Posts Tagged 'Conservative Campaign Headquarters'

Unequivocal Support?

Debating chamber in Scottish Parliament building

On the same day that Conservatives in Scotland and Wales will be electing members to their Parliament and Assembly, Conservatives in NI will be barred from so doing. Image via Wikipedia

Alex Kane has written an excellent piece in Today’s Newsletter. Here’s just a taster. You can read the full article in the comments to my previous post.

“It is worth noting that I have seen the words ‘unequivocal support’ used in Central Office documents in 1989, 1992 and 1996. It turned out to mean nothing on those occasions and it means nothing now. On the same day that Conservatives in Scotland and Wales will be electing members to their Parliament and Assembly, Conservatives in NI will be barred from so doing. Not by their own choice, mind you, but simply because Central Office doesn’t want the Secretary of State to have to take sides when it really matters. It seems he can say what he likes when he is in Opposition—but not when he is in Government!” – Alex Kane in Today’s Newsletter

Why Conservatives are Wimps

DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 29JAN10 - David Cameron, Le...

Is Cameron serious about detoxifying our politics? Image via Wikipedia

This is an extended version of a comment I have made on my previous post. I felt it deserved greater oxygen.

A few of my former colleagues in the local Conservative Party organisation have criticised me for being a tad lukewarm re. yesterday’s announcement about Party organisation here. This is my attempt at an explanation. Interestingly, Alex Kane, former Head of Communications at the UUP, agrees with me (see comments on yesterday’s post).

The point I have made is that the local Conservative Party Area Executive threw all its toys out of the pram because CCHQ refused to contest the Assembly elections. The Area Chairman, Irwin Armstrong, resigned over the issue. Now he has un-resigned when nothing has changed.

The excuse for the U-turn is that because of the delay in reaching an agreement with CCHQ it would be impossible to get ready for elections that are still several months away. But that’s nonsense – as has been pointed out by Seymour Major over on his blog.

Even a single candidate put forward for the Assembly elections would make clear that the Conservatives are serious and intend to define themselves as a brand distinct from sectarian “Unionism” and “Nationalism”. There is no point to democratic politics if elections aren’t contested. Constant preparation for success is not the point – it’s about democracy, plain and simple. If the brand is dodgy, no-one will vote for it. That’s politics.

But the end game in the process is about de-toxifying our politics. We’re either in that game or we aren’t. And, it would appear, the local Conservatives seem to have decided that they are not – and that implies sloppy and wimpy leadership.

Rodney McCune Lone Voice for Conservatives & Unionists

Free twitter badge

Image via Wikipedia

Rodney McCune (not sure who he is, by the way) must be thinking no-one has noticed. But it would appear that he has hijacked the Conservatives in NI/UCUNF/VoteforChange Twitter account.

If you visit the VoteforChangeNI website (built, it would appear, by Conservative Central Office – and last updated in May 2010) and link to the Conservatives in NI twitter account, the only tweets on the account all link to the chap McCune’s blog.

McCune, it would appear, is a kindof  Twitter-Squatter (if indeed he is the author and master of the aforementioned Twitter account – perhaps it’s a Conservatives in NI/UCUNF/VoteforChange/McCune groupie).

There is no mention of the word Conservative on his personal blog – but he seems content to get the traffic from well-meaning followers of the political dead parrot that is Conservatives in NI/UCUNF/VoteforChange Yada Yada.

CCHQ Shafts Northern Ireland Conservatives

Michael Gove speaking at the Conservative Part...

Big on Society, Small on Principle (Image Wikipedia)

Conservative central office has never really cared for Conservatives who happen to reside in Northern Ireland. CCHQ has a history of being populated by people who think that people here only want to vote for sectarianism of one hue or another. Moreover, it has also employed its fair share of small-minded bigots.

This evening the Conservatives’ little-Ulster fossils have been trotted out to defend the policy of assuming the missionary position for the UUP. Laurence Robertson, who plays second fiddle to Owen Paterson, is probably closer to the DUP than he is to the UUP. But he’s certainly never been a friend of the Conservatives in Northern Ireland.

Barnoness Warsi, Tory Chairwoman, who favours a greater role for faith groups in the “Big Society” also appears to be fan of the Orange-soaked UUP. Big Society in Little Ulster. Great.

It has taken quite a while for the local Conservatives to see that Paterson, Robertson and CCHQ intended to systematically ignore them in seeking a deal with the rudderless and useless UUP. But, then again, the Conservative Party leadership is also in a coalition government with the rudderless and policy-devoid  Lib Dems. So this is familiar territory.

The UUP seems to be in gloating mode that it has stolen a march on local Conservatives. But, frankly, who would want to be involved in a Conservative Party that is devoid of any perceptible Conservative values?

The politics of this once great United Kingdom seems to lack any political party with any vestige of any political principle. Instead we have the politics of local and national populism. Our Executive is incapable of agreeing a budget while, nationally, our Prime Minister, like the one before him, prefers to schmooze with celebrities, as an alternative to articulating any coherent policy positions.

Oh and today the Big Society turned out to be a requirement for us all to shovel grit.

In a world that seems increasingly like a confederacy of dunces Sammy Wilson is beginning to sound rational. Now that is a worry.

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