Posts Tagged 'Ian Parsley'

From Bizarre to Barking: The North Down Debacle

Once again the constituency of North Down is almost certain to provide the best of entertainment in the forthcoming general election.  What is it about this constituency that produces such mavericks?  From the camp Unionism of James Kilfedder to the giant ego of Bob McCartney, North Down is the epicentre of Northern Ireland political eccentricity. 

But soon we’re about to enter a whole new StarTrekian realm of oddness. 

Incumbent MP Sylvia Hermon, a New Labour acolyte, who has very limited ability to disguise her abject loathing of her own Party’s leadership, is on the verge of going independent.  By default the Conservative “nominee” for the seat should, therefore, be pushed forward as the agreed candidate.  Unless, of course, the local UUP constituency association puts forward an alternative candidate against the Lady.

However, to make matters even more bizarre, barking almost, the Alliance Party, in a fit of Fordian craziness, is about to support her Ladyship rather than the Alliance Party’s former European candidate, Ian Parsley.

Now the question this raises in my mind is, why?  Has Mr Parsley, in Alliance’s view, changed so fundamentally in his defection to the Conservatives to be unworthy of their support?  Has his involvement with Ian Duncan Smith’s Centre for Social Justice turned him into a venom spitting, sectarian firebrand?  Huh?

North Down, at its heart, is a decent constituency.  Voters there are independent minded – but they also want a more politically mainstream society – they proved that when they almost elected Dr Laurence Kennedy, as the Conservative candidate, back in 1992.

Ian Parsley Defects from Alliance and Joins Tories

Tim Lewis (Right) welcomes Ian Parsley to the Conservatives

Tim Lewis (Right) welcomes Ian Parsley to the Conservatives

The Conservative Party today announced that Councillor Ian Parsley has resigned from the Alliance Party and joined the Conservatives.

Tim Lewis, Chairman of the Conservatives in Northern Ireland, said: “We are delighted to welcome Ian to our Party. Ian is determined to continue his hard work on North Down Council where he will sit as a Conservative. This move once again shows the growing appeal of the Conservatives throughout Northern Ireland.”

Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Owen Paterson said: “The mood for change in Northern Ireland is very strong. I am delighted that Ian Parsley, who is a rising star of the new generation of Northern Ireland politicians, has decided to join David Cameron’s Conservative Party in order to help bring Northern Ireland into mainstream UK politics.”

Commenting on his move Ian Parsley said: “Having given significant thought to the future of Northern Ireland I came to the conclusion that, with a General Election pending, the best means of delivering a shared future and a genuinely new type of politics would be through David Cameron’s Conservative Party.”


Alliance Party Election Broadcast

I’ve just watched the Alliance Party election broadcast while on the cross trainer in the garage. 

What an odd little production. 

It commenced with the candidate catching a train at somewhere like Botanic and then stumbling across Naomi Long, all red hair, apparently getting some constituency work in on the Translink into Central.  There was a happy coincidence.  Then she commenced some sort of Lady Macbethish soliloquy about the great transport system that Europe had delivered Translink – best in the world etc. – and then started rubbishing our MEPs.  Curious.  (Who came up with this story-board?).


And then we had young Parsley stumbling around Belfast accosting not-at-all-pre-arranged nice youthful types in Victoria Square.  All seemed nice.  He seemed nice.  Everyone was nice.  And hopeful.  Great.  There was more but I have no recall of it.  Naomi on the train kinda stuck in my head.  It was just such a great coincidence that Ian could get that chat in with the cameras there. 

It was a bit of a contrast to Jim A’s thing last night – all striding around fields.  Wellies.  Oldies.  Wrinklies.  Tad angry.  Paramilitaries.  Tad very angry.  Why he may not be yer man.  Why he may be yer man.  Brilliant.  Veritable feast of Ulsterness.

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