
Winamp Tutorial - Getting Started
This video is geared towards the new Winamp user. Is shows you how to add music to your Wi...
published: 08 Sep 2008
author: winampteam
Winamp Tutorial - Getting Started
This video is geared towards the new Winamp user. Is shows you how to add music to your Winamp media library, how to customize the Bento skin, as well as how to find and upload album art. For more information on Winamp or to watch additional How-to videos visit the Winamp Blog - blog.winamp.com

Winamp for Android
Phil takes a quick look at the Winamp music app for Android....
published: 21 Oct 2010
author: AndroidCentral
Winamp for Android
Phil takes a quick look at the Winamp music app for Android.

How to Setup Winamp
SALE TODAY: Learn Piano on iOS bit.ly Mahalo technology expert Sean Hewitt offers a tutori...
published: 27 Jun 2011
author: mahalodotcom
How to Setup Winamp
SALE TODAY: Learn Piano on iOS bit.ly Mahalo technology expert Sean Hewitt offers a tutorial on installing and setting up Winamp Lite. Downloading and Installing --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to Winamp.com.2. Click the Free Download button.3. You have the option of downloading either the Standard, Pro or Lite edition. Standard and Lite are free. Lite has the smallest program size. In this tutorial, we will be downloading Winamp Lite, located near the bottom of the page. Click Download.4. In the User Account Control window, click Yes to confirm that you want to allow the Winamp downloader to make changes to your computer.5. Click Next .6. Read the License Agreement, then click I Agree.7. Choose a destination folder for the program and click Next . To accept the default folder, just click Next .8. Winamp Agent sits in your taskbar, checks for updates and causes Winamp to launch faster. Because Winamp Lite already launches quickly, deselect it. Click Next .9. Choose your desired start options and click Next .10. Deselect the toolbar, the AOL search and the free downloads. Click Install.11. Once the program installs, click Finish. Completing the Setup --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. In the Winamp Setup window, in Choose a Skin, you can select an appearance for your Winamp player, such as Winamp Classic. Click Next.2. In File Associations, you will be able to associate various file types <b>...</b>

Techno Music with 3D Winamp Visualization
One of my favorite techno songs set to the Tripex Winamp Visualization - highly recommende...
published: 16 Aug 2008
author: aclays
Techno Music with 3D Winamp Visualization
One of my favorite techno songs set to the Tripex Winamp Visualization - highly recommended for when you are in the mood to just zone out, get some moves going, or while otherwise intoxicated ;) This was always my favorite song to crank the volume up, throw on the strobe light, black light, lasers and all that jazz and practice some moves with the glowsticks. The best transition starts around 2:00, enjoy! I'm afraid I don't know what song this is, if any of you recognize it, please post it up! Be sure to watch this in High Quality! The upload to youtube butchered the view and sound quality enough already. Recorded with Fraps and edited with Adobe Premiere Elements.

Comparing Media Players: WMP11, iTunes, Winamp & Foobar2000
Have a problem? Ask in the forum: www.mob3.co.uk or the live chat: www.mob3.co.uk Here I s...
published: 17 Feb 2008
author: mobilephone2003
Comparing Media Players: WMP11, iTunes, Winamp & Foobar2000
Have a problem? Ask in the forum: www.mob3.co.uk or the live chat: www.mob3.co.uk Here I show you a comparison of the media players using various tests. Windows Media Player 11: www.microsoft.com - 0 services running in the back without music playing - 2.25 secs to load player - 21404k RAM on idle - taken 6:43 to import approx 1800 songs - 34764k RAM when playing music iTunes www.apple.com - 2 services and 1 programs running in the back without music playing - 7.82 secs to load player - 40632k RAM on idle - taken 7:42 to import approx 1800 songs - 51380k RAM when playing music Winamp 5.52: www.winamp.com - 0 services and 1 programs running in the back without music playing - 8.32 secs to load player - 7896k RAM on idle - taken 2:26 to import approx 1800 songs - 26636k RAM when playing music foobar2000 0.9.5: www.foobar2000.org - 0 services and 0 programs running in the back without music playing - 2.76 secs to load player - 7560k RAM on idle - taken 28.26 secs to import approx 1800 songs - 15788k RAM when playing music

A brief history of Winamp
A history of the iconic media player, from its humble beginnings as a DOS media player to ...
published: 26 Oct 2011
author: TheRasteri
A brief history of Winamp
A history of the iconic media player, from its humble beginnings as a DOS media player to the latest mobile-device enabled version. More info here : www.oldversion.com

Winamp and Internet Radio
Learn how to set up internet radio from shoutcast to play through winamp. Check out my blo...
published: 11 Oct 2009
author: RonJr7700
Winamp and Internet Radio
Learn how to set up internet radio from shoutcast to play through winamp. Check out my blog. ronjr.wordpress.com

2562 - Winamp Melodrama
All rights reserved for the producers of this track. All the tunes that I upload are for p...
published: 21 May 2011
author: lostinsound80
2562 - Winamp Melodrama
All rights reserved for the producers of this track. All the tunes that I upload are for promotional use only. Artist: 2562; Album: Fever; Song Title: Winamp Melodrama; Track No: 1 ; Release Date: 4th April, 2011; Label: When In Doubt

Streaming Music into SecondLife With Winamp
A screen dump of how to use winamp for streaming audio into Secondlife....
published: 31 Jul 2007
author: audana
Streaming Music into SecondLife With Winamp
A screen dump of how to use winamp for streaming audio into Secondlife.

Winamp whips llama
Winamp whips llama if you watch it...comment and rate it please :D don't like it? too ...
published: 13 Oct 2007
author: Ivasivechimp
Winamp whips llama
Winamp whips llama if you watch it...comment and rate it please :D don't like it? too bad..it stays :D

New Winamp for Android - Greatest Music App
Your are liking Android phone? Your are liking music? But ne ney no play in telephono? Of ...
published: 03 Feb 2011
author: winampteam
New Winamp for Android - Greatest Music App
Your are liking Android phone? Your are liking music? But ne ney no play in telephono? Of Greatest Deal... Especial Android Llama de Winamp! The new Winamp for Android. Download, manage, create playlists, enjoy, even if you are currently using a product that rhymes with shmeye-shmoones. Only available while supplies last, which is forever. O... K... GREAT!!! www.winamp.com

Winamp Skin Tutorial - Basic
This video shows you how to create your own Winamp Skin. It's geared towards the avera...
published: 24 Jul 2008
author: winampteam
Winamp Skin Tutorial - Basic
This video shows you how to create your own Winamp Skin. It's geared towards the average user & shows you how easy it is to create your own skin. This video is based on the tutorial created by Kevin Farnham, "Winamp Skins Development Tutorial" - dev.aol.com For more information on Winamp or to watch additional How-to videos visit the Winamp Blog - blog.winamp.com

Winamp Shoutcast Tutorial
How to broadcast with winamp on a shoutcastserver...
published: 31 Aug 2006
author: Neoblade88
Winamp Shoutcast Tutorial
How to broadcast with winamp on a shoutcastserver

Free Winamp Pro
Sorry for taking so long to update links and to reply to you folks, but I have been busy w...
published: 26 Apr 2008
author: chepo1999
Free Winamp Pro
Sorry for taking so long to update links and to reply to you folks, but I have been busy with school, but now I am back. Anyways, heres the newest version of Winamp Pro!! :) h33t.com For the Activation part make sure you put this, Name:Mazuki Serial:MA0CJ-1DZZ2-FH0AN-0F8EQ Remember to watch in HD! www.youtube.com

Customize Winamp
Bestselling Learn Guitar on Android! bit.ly Mahalo software expert Sean Hewitt offers a tu...
published: 27 Jun 2011
author: mahalodotcom
Customize Winamp
Bestselling Learn Guitar on Android! bit.ly Mahalo software expert Sean Hewitt offers a tutorial on customizing Winamp. The Winamp Equalizer Pane --------------------------------------------------------------------- To collapse the Winamp Equalizer pane in your audio pane, double click the top of that section. To open it again, double click it.To close or reopen the Equalizer pane, click the EQ button in the Winamp pane. Another method of closing it is clicking the X in the Equalizer pane.Closing the Equalizer pane separates the Winamp pane and the Winamp Playlist pane. You can reconnect them by clicking and dragging them to each other. Loading EQ Presets --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. To pick an equalizer preset (an audio scheme designed to best fit a certain musical style or genre), click Presets in the audio pane.2. Click Load -- Preset...3. Choose a preset and click Load. The Winamp Playlist Pane --------------------------------------------------------------------- To collapse the Winamp Playlist pane, double click the top of that section. To open it again, double click it.To close or reopen the Winamp Playlist pane, click the PL button in the Winamp pane. Another method of closing it is clicking the X in the Winamp Playlist pane.If you have a large song library, you can make the Playlist pane larger. Click and hold the triangle in the bottom right-hand corner, then drag it down and to the right. Spectrum Analyzer <b>...</b>

Burn a CD in Winamp
Bestselling Learn Guitar on Android! bit.ly Mahalo software expert Sean Hewitt offers a tu...
published: 16 Jul 2011
author: mahalodotcom
Burn a CD in Winamp
Bestselling Learn Guitar on Android! bit.ly Mahalo software expert Sean Hewitt offers a tutorial on burning a CD in Winamp Lite. Directions --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Insert a blank or rewritable CD into your disk drive.2. In your Winamp Playlist window, highlight the songs you want to burn to your CD. If you want to add a range of songs, hold Shift, click the first song in the range and then click the last song in the range. If you instead want to add several individual songs from your playlist, highlight each of them by holding Ctrl and clicking them individually.3. Right click any highlighted song, then click Send to: -- CD Burner. Make sure you're selecting the correct drive.4. Press Alt+L to open your Winamp Library window. Select CD Recorder from the left-hand tree. In the main library window, you will see a list of all of the songs that will be burned to your CD.At the top of the window, you'll see the total length of time and number of tracks you'll be burning.5. At the bottom of the window, select Burn.6. In the burning window, you'll be able to select your burn speed by clicking the bar next to Burn speed. The lower the speed, the longer the burning process will take.If you have the free version of Winamp, you'll only be able to burn at 1x or 2x; if you have the full version, you can burn at higher speeds.From this window, you can also choose to enable Burn-proof mode to ensure that the burn does not fail.Another <b>...</b>

Winamp Remote on iPhone
Playing, through the iPhone's native Safari browser and Quicktime player, some music a...
published: 12 Dec 2007
author: mumbles
Winamp Remote on iPhone
Playing, through the iPhone's native Safari browser and Quicktime player, some music and a video from my home PC where I have the free Orb-powered Winamp Remote app installed. Download from winamp.com No software's installed on the iPhone - you just log in at winamp.orb.com from the browser.

Android Winamp Setup Part 1
Setting up Winamp with your Android Phone....
published: 01 Jan 2011
author: cadis12
Android Winamp Setup Part 1
Setting up Winamp with your Android Phone.

Winamp visualization dubstep
I was listening to some dubstep and had the visualizer running and realized that this spec...
published: 13 Jul 2010
author: Iukini
Winamp visualization dubstep
I was listening to some dubstep and had the visualizer running and realized that this specific milkdrop2 preset went perfectly with dubstep. The preset is Flexi - intensive shader fractal [suksma comp shader mix]

HardSID 4U Winamp Plugin
Welcome to the SID player revolution! - Seek in .sid files on cycle-accurate SID hardware!...
published: 14 Apr 2009
author: need4sid
HardSID 4U Winamp Plugin
Welcome to the SID player revolution! - Seek in .sid files on cycle-accurate SID hardware! - Remote-control your SID files using an IR remote control! - Enjoy the benefits of Winamp playlists! (+song-length support) - Put sub-songs on your playlists! (not just that annoying default-song) - Build interesting community SID listening stats - and more.. www.hardsid.com

LED Cube Plugin for Winamp 8x8x8
Alpha of Seim's AmpCube - a Winamp Plugin to control a modified RapeCube firmware for ...
published: 27 Oct 2008
author: dawn3245626
LED Cube Plugin for Winamp 8x8x8
Alpha of Seim's AmpCube - a Winamp Plugin to control a modified RapeCube firmware for the Etherrape microcontroller widerstandzwecklos.ath.cx

How to use Moodagent in Winamp
Bestselling Learn Guitar on Android! bit.ly Mahalo Windows and technology expert Sean Hewi...
published: 07 Jul 2011
author: mahalodotcom
How to use Moodagent in Winamp
Bestselling Learn Guitar on Android! bit.ly Mahalo Windows and technology expert Sean Hewitt shows you how to use Moodagent in Winamp. What is Moodagent? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Moodagent is an add-on that allows you to discover new music. The service works by analyzing the current song you're playing and finding songs similar to it. How to use Moodagent in Winamp --------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Winamp. Start playing a song.Press Alt + L to open your media library. Scroll down the directory on the left and click Online Services. In the Add-ons tab, click Moodagent.Click ADD TO WINAMP. Click GO TO. This adds Moodagent into the Online Services section of the Winamp directory.Click Moodagent from your Winamp directory.Click Go Discover.8. Moodagent will make recommendations based on the song you're currently playing. If you hover over a song, you can Play sample, Find similar tracks or Buy this track. Read more by visiting our page at: www.mahalo.com