
CBN: Malmö, Sweden: Growing Muslim Influence
published: 12 Mar 2009
author: benneboer
CBN: Malmö, Sweden: Growing Muslim Influence

Location Malmö: The City Centre, Malmö Sweden
The City centre in Sweden´s third largest city is dispite of it´s variety extr...
published: 11 Jun 2010
author: Locationmalmo
Location Malmö: The City Centre, Malmö Sweden
The City centre in Sweden´s third largest city is dispite of it´s variety extremely accessible. Restaurants and cafés in abundance cater to the many and varied businesses in the area which range shopping centres, galleries, boutiques, designshops, hotels and a broad range of offices. In an area that is as bustling in the daytime aas it is at night when the numerous outdoor servings are visited by thousands of people - whatever your business, the City centre can probably accomadate you and give you the customers or businessconnections you need for your company.

Malmö - "The gangster city" (English subtitles)
Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com (main source) or Google+ plus.google.com (English ...
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: mrphonk
Malmö - "The gangster city" (English subtitles)
Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com (main source) or Google+ plus.google.com (English only) The city of Malmö has over 40% immigrants and crime rates going through the roof. This clip is originally aimed towards a Swedish audience, but i believe it can be of interest to everybody.

Malmo, Sweden
A visit to Sweden's third largest city Malmo in the south of the country 35 minutes fr...
published: 02 Sep 2008
author: kensington25
Malmo, Sweden
A visit to Sweden's third largest city Malmo in the south of the country 35 minutes from the Danish capital Copenhagen.

Volcom - EUROPE SUMMER TOUR 2011 - Malmo (Part 2 of 4)
Featuring: Rune Glifberg, Raven Tershy, Pedro Barros, Alex Perelson, Dennis Busenitz, Robe...
published: 17 Feb 2012
author: VolcomStoneYAE
Volcom - EUROPE SUMMER TOUR 2011 - Malmo (Part 2 of 4)
Featuring: Rune Glifberg, Raven Tershy, Pedro Barros, Alex Perelson, Dennis Busenitz, Roberto Aleman Edited By: Su Young Choi Filmed By: Su Young Choi, Jacob Smith - Music - ARTIST: Black Bananas SONG: Rad Times ALBUM: Rad Times Xpress IV LABEL: Drag City ARTIST: The Lovely Bad Things SONG: Dinosaur Song ALBUM: New Ghost / Old Waves LABEL: Volcom Entertainment - volcoment.com -

Islam is Taking Over Sweden / Malmö Växande Muslimska Inflytandet
MALMO, Sweden -- A few years ago, the London Guardian newspaper called Sweden the most suc...
published: 23 Oct 2011
author: IsraelWithTheWest
Islam is Taking Over Sweden / Malmö Växande Muslimska Inflytandet
MALMO, Sweden -- A few years ago, the London Guardian newspaper called Sweden the most successful society the world has ever known. But Sweden today is being transformed by a large influx of immigrants from the Middle East. Sweden's third largest city, Malmö, sits just across the water from Copenhagen, Denmark. To visitors, Malmö seems quiet, nice, maybe a little boring; in other words, quintessentially Swedish. But under the surface, Malmö has serious problems. On Saturday when Israel played Sweden in a Davis cup tennis match in Malmö, an estimated 6000 Leftists, Arabs, Muslims and anarchists protested the Israeli presence in the city, and hundreds attacked police. Almost no fans were allowed inside to watch the tennis series, because authorities feared disruptions or possible violence against the Israeli team. Swedish City's Population One-Quarter Muslim Massive immigration has made Malmö today one quarter Muslim, and stands to transform it into a Muslim majority city within just a few decades. One of the most popular baby names is not Sven, but Mohammed. Pork has been taken off some school menus. Want to learn to drive? You can attend Malmö's own "Jihad Driving School." But despite Malmö's usually placid appearance, this experiment in multiculturalism has not gone well. In the Rosengaard section of Malmö, a housing project made up primarily of immigrants, fire and emergency workers will no longer enter without police protection. Unemployment in Rosengaard is reported <b>...</b>

Violent Riots at Davis Cup in Malmö Sweden 20090307
At the Davis Cup in Malmö violent riots broke out. The protesters started fighting wi...
published: 21 Mar 2009
author: JensCHilner
Violent Riots at Davis Cup in Malmö Sweden 20090307
At the Davis Cup in Malmö violent riots broke out. The protesters started fighting with police and threw stones and bombs. A police officer drew his weapon against protesters. At many times the police had no control over the riots. Several police cars were destroyed.

RECAP: Malmö Youtube Gathering 2011
This is my short recap of the Malmö Youtube Gathering which took place in central Mal...
published: 10 Oct 2011
author: princeword
RECAP: Malmö Youtube Gathering 2011
This is my short recap of the Malmö Youtube Gathering which took place in central Malmö during the weekend of October 8-9. An additional recap from my second channel is here: www.youtube.com Thank you to everybody who came and made this day filled with cameras, sci-fi, falafel, hugs and awesome. Let's do this again. Cheers -Martin in Sweden The song is '7 dar per år' by Loke www.lokeloke.se ✲✳✴✱✻✽❈❃❉✲ Find me here My 2nd channel TheSwedishLad www.youtube.com My video response channel FromPrincewordwww.youtube.com Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Dailybooth: www.dailybooth.com Tumblr princeword.tumblr.com (the video was filmed with the Sony HDR-CX305e)

Muslim Riots in Malmö, Sweden (English)
More Info on Riots in Malmö, Sweden www.vigilantfreedom.org -------------------------...
published: 09 Jul 2008
author: liberty1488
Muslim Riots in Malmö, Sweden (English)
More Info on Riots in Malmö, Sweden www.vigilantfreedom.org -------------------------------------- Muslim rape epidemic in Sweden and Norway fjordman.blogspot.com Rape Victims (#1 New Zeland, #2 Australia, #3 Sweden) www.nationmaster.com Religous Statistics in Sweden www.nationmaster.com Islamic - 360070 (4.00 %) Catholic - 144000 (1.62 %) Jehovas Witnesses - 22561 Judaism - 18000 Immigration Statistics to Sweden (by country of origin) www.nationmaster.com Highest Foreign Population Inflow (#11 Sweden) www.nationmaster.com Highest Foreign Population Statistics (#11 Sweden) www.nationmaster.com Total Crime Victims (#1 AUS, #2 NZ, #3 UK, #4 Netherlands, #5 Sweden) www.nationmaster.com -------------------------------------- The number of ghettos (a phenomenon that until recently was unheard of in wealthy and egalitarian Scandinavian nations) has been increasing explosively. 14 years ago, there were only 3 such areas in all of Sweden. Today, there are 136. "Ghettos" are here defined as areas where fewer than 60% of the adult population are working, where few people vote and where school results are significantly below national minimum requirements. Integration spokesman for Folkpartiet, Mauricio Roias, is afraid that if nothing is done about the situation, these quarters will "break loose", and that "people might get shot". What Roias isn't saying is that people ALREADY get shot, stabbed, mugged, raped and get stones thrown at them in Sweden's suburbs. The latest fad right <b>...</b>

Boozer - This Is Malmö Bitch
Informatinon - click here to find out more! This is another one of our cool songs! Follow ...
published: 21 Apr 2010
author: FreaksFromSkalborg
Boozer - This Is Malmö Bitch
Informatinon - click here to find out more! This is another one of our cool songs! Follow some of these links FreaksFromSkalborg's website. www.FreaksFromSkalborg.webs.com Our youtube desings. http Channel. www.Youtube.com

Vi Drar till Malmö (Vem Pra Bahia) - Simone Moreno ft. Timbuktu
This movie is released under the "TheyMusic" lisence which means that the music ...
published: 08 Mar 2009
author: TheyMusic
Vi Drar till Malmö (Vem Pra Bahia) - Simone Moreno ft. Timbuktu
This movie is released under the "TheyMusic" lisence which means that the music is a proprety of it's label, which in this case is Soul Dog Records. If you enjoy this song, please don't just sit here listening, go buy it instead. PROPERTY Soul Dog Records 2005. Title: Vem Pra Bahia(On the Album), Commonly called "Vi Drar till Malmö" By: Simone Moreno featuring Timbuktu Album: Samba Makossa Released: 12th of October, 2005

Mook - Malmo
© 2011 Mook on iTunes...
published: 03 Apr 2011
author: mookisgood
Mook - Malmo
© 2011 Mook on iTunes

How to get from Copenhagen Airport to Malmö University
This is a guide of how to get from Copenhagen airport to Malmö University. It was mad...
published: 05 Jan 2012
author: MalmoUniversity
How to get from Copenhagen Airport to Malmö University
This is a guide of how to get from Copenhagen airport to Malmö University. It was made by Jason, John, Richard, Öyku and Michelle - who are all exchange students at Malmö. Many of our international students arrive in Denmark first - this will help you find your way to the university. Remember: You absolutely must get a ticket - otherwise you'll have to pay a fine on the train, not a nice welcome to Sweden! The train that you'll get is called an 'Öresundtåg' and is grey. When you leave Denmark you'll travel over the bridge - this takes only a few minutes and then you'll be in Sweden. As the guys say, don't get off at the first stop in Sweden: you need the third stop 'Malmö C'. Here's a link to google maps for the Student Centre (called 'Student Centrum' in Swedish): maps.google.com www.mah.se/english www.facebook.com/malmouniversity

Slagsmålsklubben - Malmö Beach Night Party HQ
published: 18 Aug 2009
author: grumed
Slagsmålsklubben - Malmö Beach Night Party HQ

[HQ] Djurgården vs Malmö FF 2-3 Highlights And Goals from Sweden - Allsvenskan 2012-04-16/17
www.grandgoals.com Highlights And Goals...
published: 16 Apr 2012
author: Andreas Larsson
[HQ] Djurgården vs Malmö FF 2-3 Highlights And Goals from Sweden - Allsvenskan 2012-04-16/17
www.grandgoals.com Highlights And Goals

Malmö film 2009
Promotional film for Malmo City 2009...
published: 12 Mar 2009
Malmö film 2009
Promotional film for Malmo City 2009

Malmo The gangster city of Sweden.
The city of Malmö has over 40% immigrants and crime rates going through the roof. Thi...
published: 02 May 2012
author: NationalismEurope
Malmo The gangster city of Sweden.
The city of Malmö has over 40% immigrants and crime rates going through the roof. This clip is originally aimed towards a Swedish audience, but i believe it can be of interest to everybody. www.youtube.com = thanks for a good clip.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic - Malmö FF 'Summertime' HD
IGNORE TAGS : Napoli-Sampdoria 4-0 Sintesi Highlights Sky - Tripletta Cavani El Matador 30...
published: 13 Apr 2012
author: Zlatan11Compss
Zlatan Ibrahimovic - Malmö FF 'Summertime' HD
IGNORE TAGS : Napoli-Sampdoria 4-0 Sintesi Highlights Sky - Tripletta Cavani El Matador 30/01/11 Inter-Palermo 3-2 Sintesi - Pazzini Show Doppietta 22a Giornata Serie A 30/01/11 Inter-Palermo 3-2 Gol Miccoli Sintesi Highlights Serie A 30/01/11 Sky Catania-Milan 0-2 Sintesi Highlights Mediaset Premium Gol Zlatan & Robinho 29/01/11 Lazio-Fiorentina 2-0 kozak Ignore Tags: sampdoria-milan 1-2 PAto hercules-barcelona 0-3 guberti Sintesi Highlights Mediaset Premium Doppietta Kozak (R) 29/01/11 palermo-parma 2-3 rigori milan-tottenham champions league barcelona-arsenal david luiz welcome to chelsea van bommel and emanuellsson welcome to milan benvenuti pazzini inter coppa italia sampdoria-milan napoli-inter ibrahimovic milito eto'o Inter-cesena 3-2 milan-bari cassano titolare sampdoria-udinese 7-6 dopo rigori copppa italia sintesi rai highlights roma-lazio 2-1 Cristiano Ronaldo C.Ronaldo CR-7 07-08 Season Goals Tricks Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal World Cup 2010 Compilation Skills&Goal Skills Freestyle Power Ability sud africa south Manchester United 2007 2008 07 Voetbal cristiano ronaldo campionato del mono mondiale 2010 portogallo numeri giocate c.ronaldo cr7 goals season compilation tricks vs skills 2008 07/08 manchester united quaremsa portugal viva champions league serie a inter milan Top 10 Best World Footballers 2009 This is a new updated video of who I think are the current top 10 football (soccer) players in the world. I have based this on form and actual talent to select <b>...</b>

Tingsek- Good vs Bad - Live from Klaffbron, Malmö, Sweden
Excerpt from the music documentary "Tingsek - something to live for" www.faceboo...
published: 23 Oct 2011
author: woiorecordings
Tingsek- Good vs Bad - Live from Klaffbron, Malmö, Sweden
Excerpt from the music documentary "Tingsek - something to live for" www.facebook.com Directed and edited by Patrik Karlson Produced by Preamp Film, www.preamp.se

Malmö trip in Sweden
This video shows about my precious Malmo trip in 2011-2012. We can easily can go Malmo sin...
published: 01 Jun 2012
author: atfg226
Malmö trip in Sweden
This video shows about my precious Malmo trip in 2011-2012. We can easily can go Malmo since It's located near by Copenhagen. I"ve been to Malmo 4times with having different purposes. 1 Traveling with friends 2 Tour guide (농수산식품부&EU유럽상공회의소) & Conference 3 Part time Job (Voive recording with Samsung) 4 Meeting with Swedish company Every time, I visit Malmo, it's a new experience and also there are many things to learn from Malmo city such as Bo01 (sustainable & Eco-friendly residential place) Tear of Malmo Sustainable food www.malmo.com

Malmö shows off its green regeneration
Malmö, Scandinavia's bridge to Europe, is Sweden's third largest city with 30...
published: 09 Feb 2012
author: pressecdr
Malmö shows off its green regeneration
Malmö, Scandinavia's bridge to Europe, is Sweden's third largest city with 300000 inhabitants. About a third of them are immigrants. Malmö is a city in transition from being an industrial hub to a centre of knowledge and services. When the dockyards closed just over a decade ago, Malmö started an ambitious project, launched with a construction exhibition that seeded a housing and office district. Västra Hamnen, or Western Harbour, is Malmö's model for sustainable development.

officer vehicle 1080 - pump 1420 in malmö
officer vehicle 1080 from st hyllie - and pump 1420 from the main fire station drive from ...
published: 03 Jun 2012
author: redningsstation
officer vehicle 1080 - pump 1420 in malmö
officer vehicle 1080 from st hyllie - and pump 1420 from the main fire station drive from st hyllie in malmö ----------- räddningstjänsten syd brandvæsen feuerwehr brandbil fire brigade brandweer pompiers bombero