
RIAA wants 4th Amendment throw out
State lawmakers in California are moving a bill through their committees to allow warrantl...
published: 20 May 2011
author: TheAlyonaShow
RIAA wants 4th Amendment throw out
State lawmakers in California are moving a bill through their committees to allow warrantless searches of companies that press copies of compact discs and DVD's. And it's being backed by both the recording industry and the motion picture association. But aren't there other ways to combat piracy, other than stripping away our constitutional rights? Cato's Julian Sanchez explains

RIAA: Your ISP Will Be Our Own Personal Copyright Police
From the Majority Report, live MF 11:30am EST and via daily podcast at Majority.FM Startin...
published: 16 Mar 2012
author: SamSeder
RIAA: Your ISP Will Be Our Own Personal Copyright Police
From the Majority Report, live MF 11:30am EST and via daily podcast at Majority.FM Starting July 12th, your Internet Service Provider will be policing what you download thanks to a deal with the RIAA and MPAA.

Anonymous - Warning to the MPAA and RIAA
#OpMegaupload #BlackMarch SOPA ACTA PIPA Boycott Copyrighted Products March 2012....
published: 23 Jan 2012
author: AnonSynonymous
Anonymous - Warning to the MPAA and RIAA
#OpMegaupload #BlackMarch SOPA ACTA PIPA Boycott Copyrighted Products March 2012.

Rambling: An Open Letter to the RIAA, MPAA, and Gaming Industry
just talking about why many of my friends have chosen to pirate in the past....
published: 01 Feb 2012
author: boogie2988
Rambling: An Open Letter to the RIAA, MPAA, and Gaming Industry
just talking about why many of my friends have chosen to pirate in the past.

RIAA still extorting former student
Podcast #47 Obama AND Romney are running against capitalism To hear the full podcast: adam...
published: 25 May 2012
author: AdamKokesh
RIAA still extorting former student
Podcast #47 Obama AND Romney are running against capitalism To hear the full podcast: adamvstheman.com Please address hate mail to adam@adamvstheman.com Invest here to support ADAM VS THE MAN! adamvstheman.com www.facebook.com techland.time.com

Why you should not download music online ;)...
published: 28 Mar 2006
author: Fogg82
Why you should not download music online ;)

RIAA/MPAA: New Tech, Old Tricks
Here are the steps you can take to combat the Stop Online Piracy Act: 1.Call Your Congress...
published: 18 Dec 2011
author: ReviewTechUSA
RIAA/MPAA: New Tech, Old Tricks
Here are the steps you can take to combat the Stop Online Piracy Act: 1.Call Your Congressman/Congresswoman: fightforthefuture.org 2. Censor Your blogs/websites in protest: americancensorship.org 3. Post a picture of yourself to show that "You work for the internet": iworkfortheinternet.org 4. POST AND DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO EVERYWHERE! Thanks to all who have already participated, together we can stop online censorship! Get my newest YouTube Videos sent right to your Facebook page: apps.facebook.com Follow me on twitter: twitter.com Become a fan on Facebook: www.facebook.com Check out LUGOEntertainment's YouTube channel: www.youtube.com

ACTA Secret: Obama Lord of the RIAA Copyright Trolls Movie Trailer Mike Mozart STEAL THIS VIDEO!
ACTA is being Created by the Nest of RIAA Copyright Trolls the USA President Obama Hand Pi...
published: 23 Jan 2012
author: JeepersMedia
ACTA Secret: Obama Lord of the RIAA Copyright Trolls Movie Trailer Mike Mozart STEAL THIS VIDEO!
ACTA is being Created by the Nest of RIAA Copyright Trolls the USA President Obama Hand Picked for his Department of Justice! SIGN the FREE RICHARD O'DWYER Online Petition! www.gopetition.com The RIAA hand Picked Copyright Trolls are Crafting and controlling these laws Worldwide and USA President Obama gave them ALL the Power and Money to Do it! LINKS; Obama Appoint the 5th RIAA Attorney www.wired.com Obama: Stop Filling Administration with RIAA Insiders www.wired.com Obama Supports 150000 fine per infringed work www.wired.com Obama Declares Proposed IP Treaty a "National Security Secret" www.wired.com Obama Supports the RIAA Against Jammie Rasset Thomas news.cnet.com Obama Proves He Is an RIAA Lapdog ilikekillnerds.com Obama Supports $150000 Per Infringed Work Wired www.wired.com Obama Keep Filling the DOJ with RIAA Attorneys www.wired.com

The RIAA and the US Labor Dept: America's big liars
Sometimes we aren't able to get all the daily news to our viewers on the air. For thos...
published: 04 May 2012
author: RTAmerica
The RIAA and the US Labor Dept: America's big liars
Sometimes we aren't able to get all the daily news to our viewers on the air. For those of you wanting more, RT Web Producer Andrew Blake joins us with the latest stories on our RT.com/USA. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com

Keiser Report: The MPAA and RIAA lies to defend failed business model (31Dec11)
Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert talk about the lies that the MPAA and RIAA illegal media cart...
published: 31 Dec 2011
author: liarpoliticians
Keiser Report: The MPAA and RIAA lies to defend failed business model (31Dec11)
Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert talk about the lies that the MPAA and RIAA illegal media cartels use to push their failed business models under pretext of anti-piracy. Fact is, no matter what laws are passed, nobody wants to buy the crap that the RIAA and MPAA are pushing out. The illegal media cartels buy off politicians to change laws to protect the media companies failed business models, and to crush the companies that care successful in cutting out the RIAA and MPAA illegal cartels. The politicians get backhanders / brown envelopes or "campaign contributions" to push corrupt laws. An example of laws designed to hurt "the little people" but protect the illegal media cartels is the "Digital Economy Act", as pushed by Labour scum Peter Mandelson. Recorded from RT, Keiser Report, 31 December 2011.

Anonymous Takes Down FBI, DOJ, UMG, RIAA After Feds Bust Megaupload
CNN Clip www.youtube.com Anonymous Takes Down FBI, DOJ, UMG, RIAA (RT) rt.com Megaupload B...
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: MaKaElectric
Anonymous Takes Down FBI, DOJ, UMG, RIAA After Feds Bust Megaupload
CNN Clip www.youtube.com Anonymous Takes Down FBI, DOJ, UMG, RIAA (RT) rt.com Megaupload Bust (Fox News) www.foxnews.com GLP Thread 1 www.godlikeproductions.com GLP Thread 2 www.godlikeproductions.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- My Links Backup YouTube Channel Subscribe To Keep In Touch youtube.com Follow Me On Twitter For Breaking News / New Uploads / Live Show Alerts twitter.com Follow Me On Facebook Page Repeats Twitter Feed Above facebook.com --- US Scancast Website --- US Scancast Nationwide Scanner Network Live Nationwide Scanner Audio And Chat 24/7 Scancast.webs.com

Sue All the World - Dedicated to the RIAA and MPAA for The Pirate Bay
Grant Peter Sundes of The Pirate Bay plea for pardon www.avaaz.org Sign for Peter! All the...
published: 19 Jul 2012
author: calminchaosmusic
Sue All the World - Dedicated to the RIAA and MPAA for The Pirate Bay
Grant Peter Sundes of The Pirate Bay plea for pardon www.avaaz.org Sign for Peter! All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, duty, mercy. This also goes for things of darkness; single heavy words: slavery, injustice, corruption, cruelty. Today we pause and occupy ourselves with some of these heavy words. The first are injustice and corruption. The injustice of a legal system that protects the unlawful privileges of the few and wealthy, while unleashing its blind wrath at the many, the innocent and the poor. The corruption of a legal system that turns its blind eye to bullying from multinationals and their mercenaries towards ourselves and to national threats from the US government towards Sweden (WTO blacklisting). We know of MPAAs bullying, we know of the bought policemen (Jim Keyzer), we know of hired hacker attacks against us. And we know of the injustice and the corruption of the machinery that this year sentenced 3 friends of all of ours to jail for aiding in crimes with no criminals. But we are no longer amazed by this. The state of these affairs is since long known to all of us. We are no longer in shock when we see the wickedness of multinational corporations, of politicians and of the so-called people of justice. But we're still surprised to see them not ashamed. And from this naivety of ours comes hope. We still hope that shame is something they have not left behind them. We still hope that they have not <b>...</b>

Kaitlyn Hills nd Riaa XXXoooXXX
Baahahahah MESSIN ROUND...
published: 21 Jul 2012
author: Kaitlyn J Hills-Mastin
Kaitlyn Hills nd Riaa XXXoooXXX

Keiser Report, Guest says support artists not RIAA / MPAA cartel (20Mar12)
Keiser Report guest Toman Kalonky from streetlightmanifesto.com talks about the recording ...
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: liarpoliticians
Keiser Report, Guest says support artists not RIAA / MPAA cartel (20Mar12)
Keiser Report guest Toman Kalonky from streetlightmanifesto.com talks about the recording industry, and how people should support and are supporting artists more, and cutting out the illegal RIAA / MPAA cartels. The reason copyright is being reformed and cracked down on is these cartels rely on it to make money from an enforced cartel, but the industry is dying because people are fighting back and supporting the artists more, so less money goes on coke to the RIAA / MPAA members. Recorded from RT, Keiser Report, 20 March 2012.

RIAA/MPAA Buy Out SOPA/Protect IP Sponsors
Link to article: reporting.sunlightfoundation.com This link will help you find the Senator...
published: 04 Dec 2011
author: ReviewTechUSA
RIAA/MPAA Buy Out SOPA/Protect IP Sponsors
Link to article: reporting.sunlightfoundation.com This link will help you find the Senators for your state, get you their phone numbers and tell you what to say: americancensorship.org The fight to stop bill S.978, the Protect IP Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act continues! Your participation is drastically needed so please participate! Go here to contact Senator Wyden and submit your name to be read during his filibuster the US Senate: stopcensorship.org And go here to find out how you can participate in the phone-in campaign to the US government this coming week: americancensorship.org And if you haven't already, write to your Senator/Congressperson to let them know that these acts are too general and harmful to the internet! Go here: act.demandprogress.org Thanks to all who have already participated, together we can stop online censorship! Get my newest YouTube Videos sent right to your Facebook page: apps.facebook.com Follow me on twitter: twitter.com Become a fan on Facebook: www.facebook.com Check out LUGOEntertainment's YouTube channel: www.youtube.com

Fight the PROTECT IP ACT Being voted on by the Senate Jan 24, 2012: Sign the Petition the ...
published: 23 Dec 2011
author: impossible
Fight the PROTECT IP ACT Being voted on by the Senate Jan 24, 2012: Sign the Petition the Fight PIPA (it's being voted on January 24th 2012) demandprogress.org Here are the steps you can take to combat the Stop Online Piracy Act: Here are the steps you can take to combat the Stop Online Piracy Act: 1.Call Your Congressman/Congresswoman: fightforthefuture.org 2. Censor Your blogs/websites in protest: americancensorship.org 3. Post a picture of yourself to show that "You work for the internet": iworkfortheinternet.org 4. POST AND DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO EVERYWHERE!

RIAA: The Truth
A mockumentary of how the RIAA is dealing with college students who illegally download, es...
published: 30 Mar 2007
author: CherryTreeProduction
RIAA: The Truth
A mockumentary of how the RIAA is dealing with college students who illegally download, especially at Ohio University. Watch, comment, share with friends. Together we can show the RIAA who's boss: the consumer.

ACTA: Obama Lord of the RIAA
This is not my video! I am simply sharing it with the permission of its owner! Share this ...
published: 24 Jan 2012
author: MrPDRab
ACTA: Obama Lord of the RIAA
This is not my video! I am simply sharing it with the permission of its owner! Share this video and get it out there! Thanks Link to original video: www.youtube.com

RIAA Marks Up Google's Piracy 'Report Card'
The Recording Industry Association of America claims Google hasn't been keeping its pr...
published: 20 Dec 2011
author: mashable
RIAA Marks Up Google's Piracy 'Report Card'
The Recording Industry Association of America claims Google hasn't been keeping its promises when it comes to fighting online piracy. Others argue Google is going above and beyond whats expected of them.

Crosstalk: RIAA, MPAA and US Gov try to censor internet, part1/2 (20Jan12)
Part 1 or 2: A discussion on America's attempt to censor the entire internet by passin...
published: 21 Jan 2012
author: liarpoliticians
Crosstalk: RIAA, MPAA and US Gov try to censor internet, part1/2 (20Jan12)
Part 1 or 2: A discussion on America's attempt to censor the entire internet by passing laws called SOPA and PIPA which would make it easy for the RIAA and MPAA to accuse ANY website on the planet of infringing copyright, and that website being blocked via faked DNS entries, and even domain names taken - just on the say so of some coke using executive. The record and film industry use this as an excuse to grab power instead of changing their failed business model. The US government use it as an excuse to grab power over the internet and Disneyfy it into a piece of crap that only authorised content is seen.... government approved content. Recorded from RT, Crosstalk, 20 January 2012.

RIAA & MPAA SCAMMED US! HERE IS PROOF (Rip this video and reupload to your channels)
Original video by JeepersMedia and was given permission openly to reupload this for the wh...
published: 18 Jan 2012
author: JamesWatchsGameplay
RIAA & MPAA SCAMMED US! HERE IS PROOF (Rip this video and reupload to your channels)
Original video by JeepersMedia and was given permission openly to reupload this for the whole world to see! Fight the PROTECT IP ACT Being voted on by the Senate Jan 24, 2012: Sign the Petition the Fight PIPA (it's being voted on January 24th 2012) demandprogress.org Here are the steps you can take to combat the Stop Online Piracy Act: 1.Call Your Congressman/Congresswoman: fightforthefuture.org 2. Censor Your blogs/websites in protest: americancensorship.org 3. Post a picture of yourself to show that "You work for the internet": iworkfortheinternet.org 4. POST AND DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO EVERYWHERE!

Megaupload : Kim Dotcom on Life in Prison and the Fight Against the RIAA
See our coverage of what the future holds for Megaupload during July and August here : wit...
published: 24 Jun 2012
author: wordswithmeaning
Megaupload : Kim Dotcom on Life in Prison and the Fight Against the RIAA
See our coverage of what the future holds for Megaupload during July and August here : withmean.in