Archive for January, 2011

Gerry Adams and the Deficit

Gerry Adams at the Fermanagh Commemoration, re...

Image via Wikipedia

Quite why Gerry Adams decided to appear on this radio programme in Louth/Meath is beyond me but he has obviously convinced himself that he has a firm grasp on economics and deficit reduction strategies.

The host of the programme is having none of Gerry’s bizarre mathematics and vacillation.

Adams is all over the place – failing even to understand a GCSE definition of fiscal deficits. He seems to think that throwing in references to bond markets will convince the listeners he knows what he’s talking about.

He doesn’t and I suspect the listeners to this Louth/Meath radio station will have enjoyed this interview. The show host is Paxonian in his persistence. Fabulous stuff and a must-listen.

Rodney McCune Lone Voice for Conservatives & Unionists

Free twitter badge

Image via Wikipedia

Rodney McCune (not sure who he is, by the way) must be thinking no-one has noticed. But it would appear that he has hijacked the Conservatives in NI/UCUNF/VoteforChange Twitter account.

If you visit the VoteforChangeNI website (built, it would appear, by Conservative Central Office – and last updated in May 2010) and link to the Conservatives in NI twitter account, the only tweets on the account all link to the chap McCune’s blog.

McCune, it would appear, is a kindof  Twitter-Squatter (if indeed he is the author and master of the aforementioned Twitter account – perhaps it’s a Conservatives in NI/UCUNF/VoteforChange/McCune groupie).

There is no mention of the word Conservative on his personal blog – but he seems content to get the traffic from well-meaning followers of the political dead parrot that is Conservatives in NI/UCUNF/VoteforChange Yada Yada.

Blogger Solidarity

Conservative Party Logo

Image by Slugger O'Toole via Flickr

Chekov, over on the 3000 Versts Blog has highlighted an open letter from two local bloggers to Owen Paterson, NI Secretary of State, and chief architect of the partnership with the UUP (that crashed and burned with UCUNF).

As an act of solidarity with my fellow bloggers O’Neill and Dilettante (and Chekov) I am reproducing it here. I’ll be interested to see the response and will publish it here (if it ever comes).

Dear Mr. Paterson,

We are writing to you concerning the position of the Conservative Party vis-à-vis its activity in Northern Ireland. As Conservative and Unionist bloggers we have been firm supporters of Mr. Cameron’s policy of political engagement in the province, and we hope to be able to continue to facilitate in our small way the efforts of the party there. In recent weeks there has been some confusion about the future of the party in Northern Ireland, and if you were able to clarify that position for us, we would then be able to pass it to our readership.

Kind Regards,

Dilettante, oneill

Nelson and The Cuts

Nelson McCausland, Northern Ireland’s self appointed leader of a lost tribe of Israel, and Culture Minister (jeez), has been ranting.

His rant is about the removal of funding for NI sports facilities being the fault of the Conservatives. Not, you’ll note, the profligate nut-job of a government that came before the Con/Lib coalition.

By definition, therefore, Nelson takes a dim view of the UK government trying to get a rampant public sector deficit under control. He also seems to have an issue with Northern Ireland playing its part in supporting the effort to plug the fiscal gap.

Unionist eh? Little Ulster mentalist more like.

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