Nigel Warburton on Boethius: Consolation of Philosophy
Nigel Warburton on Boethius: Consolation of Philosophy
Boethius - The Origin of the Mediaeval University - 1st Segment - Part 1
Boethius - The Origin of the Mediaeval University - 1st Segment - Part 1
BOETHIUS The Origin of the Mediaeval University A Conversation With Illo Humphrey, Ph.D. & Jim Downing
Boethius - Top 10 Quotes
Boethius - Top 10 Quotes
The ten best quotes by the great Roman philosopher Boethius! (480 - 525) See all quotes by Boethius at www.iperceptive.com Enlighten yourself at www.iPerceptive.com The music used in this video is "Relent" Like iPerceptive at Facebook http Follow iPerceptive at Twitter twitter.com
Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy
Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy
An introduction read by philosopher Nigel Warburton.
Der Tod des Boethius (524 n. Chr.)
Der Tod des Boethius (524 n. Chr.)
Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus Boëthius (* zwischen 475 und 480 in Rom, † zwischen 524 und 526 in Pavia) war ein spätantiker christlicher Philosoph. Er gilt als der letzte Repräsentant des antiken Römertums unter den Gelehrten und Philosophen; in diesem Sinne endet die spätantike Kultur im Westen mit ihm als „letztem Römer. Jedenfalls gehört er noch ganz der antiken, nicht der frühmittelalterlichen Welt an.
Death of Boethius 10-23
Death of Boethius 10-23
Boethius was executed on this day in history, 525 AD A 'This Day in History" program from www.realcatholictv.com
Luigi Dallapiccola - The Invocation of Boethius
Luigi Dallapiccola - The Invocation of Boethius
Songs of Imprisonment (1938-1941) 1. Mary Stuart's Prayer 2. The Invocation of Boethius 3. Girolamo Savonarola's Farewell Swedish Radio Choir - Eric Ericson Chamber Choir Per Borin, Chorus Master Members of the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra Esa-Pekka Salonen, Conductor *From the Sony Classical CD "Il Prigioniero. Canti di Prigionia" (1995) "The Canti di Prigionia first appeared in 1938, subsequent upon Mussolini's speech promulgating race laws in Italy. On that occassion, Dallapiccola noted in his diary: 'I should have liked to protest, but I was not so ingenuous as to disregard the fact that, in a totalitarian regime, the individual is powerless. Only by means of music would I be able to express indignation'."
Boethius - The Origin of the Mediaeval University - 1st Segment - Part 2
Boethius - The Origin of the Mediaeval University - 1st Segment - Part 2
BOETHIUS The Origin of the Mediaeval University A Conversation With Illo Humphrey, Ph.D. & Jim Downing
The Meters of Boethius Meter 8 (in old English) Anglo-Saxon
The Meters of Boethius Meter 8 (in old English) Anglo-Saxon
Verse Indeterminate Saxon Sona swa se wisdom þas word hæfde swetole areahte, he þa siððan ongan singan soðcwidas, and þus selfa cwæð: Hwæt, sio forme eld foldbuendum 5 geond eorðan sceat æghwam dohte, þa þa anra gehwæm on eorðwæstmum genoh ðuhte. Nis hit nu ða swelc! Næron þa geond weorulde welige hamas, ne mislice mettas ne drincas, 10 ne hi þara hrægla huru ne gemdon þe nu drihtguman diorost lætað. Forðæm hiora nænig næs þa gieta, ne hi ne gesawon sundbuende, ne ymbutan hi awer ne herdon. 15 Hwæt, hi firenlusta frece ne wæron, buton swa hi meahton gemetlicost ða gecynd began þe him Crist gesceop, and hi æne on dæge æton symle on æfentid eorðan wæstmas, 20 wudes and wyrta, nalles win druncon scir of steape. Næs þa scealca nan þe mete oððe drinc mængan cuðe, wæter wið hunige, ne heora wæda þon ma sioloce siowian, ne hi siarocræftum 25 godweb giredon, ne hi gimreced setton searolice, ac hi simle him eallum tidum ute slepon under beamsceade, druncon burnan wæter, calde wyllan. Nænig cepa ne seah 30 ofer eargeblond ellendne wearod, ne huru ymbe sciphergas scealcas ne herdon, ne furðum fira nan ymb gefeoht sprecan. Næs ðeos eorðe besmiten awer þa geta beornes blode þe hine bill rude, 35 ne furðum wundne wer weoruldbuende gesawan under sunnan. Nænig siððan wæs weorð on weorulde, gif mon his willan ongeat yfelne mid eldum; he wæs æghwæm lað. Eala, þær hit wurde oððe wolde god 40 þæt on eorðan nu ussa tida geond þas widan weoruld wæren æghwæs swelce under sunnan. Ac hit is sæmre <b>...</b>
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 1 (in old English) Anglo-Saxon
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 1 (in old English) Anglo-Saxon
Verse Indeterminate Saxon Hit wæs geara iu ðætte Gotan eastan of Sciððia sceldas læddon, þreate geþrungon þeodlond monig, setton suðweardes sigeþeoda twa; 5 Gotena rice gearmælum weox. Hæfdan him gecynde cyningas twegen, Rædgod and Aleric; rice geþungon. þa wæs ofer Muntgiop monig atyhted Gota gylpes full, guðe gelysted, 10 folcgewinnes. Fana hwearfode scir on sceafte. Sceotend þohton Italia ealle gegongan, lindwigende. Hi gelæstan swua efne from Muntgiop oð þone mæran wearoð 15 þær Sicilia sæstreamum in, eglond micel, eðel mærsað. ða wæs Romana rice gewunnen, abrocen burga cyst, beadurincum wæs Rom gerymed. Rædgot and Aleric 20 foron on ðæt fæsten; fleah casere mid þam æþelingum ut on Grecas. Ne meahte þa seo wealaf wige forstandan Gotan mid guðe; giomonna gestrion sealdon unwillum eþelweardas, 25 halige aðas. Wæs gehwæðeres waa. þeah wæs magorinca mod mid Grecum, gif hi leodfruman læstan dorsten. Stod þrage on ðam. þeod wæs gewunnen wintra mænigo, oðþæt wyrd gescraf 30 þæt þe ðeodrice þegnas and eorlas heran sceoldan. Wæs se heretema Criste gecnoden, cyning selfa onfeng fulluhtþeawum. Fægnodon ealle Romwara bearn and him recene to 35 friðes wilnedon. He him fæste gehet þæt hy ealdrihta ælces mosten wyrðe gewunigen on þære welegan byrig, ðenden god wuolde þæt he Gotena geweald agan moste. He þæt eall aleag. 40 Wæs þæm æþelinge Arrianes gedwola leofre þonne drihtnes æ. Het Iohannes, godne papan, heafde beheawon; næs ðæt hærlic dæd. Eac þam wæs unrim oðres manes 45 þæt se <b>...</b>
The Meters of Boethius Meter 4 (in old English) Anglo-Saxon
The Meters of Boethius Meter 4 (in old English) Anglo-Saxon
Verse Indeterminate Saxon æala, ðu scippend scirra tungla, hefones and eorðan! ðu on heahsetle ecum ricsast, and ðu ealne hræðe hefon ymbhwearfest, and ðurh ðine halige miht 5 tunglu genedest þæt hi ðe to herað. Swylce seo sunne sweartra nihta ðiostro adwæsceð ðurh ðine meht. Blacum leohte beorhte steorran mona gemetgað ðurh ðinra meahta sped, 10 hwilum eac þa sunnan sines bereafað beorhtan leohtes, þonne hit gebyrigan mæg þæt swa geneahsne nede weorðað. Swelce þone mæran morgensteorran, þe we oðre naman æfensteorra 15 nemnan herað, ðu genedest þone þæt he þære sunnan sið bewitige; geara gehwelce he gongan sceal beforan feran. Hwæt, ðu, fæder, wercest sumurlange dagas swiðe hate, 20 þæm winterdagum wundrum sceorta tida getiohhast. ðu þæm treowum selest suðan and westan, þa ær se swearta storm norðan and eastan benumen hæfde leafa gehwelces ðurh þone laðran wind. 25 Eala hwæt, on eorðan ealla gesceafta hyrað ðinre hæse, doð on heofonum swa some mode and mægne, butan men anum, se wið ðinum willan wyrceð oftost. Wel la, ðu eca and ðu ælmihtiga, 30 ealra gesceafta sceppend and reccend, ara ðinum earmum eorðan tudre, monna cynne, ðurh ðinra mehta sped. Hwi ðu, ece god, æfre wolde þæt sio wyrd on gewill wendan sceolde 35 yflum monnum ealles swa swiðe? Hio ful oft dereð unscyldegum. Sittað yfele men giond eorðricu on heahsetlum, halige þriccað under heora fotum; firum uncuð 40 hwi sio wyrd swa wo wendan sceolde. Swa sint gehydde her on worulde geond burga fela beorhte cræftas <b>...</b>
Boethius Cookies
Boethius Cookies
Weird search terms that send people to my blog. A response to www.youtube.com Social! Blog: catherinecw.wordpress.com Twitter twitter.com In case you're curious: en.wikipedia.org I started writing for LeakyNews! I'm the online music editor. Go check it out! leakynews.com You can still donate to the ALS Project: dft.ba
Boethius: The Consolation of Philosophy - History is a Wheel
Boethius: The Consolation of Philosophy - History is a Wheel
Scene from 24HPP en.wikipedia.org
Boethius - The Origin of the Mediaeval University - 2nd Segment - Part 1
Boethius - The Origin of the Mediaeval University - 2nd Segment - Part 1
BOETHIUS / Artes Liberales The Origin of the Mediaeval University A Conversation With Illo Humphrey, Ph.D. & Jim Downing
The Meters of Boethius Meter 7 (in old English) Anglo-Saxon
The Meters of Boethius Meter 7 (in old English) Anglo-Saxon
Verse Indeterminate Saxon ða ongon se wisdom his gewunan fylgan, gliowordum gol, gyd æfter spelle, song soðcwida sumne þa geta, cwæð þæt he ne herde þæt on heane munt 5 monna ænig meahte asettan healle hroffæste. Ne þearf eac hæleða nan wenan þæs weorces, þæt he wisdom mæge wið ofermetta æfre gemengan. Herdes þu æfre þætte ænig mon 10 on sondbeorgas settan meahte fæste healle? Ne mæg eac fira nan wisdom timbran þær ðær woruldgitsung beorg oferbrædeð. Baru sond willað ren forswelgan; swa deð ricra nu 15 grundleas gitsung gilpes and æhta, gedrinceð to dryggum dreosendne welan, and þeah þæs þearfan ne bið þurst aceled. Ne mæg hæleþa gehwæm hus on munte lange gelæstan, forðæm him lungre on 20 swift wind swapeð. Ne bið sond þon ma wið micelne ren manna ængum huses hirde, ac hit hreosan wile, sigan sond æfter rene. Swa bioð anra gehwæs monna modsefan miclum awegede, 25 of hiora stede styrede, þonne hi strong dreceð wind under wolcnum woruldearfoða, oþþe hi eft se reða ren onhrereð sumes ymbhogan, ungemet gemen. Ac se ðe þa ecan agan wille 30 soðan gesælða, he sceal swiðe flion ðisse worulde wlite, wyrce him siððan his modes hus, þær he mæge findan eaðmetta stan unigmet fæstne, grundweal gearone; se toglidan ne þearf, 35 þeah hit wecge wind woruldearfoða oððe ymbhogena ormete ren, forþæm on þære dene drihten selfa þara eadmetta eardfæst wunigað, þær se wisdom a wunað on gemyndum. 40 Forðon orsorg lif ealnig lædað woruldmen wise buton wendinge. þonne he eall forsihð eorðlicu good <b>...</b>
Boethius - The Origin of the Mediaeval University - Bibliography
Boethius - The Origin of the Mediaeval University - Bibliography
BOETHIUS The Origin of the Mediaeval University A Conversation With Illo Humphrey, Ph.D. & Jim Downing
Boethius - The Origin of the Mediaeval University - 3rd Segment - Part 1
Boethius - The Origin of the Mediaeval University - 3rd Segment - Part 1
BOETHIUS / Mediaeval University The Origin of the Mediaeval University A Conversation With Illo Humphrey, Ph.D. & Jim Downing
The Meters of Boethius Meter 6 (in old English) Anglo-Saxon
The Meters of Boethius Meter 6 (in old English) Anglo-Saxon
Verse Indeterminate Saxon ða se wisdom eft wordhord onleac, sang soðcwidas, and þus selfa cwæð: ðonne sio sunne sweotolost scineð, hadrost of hefone, hræðe bioð aðistrod 5 ealle ofir eorðan oðre steorran, forðæm hiora birhtu ne bið auht to gesettane wið þære sunnan leoht. ðonne smolte blæwð suðan and westan wind under wolcnum. þonne weaxeð hraðe 10 feldes blostman, fægen þæt hi moton. Ac se stearca storm, þonne he strong cymð norðan and eastan, he genimeð hraðe þære rosan wlite, and eac þa ruman sæ norðerne yst nede gebædeð, 15 þæt hio strange geondstyred on staðu beateð. Eala, þæt on eorðan auht fæstlices weorces on worulde ne wunað æfre!