Posts Tagged 'Sinn Fein'

Confused, Lurgan

Sunday Sequence (BBC Radio Ulster)

I’ve just finished Inside Politics on BBC Radio Ulster. I must admit to never having heard of Billy Leonard before – and I wasn’t aware (until he told the potted version of his story to Mark Devenport and Radio Ulster listeners) that he had been born Protestant, waved the Union Flag for royalty, became a lay preacher, then joined the RUC, then became an SDLP Councillor, then a Sinn Fein MLA.  Goodness me.  And now an author.

Perhaps Billy’s book – much plugged by Devenport – will tell us a little more about the inner workings of Mr Leonard’s mind. He seemed like a nice chap.  However, I suspect he has had some periods of confusion.

I think attention deficit may be the explanation for such rapid changes in political perspective – I’m just not sure. But to move so radically on the (admittedly local, single issue) political continuum could only be explained by a need to be the focus of attention – and he certainly received lots today from the BBC. I barely got a word in edgeways.

I’ll be watching with interest to see what Mr Leonard will be up to after his book launch is over and he plots his next political incarnation.  Perhaps he’ll join the NI Conservatives.

The Past Isn’t The Future

Results in Northern Ireland from three UK Gene...

Image via Wikipedia

The following article was written for the Belfast Telegraph.  Not sure if it was published.  

Northern Ireland doesn’t have much of a commercial sector.  But one of its biggest industries must surely be ‘the past’.  No people in the developed world talks quite so much about former glories, and former shame.

On the glory front we used to have a great footballer who became one of the game’s most famous womanisers and alcoholics.  We named an airport after him.  We used to build big ships, and the ugly cranes that built them have become symbols of our industrial legacy.  On the shame front we mounted a public enquiry into the killings of innocent people in Derry in the earliest days of our civil unrest – and the enquiry made millionaires of many lawyers and took twelve years to reach a conclusion.

Where, just about everywhere else, the natural tendency is to move on and learn from experience there is a tendency, here, to create vast public obelisks dedicated to the past.  Per capita, we must have one of the most complex sets of quangos it is possible to have in a democracy.  The so-called cuts have yet to make any material dent in our tendency towards over-engineering our civil society with the pedants of quango-land.

There is a place for institutions to look at the past.  Indeed, the entire legal system has been created to seek resolution to events that took place in the recent or not so recent past.  But public enquiries are something else again – and quite why they are demanded so much is a mystery to me.  If the purpose of a judicial process is to reach a quick and just solution, public enquiries must be one of the worst means of achieving such an objective.

The Conservative Party published figures that suggest that the Bloody Sunday Inquiry cost everyone in the UK £6.64.  The total cost of £400 million would have paid for a year’s salary for more than 15,000 nurses, nearly 5,000 doctors and 11,000 policemen, or 13 extra Apache helicopters for British forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.  And I’d suspect that is a key reason why Owen Paterson and David Cameron have been so reluctant to agree to a public inquiry relating to the Pat Finucane murder.  Is the sledge-hammer to be justified just because this is Northern Ireland and this is how we tend to crack nuts?  No.

But there’s another point to be made.  The entire “peace process” industry should not be our biggest industry.  It tends to stifle everything else.  This is not to detract from the grief of families that were made to suffer in Northern Ireland’s troubles.  But at some point we have to move on as a Society – and as a Society we have to say “enough is enough”.

Unfortunately many of our politicians don’t agree.  Sinn Fein’s tendency to add layer upon layer of complexity to our institutions of “post conflict resolution” is designed to ensure that we never arrive at a position where we’re post-conflict.  Instead, it would appear, we have to reside in the perpetual motion machine of recriminations and blame.  And the Unionist parties’ tendency towards tit-for-tat response to every Shinner demand oils the cogs of the never-ending vitriol machine.  It must cause us to question whether they, collectively, have our best interests at heart.

Unfortunately our political class reflects back at us at every opportunity the shame of our past and its ability to keep tugging us back to the same old, nasty conversations that are, ultimately, divisive and damaging.

There is another way and it’s a way that is being taken by most people who live and work here and try to retain the correct perspective on life and living.  Because most in our society choose to shut themselves off from the peace processing discourse.  Most get on with their jobs and their life isolated from the never-land conversations that never reach a resolution.

As a people most of us yearn for a political class to emerge that reflects our real, innate need for empathy with our real, everyday situations.  And that would require political understanding that has very little to do with the past and everything to do with the present.

Strategic and Mindful of Grief

The Martin McGuinness Bus

The bus to nowhere. Image by infomatique via Flickr

The most important learning that the Sinn Fein leadership has taken from the pitifully low polling for Martin McGuiness in the Irish presidential elections is (according to Gerry Adams in an interview for RTE today) that they need to be “strategic” and “mindful” of the grief of families of victims of IRA thuggery.

So there you have it.  The IRA caused the grief.  Adams and McGuinness were IRA leaders.  Now they have to be strategic and mindful of the grief they caused in order to get more votes.

I believe that encapsulates why the winner of the Irish presidential campaign, Michael D Higgins, polled three times more first preference votes than McGuinness. A veritable thrashing.  Well done Mr Higgins.


Gerry Adams and the Deficit

Gerry Adams at the Fermanagh Commemoration, re...

Image via Wikipedia

Quite why Gerry Adams decided to appear on this radio programme in Louth/Meath is beyond me but he has obviously convinced himself that he has a firm grasp on economics and deficit reduction strategies.

The host of the programme is having none of Gerry’s bizarre mathematics and vacillation.

Adams is all over the place – failing even to understand a GCSE definition of fiscal deficits. He seems to think that throwing in references to bond markets will convince the listeners he knows what he’s talking about.

He doesn’t and I suspect the listeners to this Louth/Meath radio station will have enjoyed this interview. The show host is Paxonian in his persistence. Fabulous stuff and a must-listen.

Adams and Streisand

Barbra is a fan of Gerry Adams

The BBC aired a rather saccharine portrayal of Gerry Adams last night.  The documentary featured Gerry pottering in his back garden and an interview with Tony Blair expressing his ‘friendship’ for Adams and recounting tales of Adams’ tree-hugging during peace negotiations.

More bizarre was an interview with Barbra Streisand who eulogised Adams to the rafters.  A veritable hero, according to Ms Streisand.

This struck me as rather odd.  After all Barbra is also rather fond of Israel and the Israeli state.  Indeed on the State’s 30th anniversary she gave a performance in honour of it – beamed across Israel – and even sang the Israeli national anthem.  A building is dedicated to her father at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and she visited Israel and met with Yitzak Shamir, the Israeli Prime Minister, when her film, Yentl, premièred in Israel in 1984.

Sinn Fein, on the other hand, has never made much of a secret of its abhorrence of the Israeli state.  The IRA had a much vaunted ‘partnership’ with the PLO in the 1970s.  The Party – of which Mr Adams is President – routinely refers to Israel as a “rogue state.”  Adams has also upset the Israelis by meeting with Hamas and referring to Gaza as an open prison.

Not sure what Barbra would make of all that.  Would Gerry still be her hero if she knew?

Is Gerry Adams the Best Spokesman for Jesus?

Steven Glover over on the Daily Mail is getting rather upset about Gerry Adams getting to present a Channel 4 documentary about the life of Jesus.  Glover is right to be upset, of course.  I’d imagine that most Christians would be pretty upset about this.  And I’m sure it’s not lost on the programme schedulers at Channel 4 that such a choice of presenter would result in moral outrage.

I’m not a Christian so I’m not so outraged.  Had Adams been chosen to speak about the life of a great political pacifist, such as Martin Luther King, I would have been more concerned. 

However I am amazed that Channel 4 has allowed itself to be duped by the Sinn Fein leader who seems intent to media manage himself into the upper echelons of the terrorist turned peace-lover brigade. 

But we can hardly be too critical of Channel 4.  OK it might be a step too far to let Gerry publically compare himself to Jesus on a television programme commissioned by a public service broadcaster.  But Gerry is lauded as a peace-lover by the British, Irish and US governments.  Delegations from war-zones all over the world turn up at Stormont frequently to “learn” about our peace process and listen to lectures by Adams and his cronies about how they now love peace, Jesus and the armalite. 

Owen Polley, over on Three Thousand Versts, put it very nicely a few weeks ago that we do not really have government here we merely have peace processing.  It seems to me that this Jesus-outing for Gerry is merely the latest step towards his beatification – surely a logical step in the peace processing business.

Disaster for Unionism? Election Crap.

The DUP made clear today at the launch of their “manifesto” that a Sinn Fein win would be a disaster for Unionism.  Why?  Surely every time a Shinner gets elected in the Northern Ireland jurisdiction it’s a good thing for unionism because it weakens Sinn Fein’s all-island mandate. 

Because, no matter which way you look at things, the Shinners have signed-up the the Union.  The Good Friday Agreement (and various flavours of Agreement since) has made clear that Northern Ireland’s constitutional future is fixed.  The Shinners can put up as many posters as they wish about Ireland this and Ireland that but the plain fact is that elected representatives from here have no mandate that extends to the Republic – even if they wish to pretend otherwise.  In Europe no-one even cares. 

Which takes us to the DUP’s definition of Unionism.  For the DUP the union has lost all equivalence to Union.  It’s become an Ulster thing.  It’s all about Loyal Orders, gay-bating, Ulsterishness, Ulster-Scots, Blandness, Dourness and Isolation.  It’s about making this place anti-cosmopolitan, separatist and parcohial.  It’s everything the Union isn’t.  Just compare the DUP’s definition of Unionism with a Londoner’s.  A Londoner, confronted with the word “Unionist” thinks of a ranting “Irish” nutter. 

The DUP is, in fact, in a duopolitical union with Sinn Fein.  Sinn Fein is the DUP’s parter with whom it never agrees.  Indeed the DUP/Sinn Fein Union reminds me of an Irish divorce – each partner snipes and yaps about the other.  But they still co-habit.  They share the salaries and expenses.  They rear the kids to take sides.  But, fundamentally, they are sad old gits who should just go their separate ways and leave us all alone, spared from their constant circular bickering that never reachs a conclusion. 

As for the Union, the election has nothing whatsoever to do with it.  As an STV based election it’s not even a very good bell-weather of popular opinion.  The turn-out will be awful.

My postman today handed me a handful of election leaflets muttering, “Here’s a load of election crap.” 

And that’s just what it is.  The DUP’s chest-beating and doom merchanting is just that: crap.  The Union will still be there if the Shinners win.  If the Duppies win the union will be a little worse off, because the DUP has lost all sense of what the union stands for.

Campaign for Equal Citizenship?

I was one of the earliest members of the Campaign for Equal Citizenship for Northern Ireland – over 20 years ago.  Along with several of the people currently involved in the Conservative Party here, I sat on the CEC Executive alongside fellow Conservatives (like Barbara Finney and Laurence Kennedy) as well as Socialists like Boyd Black.

I was also the first Chairman of the (Model) Lagan Valley Conservative Association before it was officially recognised by Conservative Central Office.

We established the Conservative Party here specifically because it was NOT the UUP or DUP. It represented something different and non-sectarian. It was about transplanting the politics of the tribe with the politics of the United Kingdom.  For twenty years the Conservative Party has been organised here. But it has never actively sought a mandate to govern Northern Ireland in all those years.

The end game was never about a merger with an orange-steeped, sectarian Party. It was always about the Conservative Party, Labour Party and Liberal Democrat Parties actively organising here and seeking to govern this place properly. It was also about participative democracy.

It was not about about a UUP re-spray.

Mr Nicholson’s campaign posters are note-worthy as the only ones that don’t bear a Party logo. The UUP agreed to the Now For Change ‘badge’ but couldn’t actually countenance using the Conservative Party branding and logo.

People say to me that the UUP’s conversion is a gradual process. Frankly I don’t care. We have missed a great chance to transform Northern Ireland’s politics and democracy. The project, as far as I was concerned, was about establishing mainstream Conservatism here, with the national Party’s commitment to seeking a mandate.

But, frankly, the CEC’s work is far from complete. It has hardly even begun.

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