Archive for the 'News' Category

Lund Resigns from NI Conservatives


Just a few days after the (re)launch of the NI Conservatives a leading member of the local Party has resigned. John Lund has forwarded me a copy of his resignation letter sent to the local Conservative leadership, copied to Emma Pidding, Chairman of the National Convention of the Conservative Party.

In his letter John makes clear that he fails to understand the new NI Conservatives grouping and questions the constitutional basis of it – in the absence of any membership vote to dissolve the existing Conservatives in NI.  He also hints that the NIO may attempt to exert undue influence on the NI Conservatives. Indeed he suggests that the NIO is likely to suppress the development of the local Party.

John Lund was actively involved in the attempts to create a new centre-right grouping – drawing members from both the UUP and Conservatives.  Indeed the move was publicised on the Conservative NI site in December.  Now it appears that irreconcilable differences have caused John to resign.

This does not augur well for the future of the new, supposedly revamped, local Conservatives.

Confused, Lurgan

Sunday Sequence (BBC Radio Ulster)

I’ve just finished Inside Politics on BBC Radio Ulster. I must admit to never having heard of Billy Leonard before – and I wasn’t aware (until he told the potted version of his story to Mark Devenport and Radio Ulster listeners) that he had been born Protestant, waved the Union Flag for royalty, became a lay preacher, then joined the RUC, then became an SDLP Councillor, then a Sinn Fein MLA.  Goodness me.  And now an author.

Perhaps Billy’s book – much plugged by Devenport – will tell us a little more about the inner workings of Mr Leonard’s mind. He seemed like a nice chap.  However, I suspect he has had some periods of confusion.

I think attention deficit may be the explanation for such rapid changes in political perspective – I’m just not sure. But to move so radically on the (admittedly local, single issue) political continuum could only be explained by a need to be the focus of attention – and he certainly received lots today from the BBC. I barely got a word in edgeways.

I’ll be watching with interest to see what Mr Leonard will be up to after his book launch is over and he plots his next political incarnation.  Perhaps he’ll join the NI Conservatives.

I’m on Inside Politics on Sunday

BBC Radio Ulster logo

I’ll be on Inside Politics, Sunday 17th June, from 1.05pm

I’m appearing on Inside Politics on Sunday.  1.05pm.  Radio Ulster.

NI Conservatives Relaunched: UCUNF in Drag?

Green Union Flags: The Future for Right of Centre Politics in Northern Ireland/North of Ireland?

I attended the re-launch of the local Conservatives today.  No sign of the Conservative leader – he’s giving evidence to the Leveson Enquiry about his LOL text messages to Rebecca Brooks (apparently she advised him that it didn’t mean ‘lots of love’ so much as ‘laugh out loud’.  Here, of course, it means Loyal Orange Lodge).

Anyway…I digress.  The purpose of today’s re-launch was to replace the words Northern Ireland with NI – and tweak the logo so that the local variant of the Conservative tree logo looks like a map of Northern Ireland. Oh and the launch brochure featured a green Union flag.  Hmm.

Apparently the new Party is more autonomous – defining devolved policy positions etc.  But that was the case before as well. So the organisational distinction was lost on me – and most of the journalists present. Sam McBride of the Newsletter asked Irwin Armstrong and Owen Paterson why this “new” Party would do any better than UCUNF and the answer from Paterson was that UCUNF didn’t do so bad – it was merely because of the vagaries of the electoral system that no UCUNF MPs were returned to Westminster. Sorry, Owen, wrong answer. UCUNF did badly – very badly. It did nothing to get the right-of-centre vote out. It discredited the Conservative Party. It showed the Conservative Party to be lacking in vision and ethics. It made the Conservative Party sectarian.

But Owen’s wrong answer clearly identified the problem with this “new” Party. The same faces and personalities were in the room – apart from a few defectors and potential defectors from the UUP.  In the corner lurked Paterson’s adviser Jonathan Caine – the chief architect and communications genius behind the UCUNF debacle. The journos looked weary and bored with the lacklustre and uninspiring speeches – and the whole event started nearly 40 minutes late and no-one saw fit to tell the assembled audience why. The video technology failed when a recorded interview with a young person with an Irish sounding name espoused why the NI Conservatives represented the future – but her voice got out of synch with the pictures.

Frankly I think it’s all too little, too late.  I think centre-right politics will emerge out of the sectarian swamp of Northern Ireland politics but I’m just not sure the NI Conservatives will be the voice of it. The talent, the passion, the personality just isn’t there – and I’m just a tad concerned that the last thing a ‘new political Party of the centre-right’ needs is to be shackled to the baggage of an increasingly sleazy-looking and discredited Conservative Party.

I’d agree whole-heartedly with many of the points made by Trevor Ringland and Irwin Armstrong and many others there today – many of whom were involved in the earliest moves to normalise and secularise Northern Ireland’s politics back in the 1980s.  Northern Ireland does need normality and real politics. I’ll watch with interest if a new logo, banishing the name of the place to a mere acronym that could mean North of Ireland, and green union flags, will do the trick.

Conservatives Relaunched in NI

Conservative Party Logo

Conservatives in NI relaunching on June 14.

I gather from the bongo drums that the Conservatives in NI are to be “reborn” on June 14.

Irwin Armstrong, the Chairman of the local Conservative organisation here, made the announcement on the various social networks earlier today:

The Northern Ireland Conservatives are launching their fresh reconstituted party on the 14th June at 11am at the MAC centre in Cathederal Quarter. All are welcome to attend whether they are members or just interested. Northern Ireland needs people from all walks of life to contribute to the rebuilding of our country and its economy for all. If you are interested please email to reserve a place.

Does Jim Nicholson Care?

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Jim Nicholson MEP doesn’t tweet any more…

If twitter accounts are anything to go by, then Jim Nicholson, the Ulster Unionist Party’s lone representative in Europe, doesn’t really seem to care. His last tweet was on August 15, 2009.  The Euro elections were also in 2009.  Since his re-election he hasn’t much bothered to tweet.  Prior to his last tweet on August 15 he tweeted 196 times.  Since then, nothing.

I suspect the main reason for this is that Nicholson has never actually mastered the tweet. I suspect someone was tweeting for him. His twitter account links to – a site that was created by the Conservative Party and UUP. But the domain, no doubt, was not renewed.

However, there is something bizarrely eloquent about this dumbed twitter account.  The last tweet, with a dead link, says simply, “Labour letting down NI’s Pensioners.” And then Mr Nicholson says nothing else. Struck mute and his 1,116 followers left hanging, waiting for the next instalment, the next rajor-sharp tweet that never comes.

But the question hanging in the sky, with the birds, is does Mr Nicholson know he has a twitter account – and does he care?  I suspect not on both counts. And why does he not care? The following extract might help explain.

“MEPs are paid an average £83,000 per year, compared to MPs in Britain, who have an annual salary of £65,738. They also receive a daily “subsistence allowance” of £265, they can be refunded up to £3,600 per year for other travel outside their own country, and be reimbursed for up to 24 return journeys within their own country. Members also receive up to £242,000 annually in staff salaries and office expenses and benefit from a generous health care and pension system. It is estimated that an MEP can cost around £400,000-a-year.” 

STOP PRESS: He plans to run again!

I’m on Good Morning Ulster

I’m on Good Morning Ulster tomorrow morning talking about austerity and whether we need it (the discussion stimulated, no doubt, by the recent election of François Hollande as the new Socialist President of France).  I’ll be on after 8.00am if you’d like to listen-in.

I’m on Seven Days – Tomorrow

BBC Radio Ulster logo

BBC Radio Ulster logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’m one of the panellists on tomorrow’s Seven Days on Radio Ulster.

This is a special edition of the programme to market the Titanic anniversary.  We’ll be looking at some of the political, social and economic issues that were making the news in 1912 – trying to look at parallels with the world today.

Another UUP Leader

Mike Nesbitt

More of the same. Mike Nesbitt is one of the hopefuls to take over the UUP "chalice". Image via Wikipedia

So Tom has finally thrown in the towel and we are to have another UUP leader.

Alex Kane does a good job over at the News Letter in outlining the likely contenders and just how poisoned a chalice the UUP leadership is. Although I’d question whether the UUP is even up to a chalice these days. More a nice cuppa tea with a ham sandwich (made with pan-loaf and margarine).  Served in a nice, fusty Orange Hall.

The UUP has been dying for years. And, according to the various whispers I’m receiving via the bongo drums of the the political anorak class (the metaphors are all over the place in that sentence, sorry) defections will continue in the coming weeks. Some big-hitter UUP members, I’m told.  Although I wasn’t aware there were any of those left.

As Alex points out in his article, the new-fangled NI Conservative thingy is due to be launched in a few weeks. I gather that the plan is that this will be pitched as very much a cross-community entity. Some Alliance types have been sniffing around it and the grandees of the Conservative Party in London will publicly bless the thing. However, as I’ve written before, without a better leadership roster in front of it the new Party will fizzle little brighter than than a new-leadered UUP.

The problem is that the new political order of DUP/Shinner coalition is bedding down. The two Parties are made for each other because they both want the same things i.e. more power wrested from Westminster.  Collectively the Dupshinners are the manifestation of Ulster-Irish nationalism – the NI equivalent of the Scots Nats.

The DUP and Shinners are politically melded like the two tubes in an epoxy-resin kit. And tit-for-tat niceness is growing.  Soon we’ll have an announcement that Marty will meet some Royal on the next visit and there will be cries of “Wow” from the establishment and then Peter Robbo will arrange to wear a big green hat on St Paddy’s Day. And then Marty will join Garvaghy Road LOL or something. The whole consensus thing gets more and more ridiculous by the minute.

The only means of breaking this merry-go-round green and orange trading-off is to do something to undermine it.  The UUP is just too stupid and lacking in talent to know where to start and the NI Conservatives haven’t got sufficient media attention or leadership savviness.

Important in the Scheme of Things..?

If you feel that you, your dog, Northern Ireland, the UK, Europe, the world or even the solar system are big deals in the universe, think again.

Have a play with this.  

Start small and then go big to get just some idea of how puny I, you and we are in the scheme of things.  Although my dog Beau is an obvious exception to this rule.

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