vessel based underwater tracking solution for commercial divers, ...
published: 07 Dec 2007
author: mcdonald3072
Sonardyne Scout USBL
Scout USBL is a complete vessel based underwater tracking solution for commercial divers, ROVs and towfish. Compact, portable and easy to install on any vessel, Scout is designed to appeal to users with little or no prior experience of acoustic positioning and those who want to arrive on location, switch on and begin tracking a target immediately. © Sonardyne 2007 www.sonardyne.co.uk

USBL Inertial positioning
This is a 3D presentation of the CDL developed USBL underwater inertial positioning system...
published: 05 Oct 2011
author: InertialEngineering
USBL Inertial positioning
This is a 3D presentation of the CDL developed USBL underwater inertial positioning system, showing the advantages of the new inertial positioning system in cooperation to the old one. For more info please visit our website: www.cdltd.net our Facebook page www.facebook.com

Ernest Jones Basketball Highlights-USBL
My Blue Duck Highlights...
published: 06 Dec 2007
author: AIREZEL1
Ernest Jones Basketball Highlights-USBL
My Blue Duck Highlights

Scout USBL
Scout USBL is a complete vessel based underwater positioning system for tracking divers, R...
published: 06 Aug 2010
author: Sonardyne
Scout USBL
Scout USBL is a complete vessel based underwater positioning system for tracking divers, ROVs and towfish. Compact, portable and easy to install on any vessel, Scout is designed to appeal to users with little or no prior experience of acoustic positioning and those who want to arrive on location, switch on and begin tracking a target immediately. Scout calculates the position of a subsea target by measuring the range and bearing from a vessel mounted transceiver to a small acoustic transponder fitted to the target; a technique known as Ultra-Short BaseLine (USBL) positioning. USBL positioning is widely used by the offshore and oceanographic industries as it offers high accuracy performance combined with ease of operation. One of its main advantages is that no other in-water acoustic equipment has to be deployed before underwater operations can commence. Only the targets being tracked need to be equipped with a transponder.

Tai Crutchfield USBL record-setting performance (36pts in a qtr)
Tai Crutchfield puts on a show with a great display of shooting at the Bi-Centennial Cente...
published: 18 Mar 2010
author: hlywood33
Tai Crutchfield USBL record-setting performance (36pts in a qtr)
Tai Crutchfield puts on a show with a great display of shooting at the Bi-Centennial Center...

Sonardyne USBL Fusion
NCU auto-restart...
published: 04 May 2009
author: cnlcom
Sonardyne USBL Fusion
NCU auto-restart

WII Cover Flow USBL Beta 5 0
published: 16 May 2009
author: godardjun
WII Cover Flow USBL Beta 5 0

USBL Match 1, Bullet vs KarrotTop
In the first ever match of the United Sock`em Booper League two of our competitors face of...
published: 26 May 2012
author: RliperVideos
USBL Match 1, Bullet vs KarrotTop
In the first ever match of the United Sock`em Booper League two of our competitors face off 1 v 1 in a very exciting and tension filled battle

Coach Rick Ross USBL
Raleigh Cougars Coach Rick Ross Pre Game Interview With Local Media WRAL TV 5 SPORTS NBC...
published: 15 Aug 2009
author: coachross1
Coach Rick Ross USBL
Raleigh Cougars Coach Rick Ross Pre Game Interview With Local Media WRAL TV 5 SPORTS NBC

USBL 7 Week 4 Highlights
published: 15 Apr 2010
author: Smackabytch
USBL 7 Week 4 Highlights

USBL Dynasty 2: Week 2 Highlights
USBL Dynasty 2 highlights from week 2 of the Online Association on NBA 2k12...
published: 19 Feb 2012
author: Smackabytch
USBL Dynasty 2: Week 2 Highlights
USBL Dynasty 2 highlights from week 2 of the Online Association on NBA 2k12

USBL VI: Week 2 Top Ten Plays
Highlights of week 2 of the USBL VI season....
published: 04 Feb 2010
author: Smackabytch
USBL VI: Week 2 Top Ten Plays
Highlights of week 2 of the USBL VI season.

Bleach USBL
published: 28 May 2007
author: kokokoga
Bleach USBL

USBL VII Week 1 highlights!!!
published: 25 Mar 2010
author: Smackabytch
USBL VII Week 1 highlights!!!

USBL VI: Week 1 Top Moments
Highlights from week 1...want urs here ..submit them... - If ur not in USBL and wanna Join...
published: 28 Jan 2010
author: Smackabytch
USBL VI: Week 1 Top Moments
Highlights from week 1...want urs here ..submit them... - If ur not in USBL and wanna Join hit me up on XBOX 360 GT: Swag So MeAn 39. PLus go 2 www.facebook.com n sign up!!!

USBL Season 6 in Review
published: 11 Mar 2010
author: Smackabytch
USBL Season 6 in Review

USBL IV Wk 3 Top 10 POW
top ten plays ... visit www.facebook.com 2 join .. -...
published: 12 Feb 2010
author: Smackabytch
USBL IV Wk 3 Top 10 POW
top ten plays ... visit www.facebook.com 2 join .. -

Année 2010-2011 USBL.mpg
Best of d'une saison UNIQUE !...
published: 11 Jun 2011
author: Stephanois26240
Année 2010-2011 USBL.mpg
Best of d'une saison UNIQUE !

USBL VII Highlights: Wk 3
www.usbldynasty.ning.com search for :USBL Dynasty on Facebook -...
published: 08 Apr 2010
author: Smackabytch
USBL VII Highlights: Wk 3
www.usbldynasty.ning.com search for :USBL Dynasty on Facebook -

USBL Empire Top plays of wk1
top plays of USBL Empire Draft lg www.facebook.com...
published: 25 Feb 2010
author: Smackabytch
USBL Empire Top plays of wk1
top plays of USBL Empire Draft lg www.facebook.com

USBL 7 Highlights: Wk 2
published: 02 Apr 2010
author: Smackabytch
USBL 7 Highlights: Wk 2

USBL Empire wk 4 POW
published: 18 Mar 2010
author: Smackabytch
USBL Empire wk 4 POW