A Win for the Winnemem Wintu! Keep Up the Pressure!

A Win for the Winnemem Wintu! Keep Up the Pressure!

June 26, 2012

As a result of the incredible perseverance and unwavering commitment of the Winnemem Wintu tribe, along with the overwhelming show of solidarity that so many activists from around the country provided to the tribe, the US Forest Service has agreed to completely close the McCloud River for the 4 day ceremony!

This is a major step, but the battle isn’t over. They need the Bureau of Indian Affairs to intervene to fully protect the site and the ceremony by recognizing the Winnemem Wintu as a federal tribe.

CLDC June Newsletter

CLDC June Newsletter

June 25, 2012

This Spring Newsletter is one you will not want to miss. It includes updates on some of the most important courtroom decisions, some of the most frightening laws proposed and passed by the President and Congress, and some of the most inspiring successes of the Civil Liberties Defense Center and our allies. Join us in gearing up for an exciting summer by reading up on our springtime news!

Renewed Threat of Exclusion Zone on Horizon

Renewed Threat of Exclusion Zone on Horizon

June 23, 2012

After nearly four years, Eugene’s Exclusion law banishing people from the downtown infringes on a variety of civil liberties, including those to freedom of movement, legal representation, and equal treatment under the law, but does little for public safety. The DPSZ ordinance is scheduled to sunset this fall. However, as it has several times before, the City Council simply plans to hold a new series of meetings to examine whether to extend the law.

The CLDC and Eugene community have repeatedly expressed outrage at the various hearings in the past. With your support, this pressure has helped deter the City from making the DPSZ permanent.

That is why it is crucial that we keep up the momentum and continue to speak out. This law does not represent the needs or wishes of Eugene!

Photo provided by Stormy Staats, Klamath Media

Winnemem Wintu Call for Direct Action

May 24, 2012

As a trusted friend and advocate for social justice, we invite you to stand in solidarity with the Winnemem Wintu of Northern California this June 30th through July 3rd as they defend their right to preserve their way of life. The tribe is requesting that supporters join them during these dates to secure a section of the McCloud River so they can perform the Coming of Age Ceremony for their next chief, Marissa, in peace.