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Wednesday, 18 July 2012
PDT's Jim Meehan Stirs Classic New Orleans Cocktails Make PDT's Bacon-Infused Old-fashioned
The PDT Cocktail Book
PHP Tutorial: Using Eclipse+PDT as a PHP IDE (Part 1 of 2)
PHP Tutorial: Using Eclipse+PDT as a PHP IDE (Part 2 of 2)
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) - Palm Beach Dermatology
Photo Dynamic Therapy for Pre-cancers
Arrachage de pdt
PDT 621
Instalación del PDT
KKR Pdt Gilbert Lumoindong
Kesaksian Pdt.Samuel Irawan


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PDT's Jim Meehan Stirs Classic New Orleans Cocktails/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 28 Oct 2009
  • Duration: 8:18
  • Updated: 11 May 2012
Author: condenasttraveler
Watch celebrated mixologist Jim Meehan, named American Bartender of the Year at New Orleans's 2009 Tales of the Cocktail festival, introduce Conde Nast Traveler's Julia Bainbridge to two classic New Orleans cocktails: the Ramos Gin Fizz and the Sazerac.'s Jim Meehan Stirs Classic New Orleans Cocktails/video details Make PDT's Bacon-Infused Old-fashioned/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 25 Apr 2008
  • Duration: 2:05
  • Updated: 06 Jun 2012
Author: NewYorkMagazine
In the magazine this week, maple syrup was a key ingredient in the "In Season" recipe. Don Lee of PDT may use maple syrup to make his old-fashioned, but we couldn't get past the bacon-infused bourbon that is the base of the drink. Bacon? Bourbon? We're in. And since we took our camera to PDT yesterday to watch Lee prepare the drink himself, we can all practice at home. Frequently. Video by Jonah Green Make PDT's Bacon-Infused Old-fashioned/video details
The PDT Cocktail Book/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 24 Oct 2011
  • Duration: 1:48
  • Updated: 26 Mar 2012
Author: chrisgallbooks
The PDT Cocktail Book, by Jim Meehan, illustrations by Chris Gall PDT Cocktail Book/video details
PHP Tutorial: Using Eclipse+PDT as a PHP IDE (Part 1 of 2)/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 28 May 2007
  • Duration: 8:49
  • Updated: 20 Jun 2012
Author: phpdeveloperblog presents: How to install and use Eclipse--a free, open source platform--as a professional Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing PHP applications. Code coloring, intellisense, debugging, and everything else programmers expect in an IDE are available in a PHP IDE for free! High quality, full length versions of this video can be found on our website: Tutorial: Using Eclipse+PDT as a PHP IDE (Part 1 of 2)/video details
PHP Tutorial: Using Eclipse+PDT as a PHP IDE (Part 2 of 2)/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 28 May 2007
  • Duration: 8:51
  • Updated: 04 Jun 2012
Author: phpdeveloperblog presents: (Part 2 of 2) How to install and use Eclipse--a free, open source platform--as a professional Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing PHP applications. Code coloring, intellisense, debugging, and everything else programmers expect in an IDE are available in a PHP IDE for free! High quality, full length versions of this video can be found on our website: Tutorial: Using Eclipse+PDT as a PHP IDE (Part 2 of 2)/video details
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) - Palm Beach Dermatology/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 11 Feb 2010
  • Duration: 5:06
  • Updated: 09 May 2011
Author: JupiterDermatology
Our physician assistant, Sarah, discusses the pre-treatment for PDT or Photodynamic Therapy. She explains how the solution of levulon is absorbed into the skin. PDT treats cancerous spots and prevents precancer from turning into skin cancer. The solution is put on the patient for an hour and a half during which time the solution soaks to the skin. Later during the blue light therapy, the patients skin reacts to the blue light. PDT is a preventative treatment. It treats precancer spots and prevents turning from basal cell carcinoma to squamous cell carcinoma. Therapy (PDT) - Palm Beach Dermatology/video details
Photo Dynamic Therapy for Pre-cancers/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 22 Oct 2007
  • Duration: 2:22
  • Updated: 20 May 2012
Author: VanderbiltHealthNews
The use of photo dynamic therapy for pre-cancers at Vanderbilt Medical Center. Dynamic Therapy for Pre-cancers/video details
Arrachage de pdt/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 21 Jan 2007
  • Duration: 5:53
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2012
Author: Den7920 de pdt/video details
PDT 621/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 04 Aug 2009
  • Duration: 8:22
  • Updated: 08 Jun 2012
Author: globalmiguel
Noticias contable, laborales y tributario 621/video details
Instalación del PDT/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 18 Mar 2011
  • Duration: 6:20
  • Updated: 22 Jun 2012
Author: dannydanieldanny El PDT es un software que nos permite elaborar nuestra Declaración Jurada y Determinar el monto a pagar a la Sunat por concepto de impuestos. Pasos para Instalar el PDT: 1- Descargar el Modulo Integrador. 2- Descargar Los modulos Independientes. 3- Descargar el Código de Envio. 4- Descargar la Actualización de la UIT.ón del PDT/video details
Kesaksian Pdt.Samuel Irawan
  • Order:
  • Published: 21 Oct 2011
  • Duration: 1:10:12
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2012
Author: chandra1971
Check This Out : http Pdt.Samuel Irawan "A Man Without Tears"/video details
Install Xdebug in Eclipse PDT IDE - Part 1/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 15 Aug 2010
  • Duration: 9:58
  • Updated: 18 Apr 2012
Author: stodan1
Install Xdebug in Eclipse PDT IDE - Part 1 . Step by step tutorial how to install xdebug debugger in Eclipse. Visit for more detailed written instructions Url link here: Xdebug in Eclipse PDT IDE - Part 1/video details
  • PDT's Jim Meehan Stirs Classic New Orleans Cocktails...8:18
  • Make PDT's Bacon-Infused Old-fashioned...2:05
  • The PDT Cocktail Book...1:48
  • PHP Tutorial: Using Eclipse+PDT as a PHP IDE (Part 1 of 2)...8:49
  • PHP Tutorial: Using Eclipse+PDT as a PHP IDE (Part 2 of 2)...8:51
  • Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) - Palm Beach Dermatology...5:06
  • Photo Dynamic Therapy for Pre-cancers...2:22
  • Arrachage de pdt...5:53
  • PDT 621...8:22
  • Instalación del PDT...6:20
  • Kesaksian Pdt.Samuel Irawan "A Man Without Tears"...1:10:12
  • Install Xdebug in Eclipse PDT IDE - Part 1...9:58
Watch celebrated mixologist Jim Meehan, named American Bartender of the Year at New Orleans's 2009 Tales of the Cocktail festival, introduce Conde Nast Traveler's Julia Bainbridge to two classic New Orleans cocktails: the Ramos Gin Fizz and the Sazerac.
PDT's Jim Mee­han Stirs Clas­sic New Or­leans Cock­tails
Watch cel­e­brat­ed mixol­o­gist Jim Mee­han, named Amer­i­can Bar­tender of the Year at New Or­lean...
pub­lished: 28 Oct 2009
NYMag.​com:​ Make PDT's Ba­con-In­fused Old-fash­ioned
In the mag­a­zine this week, maple syrup was a key in­gre­di­ent in the "In Sea­son" r...
pub­lished: 25 Apr 2008
The PDT Cock­tail Book
The PDT Cock­tail Book, by Jim Mee­han, il­lus­tra­tions by Chris Gall...
pub­lished: 24 Oct 2011
PHP Tu­to­ri­al: Using Eclipse+PDT as a PHP IDE (Part 1 of 2)
PHPDeveloperBlog.​com pre­sents: How to in­stall and use Eclipse--a free, open source plat­for...
pub­lished: 28 May 2007
PHP Tu­to­ri­al: Using Eclipse+PDT as a PHP IDE (Part 2 of 2)
PHPDeveloperBlog.​com pre­sents: (Part 2 of 2) How to in­stall and use Eclipse--a free, open ...
pub­lished: 28 May 2007
Pho­to­dy­nam­ic Ther­a­py (PDT) - Palm Beach Der­ma­tol­o­gy
Our physi­cian as­sis­tant, Sarah, dis­cuss­es the pre-treat­ment for PDT or Pho­to­dy­nam­ic Ther­ap...
pub­lished: 11 Feb 2010
Photo Dy­nam­ic Ther­a­py for Pre-can­cers
The use of photo dy­nam­ic ther­a­py for pre-can­cers at Van­der­bilt Med­i­cal Cen­ter....
pub­lished: 22 Oct 2007
Ar­rachage de pdt
denismathieu8@​hotmail.​com johndeeresteyr.​skyblog.​com...
pub­lished: 21 Jan 2007
au­thor: Den7920
PDT 621
Noti­cias con­table, lab­o­rales y trib­u­tario www.​noticierocontable.​com...
pub­lished: 04 Aug 2009
au­thor: glob­almiguel
In­sta­lación del PDT
www.​academy.​pe El PDT es un soft­ware que nos per­mite elab­o­rar nues­tra Declaración J...
pub­lished: 18 Mar 2011
KKR Pdt Gilbert Lu­moin­dong
pub­lished: 29 Sep 2011
au­thor: wid­ja­ja78
Ke­sak­sian Pdt.​Samuel Irawan "A Man With­out Tears"
Check This Out : digitalnycity.​blogspot.​com http julitamanik.​blogspot.​com...
pub­lished: 21 Oct 2011
au­thor: chan­dra1971
In­stall Xde­bug in Eclipse PDT IDE - Part 1
In­stall Xde­bug in Eclipse PDT IDE - Part 1 . Step by step tu­to­ri­al how to in­stall xde­bug d...
pub­lished: 15 Aug 2010
au­thor: sto­dan1
Aus­tralia's fed­er­a­tion guard PDT
drill team...
pub­lished: 06 Nov 2008
Pdt. Niko Njo­tora­hard­jo
pub­lished: 27 May 2009
au­thor: bendyprawira
Clin­u­v­el, im­prov­ing qual­i­ty of life - Pho­to­dy­nam­ic Ther­a­py (PDT)
SCE­NESSE® (afame­lan­otide) holds promise as a pre­ven­ta­tive phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal treat­ment, im...
pub­lished: 09 Dec 2009
[HD MV] PDT - Ngan Lan Khac Ten Em
pub­lished: 12 Dec 2009
au­thor: cun­niebravia
The PDT Win­ter Menu Pre­view for Cock­tail and Mixed Drinks Recipes
This week, we visit PDT, the award win­ning speakeasy, for an Ex­clu­sive look at their new w...
pub­lished: 18 Dec 2009
Llena­do del PDT Planil­la Elec­trónica 2011
Video tu­to­ri­al que ex­pli­ca el llena­do del PDT Planil­la Elec­trónica Sunat Elab­o­ra­do ...
pub­lished: 26 Jan 2011
au­thor: yis­guerul
"SE­MAN­GAT" by Pdt.​Gilbert Lu­moin­dong
Check this out : www.​digitalnycity.​blogspot.​com or here www.​youtube.​com...
pub­lished: 19 Apr 2012
au­thor: chan­dra1971
PDT 09 part 2
pub­lished: 14 Dec 2009
au­thor: fendt936xx
PDT - Par­tido das Trav­es­tis
Cred­i­tos para Su­perBlues­pace....
pub­lished: 09 Oct 2010
au­thor: ddde­voce

  • The STS-117 crew poses in front of the Space Shuttle Atlantis after a successful landing at 12:49 p.m. (PDT) on June 22, 2007 at Edwards Air Force Base in California.
    NASA / Kurun
  • The state of the fire about 10 p.m. on October 12, 2008 (picture taken from the North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco) On October 12, 2008, a large fire broke out on the island, starting at approximately 9 p.m. PDT. The fire was visible from all around the San Francisco Bay.
    Creative Commons / Danleo
  • Boeing worker Paul Burton holds a picket sign as he yells during a rally Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2008, at Machinists union headquarters in Seattle prior to learning that although union members voted Wednesday to reject the Boeing Co.'s contract offer and to authorize a strike, union negotiators agreed to return to the table for 48 hours in contract negotiations with the Boeing Co. Their walkout was set to begin at 12:01 a.m. PDT Thursday but was put on hold after their expiring contract _ covering m
    AP / Ted S. Warren
  • Boeing workers, including Paul Burton, lower center, rally in favor of a strike against the Boeing Co. Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2008, at Machinist union headquarters in Seattle. Their walkout was set to begin at 12:01 a.m. PDT Thursday but was put on hold after their expiring contract _ covering more than 27,000 workers _ was extended 48 hours at the request of Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire and a federal mediator. The mood quickly turned to displeasure after union leaders announced that despite a vo
    AP / Ted S. Warren
  • NASA´s Dawn spacecraft is on its way to study a pair of asteroids after lifting off Thursday from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station at 7:34 a.m. EDT (4:34 a.m. PDT).
  • Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Fachada do edifício onde realiza-se a Convenção Nacional do PDT. wnhires
    Wilson Dias/ABr
  • Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Fachada do edifício onde realiza-se a Convenção Nacional do PDT. wnhires
    Wilson Dias/ABr
  • Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Fachada do edifício onde realiza-se a Convenção Nacional do PDT. wnhires
    Wilson Dias/ABr
  • Deep Impact´s Impactor Meets Its Target -- The above image from NASA TV is a view from Deep Impact´s flyby showing the impactor colliding with comet Tempel 1. (July 3 - 11:15 pm PDT)
  • The international Cassini-Huygens mission has successfully entered orbit around Saturn. At 9:12 p.m. PDT on Wednesday, flight controllers received confirmation that Cassini had completed the engine burn needed to place the spacecraft into the correct orb
  • 1999/05/08 Triton Faults - This image of Triton was taken from a distance of about 130,000 kilometers (80,000 miles) at 12:20 a.m. PDT Aug. 25 1989. The image was received at JPL four hours later at about 4:20 a.m. The smallest detail that can be seen is
    NASA/JPL-Caltech file
  • 1999/08/19 Triton - Voyager 2 obtained this color image of Triton at a distance of 4 million kilometers (2.5 million miles) at 1 a.m. PDT on Aug. 22, 1989. The picture was made by combining images taken through the green, clear and violet filters. The sma
    NASA/JPL-Caltech file
  • 2000/04/24 Callisto - This black and white image of Callisto was taken by Voyager 2 about 3:20 A.M PDT Saturday, July 7, from a range of about 1.1 million kilometers (675,000 miles). The picture has been enhanced to reveal detail in the scene. Voyager l&a
    NASA/JPL-Caltech file
  • 1997/01/08 Northern Plains Of Mars - This rocky panoramic scene is the second picture of the Martian surface that was taken by Viking Lander 2 shortly after touchdown on September 3 at 3:58 PM PDT (Earth received time). The site is on a northern plain of
    NASA/JPL-Caltech file
  • 1997/07/06 360 degree panorama of Martian surface - This photomosaic was taken by the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) camera on July 4, 1997 between 4:00-4:30 p.m. PDT. The foreground is dominated by the lander, newly renamed the Sagan Memorial Station a
    NASA/JPL-Caltech file
  • 1997/07/11 Sojourner does a wheelie on Yogi - Sojourner has made contact with the rock Yogi in this image, taken with the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) at 8:45 p.m. PDT on Sol 6. The rover´s left rear wheel has driven up onto the Yogi´s sur
    NASA/JPL-Caltech file
  • 1997/10/02 MGS Views of Labyrinthus Noctis - MOC image P005_03 was acquired at 6:25 AM PDT on September 19, 1997, about 11 minutes after Mars Global Surveyor passed close to the planet for the fifth time. During the imaging period, the spacecraft was cant
    NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems file
  • 1997/10/02 MGS Views of Labyrinthus Noctis - This is MOC frame P005_03, a subset of PIA00941. MOC image P005_03 was acquired at 6:25 AM PDT on September 19, 1997, about 11 minutes after Mars Global Surveyor passed close to the planet for the fifth time. D
    NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems file
  • 1997/10/15 Valles Marineris - MOC images P013_01 and P013_02 were acquired with the low resolution red and blue wide angle cameras at 2:14 PM PDT on October 3, 1997, about 11 minutes after Mars Global Surveyor passed close to the planet for the thirteenth
    NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems file
  • 1997/10/15 Valles Marineris - MOC images P013_01 and P013_02 were acquired with the low resolution red and blue wide angle cameras at 2:14 PM PDT on October 3, 1997, about 11 minutes after Mars Global Surveyor passed close to the planet for the thirteenth
    NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems file
  • 1997/11/10 Western Tithonium Chasma/Ius Chasma, Valles Marineris - On October 3, 1997, the MOC acquired this image of the western Tithonium Chasma/Ius Chasma portion of the Valles Marineris, centered at 6.6°S, 90.4°W, at 1:16 PM PDT. Although the lighting
    NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems file
  • 1998/07/03 Mars Orbiter Camera Acquires High Resolution Stereoscopic Images of the Viking One Landing Site - Two MOC images of the vicinity of the Viking Lander 1 (MOC 23503 and 25403), acquired separately on 12 April 1998 at 08:32 PDT and 21 April 1998 a
    NASA/JPL-Caltech file

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photo: Creative Commons / Frank Capra
The Daily Telegraph Australia
15 Jul 2012
THE Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Centre has provided "new evidence" to authorities in Budapest on its most wanted suspect, Laszlo Csatary, who is believed to be living in Hungary. The...

photo: AP / Oded Balilty
An Israeli man covers his face with a bandage as others, not seen, block a highway in Tel Aviv on Sunday, July 15, 2012, during a protest against the economic policies of Israel's government and to show solidarity with Moshe Silman, an Israeli protester who set himself on fire on Saturday during a protest.
17 Jul 2012
Article by Guest Writer Gilad Atzmon Israeli Generals expressed dismay yesterday over a violent assault on a senior Air Force officer perpetrated by a gang of soldiers. Ynet reported yesterday...

photo: US Navy / MCS3 Cale Hatch
File - The Military Sealift Command fleet replenishment oiler USNS Rappahannock awaits the U.S. 7th Fleet flagship USS Blue Ridge, not shown, to come alongside for a replenishment at sea.
The Independent
17 Jul 2012
The ship is part of the Fifth Fleet, which has increased its patrols in the Gulf region because of heightened tensions with Iran. Both the US and Iran have warned each other against provocative naval...

photo: US NARA
File - Hopi woman dressing hair of unmarried girl, 1900
18 Jul 2012
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Over its war on information leaks the Obama Administration recently announced, "We're out for scalps!" It is yet again another example of how dominant...

photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison
Blake Griffin
Boston Herald
01 Jul 2012
LOS ANGELES-As expected, the Los Angeles Clippers offered extensions to All-Stars Blake Griffin and Chris Paul on Saturday night when the free-agency period opened. And as expected, Griffin agreed to...

photo: AP / Ross D. Franklin
Dallas Mavericks' Shawn Marion, left, Lamar Odom, and Vince Carter (25) talk on the bench during the fourth quarter of an NBA basketball game against the Phoenix Suns, Monday, Jan. 30, 2012, in Phoenix. The Mavericks won 122-99. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)
Boston Herald
30 Jun 2012
LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Clippers filled one of their pressing needs to secure a talented big man when they acquired Lamar Odom from the Dallas Mavericks in a four-team trade that sent...

photo: Creative Commons / Patrick H~
IBM - Corp
The Business Review
28 Jun 2012
Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal Date: Thursday, June 28, 2012, 2:21pm PDT Related: , Ultratech...

  • Yahoo Daily News Can you imagine spending 67 years fighting for a cause you believe in? That's exactly what Nelson Mandela has done for the cause of human rights. In honor of the great South African leader's...
  • Wired News For those of you who enjoy our GeekDads podcast, we’ll broadcast the recording session live tonight. So if you’d like to waste an hour and participate via chat room, stop by right here at 7:00 this evening, Pacific Time. We hope to see you here! Ken is a husband and father from the San...
  • Wired News For those of you who enjoy our GeekDads podcast, we’ll broadcast the recording session live tonight. So if you’d like to waste an hour and participate via chat room, stop by right here at 6:00 this evening, Pacific Time — we’re recording an hour earlier than usual tonight. We...
  • PR Newswire A frequent guest on the Dennis Prager Show, Dr. Richman talks about emerging issues in heart health and debunks many common health myths....
  • Zeenews Zeenews Bureau New Delhi: The Central Board of Secondary Education’s (CBSE) All India PMT/ PDT Entrance Examination Results 2012 were declared on Saturday. Students can...
  • more news on: Pdt

    PDT may refer to:




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    This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

    This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

    Jim Meehan

    Jim Meehan
    Nickname(s) Minneapolis Jim, Silent Jim
    Residence Minneapolis, Minnesota
    World Series of Poker
    Bracelet(s) 1
    Money finish(es) 19
    Highest ITM
    Main Event finish
    195th, 2005
    World Poker Tour
    Title(s) None
    Final table(s) 1
    Money finish(es) 1

    "Minneapolis" Jim Meehan (born March 19 in Saint Paul, Minnesota) is an American professional poker player from Burnsville, Minnesota. Prior to his poker career, Meehan worked as a lawyer for many years.

    Meehan began playing poker in the 1960s, and began playing poker tournaments regularly in 1997, when he had a 2nd place finish in the $3,000 limit hold'em event at the World Series of Poker (WSOP). He finished 3rd in the $2,500 limit Omaha event at the 1999 WSOP.

    He eventually won a WSOP bracelet in 2003 in the $2,000 no limit hold'em event, defeating a final table that included Juha Helppi, Antonio Esfandiari, Mike Sexton and Kathy Liebert. He also won a World Championship of Online Poker bracelet that same year in the $500 Buy In Limit Holdem event, besting a field of almost 700.

    Meehan has made one World Poker Tour (WPT) final table, during the third season. He finished in 6th place at a final table including Eli Elezra, Lee Watkinson, Gabe Kaplan, John Juanda and Scotty Nguyen.

    He also made the final table of the Ultimate Poker Challenge first season championship. Meehan entered the seven-handed TV table as the short stack but finished in 3rd place despite being given a time penalty for foul language. He was eliminated by the eventual winner, James Van Alstyne.

    Meehan's character at the poker table is often categorized by drinking alcohol at the poker table, particularly Heineken beer or whiskey, and keeping an unlit cigarette in his mouth. He also makes a habit of engaging his opponents in banter between and during hands.

    He has played online at PokerStars as Actiondonkey and at ParadisePoker as Actionmonkey.

    As of 2009, his total live tournament winnings exceed $1,300,000. His 19 cashes as the WSOP account for $648,224 of those winnings.[1]

    He has four children.

    External links[link]


    1. ^ World Series of Poker Earnings,

    This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

    This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

    Pdt. Niko Njo­tora­hard­jo
    Clin­u­v­el, im­prov­ing qual­i­ty of life - Pho­to­dy­nam­ic Ther­a­py (PDT)
    [HD MV] PDT - Ngan Lan Khac Ten Em
    The PDT Win­ter Menu Pre­view for Cock­tail and Mixed Drinks Recipes
    Llena­do del PDT Planil­la Elec­trónica 2011
    "SE­MAN­GAT" by Pdt.​Gilbert Lu­moin­dong
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