
Land Grab in Developing Countries - Seizing the Opportunities of Int. Investments in Agriculture
Land Grab in Developing Countries - Seizing the Opportunities of Int. Investments in Agriculture
Foreign acquisitions of farmland in Africa and elsewhere have become the focus of concern. Many observers consider this development a new form of colonialism that threatens food security of the poor. David Hallam of FAOs Trade and Market Division argues that investments could be good news if the objectives of land purchasers are reconciled with the investment needs of developing countries. For more information on the topic: www.fao.org (©FAO www.fao.org).

Much of Africa Not Investing Enough in Agricultural Research
Much of Africa Not Investing Enough in Agricultural Research
This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, from voaspecialenglish.com | http Investing in agricultural research and development can help poor countries fight hunger and poverty. A new study says investments in sub-Saharan Africa increased by more than twenty percent between two thousand one and two thousand eight. But the study also found that just a few countries were responsible for most of that growth. Nigeria was responsible for one-third of it. Ghana, Tanzania, Sudan and Uganda also increased their spending. But thirteen countries decreased their investments. Nienke Beintema from the Washington-based International Food Policy Research Institute led the study. She says new technologies are needed to fight hunger. She says some countries, including Nigeria, have increased their investments after spending far too little in the past. She says: "It is a positive sign because it is more commitment from the government. But Nigeria had extremely low levels of agricultural research funding." She was there for the first time in two thousand or two thousand one. She visited institutes "that could not function," she says. They did not even have a phone line or fuel for their cars or a working computer. Nigeria now has the largest agricultural research system south of the Sahara. But Nienke Beintema says a better measure of progress is whether a country is spending more than one percent of its agricultural money on research. And in two thousand eight, she says, Nigeria <b>...</b>

mdc.mo.gov A badger is built for digging. With its one inch claws, and powerful legs, a badger can dig faster than a man with a shovel. When digging, a badger loosens dirt with its front feet, passes it under its belly, and kicks it out with its hind feet, sometimes sending it five feet in the air! They dig shallow burrows for living in and hunting food. They dig deeper dens for rearing young. Badgers live in open prairie and agricultural country in the Midwest.

Anh ngữ đặc biệt 491 agriculture (VOA)
Anh ngữ đặc biệt 491 agriculture (VOA)
Chương trình học tiếng Anh của VOA: Special English Agriculture Report - Africa / Research. Xin hãy vào www.youtube.com để xem các bài kế tiếp. This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report. Investing in agricultural research and development can help poor countries fight hunger and poverty. A new study says investments in sub-Saharan Africa increased by more than twenty percent between two thousand one and two thousand eight. But the study also found that just a few countries were responsible for most of that growth. Nigeria was responsible for one-third of it. Ghana, Tanzania, Sudan and Uganda also increased their spending. But thirteen countries decreased their investments. Nienke Beintema from the Washington-based International Food Policy Research Institute led the study. She says new technologies are needed to fight hunger. She says some countries, including Nigeria, have increased their investments after spending far too little in the past. She says: "It is a positive sign because it is more commitment from the government. But Nigeria had extremely low levels of agricultural research funding." She was there for the first time in two thousand or two thousand one. She visited institutes "that could not function," she says. They did not even have a phone line or fuel for their cars or a working computer. Nigeria now has the largest agricultural research system south of the Sahara. But Nienke Beintema says a better measure of progress is whether a country is <b>...</b>

Scrap the CAP
Scrap the CAP
Daniel Hannan, Conservative MEP for South East England, giving a speech in Brussels on 8 October 2009 on why the Common agricultural Policy should be scrapped.

Haiti farmers sceptical of UN aid
Haiti farmers sceptical of UN aid
Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, is calling on the international community to "create a new Haiti" out of the wreckage left by January's devastating earthquake. Representatives of more than 100 countries are due to gather for an international donors' conference at the United Nations on Wednesday, where they will shift the focus from humanitarian efforts to long-term recovery and developmental goals. One of the key objectives is to reform and rejuvenate Haiti's agricultural system to allow farmers to increase food production and cut imports of rice, sugar and poultry. However, in Haiti's agricultural bread basket, some farmers are worried that they will not get the help they need to expand food production and feed their country. Al Jazeera's Sebastian Walker reports from Gonaives in Haiti. (29 March 2010)

Millions Fed: Proven Successes in Agricultural Development
Millions Fed: Proven Successes in Agricultural Development
Video highlighting case studies from the book "Millions Fed: Proven Successes in Agricultural Development" - www.ifpri.org . Video of book launch event on November 12, 2009 available at www.youtube.com

Devon County Show - livestock parade
Devon County Show - livestock parade
ITV Local Westcountry brings you the cattle parade on the final day of the agricultural festival that is the Devon County Show. For more got to www.itvlocal.com/westcountry

Agriculture & Farmers file Program--Hridoya Mati O Manush
Agriculture & Farmers file Program--Hridoya Mati O Manush
opening of Hridoya Mati O Manush and its one of the initiative .....Agriculture & Farmers Budget of Bangladesh: Problem, Possibility and Things to be done, titled recommendations submitted to the Government: Yet again, for the very first time in Bangladesh, after the field-seminars, regulated in various parts of the country, Shykh Seraj tried to implement a substantial idea. On 25th June, 2007, Shykh Seraj presented 21 recommendations to the Finance and Planning Ministry, based upon the information and experience, gathered from the field-level research conducted by him and his research team members. In that programme Adviser, and eminent Economist, Education, Planning specialist and farmers from around the country were present. In brief the 21 recommendations were as such: Fertilizer Distribution System Granule Urea LCC Drum Seeder Seed Security Food Security & Rice Research Agricultural Research and Extension Sound Mingling of Agriculture and Extension Departments Activation of the wings and projects of the Agriculture Extension Department Hybrid Issue and the Position of the Government Land and water-area rehabilitation Empowerment of BRDB Safeguarding the Poultry Industry Specific Policies for the Fisheries Sector Active Enterprises to be taken, considering the enormous sea and water-boundary resources. To implement the rural bursary for rural and agricultural development Farmers Organization Agricultural Steps in Natural Adversity Taking initiative to bring back the <b>...</b>

High Food Prices, Revolutions, and the Future
High Food Prices, Revolutions, and the Future
This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, from voaspecialenglish.com | http Food prices are down from their record highs in February of twenty-eleven. But prices are still higher than they were a year ago. In a year of Arab protests, high food prices helped fuel the anger against oppression, corruption and poverty. Many experts think the political fires in Egypt and other countries started in the summer of twenty-ten in Russia. Heat, drought and wildfires destroyed one-third of Russia's winter wheat crop. World food prices rose after Russia halted wheat exports. The last time food prices jumped was in two thousand eight. At that time, Egypt was also was among the countries where food riots and demonstrations took place.Ghiyath Nakshbendi is a professor in the Department of International Business at American University in Washington. He agrees that food prices played a part in the Arab revolutions. "At the end of the day, the most crucial reason for the Arab Spring is basically economic. And so consequently when a citizen cannot have enough money to purchase food and feed his family, definitely that will create a kind of upset with the system." Professor Nakshbendi says an event like climate change can affect food production in many countries. But in a globally connected economy, even an event in one country can be felt worldwide. Cornell University economist Chris Barrett says another problem is that gains in farm production have slowed. He says, "What we are <b>...</b>

Continuously Variable Transmission System Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India India is primarily an agricultural country, and modern technology plays a major role in its agricultural practices. Its farming machines are powered by internal combustion engines, with speed and torque variations effected using conventional gears, which causes the engines to lose fuel efficiency over time. To increase engine efficiency and to achieve infinitely variable transmission, this team is developing a Pulley Type Continuously Variable Transmission that can be incorporated into existing tractors and harvesters, eliminating the need for gears and gear boxes in the power train. A simple arrangement of two variable diameter pulleys connected by one angular contact Vari-speed Elastomer belt can be attached to the drive shaft, the pulleys being actuated by stepper motors and/or clutch-based hydraulic control systems. This changeover could result in major savings in fuel by running the engine at its efficient speed and driving at any desired speed through stepless variations.

This is Thailand (19 minute video documentary)
This is Thailand (19 minute video documentary)
Thailand is much more than the tropical vacation paradise shown on travel posters. In a few short decades, the Kingdom has transformed itself from an agricultural country into an emerging economy and active contributing member of the global community of nations. During the same short period, a rich tradition of cultural openness and adaptability has provided the resources a maturing participatory democracy with a strong economy and vast potential for the future.

Agriculture Budget ...Farmers Budget of Bangladesh-- part-1
Agriculture Budget ...Farmers Budget of Bangladesh-- part-1
Agriculture Budget, Farmers Budget- Agriculture of Bangladesh: Problem, Possibility and Things to be done, titled recommendations submitted to the Government: Yet again, for the very first time in Bangladesh, after the field-seminars, regulated in various parts of the country, Shykh Seraj tried to implement a substantial idea. On 25th June, 2007, Shykh Seraj presented 21 recommendations to the Finance and Planning Ministry, based upon the information and experience, gathered from the field-level research conducted by him and his research team members. In that programme Adviser, and eminent Economist, Education, Planning specialist and farmers from around the country were present. In brief the 21 recommendations were as such: Fertilizer Distribution System Granule Urea LCC Drum Seeder Seed Security Food Security & Rice Research Agricultural Research and Extension Sound Mingling of Agriculture and Extension Departments Activation of the wings and projects of the Agriculture Extension Department Hybrid Issue and the Position of the Government Land and water-area rehabilitation Empowerment of BRDB Safeguarding the Poultry Industry Specific Policies for the Fisheries Sector Active Enterprises to be taken, considering the enormous sea and water-boundary resources. To implement the rural bursary for rural and agricultural development Farmers Organization Agricultural Steps in Natural Adversity Taking initiative to bring back the Bio-ingredients in soil, ie Bio-Agriculture To <b>...</b>

Agriculture Budget, Farmers Budget of Bangladesh-- Feni
Agriculture Budget, Farmers Budget of Bangladesh-- Feni
Agriculture Budget, Farmers Budget- Agriculture of Bangladesh: Problem, Possibility and Things to be done, titled recommendations submitted to the Government: Yet again, for the very first time in Bangladesh, after the field-seminars, regulated in various parts of the country, Shykh Seraj tried to implement a substantial idea. On 25th June, 2007, Shykh Seraj presented 21 recommendations to the Finance and Planning Ministry, based upon the information and experience, gathered from the field-level research conducted by him and his research team members. In that programme Adviser, and eminent Economist, Education, Planning specialist and farmers from around the country were present. In brief the 21 recommendations were as such: Fertilizer Distribution System Granule Urea LCC Drum Seeder Seed Security Food Security & Rice Research Agricultural Research and Extension Sound Mingling of Agriculture and Extension Departments Activation of the wings and projects of the Agriculture Extension Department Hybrid Issue and the Position of the Government Land and water-area rehabilitation Empowerment of BRDB Safeguarding the Poultry Industry Specific Policies for the Fisheries Sector Active Enterprises to be taken, considering the enormous sea and water-boundary resources. To implement the rural bursary for rural and agricultural development Farmers Organization Agricultural Steps in Natural Adversity Taking initiative to bring back the Bio-ingredients in soil, ie Bio-Agriculture To <b>...</b>

Australian Agriculture - The Greatest Story Never Told
Australian Agriculture - The Greatest Story Never Told
The story of agriculture in Australia - the greatest story never told. It's our farmers that sustain our way of life and help ensure the economic well-being of the nation. You and I, we should all be proud of our farmers. From developing innovative techniques to intelligently managing the land, Australia's farmers are leading the world in the science of farming and sustainability. 2012 is the Australian Year of the Farmer -- it will celebrate the achievements and recognise the hard work of all the farmers in our Country. Visit www.yearofthefarmer.com.au to find out more.


The following quotations of IOM, which clearly reveal all Yuon criminals, are so active in Cambodia in prostitutions: In this survey the focus is on the different ways, routes, reasons and perceptions of trafficking of Vietnamese women and children to Cambodia. The fact that this research was conducted in the receiving country has led to a very different perspective on the topic of trafficking compared to the earlier survey on trafficking from Cambodia to Thailand. While greater focus is placed on the situation of ethnic Vietnamese in Cambodia, as migrants as well as victims of trafficking. Also more attention is paid to the perspectives and wishes for the future for those Vietnamese women and girls who have become victims of trafficking. These differences are related to the different economic, political and historical realities of the countries involved. A broader understanding of these situations will help gain more insight into the push and pull factors, the rationale, the role of social and cultural factors and the selection processes related to the trafficking in general and the trafficking of Vietnamese women and children to Cambodia in particular. The survey was conducted by Mrs. Lim Sidedine and Ms. Annuska Derks, with additional help from Mrs. Rakline and Mrs. Tean Sophorn for the Vietnamese and Khmer translations. Some information was collected through organizations working on the topic in Ho Chi Minh City. The survey itself was conducted in Cambodia, in <b>...</b>

Katherine NT Australia
Katherine NT Australia
CARAVAN TRIP 2007 Katherine is a town situated 320 km southeast of Darwin in the "Top End" of the Northern Territory, Australia. At the 2001 census, Katherine had a population of 6488. Set in promising grazing and future agricultural country, the town's main economic source has often been gold, but this has lessened after the closing of the mine at Mt Todd. There is increasing tourism and the RAAF Base Tindal 17 km southeast of town is also contributing to the economy. The town has several churches, sporting clubs, parks, a well kept golf course, and a showground. The well known and spectacular Katherine Gorge in the Nitmiluk National Park near the town has many ancient rock paintings. These often become flooded during "the wet season" as the river can rise 18 m in the narrow passage. The Park features many activities such as camping, swimming, fishing (lures only), sightseeing, canoeing, boat cruises and bush walk trails. The town was given its name after the daughter of one of the sponsors of John McDouall Stuart who first saw the area in 1862. The original inhabitants of the area belong to the Jawoyn, Dagoman and Wardaman language groups. Built environment Springvale Homestead, built in 1879, is the oldest original homestead in the Northern Territory. The homestead was originally managed by Alfred Giles, an ex-Overland Telegraph linesman, but is now open to visitors. The Old Katherine Railway Station is another historic attraction that served Vesteys Meatworks during <b>...</b>

Agriculture: Downsizing The Federal Government
Agriculture: Downsizing The Federal Government
Agriculture is easily the most distorted sector, with high tariffs and, in developed countries at least, large amounts of government subsidies through price supports and direct payments. On the other hand, developing countries, who have a comparative advantage in these products, cannot afford to subsidize their agriculture sector and face prohibitive tariffs for their products abroad. The powerful agriculture lobby groups, particularly in the large developed countries, make reform politically difficult. Chris Edwards, Sallie James and Dan Ikenson discuss the inequities of American farm policies. This video was produced by Caleb Brown ( www.twitter.com ) and Austin Bragg ( www.twitter.com ).

Rebuilding Agriculture in Afghanistan
Rebuilding Agriculture in Afghanistan
This video highlights the achievements of the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and its partners in rebuilding agriculture in Afghanistan after decades of war and four years of the worst drought in living memory changed everything, and there is malnutrition in a country where agriculture once supplied over three-quarters of the national income.

Somalia's agricultural region faces dire future - 22 Dec 08
Somalia's agricultural region faces dire future - 22 Dec 08
Somalia's humanitarian situation has been deteriorating in recent months, amid an increase in attacks on the country's transitional government by opposition fighters. People living in the country are losing hope as politicians in the government, which was once seen as the best possible chance for Somalia, argue among themselves. In Somalia's agricultural region the situation could not be more dire, as Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow reports.

Senegal is a paradise of tropical plants that delights anyone
Senegal is a paradise of tropical plants that delights anyone
www.squidoo.com Travel to Senegal Senegal is primarily an agricultural country with high palms and rainforests, long stretches of beautiful beaches, and deserts. Senegal is home to more than 100 types of tropical plants and flowers. Tourism is one of the growing sectors of the Senegal economy, and has everything to ensure you have a successful vacation there. Senegal is a small country and you will be able to explore much of it in a short trip. Our travel guide will help you make the most of your stay there. Dakar is the capital city and is also Senegals largest city. There are museums of ethnography and archaeology in Dakar. There are many sandy beaches, as well as a zoological and forest park in Dakar. Other interesting sites to visit in Dakar are Dakar Grand Mosque, Dakar Cathedral, Gorée Island, Saly portugal, the IFAN Museum of West African culture, and Hann Park. The Senegalese landscape consists mainly of the rolling sandy plains of the western Sahel, while Senegal's best beaches are found in the Casamance. This area is also famous amongst visitors for its hiking. There are many adventure activities waiting for you to try out in Senegal. These include water-skiing, jet skiing, kayaking, windsurfing, snorkelling, and scuba diving. If your visit to Senegal is for religious purposes, then plan your vacations according to their celebration calendar. Moulid an-Nabi (the Prophet Mohammed's birthday) is celebrated around June or July. If you plan to join the Ramadan <b>...</b>