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Attended McGill University

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Omar Bickell

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This is one of the two sessions I've proposed for the upcoming #Montreal #DrupalCamp on October 13th.

(session proposal deadline is this Wednesday at 17:00 EST,
The Panopoly Drupal Distribution: Panels on steroids! | Drupal Camp Montreal 2012 »
Join me for a whirlwind tour of a distribution based on Panolopy, an all-you-can-eat Panels distribution "designed to be both a general foundation for site building and a base framework upon which to ...
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Omar Bickell

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This is one of the two sessions I've proposed for the upcoming #Montreal #DrupalCamp on October 13th.

(session proposal deadline is this Wednesday at 17:00 EST,
Drupal Deployment and Hosting Solutions: A comparison of tools and services that facilitate development and maintenance | Drupal Camp Montreal 2012 »
This session will compare and contrast some of the more prominent tools and services that allow users to clicky-d-click their way through sophisticated development, deployment and maintenance tasks. B...
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Hats off to #edX for a very impressive effort so far. I just spent the last couple of hours poking around their courseware (registration for a class is required) and found it to be very compelling. Here are my first impressions.

I like how one can seamlessly switch between regular speed and accelerated video and that these are segmented and made easy to navigate (high production value).

I like that the...
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Maybe I'm going overboard, but I ran into a little cash and decided to sign up for this 2-day class in which each participant leaves with a functional 3d printer that they built themselves.

I'll be doing the workshop with my dad, a life-long hobbyist who has primarily built boats, planes and various small woodworking projects. Together, with my tech skills, we should make for an interesting pair.

Our goal is to eventually print cool things with chocolate. :-)
Build, calibrate, operate and maintain your own Prusa Mendel I2 3D printer | Voxel Factory »
François Chagnon from FouLab and François Lahey from Voxel Factory are very proud to offer the first ever RepRap 3D printer workshop in Canada! Build yo...
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Omar Bickell

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I've been discovering the DIYbio movement for a while now. It is a facinating overlap of the Citizen Scientist and Maker movements.

One of the main thrusts at the moment is to come up with affordable DIY designs for all kinds of scientific equipment. Typically, these tools are overpriced and out of range of non-institutional or non-commercial entities.

This is an example, among many others, of a relatively simple, but cool DIYbio / citizen scientist project.

Video Spectrometer | »
The Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science (PLOTS) collaboratively develops and publicizes accessible technologies for investigating and reporting on local environmental health and justice ...
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Omar Bickell

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Omar Bickell

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Interesting analysis and analogies.

EDIT: It was kinda long, but I found it to be uncannily insightful and well worth the read.

I wasn't always sure which groups in his analysis I identified with most, but he nailed it in terms of a lot of the experiences I've had and the perspectives I'm left with as a result.
Seb Paquet originally shared this post:
+Venkatesh Rao: "That’s the big hope on the horizon here: that the current travails of the entrepreneur class might eventually end with the formation of a new middle class to replace the one that is currently being gutted."  
Entrepreneurs are the New Labor: Part I - Forbes »
Part I | Part II | Part III For the last few months, I've been cautiously testing a radical-sounding hypothesis on smart people: entrepreneurs are the new labor. Or to put it in a more useful way, the...
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Omar Bickell

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That pretty much sums it up. I particularly like "Hindsight shows us that many figures accused of thought crimes turned out to luminaries and heroes before their time. But if the surveillance state had reign then in this form and design, just think of the progress we may have all been denied."
Henry Story originally shared this post:
New Rap News on the #surveillance state. 
Not unrelated: Tim Berners' Lee "The Internet has not off switch" Juice Rap News: Episode 15 - Big Brother is WWWatching You. September 2012 rocks around with some crucial developments in the on...
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Omar Bickell

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Not your usual election night. The first acceptance speech was characterized by joy, respect and positive vibes. The last was marked by an ungraceful audience and an assassination attempt that resulted in somebody's death.

Already the talking heads on TV are fomenting language divisions and discussing heightened security measures.
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Omar Bickell

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Does no patent really mean no cure? Interesting read.

While somewhat offtopic to the main points of the article, I was surprised to learn that "recent investigation by Amgen found that 47 of 53 papers (on all medical subjects, not just viruses) by academics in top peer-reviewed science journals contained results that couldn't be reproduced, even though company scientists repeated the experiments up to 50 times."
Tim Johnson originally shared this post:
tl;dr - A scientist in Sweden has created a virus that targets a specific kind of cancer, but because he published his findings publicly it can't be patented, so nobody wants to foot the bill for human trials.

A virus that kills cancer: the cure that's waiting in the cold - Telegraph »
Sitting in a refrigerator in a Swedish laboratory is what promises to be a cheap and effective cancer treatment. So why are the trials to bring it to market not going ahead?
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A geek, activist, motivator and long-time Drupal evangelist. I like to think big but keep it real.
A geek, activist, motivator, entrepreneur and long-time Drupal evangelist. 

Currently at a crossroads, I'm proud of what I accomplished over the last decade and am actively seeking interesting opportunities for the next. 

Please get in touch if you have ideas for me.
Bragging rights
I build my first website in 1995 and have been using Drupal since fall 2001. Co-Founded in 2004.
Freelance Drupal consulting
  • Drupal consulting
    Freelancer, present
    Co-Founder, 2004 - 2010
  • McGill University
    Masters in Urban Planning, 1995 - 1997
  • Concordia University
    Bachelor of Science in Geography, 1990 - 1993
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Print, color and design Mandalas.


A transformational new partnership in online education

Democracy Now!

Independent, daily global news hour

Stocking a home laboratory - cheap and common chemicals and equipment

NOTE: Partway through I meant Copper Acetate, not Copper Chloride This is a video detailing some of the chemicals and equipment I keep in my

DIYbio Drill Vortex

A how-to for making a quick and dirty vortex device for mixing liquid samples like test tubes, centrifuge tubes and such. A vortex is not es

| Maker Faire Montréal

The Mini Maker Faire is a celebration of “maker” culture. It’s been called everything from a “digital quilting bee”, to “futuristic crafts f

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ETC Group | monitoring power, tracking technology, strengthening diversity

This report exposes the new climate 'Plan B' for what it is: a political strategy aimed at letting industrialized countries off the hook for

ETC Group

monitoring power, tracking technology, strengthening diversity

Climate & Geoengineering | ETC Group

Geoengineering is the intentional, large-scale technological manipulation of the Earth's systems, often discussed as a techno-fix for combat

Drupal Gardens | Get a Free Drupal 7 Site Here

Free Drupal 7 websites on Drupal Gardens, Acquia's Drupal-as-a-Service platform. Robust design tools and socially smart community features t


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As Mediactive grows, this page will link to tools to assist in the “consumption” and creation of media as described in the Principles. We we Catalysing Technology-Assisted Advocacy in Quebec | omarzbl...

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Solve For X

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My Hangouts

Version 4.5.0 - A Simple, Safe, and Fast way to use Hangouts!

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London Riots. (The BBC will never replay this. Send it out)

Darcus Howe, a West Indian Writer and Broadcaster with a voice about the riots. Speaking about the mistreatment of youths by police leading

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