Die Lorelei (Heinrich Heine) - Amadea
"Die Lorelei" is a German folk song based upon a poem which was written by the J...
published: 29 Apr 2007
author: dorotheafayne
Die Lorelei (Heinrich Heine) - Amadea
"Die Lorelei" is a German folk song based upon a poem which was written by the Jewish-German poet, Heinrich Heine. This song is so beloved by the German people that it was impossible even during the Nazi period for the Nazis to censor this song from the people. The only thing that the Nazis could do was to say that the author was "unknown." The music of the song was written by Friedrich Silcher (1789-1860). In the poem it is said that there was a beautiful woman, who used to sit and sing from the top of a cliff, which is located on the right bank of the Rhine River. Her singing and her beauty were so seductive that the sailors, who were passing the dangerous cliff, could not take there eyes off of her. Then they and their ships were smashed against the rocks of the Lorelei. A live performance of "Die Lorelei" sung by amadea (Mezzo-Soprano) in an Easter Concert, accompanied by a guitartist and a cellist. April 2007.
"Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen" von Heinrich Heine
Verfilmung des Gedichts " Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen" English Vers...
published: 11 Dec 2007
author: lilTxxxx
"Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen" von Heinrich Heine
Verfilmung des Gedichts " Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen" English Version: "A young man loved a girl Who had chosen another man; This other man loved yet another girl And wed that one. The first girl married out of spite The first, best man That happened into her path; That young man is not well off. It is an old story, Yet it remains ever new; And to he whom it has just happened, It will break his heart in two."
die Lorelei - Heinrich Heine - www.germanforspalding.org
A reading and English translation of the poem by Heinrich Heine...
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: blitztag1
die Lorelei - Heinrich Heine - www.germanforspalding.org
A reading and English translation of the poem by Heinrich Heine
Heinrich Heine, 'Die Rose'
Peter Pollmann rezitiert Heinrich Heine...
published: 16 Mar 2009
author: PollmannRezitator
Heinrich Heine, 'Die Rose'
Peter Pollmann rezitiert Heinrich Heine
Heinrich Heine „Nachtgedanken"
Rezitation: Jürgen Hentsch Vergleichsrezitation: Ulrich Matthes Link: de.youtube.com ...
published: 05 Aug 2008
author: wortlover
Heinrich Heine „Nachtgedanken"
Rezitation: Jürgen Hentsch Vergleichsrezitation: Ulrich Matthes Link: de.youtube.com Text: Nachtgedanken Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht, Dann bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht, Ich kann nicht mehr die Augen schließen, Und meine heißen Tränen fließen. Die Jahre kommen und vergehn! Seit ich die Mutter nicht gesehn, Zwölf Jahre sind schon hingegangen; Es wächst mein Sehnen und Verlangen. Mein Sehnen und Verlangen wächst. Die alte Frau hat mich behext, Ich denke immer an die alte, Die alte Frau, die Gott erhalte! Die alte Frau hat mich so lieb, Und in den Briefen, die sie schrieb, Seh ich, wie ihre Hand gezittert, Wie tief das Mutterherz erschüttert. Die Mutter liegt mir stets im Sinn. Zwölf lange Jahre flossen hin, Zwölf lange Jahre sind verflossen, Seit ich sie nicht ans Herz geschlossen. Deutschland hat ewigen Bestand, Es ist ein kerngesundes Land, Mit seinen Eichen, seinen Linden, Werd' ich es immer wiederfinden. Nach Deutschland lechzt ich nicht so sehr, Wenn nicht die Mutter dorten wär; Das Vaterland wird nie verderben, Jedoch die alte Frau kann sterben. Seit ich das Land verlassen hab, So viele sanken dort ins Grab, Die ich geliebt -- wenn ich sie zähle, So will verbluten meine Seele. Und zählen muß ich -- Mit der Zahl Schwillt immer höher meine Qual; Mir ist, als wälzten sich die Leichen, Auf meine Brust -- Gottlob! Sie weichen! Gottlob! Durch meine Fenster bricht Französisch heitres Tageslicht; Es kommt mein Weib, schön wie der Morgen Und lächelt fort die <b>...</b>
Lyrik für Alle Folge 30 Heinrich Heine 1. Teil
Hallo, seien Sie gegrüßt! In der 30. Folge meiner Sendung "Lyrik für ...
published: 12 May 2008
author: lyrikfueralle
Lyrik für Alle Folge 30 Heinrich Heine 1. Teil
Hallo, seien Sie gegrüßt! In der 30. Folge meiner Sendung "Lyrik für Alle" rezitiere ich Gedichte von Heinrich Heine. Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Vergnügen. Wenn Sie Kontakt zu mir halten wollen, abonnieren Sie meinen Rundbrief auf www.lutzgoerner.de
Skateboarding Heinrich-Heine-Park summer 2006
Committed to Skateboarding. Dedicated to my beautiful friends....
published: 18 Oct 2007
author: blumfeld11
Skateboarding Heinrich-Heine-Park summer 2006
Committed to Skateboarding. Dedicated to my beautiful friends.
Heinrich Heine "When Two Who Love Are Parted" Poem animation
Heres a virtual movie of the very gifted German Romantic poet Heinrich Heine (13 December ...
published: 01 Jun 2011
author: poetryreincarnations
Heinrich Heine "When Two Who Love Are Parted" Poem animation
Heres a virtual movie of the very gifted German Romantic poet Heinrich Heine (13 December 1797 17 February 1856). reading his sweet lovely,but sad little poem "When Two Who Love" This beautiful poem is read superbly in English by Luce Girlman. Christian Johann Heinrich Heine (13 December 1797 17 February 1856) was a journalist, essayist, literary critic, and one of the most significant German romantic poets. He is remembered chiefly for selections of his lyric poetry, many of which were set to music in the form of lieder (art songs) by German composers most notably by Robert Schumann. Heinrich Heine was born in Düsseldorf. His father was a tradesman, who during the French occupation found new prospects opening up for Jews. When his father's business failed, Heine was sent to Hamburg, where his rich banker uncle Salomon tried to encourage him into a commercial career, without success. Heine studied at the universities of Bonn, Berlin and Göttingen, but was more interested in literature than law, although he eventually took a degree in 1825. Heine's teacher in Berlin was GWF Hegel; they both admired Napoleon. In order to make possible a civil service career, closed to Jews at that time, Heine converted to Protestantism. He also changed his first name from Harry to the more Germanic Heinrich. However, he never practised or held a position in government service. Heine's poetry ranged from romantic lyrics about frustrated or bittersweet love to sharp political satire, but he <b>...</b>
Happy Birthday Heinrich Heine (13.12.1797): De Toys "ÜBERKRAFT (-HEINE HEFTIG-)" (2.5.1997)
"OVERPOWER (-HEINE HEAVY-)"... DÜSSELDORF (2.5.1997) & BERLIN (13.12.20...
published: 13 Dec 2009
author: TomDeToys
Happy Birthday Heinrich Heine (13.12.1797): De Toys "ÜBERKRAFT (-HEINE HEFTIG-)" (2.5.1997)
"OVERPOWER (-HEINE HEAVY-)"... DÜSSELDORF (2.5.1997) & BERLIN (13.12.2009): G&GN-INSTITUT (OLD & NEW COLOGNE) @ OLD: www.GGN-INSTITUT.de & NEW www.G-GN.de ~ This is NO proper "poetryclip", just a spontaneous IRONICAL RECITAL trying to perform worst as possible!!! Why? WHY "WHY"??? WHO NEEDS POETS AT ALL? WE ALL WILL BE FORGOTTEN IN SOME YEARS WHEN THE ALIENS TRY TO HEAL OUR PLANET AS SOON AS HUMANS DIED OUT... In the year of his 200th birth anniversary i dedicated my 900th anniversary poem to HEINRICH HEINE who was born at 13th of December 1797. My poem was published online 1998-2011 in the former archives of the G&GN-INSTITUTE at the homepage of Wulle (in the clip i click there on "Tacheles" below the list of names, then go to "Tom Toys" without "de" and search for "ÜBERKRAFT") and belongs to a series of several poems that are dedicated to some people whose work i appreciate... The former complete series (meanwhile it is extended!) appears in my poetry-book "ÜBERWELTIGUNG" (= "OVERWORLDING", that sounds in german same like "overwhelming") that was published in winter 1999 in the label "Vapet" (Bochum). But my publisher WOLFGANG SCHÄFER (who was well-known in the leftradical area for his magazine "MOLLI" which promoted social-critical "engaged" poetry) disappeared (!) before the selling even started, so nowadays almost nobody knows my second ISBN-book. But my very first "official" book (published 1993) titled "JeDaZeitBereit" (="at any time ready here") is still available <b>...</b>
Heinrich Heine - Weberlied
Music by Liederjan Zeichnungen by Kaethe Kollwitz Fotos von Heines Grab by me...
published: 07 Sep 2011
author: anerley123
Heinrich Heine - Weberlied
Music by Liederjan Zeichnungen by Kaethe Kollwitz Fotos von Heines Grab by me
Heinrich Heine - Love Poem
A poem of experience by Heinrich Heine (1797--1856), translated from the German by Walter ...
published: 19 Aug 2010
author: dadasopher
Heinrich Heine - Love Poem
A poem of experience by Heinrich Heine (1797--1856), translated from the German by Walter Arndt.
Six Poems of Heinrich Heine -- Scotch Poem
"Scotch Poem", composition by edward macdowell. A good song to play when very an...
published: 01 Apr 2007
author: ecphonehome
Six Poems of Heinrich Heine -- Scotch Poem
"Scotch Poem", composition by edward macdowell. A good song to play when very angry.
"Lonely Now" by Heinrich Heine Poem animation
Heres a virtual movie of a recital of "Lonely Now" by the very gifted German Rom...
published: 09 Apr 2011
author: poetryreincarnations
"Lonely Now" by Heinrich Heine Poem animation
Heres a virtual movie of a recital of "Lonely Now" by the very gifted German Romantic poet Heinrich Heine (13 December 1797 17 February 1856). This beautiful poem is read superbly in English by the late American film actress and dancer Clare Luce. The image used as the reader is that a kindly looking Victorian Victorian lady. Christian Johann Heinrich Heine (13 December 1797 17 February 1856) was a journalist, essayist, literary critic, and one of the most significant German romantic poets. He is remembered chiefly for selections of his lyric poetry, many of which were set to music in the form of lieder (art songs) by German composers most notably by Robert Schumann. Heinrich Heine was born in Düsseldorf. His father was a tradesman, who during the French occupation found new prospects opening up for Jews. When his father's business failed, Heine was sent to Hamburg, where his rich banker uncle Salomon tried to encourage him into a commercial career, without success. Heine studied at the universities of Bonn, Berlin and Göttingen, but was more interested in literature than law, although he eventually took a degree in 1825. Heine's teacher in Berlin was GWF Hegel; they both admired Napoleon. In order to make possible a civil service career, closed to Jews at that time, Heine converted to Protestantism. He also changed his first name from Harry to the more Germanic Heinrich. However, he never practised or held a position in government service. Heine's poetry ranged from <b>...</b>
Heinrich Heine Wintermaerchen
Demo talkingdocs.org...
published: 06 Apr 2009
author: fw3664
Heinrich Heine Wintermaerchen
Demo talkingdocs.org
Belsazar, op. 57 (Robert Schumann/Heinrich Heine) with english subtitles
The Vox Populi presents: Belsazar, op. 57—Heinrich Heine's poetic recounting of ...
published: 10 Dec 2010
author: voxpopuliproductions
Belsazar, op. 57 (Robert Schumann/Heinrich Heine) with english subtitles
The Vox Populi presents: Belsazar, op. 57—Heinrich Heine's poetic recounting of the biblical story of Belshazzar's Feast, as set to music by Robert Schumann. Translation below. Joshua Fein, bartione Wataru Yoshida, piano www.facebook.com/thevoxpopuli © 2010 The Vox Populi. All Rights Reserved.
Creative Quotations from Heinrich Heine for Dec 13
A thought provoking collection of Creative Quotations from Heinrich Heine (1797-1856); bor...
published: 07 Nov 2008
author: CreativeQuotations
Creative Quotations from Heinrich Heine for Dec 13
A thought provoking collection of Creative Quotations from Heinrich Heine (1797-1856); born on Dec 13. German poet, critic; His poetry has been used in more than 3000 musical works; wrote "Book of Songs," 1827.
Heinrich-Heine-Universitat Dusseldorf team membersè Interview
Interview of Bianca Grubler and Alexandra Wolter, members of the Heinrich-Heine-Universita...
published: 18 Jan 2010
author: MBACaseComp
Heinrich-Heine-Universitat Dusseldorf team membersè Interview
Interview of Bianca Grubler and Alexandra Wolter, members of the Heinrich-Heine-Universitat Dusseldorf, Germany. TheJohn Molson MBA International Case Competition is a not-for-profit event organized by a team of four MBA students from the John Molson School of Business. The competition is open to top business schools worldwide, and is recognized as the largest competition of its kind. Its main purpose is to bridge the gap between corporate and academic worlds, which ultimately enriches both students and executives alike. With three hours to prepare, teams of four students analyze and evaluate unpublished business cases using the skills, knowledge and experience they have acquired from their respective MBA curricula. Students rely on their own abilities as they are without the aid of tools such as PowerPoint and the internet. The final product is a hand written presentation that demonstrates the students' ability to dig into the problem and develop a feasible solution. Once preparation is complete, they present their strategic solutions and a detailed plan of action to a panel of senior business executives. More than two hundred senior business executives serve as judges, using their unique backgrounds, experience and perspectives to critically assess the participants' presentations. Teams are judged on creativity, insight, substance and plausibility of implementation.
Paul Peters - Heinrich Heine's Orient
Paul Peters, McGill University, summarizes his talk "Heinrich Heine's Orient"...;
published: 14 Oct 2011
author: gerstudd
Paul Peters - Heinrich Heine's Orient
Paul Peters, McGill University, summarizes his talk "Heinrich Heine's Orient" during the first cluster meeting "East-West Encounters/ German Orientalisms" at the University of Victoria. This video is part of the outreach activities of the project www.germanstudies.ca.
"The Electoral Asses" by Heinrich Heine
Election campaigns = lowest common denominator slogans appealing to peoples worst sides. D...
published: 19 Aug 2008
author: Amiduffer
"The Electoral Asses" by Heinrich Heine
Election campaigns = lowest common denominator slogans appealing to peoples worst sides. Done with biting wit by Heine as a polemical attack on the "blood and soil" insanity on the Romantic movement of Tieck, ETA Hoffman, Schlegel, and so forth. It's certainly appropriate to those who campaign on "Illegal Immigrants" while ignoring what our policies have done to other countries.
Heinrich Heine von Reich-Ranicki, 4
TV-Talkrunde mit Kerstin Decker, Jan-Christoph Hauschild, Marcel-Reich Ranicki, Gerd Ü...;
published: 06 Nov 2008
author: teletaucher
Heinrich Heine von Reich-Ranicki, 4
TV-Talkrunde mit Kerstin Decker, Jan-Christoph Hauschild, Marcel-Reich Ranicki, Gerd Üding, Martin Lütke
Heinrich Heine Gedichte
Ich habe einfach die schönsten (find ich!) Gedichte von Heinrich Heine in dieses Vide...
published: 02 Mar 2010
author: HathorAngel1
Heinrich Heine Gedichte
Ich habe einfach die schönsten (find ich!) Gedichte von Heinrich Heine in dieses Video eingefügt. Hoffe es gefällt euch^^ Du bist wie eine Blume Dass du mich liebst Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen Schattenküsse, Schattenliebe Die Lotosblume Die schlesischen Weber Lied von Loveholic: Shinkirou
Heinrich Heine von Reich-Ranicki 1
Die Sendung wurde aufgezeichnet am 18.01.2006 um 19:00 Uhr vom SWR im Funkhaus Mainz und l...
published: 06 Nov 2008
author: teletaucher
Heinrich Heine von Reich-Ranicki 1
Die Sendung wurde aufgezeichnet am 18.01.2006 um 19:00 Uhr vom SWR im Funkhaus Mainz und lief in der Reihe "Literatur im Foyer" unter dem Titel "Der Fall Heine - Marcel Reich-Ranicki, Jan Chr. Hauschild, Gert Ueding, Kerstin Decker im Gespräch mit Martin Lüdke" (Dank an vonMierendorff)