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Chuck Africa  Debbie Africa Delbert Africa Eddie Africa Janet Africa  Janine Africa Merle Africa Mike Africa Phil Africa
Live Stream
"The bombing of the move family and bringing them home program"

If you are unable join us in person you can still get this important information to free the Move 9 by clicking on the link below to view our program streamed live


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11 May 2012 by babygator

Events 5/7-5/12/2012

Following the shooting death of Philadelphia Police Officer James Ramp during the August 8, 1978 police siege on Move’s headquarters in West Philadelphia, MOVE members Janine, Debbie, Janet, Merle, Delbert, Mike, Phil, Eddie, and Chuck Africa were convicted of 3rd degree murder, conspiracy, and multiple counts of attempted murder and aggravated assault. Each was given a sentence of 30-100 years. MOVE and others have contested both the evidence and the fairness of the MOVE 9 trial.
The MOVE organization has planned a week long schedule of events to educate and organize the community about the MOVE 9 case:
Monday (5/7) , Demonstration to Free the MOVE 9 - 5:00pm, 52nd and Market.
Tuesday (5/8), "MOVE- a Documentary" film with Panel Discussion - 7:00pm at Calvary Church (801 S. 48th St.) - with Professor Linn Washington, Theresa Shoatz (Human Rights Coalition), & Betsey Piette (International Action Center).
Wednesday (5/9), Write-In to the Parole Board and Judicial Committee for the release of the MOVE 9 - 6:00pm, A-Space (4722 Baltimore Avenue).
Thursday (5/10), Film Screening of “MOVE: A Confrontation” - 6pm, African American Museum (701 Arch St.), with a panel discussion on “Who are the MOVE 9?” featuring Pam Africa (Chairwoman of ICFFMAJ), Dr. Anthony Montiero (Temple University), MOVE Supporters Maiga Milbourne & Abdul John.
Friday (5/11), Teach-in on Frank Rizzo and Police Brutality - 7:00pm, Black and Nobel (1409 W. Erie Ave) - with Attorney and Activist Michael Coard.
Saturday (5/12), Organizers Meeting to Strategize - 12-3pm, Abiding Truth Ministries (846 S. 57th Street) - Educate, Organize, Agitate to liberate the MOVE 9, facilitator: Ramona Africa.
For more information, please contact
onamovellja@aol.com or the MOVE9parole.blogpot.com
Following the shooting death of Philadelphia Police Officer James Ramp during the August 8, 1978 police siege on Move’s headquarters in West Philadelphia, MOVE members Janine, Debbie, Janet, Merle, Delbert, Mike, Phil, Eddie, and Chuck Africa were convicted of 3rd degree murder, conspiracy, and multiple counts of attempted murder and aggravated assault. Each was given a sentence of 30-100 years. MOVE and others have contested both the evidence and the fairness of the MOVE 9 trial.
The MOVE organization has planned a week long schedule of events to educate and organize the community about the MOVE 9 case:
Monday (5/7) , Demonstration to Free the MOVE 9 - 5:00pm, 52nd and Market.
Tuesday (5/8), "MOVE- a Documentary" film with Panel Discussion - 7:00pm at Calvary Church (801 S. 48th St.) - with Professor Linn Washington, Theresa Shoatz (Human Rights Coalition), & Betsey Piette (International Action Center).
Wednesday (5/9), Write-In to the Parole Board and Judicial Committee for the release of the MOVE 9 - 6:00pm, A-Space (4722 Baltimore Avenue).
Thursday (5/10), Film Screening of “MOVE: A Confrontation” - 6pm, African American Museum (701 Arch St.), with a panel discussion on “Who are the MOVE 9?” featuring Pam Africa (Chairwoman of ICFFMAJ), Dr. Anthony Montiero (Temple University), MOVE Supporters Maiga Milbourne & Abdul John.
Friday (5/11), Teach-in on Frank Rizzo and Police Brutality - 7:00pm, Black and Nobel (1409 W. Erie Ave) - with Attorney and Activist Michael Coard.
Saturday (5/12), Organizers Meeting to Strategize - 12-3pm, Abiding Truth Ministries (846 S. 57th Street) - Educate, Organize, Agitate to liberate the MOVE 9, facilitator: Ramona Africa.
For more information, please contact
onamovellja@aol.com or the MOVE9parole.blogpot.com
08 May 2012 by babygator

Current Contact Information
Move can be contacted by calling 215 386-1165 or email us at onamovellja@aol.com. You can also send correspondance to MOVE P.O. Box 19709 Phila., PA. 19143
01 May 2012 by babygator

People To Contact And Pressure
People To Contact And Pressure

PA. Board of Probation And Parole/ 1101 South Front Street, Suite 5300
Harrisburg, PA. 17104/ (General) 717 787-5699/ Inmate Inquiries 717 772-4343

Michael C. Potteiger (Chairman); C. James Fox; Michael L. Green; Jeffrey R. Imboden; Matthew Mangino, Craig R. Mckay, John Tuttle; Judith E. Viglione; Lloyd A. White

PA. House Judiciary Committee/ Ron Marsico 218 Ryan Office Bldg. P.O. Box 202105 Harrisburg, PA. 17120-2105/ 717 783-2014

Majority Members (Republicans)/ Ron Marsico (Chair); Todd Stephens (Secretary); Bryan Cutler; Glenn R. Grell; Timothy Kreiger; Tom C. Creighton; Sheryl M. Delozier; Brian L. Ellis; Keith Gillespie; Mark K. Keller; Bernie O’Neill; Todd Rock; Rick Saccone; Marcy Toepel; Tarah Toohil.

Minority Members (Democrats)/ Thomas R. Caltagirone (Minority Chair); Deborah Kula (Democratic Secretary); Matthew D. Bradford; Jesse White; Joseph F. Brennan; Dom Costa; Eugene Pasquale; Brandon P. Neuman; John P. Sabatina, Jr.; Ronald G. Waters.

PA. Senate Judiciary Committee/ Stewart J. Greenleaf Senate Box 203012 Harrisburg, PA. 17120-3012 Room 19 East Wing/ 717 787-6599
Stewart J. Greenleaf (Majority Chairman-Republican); Mary Jo White (Vice Chair-Republican); Daylin Leach (Minority Chair-Democrat).

Majority Members (Republicans)/ Richard L. Alloway, II; Jane M. Earll; John R. Gordner; Jane Clare Orie; Jeffrey E. Piccola; John C. Rafferty, Jr.

Minority Members (Democrats)/ Lisa M. Boscola; Lawrence M. Farnese, Jr.; Vincent J. Hughes; Michael J. Stack

U.S. House Judiciary Committee/ 2138 Rayburn House Office Bldg. Washington, DC. 20515/ 202 225-3951

Republican Members/ Lamar Smith (Chairman-Republican)/ Mike Pence; Darrell Issa; Steve Chabot; Dan Longren; Jim Sensenbrenner; Howard Coble; Elton Gallegly; Mark Amodei; Sandy Adams; Dennis Ross; Trey Gowdy; Tom Marino; Tim Griffin; Jason Chaffetz; Ted Poe; Jim Jordan; Louie Gohmert; Trent Franks; Steve King; J. Randy Forbes; Bob Godlatte

Democratic Members/ John Conyers; Maxine Waters; Steve Cohen; Sheila Jackson Lee; Zoe Lofgren; Mel Watt; Howard L. Berman; Jerrold Nabler; Bobby Scott; Jared Polis; Linda Sanchez; Ted Deutch; Judy Chu; Mike Quigley; Pedro Pierluisi; Hank Johnson

U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee/ 224 Dirkson Senate Office Bldg. Washington, DC. 20510/ 202224-7703 or 202 224-5225

Democratic Members/ Patrick J. Leahy (Chairman); Herb Kohl; Dianne Feinstein; Chuck Schumer; Dick Durbin; Sheldon Whitehouse; Amy Klobuchar; Al Franken; Christopher A. Coons; Richard Blumenthal

Republican Members/ Chuck Grassley; Orrin G. Hatch; Jon Kyl; Jeff Sessions; Lindsey Graham; John Comyn; Michael S. Lee; Tom Coburn

Seth Williams (Philadelphia District Attorney)
Three South Penn Square
Philadelphia, PA. 19107-3499
215 686-8000
01 May 2012 by babygator

May 2012
Come with ideas to
pressure the parole
board to release The
It’s our unrelenting
fight for the release
of our innocent family
members that caused
officials to bomb us in
They can’t give us
back our family that
was murdered May 13,
1985 but they can be
made to give us back
our innocent family
members that they have
in prison
MAY 12 2012
(one block north of Baltimore Ave.)
215.386.1165 onamovellja@aol.com
01 May 2012 by babygator

Move Merchandise Available
Move merchandise can be purchased through www.cafepress.com/onamove. There are t-shirts, coffee mugs, etc. We get a rebate when a certain amount of merchandise is purchased so support us by buying MOVE merchandise
01 May 2012 by babygator

Phil Africa's artwork can now be viewed on line at www.philafrica.bravehost.com
05 Jan 2010 by babygator

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