“There is a legitimate concern that British taxpayers, who already have bailed out the bank, will be asked to pay for past mistakes at R.B.S.,” said Pat McFadden, a British politician who is a member of the opposition party and part of the Parliament’s Treasury select committee that oversees the country’s finance industry.
“There is a legitimate concern that British taxpayers, who already have bailed out the bank, will be asked to pay for past mistakes at R.B.S.,” said Pat McFadden, a British politician who is a member of Parliament’s treasury select committee that oversees the country’s finance industry.
“There is a legitimate concern that British taxpayers, who already have bailed out the bank, will be asked to pay for past mistakes at R.B.S.,” said Pat McFadden, a British politician who is a member of the British parliament’s treasury select committee that oversees the country’s finance industry.
LONDON – SeniorUBS executives were grilled by British politicians on Wednesday over the recent rate-rigging scandal that led to the Swiss banking giant to pay a combined $1.5 billion fine to global authorities ... “This didn’t just involve traders at UBS,” Pat McFadden, a British politician said during the hearing on Wednesday.
LONDON – SeniorUBS executives faced tough questioning from British politicians on Wednesday over a recent rate-rigging scandal that led the Swiss banking giant to pay a combined $1.5 billion fine to global authorities ... “This didn’t just involve traders at UBS,” Pat McFadden, a British politician said during the hearing on Wednesday.
On Monday, British politicians took aim at one of the Barclays executives, Jerry del Missier, the bank’s former chief operating officer. Barclays was “up to its armpits in dishonest activity,” said Pat McFadden, a British politician who sits on the committee overseeing the testimony.
Diamond Jr., faced questions from British politicians about whether he directed employees to report artificially low rates ... Barclays was “up to its armpits in dishonest activity in the run up to that phone call,” Pat McFadden, a British politician who sits on the committee overseeing the testimony, said in reference to Mr.