Storm Financial
Storm Financial Limited was a financial advice company, based in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. The company was founded by Emmanuel Cassimatis and his wife Julie Cassimatis as a private company initially with the name Cassimatis Securities Pty Ltd on 23 May 1994. As part of the company's expansion outside of Townsville the company changed its name from a personality based name to ozdaq Securities Pty Ltd on 10 April 2000. This name remained intact until 1 Feb 2004 when it was relinquished consequent to trademark objections from the NASDAQ stock exchange in the United States. The company then traded as Storm Financial Pty Ltd from 2 Feb 2004 until 14 Jun 2007 at which time the company became an unlisted public company and continued trading as Storm Financial Ltd from 15 Jun 2007 in preparation for making an initial public offering (IPO) in December 2007. This IPO was subject to a Storm Financial Prospectus which was dated 14 Nov 2007 and lodged with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) on the same date. Storm Financial Ltd continued to trade until external administrator Worrells Solvency and Forensic Accountants were appointed on 9 Jan 2009. The main creditor Commonwealth Bank appointed receivers and manager KordaMentha on 15 Jan 2009.