- published: 17 Apr 2012
- views: 17717
- author: Octavian Repede
DRACO chipurile de piatra -TRAILER- Documentar Film Romania 2012, cine au fost geto-dacii
Filmul este disponibil pe DVD/BluRay Disc accesand: http://www.dracofilm.blogspot.com (OFF...
published: 17 Apr 2012
author: Octavian Repede
DRACO chipurile de piatra -TRAILER- Documentar Film Romania 2012, cine au fost geto-dacii
DRACO chipurile de piatra -TRAILER- Documentar Film Romania 2012, cine au fost geto-dacii
Filmul este disponibil pe DVD/BluRay Disc accesand: http://www.dracofilm.blogspot.com (OFFICIAL FILM PAGE) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Draco-chipurile-de-...- published: 17 Apr 2012
- views: 17717
- author: Octavian Repede
Geto-Dacians ''The most Brave and Fair Thracian tribe''
Poseidonios says that Mysians are out of meat products from a particular religious faith, ...
published: 28 Mar 2009
author: oceanospotamos
Geto-Dacians ''The most Brave and Fair Thracian tribe''
Geto-Dacians ''The most Brave and Fair Thracian tribe''
Poseidonios says that Mysians are out of meat products from a particular religious faith, just because they dont grow animals. They feed with honey, milk and...- published: 28 Mar 2009
- views: 9785
- author: oceanospotamos
Dacii / Dacians - Romanian Movie Trailer History Romania
The Dacians, situated north of the lower Danube in the area of the Carpathians and Transyl...
published: 23 Oct 2010
author: DoinaDor
Dacii / Dacians - Romanian Movie Trailer History Romania
Dacii / Dacians - Romanian Movie Trailer History Romania
The Dacians, situated north of the lower Danube in the area of the Carpathians and Transylvania, are the earliest named people from the present territory of ...- published: 23 Oct 2010
- views: 10601
- author: DoinaDor
Secventa documentar geto-daci, "Draco-chipurile de piatra" ...Herodot despre zeul Zalmoxis
Filmul este disponibil pe DVD/BluRay Disc accesand: http://www.dracofilm.blogspot.com (OFF...
published: 13 Jan 2013
author: Octavian Repede
Secventa documentar geto-daci, "Draco-chipurile de piatra" ...Herodot despre zeul Zalmoxis
Secventa documentar geto-daci, "Draco-chipurile de piatra" ...Herodot despre zeul Zalmoxis
Filmul este disponibil pe DVD/BluRay Disc accesand: http://www.dracofilm.blogspot.com (OFFICIAL FILM PAGE) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Draco-chipurile-de-...- published: 13 Jan 2013
- views: 763
- author: Octavian Repede
Let's Play NWN2: Sarmates! #5: Sarmizegetusa Regia
We leave Kati Zinzaiis' tent and go to Wanda, where she gives us a packhorse named Sirwan,...
published: 06 Mar 2013
author: biglos9d
Let's Play NWN2: Sarmates! #5: Sarmizegetusa Regia
Let's Play NWN2: Sarmates! #5: Sarmizegetusa Regia
We leave Kati Zinzaiis' tent and go to Wanda, where she gives us a packhorse named Sirwan, to travel to Sarmizegetusa Regia. After learning a bit of history ...- published: 06 Mar 2013
- views: 97
- author: biglos9d
Madalina Ghenea full interview Antena 1 april 2012 news TV english subs romanian girls
Madalina Diana Ghenea interview for Antena 1 news report TV interviu 2012 interview romani...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: romaniandays
Madalina Ghenea full interview Antena 1 april 2012 news TV english subs romanian girls
Madalina Ghenea full interview Antena 1 april 2012 news TV english subs romanian girls
Madalina Diana Ghenea interview for Antena 1 news report TV interviu 2012 interview romanian girls.- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 9169
- author: romaniandays
Statues of Dacians (Dacians, ancestors of Romanians)
published: 22 Oct 2012
author: StatuesOfDacians
Statues of Dacians (Dacians, ancestors of Romanians)
Statues of Dacians (Dacians, ancestors of Romanians)
- published: 22 Oct 2012
- views: 334
- author: StatuesOfDacians
DRACO (www.transilvanicon.com)
DRACO is a tatomir/richardson project for tatomir's solo art show "TRANSILVANICON" @ HYAEN...
published: 24 Sep 2010
author: tat0mir
DRACO (www.transilvanicon.com)
DRACO (www.transilvanicon.com)
DRACO is a tatomir/richardson project for tatomir's solo art show "TRANSILVANICON" @ HYAENA GALLERY Burbank, California after 8 nights underground, the DRACO...- published: 24 Sep 2010
- views: 317
- author: tat0mir
Cetatile Costesti si Sarmizegetusa (Dacia Fortress Costesti and Sarmizegetusa)
Sarmizegetusa REGIA, capitala DACIEI este MECCA Românilor. Cetățile dacice din Munții Orăș...
published: 07 Apr 2009
author: Decebal Bogdan
Cetatile Costesti si Sarmizegetusa (Dacia Fortress Costesti and Sarmizegetusa)
Cetatile Costesti si Sarmizegetusa (Dacia Fortress Costesti and Sarmizegetusa)
Sarmizegetusa REGIA, capitala DACIEI este MECCA Românilor. Cetățile dacice din Munții Orăștiei (Costești, Blidaru si Sarmizegetusa Regia) reprezintă un obiec...- published: 07 Apr 2009
- views: 3413
- author: Decebal Bogdan
Ursa Minor este o constelație circumpolară descrisă de Ptolemeu în secolul al doilea după ...
published: 17 Nov 2013
Ursa Minor este o constelație circumpolară descrisă de Ptolemeu în secolul al doilea după Hristos. Este vizibilă pe tot parcursul anului în regiunea nordică a cerului și se învecinează cu constelațiile Ursa Major, Dragonul și Cepheu. Cea mai strălucitoare stea a acestei constelații este Polaris sau Steaua Polară, stea căreia românii îi spuneau „Candela Cerului" probabil din cauza faptului că această stea rămânea în permanență în același loc. Legenda Carului Mic la români este strâns legată de cea a Carului Mare. Se spune că în Carul Mare Traian transporta prizonierii daci la Roma, iar în Carul Mic ducea căpeteniile dacilor. De remarcat faptul că și în mitologia norvegiană, Ursei Major i se spunea Carul Bărbatului iar Ursei Minor, Carul Femeii. (aprox. 45 de secunde) The Little Chariot - Romanian Constellation. Ursa Minor is a circumpolar constellation described by Ptolemy in the II century A.C. It is visible throughout the year in the northern sky and is bordered by the constellations Ursa Major, Draco and Cepheus. The brightest star of this constellation is Polaris, or the Northern Star, the star that Romanians call it "the Sky's Votive Light " probably because this star remaines constantly in the same place. Romanian legend about the Great Chariot is closely linked with that of the Little Chariot. It is said that the Emperor Trajan transported the Dacian prisoners to Rome with the Great Chariot, and the Dacian captains with the Little Chariot. Note that in Norwegian mythology, Ursa Major was called Man's Chariot and Ursa Minor the Woman's Chariot. CRT - proiectul "CONSTELAȚII ROMÂNEȘTI TRADIȚIONALE - ETAPA NAȚIONALĂ" (2013) PROIECT CULTURAL NAȚIONAL FINANȚAT DE ADMINISTRAȚIA FONDULUI CULTURAL NAȚIONAL. INIȚIATOR - PLANETARIUL BAIA MARE - www.planetariubm.ro www.crt.ro.com facebook.com/crtrocom youtube.com/constelatiiromanesti make.tv/crt Un proiect de redescoperire și popularizare a cerului românesc așa cum l-au văzut străbunii noștri - 2013- published: 17 Nov 2013
- views: 162
romans and dacians - war episode
Dacians fortresses festival - Cricau/ Alba Iulia/ Romania 2009....
published: 12 Apr 2010
author: sebidavid7
romans and dacians - war episode
romans and dacians - war episode
Dacians fortresses festival - Cricau/ Alba Iulia/ Romania 2009.- published: 12 Apr 2010
- views: 58
- author: sebidavid7
Youtube results:
Romeo Models "Draconarius, Hippica Gymnasia, 2nd Century A.D." in 54mm scale
Time to build and paint a Roman figure again! The pose of this Draconarius might not be th...
published: 21 Apr 2013
author: Hamilkar Barkas
Romeo Models "Draconarius, Hippica Gymnasia, 2nd Century A.D." in 54mm scale
Romeo Models "Draconarius, Hippica Gymnasia, 2nd Century A.D." in 54mm scale
Time to build and paint a Roman figure again! The pose of this Draconarius might not be the most exciting, but his military sport dress for the cavalry games...- published: 21 Apr 2013
- views: 629
- author: Hamilkar Barkas