This week on 4Thought – those little films aired after the Channel 4 News – the topic is “Do we Need Religion“. My slot is on Thursday evening (23rd February) at 7.55pm.
Needless to say, I don’t think we do need religion any more – indeed, I wonder if we ever did. We managed to survive, as a species, before most of the “modern” mono-theistic religions were conjured-up. We managed to thrive, indeed. Perhaps part of the reason for our success was the ethical basis of our relations with our fellow human beings: reciprocal altruism, to lapse into Dawkins-speak.
Atheists and Humanists tend to be better at articulating ethics, these days, than people of faith. Part of the reason is that – as the evidence shows – free thinkers tend to be more intelligent. But, also, Atheists tend not to claim membership of a tribe or gang that assumes moral superiority over others. Unlike religionists, Atheists don’t have to sign-up to a tithe-based club, stick to a liturgy, or issue repetitive chants. Free thought is our only mantra.
Check out 4ThoughtTV to watch some of the previous episodes. I recommend Trevor Moore’s film. He does an especially good job at explaining that religion of the noodly appendage: The Church of the Flying Spaghetti. You’ll have to wait to later in the week to see mine. Or watch it on Channel 4, 7.55pm, Thursday. Let’s hope the edit gets my best side.
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