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User Registration Problems

Folks, we are currently experiencing problems with our online user registration page at, so have temporarily taken it offline. The admin team is investigating the problem and we will post again as soon as we have more information. Until then, try one of the servers listed at Our apologies for any inconvenience. (NOTE: We fixed this problem on April 3; everything is working fine now!)

Posted in notices.

Google Talk Connectivity

As you’ve probably noticed, the service has been experiencing connectivity problems with and other Google Talk domains (e.g., you might not be able to see if your contacts there are online). The folks at Google are working on a solution and we will post again once they have fixed the problem.

Posted in notices.

Connectivity Issues Solved

Just a quick note that the admin team (thanks, Kev!) worked with the Google Talk admin team (thanks Jonas and Pascal!) to diagnose the problem. It turns out that Google had some broken DNS records, which have been fixed. Data is flowing smoothly again, but as always let us know if you experience any further problems.

Posted in notices.

Connectivity Issues

As you might have noticed, recently we’ve been experiencing intermittent connectivity issues. This is most prominently affecting our server link to the Google Talk service (e.g., your buddies show up as offline). We are investigating these issues and communicating with the Google Talk team on solutions. As soon as we figure out the root causes, we will post again on the website.

Posted in notices.

More Certificate Fun

If you tried to register a new account in the last ~48 hours, you probably noticed that the certificate we use expired. We’ve updated the certificate at so that it uses the same certificate we use for the XMPP service. You can now register accounts securely again. :)

Posted in notices.

Certificate Renewal

The digital certificate for the service expired this morning. We’re working to renew it as fast as possible, but it might take an hour or two because it requires manual approval by our certification authority. Sorry about the confusion.

UPDATE: The new cert is in place, and improved processes are on the way. :)

Posted in notices.

Server upgrade – 2010-04-24

We’re intending to upgrade the OS on our XMPP system tomorrow evening. Although we’ll try and limit the turbulence, we’ll have to suffer at least a brief period of outage while we restart the server etc.

Posted in general.

Service Update, 2010-04-02

On Wednesday we installed an updated build of M-Link, but we didn’t want to post about it yesterday because it was April Fools Day. :) This new build includes fixes to a few small bugs (persistence of chatroom subjects and vCard updates) as well as support for the SCRAM authentication mechanism (which we still need to enable before you can start testing with cutting-edge IM clients).

Posted in notices.

Service Update, 2010-03-18

This morning the admin team installed a new build of M-Link provided by Isode. This build addresses the major issues we’ve had over the last month or so.

First, communication between Google Talk and appears to be fixed. We can’t promise that you’ll never experience any difficulties chatting with your Google Talk friends, but the previous problem (lagged and in some cases lost messages) has been solved.

Second, the old legacy SSL port 5223 is working again, enabling you to connect using most older clients (e.g., iChat on Tiger) as well as various “crippled” clients that still don’t support STARTTLS on port 5222 (e.g., mobile clients like QIP and SIM). We will continue to encourage developers of those clients to add STARTTLS support and we reserve the right to turn off port 5223 at some point in the future, but we probably won’t do so until platforms like OS X Tiger and KDE 3 have been end-of-lifed.

Several smaller issues have yet to be fixed (e.g., chatroom logs and persistent storage of changes to personal vCards and chatroom configurations), but we will be working with the Isode team on those fixes in the coming weeks. We are also aware that we still need to get web registration working again. If you really need a new account instead of an account at one of the many other open XMPP services, please use the contact information provided on the Get Help page for assistance and we’ll try to take care of your request as soon as possible.

Posted in notices.

Service Update, 2010-03-14

This is just a quick note to let users know that the folks at Isode have been working on fixes to a number of the open issues we mentioned in our last update, including our communication problems with Google Talk. Testing is underway and we hope to be installing updated software this week.

Posted in notices.