I met with the Northern Ireland Conservative Chairman, Irwin Armstrong, last week.
Armstrong is not exactly one of Northern Ireland’s better known political leaders. He’s based in Ballymena so escapes the attention of most of the Belfast based journalists. He also leads a Party that has never really made any major break-throughs into the local political scene – except back in the early 90s in North Down and when Dr Laurence Kennedy brought his own brand of suave charisma.
Irwin Armstrong doesn’t really do suave.
Most of the chat was about business and about Irwin’s vision for “his” Party. He uses the first person a lot…“that’s my voter,” or “that’s the type of voter I need to get out”.
However, I was somewhat cheered to hear that the NI Conservatives will be going it alone in the 2014 Euro-elections – putting up a candidate against the virtually silent Jim Nicholson, practically a European Parliament lifer. Nicholson tends to squeeze-in based on transferred votes and then merrily takes the salary and expenses for 5 years, virtually disappearing from view. His last election campaign was bank-rolled by Conservative Party money – much of it supplied, at that time, by Lord Ashcroft.
But in 2014 the Conservatives plan to dump him – putting forward their own candidate in the hope of squeezing in based on transfers from the UUP, DUP and even Alliance. So the UUP will have to decide if they really like Nicholson enough to put him forward again – or will they let him drift away on a rather generous Euro-pension.
So some news emanated from the chat with Mr Armstrong. I’ll await, with interest, to witness the unveiling of the Conservative Euro-candidate for 2014. My hope is that the candidate isn’t some former UUP MLA defector to Tory ranks. That would be rather dismaying.
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