Dan WalmsleyCoding so you don't have to

Slightly Older MusingsAndRamblings

Irony overload as undecided voters criticise flip-flopper


Check out the buried lead in this article from Reuters: “Romney just has to prove that he’s conservative enough for me,” said Eleanor Stump, a 70-year-old Tea Party member from … Continue reading


MoJo week 2: Adoption


In this week’s MoJo lectures, we listened to Mark Surman and Chris Heilmann of Mozilla talk about the new HTML5 standards and capabilities in the Firefox browser, and from John Resig on how to build and maintain an open source product. Continue reading


The Power of Prototyping


This is the first in what will be a series of blog posts for the Mozilla-Knight Journalism Challenge. This week we heard from Aza Raskin, former creative lead for Firefox and head of user experience for Mozilla, talking about the power of prototyping for understanding problems and building momentum behind your solution. Continue reading


We’re back


So I totally got hacked. Reminder: be vigilant about upgrading wordpress and its plugins, or bad things happen. The hack looks like this, and appears all over the place, at … Continue reading


One of my favourite stories ever


As told by Douglas Adams a few years ago. I laugh every time I read this, and today I shared it with my wife for the first time and so … Continue reading


Why low taxes “benefit” the rich


Living in the US I hear a lot of heated rhetoric about taxes. While I’m not an economist, I do want to weigh in on what I see as a … Continue reading


The New Citigroup


As part of its ongoing PR-ification of the financial crisis, Citigroup has posted the hilariously tautological “A Safer Approach to Risk“. Here’s a quote from the article: For our society … Continue reading


This ride isn’t fun any more


From an amazing photo blog I just discovered.


Ode to an Exit Row


I just authored this on a plane, while sitting in an exit row, in honour of Exit Rows everywhere. I’m 6’6″ / 200cm. You get the idea. Happiness is an … Continue reading

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