Ancient Egyptian Limb Lengths: NewKingdomRamsesII Debunked
Refuting and debunking zooblack parading under various multiple accounts & his friends...
published: 29 Mar 2011
Author: phoenician7
Ancient Egyptian Limb Lengths: NewKingdomRamsesII Debunked
Refuting and debunking zooblack parading under various multiple accounts & his friends at Egyptsearch. 1. Badarians and Early Dynastic Egyptians did not possess "super negroid body plan" they had short tibia as per Zakrzewski (2003) in relation to the femur which indicates cold adaptation, thus only later MK sample from Gebelein possessed this Nilotic form - as stated they became "increasingly African". "Of the Egyptian samples, only the Badarian and Early Dynastic period populations have shorter tibiae than predicted from femoral length." 2. Nubians had varying degrees of Caucasoid genetics depending on time period and sample investigated. 3. Difference in topiary/altitude can affect the same racial group. 4. Kerma was an ancient Egyptian settlement (explains similarities) thus acquiring Egyptian genetics. That is what makes them "closer" than the "other" populations. 5. Afrocentrics don't know how to read. 6. Edited version. zooblack aka NewKingdomRamsesII aka calabooz (multiple id abuser) cried to YT about using his ugly mug - which obviously drove home the fact as an example showing how negroids/mulattos aren't phenotypically the same as ancient Egyptians. zooblack's mug was accessed legally via public domain - now, he has grabbed someone else's (his hero Keita) mug and presenting it as his own. LMAO @ the hypocrite that would be deemed as false advertizing and false impersonating. People go to jail for such offenses. [the edited images will be uploaded to our forum <b>...</b>
More on Ancient Egyptian Limb Lengths: Reply to Phoenician7 (1 of 2)
A response to Phoenician7. Originally this was going to be a longer series, however p7'...
published: 19 Apr 2011
Author: NewKingdomRamsesII
More on Ancient Egyptian Limb Lengths: Reply to Phoenician7 (1 of 2)
A response to Phoenician7. Originally this was going to be a longer series, however p7's video went so far outside the realm of Tropical adaptions, I would just be responding to his trawmen fallacies. So here is part one of two that, both videos address the issues of limb rations and some additional information, but aside from that I avoided his irrelevancies. Phoenician7 writes: "Refuting and debunking zooblack parading under various multiple accounts & his friends at Egyptsearch." Lol... Phoenician7 writes: "1. Badarians and Early Dynastic Egyptians did not possess "super negroid body plan" they had short tibia as per Zakrzewski (2003) in relation to the femur which indicates cold adaptation, thus only later MK sample from Gebelein possessed this Nilotic form - as stated they became "increasingly African"." This is stupid and demonstrates his poor reading comprehension skills. The Badarian and EPD specimens had shorter Tibae than expected, but not short tibae as seen in cold adapted peoples. And only the Badarian males specimens fell short of tropical adaption as seen in the raw data from her paper falling with a sub-tropical mean. The MK sample had increased stature, but this is irrelevant to body proportions and has more to do with social ranking as noted by Zakrzewski in her conclusions. Phoenician7 writes: "2. Nubians had varying degrees of Caucasoid genetics depending on time period and sample investigated." Kanya Godde (2010) found the Nubians to have evolved in <b>...</b>
Stoping Missy's attempt to steal black history pt 2
Brace et al. (1993) find that a series of upper Egyptian/Nubian epipalaeolithic crania aff...
published: 26 Nov 2009
Author: BlackNationForums
Stoping Missy's attempt to steal black history pt 2
Brace et al. (1993) find that a series of upper Egyptian/Nubian epipalaeolithic crania affiliate by cluster analysis with groups they designate sub-Saharan African or just simply African (from which they incorrectly exclude the Maghreb, Sudan, and the Horn of Africa), whereas post-Badarian southern predynastic and a late dynastic northern series (called E or Gizeh) cluster together, and secondarily with Europeans. In the primary cluster with the Egyptian groups are also remains representing populations from the ancient Sudan and recent Somalia. Brace et al. (1993) seemingly interpret these results as indicating a population relationship from Scandinavia to the Horn of Africa, although the mechanism for this is not clearly stated; they also state that the Egyptians had no relationship with sub-Saharan Africans, a group that they nearly treat (incorrectly) as monolithic, although sometimes seemingly including Somalia, which directly undermines aspects of their claims. Sub-Saharan Africa does not define/delimit authentic Africanity." - SOY Keita. "Early Nile Valley Farmers from El-Badari: Aboriginals or "European" Agro-Nostratic Immigrants? Craniometric Affinities Considered With Other Data". Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 36 No. 2, pp. 191-208 (2005) In 1997, the German Institute for Archaeology headed an excavation of the tombs of the nobles in Thebes-West, Upper Egypt. At this time, three types of tissues were sampled from different mummies: meniscus (fibrocartilage <b>...</b>
MOST ANCIENT representation of a boat - NUBIA (SUDAN)
Oldest Representation of Nile Valley Boat Khartoum Mesolithic Civlization antiquity.ac.uk ...
published: 10 Oct 2011
Author: dogons2k12
MOST ANCIENT representation of a boat - NUBIA (SUDAN)
Oldest Representation of Nile Valley Boat Khartoum Mesolithic Civlization antiquity.ac.uk This is Black History www.youtube.com
Life Ep.3 Justlena (Justin and Selena)
Selena had learned soo much about Justin like; he is a senior, about to turn 18 years old,...
published: 16 Nov 2011
Author: TUCHIKI02
Life Ep.3 Justlena (Justin and Selena)
Selena had learned soo much about Justin like; he is a senior, about to turn 18 years old, from Canada, he loves to play sports, lives with his mother, the rest of his family is up in Canada, he is single, cute, smart, and did I tell u cute?? Yeahh that. Justin on the other hand learned that Selena; is a freshman, she lives with both parents and her dad is extremely strict. She loves clothes and photograph. She is avery smart, and gorgeous girl that puts others before her. ::NEXT DAY IN SCHOOL Demi: I hate our next class Miley: I know Algebra is not my shit!! Selena: Miles!!! Miley: Wat? Ariana: Language!! Miley: Jesus Christ!!! Selena: (smiles) Ariana: Hey, why ru soo smiley today? Demi: Yea, wat happened? Is a boy, isn't it? Selena: Nooo, no wayy Miley: ur such a bad liar Selena: Am not!! Ariana: R 2!! Selena: R not!! Demi; R 2!! Selena: R no--- Justin: (Comes up) Hey, wats all the yelling about? Selena: (looks down) Miley: ohhh, Mrs. Gomezz over here is way too smiley today Justin: Is that bad? Arian: boys!! Justin: hurtful!! Demi: (chuckles) Is not bad, is just that behind that smile is a boy. Ryan: (comes) Wat boy? Chaz: Yeah, wat boy? Chris: DO I need to slap someone? Just tell me!! Miley: Nooo, no one is slapping anyone. Selena; Can we drop this? EO: Nooo Selena: Geeeez, I dnt feel comfortable. Chris: Wat is it? Ariana: (annoyed about the boys being stupid) Selena is way too smiley, which means she likes someone. Justin: (smirks) Sooo, let her be!! She is single n <b>...</b>
Absolute Scientific Evidence for BLACK EGYPT: Totally Refutes ANY idea that they were White
This video lays out the bioanthropological evidence in favor of reconstructing the ancient...
published: 27 Sep 2010
Author: TheSweetSarahize
Absolute Scientific Evidence for BLACK EGYPT: Totally Refutes ANY idea that they were White
This video lays out the bioanthropological evidence in favor of reconstructing the ancient Egyptians as tropically adapted (ie Black) Africans similar to northeast African peoples today. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Berry, AC, and RJ Berry. "Genetical change in ancient Egypt." Man 2 (1967): 551-68. Bertrand, L., J. Doucet, P. Dumas, A. Simionovici, G. Tsoucaris, and P. Walter. "Microbeam synchrotron imaging of hairs from Ancient Egyptian mummies." Journal of Synchroton Radiation 10 (September 2003): 387-92. Conti-Fuhrman, Anna, and Emma Rabino Massa. "Preliminary note on the ultrastructure of the hair from an Egyptian mummy using the Scanning Electron Microscope." Journal of Human Evolution 1, no. 5 (September 1972): 487. Godde, K. "An Examination of Nubian and Egyptian biological distances: Support for biological diffusion or in situ development?" Homo 60, no. 5 (September 2009): 389-404. Hiernaux, Jean. The People of Africa., 53-54. Np: Encore Editions, 1975. Keita, SOY. "Early Nile Valley Farmers, From El-Badari, Aboriginals or 'European' Agro-Nostratic Immigrants? Craniometric Affinities Considered With Other Data." Journal of Black Studies 36, no. 2 (2005): 191-208. Kemp, Barry J. Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization. 1989. Reprint, New York: Routledge, 2005. Massa, ER, and M. Massali. "Early Egyptian mummy hairs: Tensile strength tests, optical and scanning electron microscopy." Journal of Human Evolution 9 (1980): 133-7. Robins, G., and CCD Shute. "Predynastic Egyptian <b>...</b>
durga pooja naipura varanasi............camera main jamshed khan.mp4
durga pooja dance.....from jamshed khan...
published: 01 Dec 2011
Author: badaryan143
durga pooja naipura varanasi............camera main jamshed khan.mp4
durga pooja dance.....from jamshed khan
aquarelle eba
présentation activité Espace Bel Age Colmar...
published: 02 Mar 2008
Author: ebacolmar
aquarelle eba
présentation activité Espace Bel Age Colmar
Was Ancient Egypt black?
Was Ancient Egypt black?...
published: 08 Feb 2008
Author: LogicalEuropean
Was Ancient Egypt black?
Was Ancient Egypt black?