Archive for July, 2009

Well done Chloe (but let her get a word in!)

Chloe Smith achieved an amazing result in Norwich North…just a pity DC didn’t allow her a word in edgeways in this video. 

Well done (erm) Chloe.

CERN Man to Speak at Conservative Conference

Professor Brian Cox - Rock Star of Particle Physics

Professor Brian Cox - Rock Star of Particle Physics

As heavily hinted in a previous post, I am delighted to confirm that Professor Brian Cox will be the CHA’s speaker at this year’s Conservative Party Conference in Manchester.  I’m Chairman of the Conservative Humanists – celebrating our first anniversary at Party Conference. 

Conservative Humanist Association’s 1st Anniversary Reception
Day Two: Tuesday 6 October 17:30
Manchester Central, Exchange Auditorium Lower Foyer
Professor Brian Cox, Professor of Particle Physics, Royal Society University Research Fellow – University of Manchester

We are making a bit of a habit of having some of the world’s most eminent scientists as our guest speakers – following Richard Dawkins last year. 

We are really looking forward to hearing what Brian has to say about science and rational thought and humanism. 

Here’s Brian talking about the large hadron collider… 

Memorial Service for James Leslie

A memorial service will be held for the late James Leslie in London on the 28th of July. 

If you knew Jamie and would like to attend the service and reception afterwards please email me and I can send you further details of the service and how to make contact with John Leslie. 

James was a colleague in the Conservative Party in Northern Ireland and will be sorely missed.  He died much too young.

Tory Liberalistos at Conference

The Conservative Party Conference just isn’t what it used to be.  If David McNarry decides to make the journey this year he’s likely to be in for a big surprise as the Liberalistos (as he likes to call them) seem to have taken over.  Iain Dale is intent on outing just about every gay member (and there are an awful lot of them).  At time of writing this was Iain’s latest tweet on Twitter:

Book your tickets for the Tory Conference Pride Party in Canal Street

Oh and then there’s the Conservative Humanist Association (CHA) fringe event.  Last year Richard Dawkins was our prize speaker – and the event turned into one of the biggest events at conference – well over 100 people had to be turned away and it was standing room only.

We’re hoping (I’m Chairman of the CHA, erm, for my sins) that Professor Brian Cox will be our speaker this year.  Fingers crossed.  Brian is professor of Particle Physics at the University of Manchester.

Jeffrey Donaldson’s Movies


Should Jeffrey Donaldson wear his Jesus-fish with pride?

Should Jeffrey Donaldson wear his Jesus-fish with pride?

There’s something oddly concerning about Jeffrey Donaldson’s apparent fondness for in-room movies. Firstly it’s rather strange that Mr Donaldson overlooked the fact that he was billing hundreds of pounds worth of in-room movies to the tax-payer and has felt obliged to repay these claims to the fees office only after such public provocation. 

Second, it’s impossible to explain away such claims as an oversight when he claimed for dozens and dozens of films costing hundreds and hundreds of pounds.

However, what has given me more cause to ponder is that an MP/MLA and Councillor has so much time on his hands.

Jeffrey is a pious soul – or so he leads us to believe.  He calls himself a “Christian Politician” – and yet he spends his time in London, as our elected MP, watching rather a lot of movies.  The latest movies.  Blockbusters.  The most pricey movies according to hotel staff where he stayed. 

As a lonely man, away from home, he obviously needs to amuse himself.  But, surely, as an elected representative he should choose other means of entertainment in the evenings when on business in London.  There’s theatre-land, wonderful gastronomy, and all the great evening functions on the terrace at the palace of Westminster. 

There’s also work to be done.  After all, Jeffrey holds down rather a lot of jobs – MP, MLA, Councillor etc. 

Now perhaps Jeffrey prefers his own company, in his room, with his movies.  But I’d offer him this advice.  Get out more Jeffrey.  Meet the people.  After all, you represent them.

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