GuTian China Kutien.mp4
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com.
GuTian China Kutien 2.mp4
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com.
GuTian China Kutien 3.mp4
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com.
GuTian China Kutien 4.mp4
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com.
Sumerian- Kurdish Language (Indo-European Language) Part 1/2
Sumerian language was spoken in ancient Kurdish Mesopotamia (Kurdish: MezraBotan) is Proto Indo-European language. These great civilizations is known for the invention of writing, at the end of the year 4000 BC Lived in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Mesopotamian). Four thousand years ago, our community life, the role of agriculture, ox power in the production and purification
Sumerian- Kurdish Language (Indo-European Language) 2/2
Sumerian language was spoken in ancient Kurdish Mesopotamia (Kurdish: MezraBotan) is Proto Indo-European language. These great civilizations is known for the invention of writing, at the end of the year 4000 BC Lived in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Mesopotamian). Four thousand years ago, our community life, the role of agriculture, ox power in the production and purification
Fireworks on the street in Gutian, China (CNY)
Walking the streets a few days after Chinese New Year...fireworks going off on the streets.
有趣的- -功夫福州话版 Fuzhou Dialect
功夫福州话版- Fuzhou dialect (ping, then the word: Hók-ciŭ-uâ) Although the Fuzhou dialect officially defined as a dialect, but from the linguistic definition, the...
The History of Kurdish Median Empire
History of the Kurdish People Median Mepire The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds Median/Medes Mada medo Mazdanimsm avesta Ahura Mazda tausi melek ( Ki...
Turkey-Iran bombed Kurdish villages/killing civilians in South - North Kurdistan
HDNet's "World Report" correspondent Willem Marx travels to the mountainous border of Iraq and Iran, where Kurdish rebels are attacking the Iranian military,...
Who are the Kurds?
The history of the ancient Kurdish Aryans ancient Zagrosian race zagros touros History of the Kurdish Aryan Race Proto indo European Aryan Race Kurdish Kurde...
Faces of Ancient Middle East Part 16 (Elamites)
Elam was an ancient civilization located in what is now southwest Iran. Elam was centered in the far west and the southwest of modern-day Iran, stretching fr...
福州話節目攀講【依璋碎講】:越南新娘落跑浦城 Vietnamese Bride Escaping China
中國福建省福州(Fuzhou) 电视台福州话方言节目攀讲依璋碎讲Although the Fuzhou dialect officially defined as a dialect, but from the linguistic definition, the Fuzhou dialect with the...
Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarsan, Alewî (Luwian)
The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds The Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarêsan, Alewî. Yazdânism is Mithraism of Zoroastrian (derived from Kurdis...
Kurdish religion Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezidi, Aluwîan, Yarêsan
The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds
The Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarêsan, Alewî.
Yazdânism is Mithraism of Zoroastrian (derived from Kurdish yazdān "worthy of worship", a cognate of Avestan Yazata) introduced by Mehrdad Izady in 1992 to denote a group of native Kurdish monotheistic religions: Yazidi, Yâresân, and Chinarism/Ishikism (Ishik Alevism). The Yazdâni faiths were the pr
福州話攀講節目 Local TV show in Foochownese
閩劇《陳若霖斬皇子》第九場: 中計 Part 10/11
陳若霖(1759年-1832年),字宗覲,號望坡,福建閩縣(今福州市區)螺洲人。清朝政治人物。 陳若霖於乾隆五十二年(1787年)中式三甲進士,授庶吉士,入文淵閣參校《四庫全書》。乾隆五十四年(1789年),授刑部主事,歷任刑部奉天、山西、直隸、廣西、四川等司主事、員外郎,累遷郎中。嘉慶十三年(1808年),外放...
"White Mountains" Kurdish film Full 2012
I've Seen Films - International Film Festival - www.icfilms.org - Director: Taha Karimi (Iraq/Kurdistan) - Faqi Ibrahim was still young when the first politi...
1/2 Belgesel -The Kurdish Hittites / Kürt Hititler in anatolia Kurdistan
Kurden Hattî/Lowî (Meda)
Kurdish Aryan race / The children of the sun and the Fire
history of Kurdish (Medes /Median) empire The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds Median/Medes Mada medo Mazdanimsm avesta Ahura Mazda tausi melek ( King...
閩劇《陳若霖斬皇子》第一場:留書 Part 1/11
陳若霖(1759年-1832年),字宗覲,號望坡,福建閩縣(今福州市區)螺洲人。清朝政治人物。 陳若霖於乾隆五十二年(1787年)中式三甲進士,授庶吉士,入文淵閣參校《四庫全書》。乾隆五十四年(1789年),授刑部主事,歷任刑部奉天、山西、直隸、廣西、四川等司主事、員外郎,累遷郎中。嘉慶十三年(1808年),外放...
閩劇 闽剧(Foochow Opera)經典《贻顺哥烛蒂》Part 6/11
貽順哥,俗稱貽順板, 是閩劇中最廣為人知的丑角。在福州十邑可謂無人不知, 無人不曉。馬貽順與甘國寶可以說是閩劇中最知名的正反派的代表人物, 也是老一輩福州人在沒有電視時代最津津樂道的人物。在福州由於馬貽順一毛不拔的舞台形象, 貽順板成為吝嗇的代名詞。 《貽順哥燭蒂》是劇作家鄧超塵於1962年根據民間故事編寫的九場...
GuTian China Kutien.mp4
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com....
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com.
wn.com/Gutian China Kutien.Mp4
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com.
GuTian China Kutien 2.mp4
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com....
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com.
wn.com/Gutian China Kutien 2.Mp4
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com.
GuTian China Kutien 3.mp4
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com....
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com.
wn.com/Gutian China Kutien 3.Mp4
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com.
GuTian China Kutien 4.mp4
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com....
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com.
wn.com/Gutian China Kutien 4.Mp4
Gu Tien City in China, Sister city of Ayer Tawar and Sitiawan http://www.geckoandfly.com.
Sumerian- Kurdish Language (Indo-European Language) Part 1/2
Sumerian language was spoken in ancient Kurdish Mesopotamia (Kurdish: MezraBotan) is Proto Indo-European language. These great civilizations is known for the in...
Sumerian language was spoken in ancient Kurdish Mesopotamia (Kurdish: MezraBotan) is Proto Indo-European language. These great civilizations is known for the invention of writing, at the end of the year 4000 BC Lived in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Mesopotamian). Four thousand years ago, our community life, the role of agriculture, ox power in the production and purification efficiency and disciplined work Sumerians had created an economic doctrine. The Sumerian language, is with Kur, Gutian, Hatti/Luwian, Xaldi (Urartu), Hurrian/Mitanni, and other Aryan (Median) language is found to be closely today as it bears resemblance with the Kurdish seen. It is obvious that come from the same root as the etymology of words.Language is alive, and very little language may remain unchanged in 4000. The Kurds, over 1400 years the Arab cultural imperialism and the Turkey 86 years and despite denial were able to save their language from dying.The reason for this is the Kurdish oral literature and folklore are rich. Russian scholar: "The Kurds are the people most of the stories in the world has ..." he pointed to the Kurdish oral literature. This rich oral literature of the Ari Kurdish language was saved from dying.
The Sumerian were Aryans Kurds
wn.com/Sumerian Kurdish Language (Indo European Language) Part 1 2
Sumerian language was spoken in ancient Kurdish Mesopotamia (Kurdish: MezraBotan) is Proto Indo-European language. These great civilizations is known for the invention of writing, at the end of the year 4000 BC Lived in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Mesopotamian). Four thousand years ago, our community life, the role of agriculture, ox power in the production and purification efficiency and disciplined work Sumerians had created an economic doctrine. The Sumerian language, is with Kur, Gutian, Hatti/Luwian, Xaldi (Urartu), Hurrian/Mitanni, and other Aryan (Median) language is found to be closely today as it bears resemblance with the Kurdish seen. It is obvious that come from the same root as the etymology of words.Language is alive, and very little language may remain unchanged in 4000. The Kurds, over 1400 years the Arab cultural imperialism and the Turkey 86 years and despite denial were able to save their language from dying.The reason for this is the Kurdish oral literature and folklore are rich. Russian scholar: "The Kurds are the people most of the stories in the world has ..." he pointed to the Kurdish oral literature. This rich oral literature of the Ari Kurdish language was saved from dying.
The Sumerian were Aryans Kurds
- published: 18 Jan 2015
- views: 13
Sumerian- Kurdish Language (Indo-European Language) 2/2
Sumerian language was spoken in ancient Kurdish Mesopotamia (Kurdish: MezraBotan) is Proto Indo-European language. These great civilizations is known for the in...
Sumerian language was spoken in ancient Kurdish Mesopotamia (Kurdish: MezraBotan) is Proto Indo-European language. These great civilizations is known for the invention of writing, at the end of the year 4000 BC Lived in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Mesopotamian). Four thousand years ago, our community life, the role of agriculture, ox power in the production and purification efficiency and disciplined work Sumerians had created an economic doctrine. The Sumerian language, is with Kur, Gutian, Hatti/Luwian, Xaldi (Urartu), Hurrian/Mitanni, and other Aryan (Median) language is found to be closely today as it bears resemblance with the Kurdish seen. It is obvious that come from the same root as the etymology of words.Language is alive, and very little language may remain unchanged in 4000. The Kurds, over 1400 years the Arab cultural imperialism and the Turkey 86 years and despite denial were able to save their language from dying.The reason for this is the Kurdish oral literature and folklore are rich. Russian scholar: "The Kurds are the people most of the stories in the world has ..." he pointed to the Kurdish oral literature. This rich oral literature of the Ari Kurdish language was saved from dying.
The Sumerian were Aryans Kurds
wn.com/Sumerian Kurdish Language (Indo European Language) 2 2
Sumerian language was spoken in ancient Kurdish Mesopotamia (Kurdish: MezraBotan) is Proto Indo-European language. These great civilizations is known for the invention of writing, at the end of the year 4000 BC Lived in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Mesopotamian). Four thousand years ago, our community life, the role of agriculture, ox power in the production and purification efficiency and disciplined work Sumerians had created an economic doctrine. The Sumerian language, is with Kur, Gutian, Hatti/Luwian, Xaldi (Urartu), Hurrian/Mitanni, and other Aryan (Median) language is found to be closely today as it bears resemblance with the Kurdish seen. It is obvious that come from the same root as the etymology of words.Language is alive, and very little language may remain unchanged in 4000. The Kurds, over 1400 years the Arab cultural imperialism and the Turkey 86 years and despite denial were able to save their language from dying.The reason for this is the Kurdish oral literature and folklore are rich. Russian scholar: "The Kurds are the people most of the stories in the world has ..." he pointed to the Kurdish oral literature. This rich oral literature of the Ari Kurdish language was saved from dying.
The Sumerian were Aryans Kurds
- published: 18 Jan 2015
- views: 143
- published: 22 Feb 2009
- views: 522
author: jkydg
Fireworks on the street in Gutian, China (CNY)
Walking the streets a few days after Chinese New Year...fireworks going off on the streets....
Walking the streets a few days after Chinese New Year...fireworks going off on the streets.
wn.com/Fireworks On The Street In Gutian, China (Cny)
Walking the streets a few days after Chinese New Year...fireworks going off on the streets.
有趣的- -功夫福州话版 Fuzhou Dialect
功夫福州话版- Fuzhou dialect (ping, then the word: Hók-ciŭ-uâ) Although the Fuzhou dialect officially defined as a dialect, but from the linguistic definition, the......
功夫福州话版- Fuzhou dialect (ping, then the word: Hók-ciŭ-uâ) Although the Fuzhou dialect officially defined as a dialect, but from the linguistic definition, the...
wn.com/有趣的 功夫福州话版 Fuzhou Dialect
功夫福州话版- Fuzhou dialect (ping, then the word: Hók-ciŭ-uâ) Although the Fuzhou dialect officially defined as a dialect, but from the linguistic definition, the...
The History of Kurdish Median Empire
History of the Kurdish People Median Mepire The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds Median/Medes Mada medo Mazdanimsm avesta Ahura Mazda tausi melek ( Ki......
History of the Kurdish People Median Mepire The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds Median/Medes Mada medo Mazdanimsm avesta Ahura Mazda tausi melek ( Ki...
wn.com/The History Of Kurdish Median Empire
History of the Kurdish People Median Mepire The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds Median/Medes Mada medo Mazdanimsm avesta Ahura Mazda tausi melek ( Ki...
Turkey-Iran bombed Kurdish villages/killing civilians in South - North Kurdistan
HDNet's "World Report" correspondent Willem Marx travels to the mountainous border of Iraq and Iran, where Kurdish rebels are attacking the Iranian military,......
HDNet's "World Report" correspondent Willem Marx travels to the mountainous border of Iraq and Iran, where Kurdish rebels are attacking the Iranian military,...
wn.com/Turkey Iran Bombed Kurdish Villages Killing Civilians In South North Kurdistan
HDNet's "World Report" correspondent Willem Marx travels to the mountainous border of Iraq and Iran, where Kurdish rebels are attacking the Iranian military,...
Who are the Kurds?
The history of the ancient Kurdish Aryans ancient Zagrosian race zagros touros History of the Kurdish Aryan Race Proto indo European Aryan Race Kurdish Kurde......
The history of the ancient Kurdish Aryans ancient Zagrosian race zagros touros History of the Kurdish Aryan Race Proto indo European Aryan Race Kurdish Kurde...
wn.com/Who Are The Kurds
The history of the ancient Kurdish Aryans ancient Zagrosian race zagros touros History of the Kurdish Aryan Race Proto indo European Aryan Race Kurdish Kurde...
Faces of Ancient Middle East Part 16 (Elamites)
Elam was an ancient civilization located in what is now southwest Iran. Elam was centered in the far west and the southwest of modern-day Iran, stretching fr......
Elam was an ancient civilization located in what is now southwest Iran. Elam was centered in the far west and the southwest of modern-day Iran, stretching fr...
wn.com/Faces Of Ancient Middle East Part 16 (Elamites)
Elam was an ancient civilization located in what is now southwest Iran. Elam was centered in the far west and the southwest of modern-day Iran, stretching fr...
福州話節目攀講【依璋碎講】:越南新娘落跑浦城 Vietnamese Bride Escaping China
中國福建省福州(Fuzhou) 电视台福州话方言节目攀讲依璋碎讲Although the Fuzhou dialect officially defined as a dialect, but from the linguistic definition, the Fuzhou dialect with the......
中國福建省福州(Fuzhou) 电视台福州话方言节目攀讲依璋碎讲Although the Fuzhou dialect officially defined as a dialect, but from the linguistic definition, the Fuzhou dialect with the...
wn.com/福州話節目攀講【依璋碎講】:越南新娘落跑浦城 Vietnamese Bride Escaping China
中國福建省福州(Fuzhou) 电视台福州话方言节目攀讲依璋碎讲Although the Fuzhou dialect officially defined as a dialect, but from the linguistic definition, the Fuzhou dialect with the...
Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarsan, Alewî (Luwian)
The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds The Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarêsan, Alewî. Yazdânism is Mithraism of Zoroastrian (derived from Kurdis......
The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds The Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarêsan, Alewî. Yazdânism is Mithraism of Zoroastrian (derived from Kurdis...
wn.com/Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras) Ezîdî,Yarsan, Alewî (Luwian)
The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds The Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarêsan, Alewî. Yazdânism is Mithraism of Zoroastrian (derived from Kurdis...
Kurdish religion Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezidi, Aluwîan, Yarêsan
The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds
The Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarêsan, Alewî.
Yazdânism is Mithraism of Zoroastrian (derived from Kurdish ...
The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds
The Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarêsan, Alewî.
Yazdânism is Mithraism of Zoroastrian (derived from Kurdish yazdān "worthy of worship", a cognate of Avestan Yazata) introduced by Mehrdad Izady in 1992 to denote a group of native Kurdish monotheistic religions: Yazidi, Yâresân, and Chinarism/Ishikism (Ishik Alevism). The Yazdâni faiths were the primary religion of the inhabitants of the Zagros Mountains, including Kurds. The three traditions subsumed under the term Yazdânism are primarily practiced in relatively isolated communities, from Kurdistan to Anatolia (Zagros-Taurus Mountains) and Khurasan. One of the common characteristic of these three distinct group of Kurdish people (Medes). Mithras is a Medians divine figure, a mythological personification of the sun, which was worshiped in Mithraism. The name Mithras goes back to the Kurdish god Mithra from the Medes mythology. The Medes had an Ancient Kurdish Religion (a form of pre-Zoroastrian Mazdaism or Mithra worshipping) with a priesthood named as "Magi". Later and during the reigns of the last Median kings, the reforms of Zarathustra spread in eastern Kurdistan.
The Scholars and historians on Kurdish Medes relations. Here they are:
1.''The great mass of the Kurds are descended
from the Medes, though some are successors
of Mantieni, Kadusii, and Kassæi or Saqæ.'' - Konrad Mannert (1756 -- 1834),
Prussian historian and geographer
2.''The western part of the mountain
region of Media was anciently called
the Za- gros, and is part of the
modern Kurdistan and Luristan.''- Israel Smith Clare (1847-1924)
3.''Kurds along with other Aryan immigrants were able
to establish their own empire -- the Median Empire --
which ruled vast areas of the Middle East between 612
and 519 BC. Since then the Kurds and Kurdistan
remained relatively independent of external rule until
the Islamic conquest in the 7th century AD.'' - Lokman I. Meho
4.''The empire of the Medes, one of the
reputed ancestors of the Kurdish
people, was the only great national
state that may be said to have been
established by the Kurds.'' - Wadie Jwaideh
5.''The Medes were the ancestors
of Xenophon's Carduchi
and the modern Kurds.''- M. Chahin
6. ''Language like the language of the Medes,
Kurdish is of the Iranian branch of the
Indo-European family of languages...'' - William Eagleton
7. ''The majority of those who
now speak Kurdish most likely
were formerly speakers of
Median dialects.'' - Gernot Windfuhr
Corduene, Gorduene, Cordyene, Kardokh, Gutian Cardyene, Gordyaia, Korduene, Korchayk und Girdiyan Kur, Kurmanch, Kurmansh, Kurmanshan Kurd, Kird Kirmanshan Kirmanch kirmanji kurmanji ilam kassit, sophene, dilimli, kirmanc, kirdish, kurdish, sasanid, Gutian, Goran, Guran, Soran, Kelhurî, feyli, Parthia, Lullubia, Lolo, Lorî, Khuri, hurrian, horî,Mitanni, Hattî-lowî, Mannaians, Urartians, Medes, Guti, Kurti, Mede, Mard, Carduchi,, Adianbene, Zila and Khaldi, Mards, Mushku, Manna, hittites-hatusha Hatti-Lowian, Mitanni, Mithra, Magi kurds
(Kurden Mithras: Yariyarsan, Yaresan,Yarsan,Yarêsan, Yazidi, Yezidi, Azda, Ezda, Ezîdî, Luwî,lowî,Luvi, Luwi,Luwian, Alowî, Alawî )
wn.com/Kurdish Religion Yazdanism (Mithras) Ezidi, Aluwîan, Yarêsan
The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds
The Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarêsan, Alewî.
Yazdânism is Mithraism of Zoroastrian (derived from Kurdish yazdān "worthy of worship", a cognate of Avestan Yazata) introduced by Mehrdad Izady in 1992 to denote a group of native Kurdish monotheistic religions: Yazidi, Yâresân, and Chinarism/Ishikism (Ishik Alevism). The Yazdâni faiths were the primary religion of the inhabitants of the Zagros Mountains, including Kurds. The three traditions subsumed under the term Yazdânism are primarily practiced in relatively isolated communities, from Kurdistan to Anatolia (Zagros-Taurus Mountains) and Khurasan. One of the common characteristic of these three distinct group of Kurdish people (Medes). Mithras is a Medians divine figure, a mythological personification of the sun, which was worshiped in Mithraism. The name Mithras goes back to the Kurdish god Mithra from the Medes mythology. The Medes had an Ancient Kurdish Religion (a form of pre-Zoroastrian Mazdaism or Mithra worshipping) with a priesthood named as "Magi". Later and during the reigns of the last Median kings, the reforms of Zarathustra spread in eastern Kurdistan.
The Scholars and historians on Kurdish Medes relations. Here they are:
1.''The great mass of the Kurds are descended
from the Medes, though some are successors
of Mantieni, Kadusii, and Kassæi or Saqæ.'' - Konrad Mannert (1756 -- 1834),
Prussian historian and geographer
2.''The western part of the mountain
region of Media was anciently called
the Za- gros, and is part of the
modern Kurdistan and Luristan.''- Israel Smith Clare (1847-1924)
3.''Kurds along with other Aryan immigrants were able
to establish their own empire -- the Median Empire --
which ruled vast areas of the Middle East between 612
and 519 BC. Since then the Kurds and Kurdistan
remained relatively independent of external rule until
the Islamic conquest in the 7th century AD.'' - Lokman I. Meho
4.''The empire of the Medes, one of the
reputed ancestors of the Kurdish
people, was the only great national
state that may be said to have been
established by the Kurds.'' - Wadie Jwaideh
5.''The Medes were the ancestors
of Xenophon's Carduchi
and the modern Kurds.''- M. Chahin
6. ''Language like the language of the Medes,
Kurdish is of the Iranian branch of the
Indo-European family of languages...'' - William Eagleton
7. ''The majority of those who
now speak Kurdish most likely
were formerly speakers of
Median dialects.'' - Gernot Windfuhr
Corduene, Gorduene, Cordyene, Kardokh, Gutian Cardyene, Gordyaia, Korduene, Korchayk und Girdiyan Kur, Kurmanch, Kurmansh, Kurmanshan Kurd, Kird Kirmanshan Kirmanch kirmanji kurmanji ilam kassit, sophene, dilimli, kirmanc, kirdish, kurdish, sasanid, Gutian, Goran, Guran, Soran, Kelhurî, feyli, Parthia, Lullubia, Lolo, Lorî, Khuri, hurrian, horî,Mitanni, Hattî-lowî, Mannaians, Urartians, Medes, Guti, Kurti, Mede, Mard, Carduchi,, Adianbene, Zila and Khaldi, Mards, Mushku, Manna, hittites-hatusha Hatti-Lowian, Mitanni, Mithra, Magi kurds
(Kurden Mithras: Yariyarsan, Yaresan,Yarsan,Yarêsan, Yazidi, Yezidi, Azda, Ezda, Ezîdî, Luwî,lowî,Luvi, Luwi,Luwian, Alowî, Alawî )
- published: 16 Jun 2015
- views: 46
福州話攀講節目 Local TV show in Foochownese
wn.com/福州話攀講節目 Local Tv Show In Foochownese
閩劇《陳若霖斬皇子》第九場: 中計 Part 10/11
陳若霖(1759年-1832年),字宗覲,號望坡,福建閩縣(今福州市區)螺洲人。清朝政治人物。 陳若霖於乾隆五十二年(1787年)中式三甲進士,授庶吉士,入文淵閣參校《四庫全書》。乾隆五十四年(1789年),授刑部主事,歷任刑部奉天、山西、直隸、廣西、四川等司主事、員外郎,累遷郎中。嘉慶十三年(1808年),外放......
陳若霖(1759年-1832年),字宗覲,號望坡,福建閩縣(今福州市區)螺洲人。清朝政治人物。 陳若霖於乾隆五十二年(1787年)中式三甲進士,授庶吉士,入文淵閣參校《四庫全書》。乾隆五十四年(1789年),授刑部主事,歷任刑部奉天、山西、直隸、廣西、四川等司主事、員外郎,累遷郎中。嘉慶十三年(1808年),外放...
wn.com/閩劇《陳若霖斬皇子》第九場: 中計 Part 10 11
陳若霖(1759年-1832年),字宗覲,號望坡,福建閩縣(今福州市區)螺洲人。清朝政治人物。 陳若霖於乾隆五十二年(1787年)中式三甲進士,授庶吉士,入文淵閣參校《四庫全書》。乾隆五十四年(1789年),授刑部主事,歷任刑部奉天、山西、直隸、廣西、四川等司主事、員外郎,累遷郎中。嘉慶十三年(1808年),外放...
"White Mountains" Kurdish film Full 2012
I've Seen Films - International Film Festival - www.icfilms.org - Director: Taha Karimi (Iraq/Kurdistan) - Faqi Ibrahim was still young when the first politi......
I've Seen Films - International Film Festival - www.icfilms.org - Director: Taha Karimi (Iraq/Kurdistan) - Faqi Ibrahim was still young when the first politi...
wn.com/White Mountains Kurdish Film Full 2012
I've Seen Films - International Film Festival - www.icfilms.org - Director: Taha Karimi (Iraq/Kurdistan) - Faqi Ibrahim was still young when the first politi...
Kurdish Aryan race / The children of the sun and the Fire
history of Kurdish (Medes /Median) empire The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds Median/Medes Mada medo Mazdanimsm avesta Ahura Mazda tausi melek ( King......
history of Kurdish (Medes /Median) empire The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds Median/Medes Mada medo Mazdanimsm avesta Ahura Mazda tausi melek ( King...
wn.com/Kurdish Aryan Race The Children Of The Sun And The Fire
history of Kurdish (Medes /Median) empire The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds Median/Medes Mada medo Mazdanimsm avesta Ahura Mazda tausi melek ( King...
閩劇《陳若霖斬皇子》第一場:留書 Part 1/11
陳若霖(1759年-1832年),字宗覲,號望坡,福建閩縣(今福州市區)螺洲人。清朝政治人物。 陳若霖於乾隆五十二年(1787年)中式三甲進士,授庶吉士,入文淵閣參校《四庫全書》。乾隆五十四年(1789年),授刑部主事,歷任刑部奉天、山西、直隸、廣西、四川等司主事、員外郎,累遷郎中。嘉慶十三年(1808年),外放......
陳若霖(1759年-1832年),字宗覲,號望坡,福建閩縣(今福州市區)螺洲人。清朝政治人物。 陳若霖於乾隆五十二年(1787年)中式三甲進士,授庶吉士,入文淵閣參校《四庫全書》。乾隆五十四年(1789年),授刑部主事,歷任刑部奉天、山西、直隸、廣西、四川等司主事、員外郎,累遷郎中。嘉慶十三年(1808年),外放...
wn.com/閩劇《陳若霖斬皇子》第一場:留書 Part 1 11
陳若霖(1759年-1832年),字宗覲,號望坡,福建閩縣(今福州市區)螺洲人。清朝政治人物。 陳若霖於乾隆五十二年(1787年)中式三甲進士,授庶吉士,入文淵閣參校《四庫全書》。乾隆五十四年(1789年),授刑部主事,歷任刑部奉天、山西、直隸、廣西、四川等司主事、員外郎,累遷郎中。嘉慶十三年(1808年),外放...
閩劇 闽剧(Foochow Opera)經典《贻顺哥烛蒂》Part 6/11
貽順哥,俗稱貽順板, 是閩劇中最廣為人知的丑角。在福州十邑可謂無人不知, 無人不曉。馬貽順與甘國寶可以說是閩劇中最知名的正反派的代表人物, 也是老一輩福州人在沒有電視時代最津津樂道的人物。在福州由於馬貽順一毛不拔的舞台形象, 貽順板成為吝嗇的代名詞。 《貽順哥燭蒂》是劇作家鄧超塵於1962年根據民間故事編寫的九場......
貽順哥,俗稱貽順板, 是閩劇中最廣為人知的丑角。在福州十邑可謂無人不知, 無人不曉。馬貽順與甘國寶可以說是閩劇中最知名的正反派的代表人物, 也是老一輩福州人在沒有電視時代最津津樂道的人物。在福州由於馬貽順一毛不拔的舞台形象, 貽順板成為吝嗇的代名詞。 《貽順哥燭蒂》是劇作家鄧超塵於1962年根據民間故事編寫的九場...
wn.com/閩劇 闽剧(Foochow Opera)經典《贻顺哥烛蒂》Part 6 11
貽順哥,俗稱貽順板, 是閩劇中最廣為人知的丑角。在福州十邑可謂無人不知, 無人不曉。馬貽順與甘國寶可以說是閩劇中最知名的正反派的代表人物, 也是老一輩福州人在沒有電視時代最津津樂道的人物。在福州由於馬貽順一毛不拔的舞台形象, 貽順板成為吝嗇的代名詞。 《貽順哥燭蒂》是劇作家鄧超塵於1962年根據民間故事編寫的九場...